First Arc (rp here)

As I sat there, I looked up at Xerena, who looked as if she was trying her best not to laugh at me. "Oh, you're awake! Not much, really. I can hear stuff happening with number 4 and the demon though.", I could still hear the epic clash going on... We sat in silence for a bit, just listening and sensing the vast amounts of energy in the area. After a while, things seemed to have died down, with all the intense power in the area having dissipated.

"I hope Letitia is ok... It seems like she won, otherwise we'd still sense the demons power. That was ridiculous... Xerena, help me up. We have to make sure she's ok...", I struggled to my feet with her help, leaning heavily on her. 

"Should I teleport us there?"

"Please... We have to walk, I don't think I could take that again.". I felt much better, and I could tell that Djinzal was helping me along a small bit.

We slowly exited the cave, I was gaining strength by the minute, although I was nowhere near being able to walk without assistance. The destruction was immense, the area had been completely obliterated. I saw Letitia, on the ground, in worse shape than myself. We went up to her, and I sat down painfully next to her, embedding Blueflame in the ground, and using it as leverage and support to get down.

"Letitia, are you....", she obviously wasn't... I rolled her over, and managed to cushion her head with one of my legs. I had almost no magical energy left, although it was slowly increasing, so I was unable to help her much. Not yet anyway.


((I did the best I could... And I kept my dialogue as Xerena as little as possible... I hope that was ok...))
Amelia stayed hidden in the trees, not wanting to harm anyone around her, as right now she was quiet afraid. She hadn't even paid attention enough to notice that someone had seen her duck into the trees. She kept her breathing steady as she tried to calm herself down, knowing if she just went a little bit over she would light her hands on fire. After all, her control over her power was very limited, and it was a little annoying to say the least, but there was nothing she could do about it. Think happy thoughts, you're okay. You're safe. Your dress is purple and purple is your favorite color. Everything will be fine, everything always turns out fine. She thought and then breathed a sigh as she started calming down from what had just happened. God, how crazy was this? She was so new to the craft that she didn't even know anything about this Coven entity that her previous trainer had been talking about. Her teacher had told her that they could help her, that they would understand more about her power than she did, but it didn't mean that after what just happened she was going to trust them so easily.

Suddenly she heard a noise from the road and peered out from behind her tree. Well, so much for being safe... hopefully this person didn't see or hear me. She thought, and the minute the woman opened her mouth and asking if anyone was there she swore in her head. She wasn't very trusting of many people, maybe if she kept quiet the girl would just go away. After all, she was waiting for someone, and she didn't want to leave this area until the person she was waiting for came back. She bit her lip as she sucked in her breath and started holding it, hoping the silence would tell the girl that no one was here, but Amelia knew she wasn't that lucky. After all, her luck seemed to have run out with the way everything was going right now.

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Letitia was still on the ground, though now she was face up; with her head placed upon the other Witch's leg. "D-did... you m-manage to destroy the portal?" She asked out, her voice very raspy, her words coming out in a stutter that was so light, it was a bit hard to understand her. Her mess of long black hair, was all about Morrigan's legs, where she was resting her head.

Moans of pain escaped her, and Four found she couldn't even move. "T-the Darkspot..." she breathed. "I-it's still here." Shaking her head, she elaborated. "K-killing Ao Meira... It did not help, or clear up the Darkspot.. Its far more m-mature than that. If w-we... d-don't clear it up now... More demons like Ao Meira could invade through this dark blemish on the world."

Ava stepped deeper into the treeline, looking. She heard on one reply back to her. The red-headed, ocean eyed girl turned to retreat to the road again. But suddenly stopped as if a thought had just occurred to her. "spirits who dwell within the trees, lend me thy ear and reveal the forests secrets to me." The spell was chanted and suddenly it was if the trees themselves were singing in unison. The eerie melody seemed indecipherable But to Ava, the voices of the trees were clear to her.  Within minutes the sound died, leaving an odd silence. "you can stop hiding. the trees have already told me you're there, hiding and holding your breath." Ava called to who she now knew was a girl hiding within the trees. After another quick second Ava spoke again. "im not going to hurt you if that's what you're worried about." She added as an afterthought. 

After saying that, Ava used some conjuration spells to quite literally, set up a picnic. There was already pre-prepared food like a verity of sandwiches, plenty of drinks and a huge selection of side dishes or snack foods. "im going to have my lunch here. you can join if you'd like. or you can keep hiding and watch me eat, which would make me consider you creepy." Ava said, having already bitten into a sandwich and reaching for a soda. She was also just outright trying to lure the hiding girl out with food. Ava played up the tastes of the various foods and sounded like each bite was a literal taste of heaven. It wasn't the best idea, but it was the best Ava could think of to do on the spot. To try and draw out who was hiding.

@Chain of Memories (MCRP)
I looked at our group. We weren't exactly able to do anything at the moment, let alone do something that Letitia had failed to do with her full magical potential.

"Um... I used up all of my magical energy obliterating all the lesser demons, and you're not exactly in the best shape either... What should we do?", I knew none of us were capable of fending off another attack. And neither I nor Xerena knew how to deal with the darkspots, so I doubted we would get anything done soon.

"We... We don't really have the energy. We need you, Letitia...", I looked down at her, and smiled sadly.

Amelia covered her ears a little as the trees made sounds and she didn't quiet like it. Ya, okay I'm getting it, my luck is shit today. She noted in her head as she released her breath she still didn't want to come out, she didn't have trust in herself to come out and face this girl. So, she kind of stayed hidden and played with her fingers a little. Why would I want to watch you eat? I just want to be left alone. She thought to herself and then sighed, alright maybe she should just come out, maybe it would be a little bit easier, but this girl might be able to guarentee she wouldn't hurt her, but Amelia could not make the same promise. She had so little control over her powers, and her emotions were running rampet. Well, there was only one way to get this girl to leave her alone.

Well, enough contemplation, she stepped out from the trees and looked at the girl. "I-I can't promise I won't hurt you." She said as she played with a necklace around her neck, "a-and I'm not a creep... so don't call me that." She said as she looked around a little. "This is an odd place to have lunch... you could get hurt here." She commented, wanting the girl to leave in a way. She honestly could feel herself losing control of her powers, and she could feel a burning in her hands. So, she would just like to get back to her hiding spot.

Ava paused mid-bite to smile at the girl who'd finally come out from hiding. "well if you had hidden there and continued waiting for me to leave whilst watching me. Then i'd be fair in thinking you were being a creep. But since you came out. i won't call you one. by the way, feel free to eat if you want. none of its poisoned i assure you." Ava spoke with a soft, naturally calming tone. She could tell the girl was either nervous or scared of her. "relax sweetie, you look like your about to have a meltdown. just breathe a deep breath in and exhale. so, question. why were you hiding in the tree?" Ava asked as a soft breeze made her red hair move over her eyes. 

With a huff and a pout, Ava brushed the hair out of her eyes. "i love having long hair. but the wind just refused to not mess with me." She chuckled, trying her best to put the girl at ease. "well if you hurt me thats your choice. but im not gonna fight you even if you wanted to kill me. not that my contracted demon would allow that-"

Yes, i would.

You said that before and im still here.

Yes because i helped you. You'd have never survived without me around.

You just love hanging that over me don't you?

yep Nooooooooo....

Ava sighed and shook her head. This is what happened when you contracted a demon lord who has a god complex.

@Chain of Memories (MCRP)
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Amelia looked at the girl and raised an eyebrow. "I wasn't watching... I was hiding." She said with a huff of her breath. When she told her to calm down she rolled her eyes and sighed a little. Did no one realize that when you tell someone to calm down it actually does quiet the opposite? No, apparently they didn't because peopel said it to her all the time. If I could control my power, then I'd calm down, but no. I can't even express an emotion without my powers going out of control. She thought and then sighed a little. "It's not like I'd hurt you on purpose." She commented crossing her arms over her chest and shoving her hands into her armpits. An action that actually was kind of uncomfortable because she was nervous enough to actually cause her hands to feel like they were on fire. So much for having control... She thought with a sigh, and then looked at the woman. What the hell was a contracted demon? "What the hell is a contracted demon?" She asked confused, as she had a contract with a spirit.

Letitia saw that there was just not enough magical power between the few witches that were there. Ao Meira really had done quite the job on her. Slowly, her body began to move, fighting to get back to her feet. It was impossible, without help. Striking green eyes changed to a searing orange-red, with cracks spreading out from those very eyes. Teeth sharpened like canine teeth, and her entire body structure began to change, cracking and puffing up with the effort and strain it put on the 18 year old Witch. Her hair began to merge with the top of her head, changing into a shiny, ebony color all the way down her face.

Getting to her feet, now infused with much more power, drawing on magical strength that was not there before, Letitia had allowed more of the darkness in; she was dangerously close to fully Awakening, but this was the only way for her to muster any more magic at all. Which was why she was close to Awakening, she had no magic of her own to call upon. Red-orange irises spread out, converting her eyes into deep pits of orange-red heat sinks, she spoke in a raspy, ear-piercing voice. It couldn't be helped. Sorry.

"I'm going to begin the rite to remove the Darkspot. But I will not be able to finish it. It requires bright, lovely thoughts. Emotions of wonder, love, and happiness. A memory could fuel such thought easily." However, at this state, she motioned to her current self, now standing upright at a 6'1, legs extended. "I am unable to access any such thing. I only can summon the rite with magical power, I can't fulfill it. Which means, 13 you'll have to provide the magical memory and powerful positive emotions at the end to complete it. Understand? It has to be effortless, and quick. This is the only chance I got left in me."

That was an ominous warning. Eyes focused on Morrigan at her side, she nodded, then began the rite.

Her arms held out to her sides. Followed, then, by forming them into an X over her chest. While, quickly pulling them apart once again, until her hands formed an O above her heart. Once again, dark thoughts spread through her mind, and her entire psyche; the Darkspot mustering up its usual defense. This hit Letitia like a truck, and the cracks on her face grew wider, glowing orange-red between them. It was all she could do to not allow this form to grow any longer.

"Darkspot. I beseech you. Go back to the void. Rid this land of your evil. Bring life and joy back into the world." Clapping the O together, she did a motion, and raised her hands to the sky. "Heavens above, hear me..." Her words trailed off, and she looked over at Morrigan, her nod asking.


She hung on the very end of the magical chant, waiting for Morrigan's go-ahead. Letitia and Morrigan only had one shot at this...

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"A demon contract is like a spirit contract.... sorta." Ava answered and cocked an eye at the girl after saying she wouldn't hurt her on purpose. "on purpose.... so that must mean there is a reason you'd possibly hurt me and you wouldn't be able to control it?" Ava asked with a half skeptic tone. Unbeknownst to her that the girl was new to magic. "thats either one dangerously unstable power, or you just haven't practiced enough." She commented more to herself in though and not really having meant to speak aloud. Ava repositioned herself to get more comfortable.... Well as comfortable as one can get sitting on the ground with only a thin blanket separating your back side from the dirt.

@Chain of Memories (MCRP)
I breathed deeply, calming myself, and put both of my hands firmly on my sword, gripping it tightly.

I closed my eyes, and thought back on my happiest memory, letting myself get swept away by it, a faint smile on my face.

"Giiiiiiiiid.... C'mon! Let's go...", I whined, jumping on his bed, my tiny 8 year old body bouncing along with the motion. I jumped off, and ran around the room, jumping back on again. "C'mon c'mon c'mon!!! Let's go! We're going to miss them!".

"Mor... We aren't going to miss them! They're coming back, not leaving... Remember?", he got out of bed, laughing at me.

I gasped, laughing. "Y-you're already dressed?!? You were expecting this...", I giggled as he poked me in the ribs.

I ran downstairs, and flung open one of the massive doors, with difficulty. Panting, I ran out into the courtyard, and ran in circles around the flower beds.

"Mother's going to kill you if she see's you doing that...", he was still grinning at me.

I stopped as we heard the carrige, and I watched in blissful awe as the massive black horses clopped into the stony yard. I ran up to the carriage, the biggest smile plastered on my face.

"Mother! Father! I've missed you so much!", they ran up to us both, and we embraced in a massive group hug.

The memory paused there, and the golden hazed image of my family, whole, together, was plastered on my vision. I felt warm, happy, contented, the fuzzy elated feeling lingering on me, and the area, the memory's intensity being projected by my sword. I was crying, but crying tears of joy. I longed for those happy moments, where I was loved. 


(Sorry it took me so long... ;-; )
Letitia focused on Morrigan, then shouted the final word, feeling the happiness welling from the girl at her side. It was clear she had a clear picture of what she was using to tame this Darkspot. The dark-haired Witch hoped it was a bright enough memory, and feeling; they only had one shot at this. Neither had magic power left, and if this didn't work, well... Letitia had a serious threat of becoming fully awakened.

Still, she understood that, and this had to be ended now. Alright, they were both ready. "BRIGHTSPOT!" she shouted up into the heavens, the feelings of joy and love spreading through her from the Witch at her side. Her heart could barely contain the emotions she was feeling. Emotions she hadn't felt since... Yuna. No wonder she hadn't sealed the Darkspot before. There was nothing like this in her life. Not even memories, for those she had clouded with grief, pain, and anguish.

Morrigan's was nothing but happiness, and elation. With a burst of magic, that 13 would definitely feel, the land around glowed brightly. Rays of light reached out from above, and trails of glittering golden light showered the entire destroyed area. Soon, the spot of light that was all around them, began to shrink, until it grew smaller and smaller, turning into nothing but a sliver in the very center of the place. Presumably, where the fountain had been located in the town's square. Eventually, that single ray of light disappeared as well. The spell was complete. The Darkspot was no more, and this land could thrive again... Eventually.

Letitia also had not fully awakened. That was a good thing. Reverting back to her short, 5'2'' self, with her black dress ripped in places, she collapsed, completely spent. Totally out of it, the Witch was at her absolute most vulnerable, in years, she was unconscious.

I felt the blast of magic, and knew that it had worked. Wiping tears from my eyes, I opened them when I heard a soft thump. Letitia was out cold on the floor...

I went over to her, and checked her over, just to make sure she was relatively ok.

"She's bashed up, but okay.", I felt much better, now that the memory had given me some strength, although I was emotionally spent, and I felt the dull ache of longing in my chest. I would never have anything like that, ever again...

Now that we were all finished, I took it upon myself to return the two witches to the Coven. I looked over Xerena, noting that I was the stronger of the two of us. I should be able to...

I got Xerena to help me hoist Letitia onto my back. She was light, but I only just managed her weight. Considering my condition, that wasn't surprising. Using my sword as a cane, I deliberated for a moment.

"Okay... We'll go back to my house, so that Letitia can recover, and then we will return to the Coven.", I used my sword as a cane to walk, and began to stride forwards.

We arrived at my house, and Xerena left myself and Letitia, to go back to the Coven, and report on the missions success.

I walked us in, still carrying the now very heavy woman on my back, and placed her down onto my bed when we arrived at my room, and I flopped down into a chair, exhausted. I began cleaning Blueflame, and put it back into my collection, giving it a pat.

I sat back down into the chair, and waited for Letitia to wake...


(I progressed the story a little, I hope that's ok... ;-; )
"Wow, wow, wow, wow!!" A sly voice purred, miles, upon miles, upon miles away from where the Mature Darkspot had just been cleaned up by a handful of Coven witches; just after an intense battle with a powerful Demon Lord had just occurred. "Number Four just went at it so hard! So wild, as usual!" The 21 year old, blonde woman giggled, and squirmed where she stood, watching out over a massive expanse of land, trees, and mountains. Upon which the small group sat. Enjoying the battle, and its aftermath, the woman's fists were igniting with magical power, kicking up the wind; storm clouds crackling dangerously overhead.

"Raiga, my dear, would you please settle down? You're going to ruin the day's wonderful mood," A very elegant, and lovely voice intoned. With an unhappy frown crossing her face, she watched as a raindrop splashed right into the middle of her tea. "Dear, you're ruining a perfect, and beautiful day."

Another woman spoke, a Witch who was rank 15 of the Coven. White haired, and mysterious, she had a knack for sensing and observation. She was known as 'Mijj, the Quiet Watch'. Her sensing abilities were rivaled by none. They alone afforded her her ranking. She was able to watch magical confrontations, and sense the mystical like no one else could. Seeing Raiga grumble distastefully, releasing any amount of built up magical power, Mijj alleviated some of the woman's misgivings. "I'm sure you'd love to know, that Letitia's powers have grown; her might becoming 'juicy' as you like to say, Raiga. She fought with a particularly powerful Demon Lord. Sure she had some help... but... "

Raiga clapped her hands together, licking her lips. "OH! God yes! Damn, I'm itching right now. My stomach growls for a 'juicy' battle! Can we go meet them? I cannot wait to have a bit of fun! We could show them true terror!" Her eyes sparked, and wind whipped around her again, once more igniting the passion of her magic.

"Now, Raiga, darling, be patient. You don't need me or Mijj to tell you that they're all quite tired. Our dear Letitia, even, is completely drained of magic," Cressilia noted simply. "I wouldn't think you'd enjoy any such encounter. Is your bloodlust really that barbaric?"

Raiga once more, calmed down, lamenting that One was right. "Ahh... Whatevs, yo," she murmured, with a simple shrug. "Fine, we'll meet them someday." Her eyes gleamed, and she glanced back out across the world. "Someday," she purred mischievously, body twitching excitedly.

"Speaking of stomachs," Cressilia spoke up, staring at a young girl, with a wide jaw, and razor sharp teeth, who was sipping at her own cup of tea, but whose stomach was giving her away. "Feed the little wretch."

"I bet Letitia-senpai is quite tasty," Cyn's voice came out creepily, while she chomped her jaws, hands squeezing the tiny teacup in them.

"Nyyyaaa! Me? Why? Why do I have to? Can't you feed her Cressilia?" Raiga whined pitifully, kicking some rocks defiantly. Normally, at such a request, she'd prickle with irritation, but today she was feeling a bit down, instead.

"Pah, sweetheart, you know very well, that I cannot feed her. My magic is inedible," Cressilia countered, taking another sip of tea. "Just be a doll, and feed Cynthia."

"It's Cyn!!!" The young girl chirped up, growling in frustration, only to hear Raiga grunt, "Ugh, fine!" Cyn watched as the older woman with blonde hair reached towards the sky. Winds kicked up like before, and sparks radiated off of her body. Mere moments later, a large lightning bolt fired down from those heavens, right into Raiga's outstretched palm. Neither Miss Celeste, nor Mijjy seemed to even notice, completely unfazed. With One continuing to sit there, sipping tea, and Mijj standing by, silent like usual.

'The little wretch' leaned forward, licking her chops, jaw unhinging and widening to a grotesque shape. "Ready?" Raiga asked, standing there, with golden lightning swarming her arm and hand. Upon seeing the small girl nod enthusiastically, the Thunder God fired the ball of lightning at her. Cyn opened her mouth wide, and leaped, snatching the magical ball of lightning out of the air. Landing on all fours, she chewed and gnawed, growling ferally. Swallowing, a moment later, she rolled over on her back, and rubbed her tummy. "Ahhhhh! Thanks Raiga-chan!" The girl, behaving currently like a dog, squirmed about joyfully, sparks of electricity about her, while she glowed golden.

"UGH!" Raiga grunted in frustration, throwing her arms out, and blasting a tree with magical energy. "I want to go nowwwww! Please, Celeste?"

"Quell yourself, Raiga. The time will come. I assure you." Cressilia narrowed her gaze, and a chill fell over them. "Also, 'Celeste'? Where are your manners, Raiga? That is much too informal."

"Sorry, Madam One, forgive me?" She asked, looking down, and pouting.

"Raiga, such a look is unbecoming. Honestly, dear, do be a bit more refined. Like Mijj," Cressilia chided.

"What about Cyn?" Raiga retorted, placing her hands upon her hips.

"Cyn...thia," Cressilia began, which afforded her a leer from the young girl, "is... a special case. Our special child. Yes, that's right." Sighing, she elaborated. "Just wait. When the time comes, we'll meet them. On that merry day, we'll find ourselves most amused. I promise you, Raiga." Her white hair swayed in the wind magnificently, and she sighed out, "Nothing too crazy, though, just a 'bit of fun'."

Raiga sneered, and her teeth sharpened, eyes sparking with a blue glow, shorter hair beginning to grow out on its own. Giggling softly, she nodded to One, turning away from her, whispering softly, ominously, "Yes, 'a bit of fun'..."

Cyn repeated, much more energetically, clapping her hands, "A bit of fun, teehee!" Her voice was haunting, and her tone was hollow.

Mijj sighed, blinking between the group. Solemnly she thought inwardly to herself. 'Right. 'A bit of fun'.


(ignore the giant Drum and Bass words)






Meanwhile, back at Morrigan's home, Letitia remained unconscious. Her small body breathing gently in the bed she was laid in. It did not appear she would wake any time soon. As Four of the Coven, it took quite a lot for anything like this to happen. The Witch had immense magical reserves, and she was completely out. It would potentially take several days for those reserves to refill, and for her to recover, before she even awoke... If Letitia has any enemies that knew of her current defenseless state, she would be in severe trouble...

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((WARNING; Graphic...))

I finished the book I had been reading, and sighed. I wouldn't have my bed back for awhile, it seemed, and I didn't want to leave the room to practice with my swords, for fear of something happening to the vulnerable woman.

Thanks to my fitness, I recovered quicker than most, although it was still a much slower process than I would've liked. My initial recovery was swift, but the inevitable days building up energy were slow and tedious.

I sighed. This was going to be a long wait.

I thought of the memories I had used to dispel the Darkspot. What came after those happy times, was enough to break any persons mind...

A picture of Gideon;


"Wait! Gid.... I don't know about this..."

"Oh, it'll be fine Morrigan. He's very friendly, and I'm going to be like him when I'm older, he promised.", I couldn't not follow my brother. I crashed through the undergrowth, the darkness only illuminated by the full moon. He had changed recently, and he scared me a little. He wasn't the nice, funny, older brother I had grown up with anymore... What had changed him? This... Thing? I certainly hoped not. He never smiled anymore...

"Gid, please- pant- slow down...", ugh... I didn't do exercise, how was he expecting me to keep up?!?

I heard a blood curdling scream up ahead.


I stumbled through the brambles and nettles, getting cuts and bruises everywhere. I fell through a particularly dense patch, into a clearing. 

I looked on in horror, the blood was everywhere. "Gideon! GIDEON! NO!", I couldn't peel my eyes away...


The humongous black mass leered over him, flesh in it's maw, blood splattered over it's matted coat.

"A-AAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!", I screamed at the top of my lungs, the thing whipping around, glaring at me with it's glowing eyes. It began to slowly advance on me, and I scrambled off the floor, pulling out a small knife that I had taken with me.

"S-s-st-stay b-b-b-back....", I whimpered. The noises coming from it were guttural, vibrating around the forest, making even the ground under my feet shake.

I put one foot behind me, I couldn't outrun it... I couldn't survive this... But, I would fight until the very end. I would go out, not as my brother had, but by at least dealing some sort of damage to it. I wouldn't sit and wait for my death. I was going to fight.

"No! I won't accept this! I may die here, creature. But I will die fighting!", my voice was strong now, defiance laced through it.

It barked at me, and I yelped. I wasn't cut out for this... I took a deep breath, and held my position. It advanced quicker, and we began to circle, keeping directly across from each other. I was terrified, but it didn't show on my face. On my face was a look of utter hate, of denial, and of defiance. 

I would not accept this.

In all of my years... Never have I seen a girl so young, with so much courage. If you get through this, girl, we have many things to talk about....

The terrifying voice boomed all around, hurting my ears, yet... It seemed as if the creature had not heard it...

I shook my head, and concentrated back on the thing. Being distracted, I hadn't noticed it pounce, and it was now inches from me, jaw agape.

"AAAAHHH!!! NOOOO! NO!". The creature had me in it's maw, but was completely frozen in place.

I rolled out of it's mouth, gagging at the stench of blood and corpses, and fell hard into the frozen ground.

But... It was summer?

My my my... And a witch too. Well girl, the beast shan't be held in place for long-

I looked over at it, it's eyes were wide, and trained directly on me, the whole of it's front was frozen solid by a thick layer of ice that covered it.

-so you had better follow my instructions, before you are killed for sure.

"O-okay.", I ran in the direction he told me to go, and walked when my lungs could take no more. 

Finally, I was directed up a hill, that I never knew existed, and up the tree there.

Now girl. You have earned my respect. No human has ever before. So, I shall share with you all that I have, power, knowledge, all. And in return, you will help me..

"I-No! Who are you! I'm not going to do what G-Gideon did..."

Hmmm.... Clever girl...

I heard him chuckle, making me feel uncomfortable.

I have taken a liking to you, girl. You have my respect. Now...

Djinzal spoke of many things while I sat in that tree, for 2 days and 2 nights. I left only to drink from the spring, a little ways from the tree, to quench my thirst. He became my friend and ally, in those long hours. And, when I returned home, I was wise beyond my years. I knew then that I was destined to be a witch, and I worked hard for it. I trained, my strength, mind and agility increasing beyond the levels of any tutors around. I became everything I had ever wished I could be, and Djinzal had lead me through it, been there for every lesson, every fight. He was truly a good friend, and nothing like the demons I had seen contracted to other witches. I had always wondered why...

I snapped out of the memory, wiping some almost dried tears from my cheeks, and, so faint I could barely hear it, I heard a demon sigh...

Two beings clashed, atop a massive hill, thunder cracking above, with turbulent storm raging. Neither seemed to notice. One was a mass of black, vicious tendrils; strands sharper than any edge, and harder than any metal whipped violently as the skies above. A solid face of black, with white soulless openings where the eyes and mouth were to be, conveyed nothing, as the monstrosity attacked relentlessly.

The other being, looked a bit more human in the chest and head area. A beautiful feminine figure there moaned, and wailed in earnest, conveying its anger, and hatred. While brutal strikes tore through it, and while its own savage retaliatory blows smashed into its opponent. The rest of it was nothing more than a mass of overblown demonic and angelic wings. A weird, strange mix of both light and dark. Though it appeared that the darkness was invasive, like it had forced itself upon the gallant, gorgeous being of white purity.

These two monoliths seizured blows endlessly; their relentless attacks corrupting the very land they fought upon. The very earth shook, and trembled beneath the feuding pair, crying out in its own anguish, as the two ravaged it and each other mercilessly, no remorse or care shown on their faces. They only knew one thing: battle. Despite such power, neither seemed to take any significant damage. If the black mass of tendrils had any cut, they'd regrow near instantly. If the winged pristine beast took a bloody strike, it'd regenerate just as quickly. Their onslaught remained steady and constant, like they were fighting a war that would last forever.

A sudden, single word, brought Letitia to her senses. That word striking a chord within her very being, accompanied by a flash, that would end the violent scene before her.



Letitia shot upright, sweating, with harsh, labored breaths; her nightmare fading quickly from memory. Shaking her dark black hair out of the way of her face, she rubbed her eyes and looked around. Wait. Where was she? Inspecting the bed first, it appeared someone had taken the time to find her a place to rest. Glancing around, she didn't recognize the immediate room. This wasn't the Coven. What? Where?



The winged beast

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I jumped at the sudden movement from the bed, the book I had been reading, "Advanced witchcraft: An independent manual", falling to the floor with a thump.

"Oh! Good, you're awake. Don't be alarmed. My house was the closest place I could think of.", I stayed where I was in the chair, and glanced over at my large rack of swords, of all different shapes, sizes, colours and materials, in the corner of the room, before glancing back at Letitia.

"Yes, I keep all my swords in my room. Don't judge me.", I said in a half joking tone.

Letitia focused on the woman at her bedside. Or rather, the woman at the woman's bedside, that she was currently occupying. "Ah..." she murmured, running her hands along the sheets. Feeling of touch has not returned... The Witch made a mental note. Raising an eyebrow, she looked at the swords in a large rack at the side of the room. "Oh. I suppose... That's cool. Or something." Letitia herself, was not a big sword enthusiast. Though, she knew there were witches that used catalysts and artifacts to enhance and focus their magic. Some used swords as such. Did 13?


Speaking of someone who used a bladed weapon as a catalyst for enhanced magic techniques. A certain Sage drew closer to the two. He was honed in on a certain dark magical signature. It had eluded him, surprisingly, for a few days. Now, it was merely a dying candlelight, but it was still there. Weak as the signal was, he could still see it, and he was now on course to reach it...

The Sage


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On 11/12/2016 at 8:35 PM, Shirochankun said:

"A demon contract is like a spirit contract.... sorta." Ava answered and cocked an eye at the girl after saying she wouldn't hurt her on purpose. "on purpose.... so that must mean there is a reason you'd possibly hurt me and you wouldn't be able to control it?" Ava asked with a half skeptic tone. Unbeknownst to her that the girl was new to magic. "thats either one dangerously unstable power, or you just haven't practiced enough." She commented more to herself in though and not really having meant to speak aloud. Ava repositioned herself to get more comfortable.... Well as comfortable as one can get sitting on the ground with only a thin blanket separating your back side from the dirt.

@Chain of Memories (MCRP)


@Chain of Memories (MCRP)
I smirked at Letitia.

"The sword I used earlier was only Blueflame,", I pointed at the sword, "It's the one I use for werewolves. It's made completely of silver.... But that doesn't harness my full potential, I'm actually surprised I managed to perform Inferno Blast... Oh, you wouldn't know... I performed one of my strongest spells, Inferno Blast, to attempt tp obliterate the demons, and everything they had done. It's a massive, blue fire explosion. You should've seen it, from where you were... It has quite a specific magical signature too, I'm sure you would've felt it...", I created a spark in my fingers by clicking them, of the same magical signature as Inferno Blast. It was very weak, and took up almost no power at all, but she would hopefully recognise it...

Letitia listened to the Witch relay information about her specific magical style. Honestly, Four didn't care, but it seemed Morrigan did, and she was more or less bedridden, so might as well listen. Right? Not like she could just tune out the other Witch. She went on to explain, that this 'Inferno Blast', was one of her strongest spells. That must've been why she was so weak when she needed her help removing the Darkspot. Surely, a few Lesser Demons wouldn't be enough to remove all of 13's magic. So that made sense. Letitia didn't really get any of the rest of what she was saying; she certainly hadn't seen such a spell go off. Though she had been decommissioned for a short time in the fight. When suddenly, Morrigan did a small portion of the spell right before her.

Then it clicked. That had been the charge that had kicked her mindset back into gear! "Wait, that was you?! Oh. Wow." Letitia wanted to say thanks, but she instead looked down at her sheets, and gripped them hard. The Nightess hadn't worked with any witches in 8 months, and hadn't seen any in 6 prior to this. She had long since forgotten how to interact with them. Let alone be gracious for their aid. So, Letitia merely nodded, and grunted. "Ahn. K." It wasn't enough, because if that spell hadn't rocked her core, then she would still be back there, mind stuck forever in her own heinous subconscious: reliving things she didn't want to relive. Not to mention Ao Meira wouldn't have been defeated, they'd have all died, and he'd be free to roam the world causing chaos. In a way, Morrigan here was the hero.

Letitia glanced once back over at her with her golden amber eyes. "I don't know what to say," she stated simply. It was the truth. She had no idea how to speak or react in this scenario. Even back when she had worked with other witches, she had never had to actually rely on them, let alone thank or care about what they had managed to accomplish. Everyone had always ridden her coattails. This was entirely different. Sighing, and rubbing the back of her head, she looked back over at the swords, suddenly finding them fascinating. "You know... Um. Tinks or something."

Tinks? The hell was that? Thanks! Ugh.

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I looked over at her, a little shocked.

"Umm... What did I do... Exactly?", I was confused. Had I managed something else, other than wiping out all the lesser demons? I had no idea it would do anything else... Oh... If the demon had done something to her, then the spell would probably have taken affect on that too.

"You don't have to tell me, if you don't want to...", I smiled, understanding on my face.

My opinion of Letitia had changed completely, and at this point, I very much liked her. I could see that she liked the look of my swords, and I grinned. It was very rare that I got to talk about them, or my magic.

"If you want, I could explain my magic to you? To pass the time... I-if you don't want to hear, that's fine...", I was getting a little flustered, and I took a few deep breaths to try and calm down.

It wasn't that Letitia didn't want to tell her, it was that she had trouble telling her. Or maybe she really just didn't want to tell her. Regardless, coming right out and telling Morrigan that she had saved her life was something very hard for Four to admit. Maybe one day, but not right now. To be honest, Letitia did not really feel the same way. It wasn't that she disliked Morrigan or anything, she just didn't actually particularly care for the other Witch. Though, in truth, Letitia didn't care much about anyone. Sure she defended humanity, and fought for them. She also would defend her fellow witches, when the time would come, but did she 'like' them? No, not particularly.

She had learned that lesson.

With a simple shrug, Letitia leaned back more comfortably, and gave a motion with her hand, for the other girl to go ahead.
I smiled at her, not really caring that she didn't seem to interested.

"Well, my demon contract is the demon lord Djinzal. And his magic is really unique, it's a special kind of magic called "wish" magic, which allows the user to perform something they 'wish' for, by using my own spells or desires, but strengthened by a ridiculous amount magically by the 'wish' magic. It's takes an insane amount of energy to perform anything major, so I almost never use it to it's full potential, as anything too powerful that I "wish" could kill me. Basically, it ridiculously strengthens any of my spells, allowing them to do things they would never be able to do normally, but having negative effects on me when I use it.", I looked over at my swords.

"My swords are like a catalyst for this magic, and my own. I personally specialise in ice and fire magic, hence my title; FrostFire... Anyway, each sword is specifically designed for a different task, imbued with Djinzal's magic to do a certain thing, although each can do anything, they are better at certain things than others.". I stopped explaining, figuring it wasn't that interesting to her.

It wasn't really that it wasn't interesting, or that she wasn't particularly interested. It was the fact that caring was difficult, and dangerous. That was something she had learned long ago. "Hm. I see. Sounds complicated," Letitia responded, still sitting there. "My magic just needs me to point it at something, then they blow up, or disintegrate. Got anything to eat and drink? Apple juice in particular helps me regain magical energy for some reason. Heh... Not really certain why that is, but hey.. Can't really complain, apple juice tastes sweet! Haha. Uh, sorry, probably a stupid topic. But yah, summin to eat and drink.." She patted the sheets on her lap. "Quickly, please?"

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