First Arc (rp here)

My eyes widened. We didn't have any apple juice...

"We don't have any apple juice in the house... Um... Uh.. Oh!", I had enough magical energy to do something small like this...

I held out my hand, and a massive jug of apple juice appeared into existence in my hand.

"Here! Watch out, it's heavy...", I put the massive jug on my nightstand. I smiled mischievously,

"Wish magic apple juice... It may even help a bit more, thanks to it being magical!", I had done something similar once before, when I didn't have much access to food, and I had to admit, that was one of the best dinners I had had...

Letitia watched her prepare, then felt the air nearby her crackle and spark with magic. When suddenly she conjured a jug of what she claimed to be -applejuice. The dark-haired Witched looked at her increduously. "Talk about something thats different between my magic and yours." He nodded towards the jug. "My magic doesn't do anything like that. It's 'Destruction magic'. Something only good for destroying. Not creating! Anyway, the jug's great 'n all, but got any cups?"

"Yes!", I opened a drawer in my wardrobe, and pulled out a cup. I poured a glass from the jug, managing not to spill any.

"Here! Well... I guess my magic can do lots of different things... Although it does take a bit of- ugh- energy...", I sat down quickly back in my seat, and placed the cup on the nightstand.

"I usually have more energy before doing something small like that... Oh well.". I smiled over at her, and reached behind me, ringing one of the bells on the wall twice.

A few minutes later, a maid came up with 2 trays, overflowing with food.

"Ah! Thank you, Mary.", she placed the trays on the same nightstand as the apple juice, and left without a word.


Letitia watched her pull a cup out of the nightstand. She stared at it and Morrigan with a blank face, then narrowed her eyes, when Morrigan poured the sweet drink into it, offering it to her. "Hm... Alright then..." she mused, taking the cup. Giving in. It was fine, even though it was unusual to keep cups in the drawers of nightstands. Bringing it up to her lips, she paused and looked at Morrigan, but decided to continue drinking. The next moment the cool, sweet liquid filled her parched throat and she downed it all. "Ah!" she breathed, a pink tinge on her pale face. "Hehe, that's the stuff. Yep, with that, my magic power won't take much longer to return to me."

Her eyebrow raised when Morrigan rang a bell, and she watched in shock as a 'maid' came in. This cute girl in some maid uniform, with polite manners brought in a tray of food. "Woah, uh... Why'd you need to use magic, if you have... A maid, and service like that?"

I looked over at her amused.

"We don't have apple juice in the house, we never have... Uh... G-Gideon hated the stuff...", I looked down at my intertwined hands, but the sad feeling passed as quickly as it had come.

"Anyway! I hope you like the food...", I pulled 2 plates and cutlery from the same drawer as the cups, placed one on the bed next to Letitia, and piled mine with various food stuffs from my tray, using the knife and fork I had pulled out with the plates to eat.

I guessed that she found it a little weird for me to keep stuff like this in my room, but I would wait for her to ask, before I gave her an answer... It wasn't exactly a nice topic, although it didn't really bother me anymore.

"Gideon?" Letitia asked out, pouring herself some more nice, lovely, cool sweetness. Take no time at all, she downed most of the drink. Oh yes, her magic was already returning she could feel it in her veins. "There's nothing wrong with the food," she announced, already digging it, a piece of roll stuff in her mouth, with her teeth munching down on it. "Hmmm.. I will!"

"Gideon... Yes. He is- err- was my brother... He was killed many years ago...", I cringed away from the memories, already having visited it already... I finished my food, my magic regenerating rapidly as I ate my favourite foods, as the apple juice had for Letitia.

I got up out of my seat, and went over to my swords, and named some in my head.

Blueflame, Shadowshard, Soulsilver, Earthsong, Flameguard, Frostward, Nightkiss, Solarebony....

I felt better, and slightly amused, always quite conscious of how many swords I had.... Ah well, some were meant as pairs anyway.

I sat back down, feeling much calmer that I was before.

It was a short time later, and Letitia was up, moving about through the house. Walking simply along, she made mental pictures of the place, so she knew everything there was to know about 13, er Morrigan. At some point, the dark haired Witch found herself outside. The rapidly approaching night made the outdoors slightly chilly, with a gray sky overhead, and a light breeze on the grounds. Something drew her to the woods beside the house.

Stepping towards them, Letitia let out a surprised squeak, when a man stepped out. He laughed, "Well, then, Miss Four. Did I startle you?"

"Yes!" Letitia squeaked out, still trying to regain her composure.

"You don't normally react like that... What's got you spooked?" The man inquired, stepping up to stand right in front of her.

"N-nothing!" Letitia growled. That was a lie. Even though a lot of her magical power had returned. It was far from being completely back. She hadn't even been able to sense him coming. The Witch was still very much weakened, and very much at an all-time danger to her life. "So i-if you're here, Dougal, that means I have another mission. So soon?" she asked, looking up at the man's face. She never could tell when her Courier was being kind, or messing with her.

"Yes, ma'am. Sorry it has to come so soon. Since you're not quite recovered from your previous one. -Boy, that mission One sent you on, must've been a doozy to have you all vulnerable like this in front of me!" He reached forward, "I daresay even I could take you right now!" His hands fell upon her shoulders when he said that.

Letitia let out a squeal, and knocked his hands off of her, a red blush taking over her face. Dougal laughed darkly in front of her, before reaching into his pockets, and pulling out an envelope. "My apologies, but this one is imperative. I don't need to tell you just how urgent a Black Job is." He was solemn, and his tone was ugly. The envelope he extended out towards her was completely black, save for the bright red seal. A Black Job was one that came before all else. One had to stop everything they were doing, and immediately do the job this note said. The urgency was critical.

He handed the letter off to her, and said his farewells, while reminding her icily, that this job was more important than her life, before once again, disappearing back to the beyond, where he had come from. Letitia sighed, Dougal was a strange man, but she enjoyed him as her Courier. Looking down at the blackened letter in her hand, she was apprehensive. Fear compelled her to wait to open it, despite the stress that it was to be dealt with immediately.

Fear didn't compel her for long. Letitia's sensibilities as a loyal Coven Witch quickly outweighed any personal need to safeguard herself. Cutting the seal with a spark of magic, that sizzled straight through it quickly, she opened and withdrew the note. Unfolding the red paper, her eyes laid upon the job contained therein.

Her eyes widened, and Letitia began, instantly shaking. "" she gasped out, note falling from her hand; the red little paper landing on the ground, blown gently about by the wind. It said a single word.


Dougal Lucian


I sighed, and lowered my weapons as I obliterated another dummy, the insides covering the floor. Bored, I decided I would try and find Letitia, wherever she had gone.

I followed my nose, and found her outside, a letter on the floor.

"I-Oh! Why is it black? Did your courier bring another mission?", I frowned, she wasn't exactly fully recovered yet... What were they thinking?

I turned my attention to Letitia, she was...

"Letitia, are you okay?!?". What was on that mission...

Letitia had been frozen, heart pounding irregularly, ever since she read the 'job' she had been given. The voice behind her, spooked her, snapping her to her senses. The ranked four of the Coven seemingly realized she was no longer holding the little paper. Glancing down, she bent down and picked up the note. Swallowing, she walked over to 13, and pushed the note into her hands. This was a split-second decision. Something she would never have done otherwise, but she was feeling very vulnerable.

I held the letter, and read what was on it. The name must mean something to her. The coven wasn't so heartless to force her to kill a friend.... Were they?

"Okay... I shall come with you. Please tell me, if it isn't too difficult... What sort of magic are we dealing with here, so I know which swords to bring... Please, come inside Letitia...". I still had no idea why the letter was black, although I had a feeling it had something to do with the difficulty or urgency of the mission...

Letitia drew in a breath, and began to walk back inside. Douglas's magical signature was already gone. There was no confronting him on this. This job was absolute. Usually witches took their jobs and were happy about them, but it wasn't unheard of for a Witch to counter-argue their need or usefulness on some jobs, and having those jobs given to other more suited witches. This, though, was not such a case. The Black Job was absolute. No arguments. No questions. You had to take it, and you had to do it as quickly as possible.

This one more so than some as well...

Despite, being such a dutifully loyal Witch, Letitia found she was fighting with herself. Nature and loyalty clashed inside; she was already weakened from the fight with the Darkspot and Ao Meira. This type of strain put too much on her, and her magical recovery was suffering for it.

Placing a hand on 13, when they entered the home, Letitia spoke up solemnly, "You can't. I have to do this on my own." 

I raised a questioning eyebrow, "You do not have to do anything, and I most certainly can.", I wasn't letting her argue with me, an allies health and well being was much more important to me than rules or missions.

"Unless you intend to die, I will come with you. If you leave without me, I shall follow you. It is my duty to make sure you are ok. Now, I may not be the strongest, certainly compared to you I am weak, but I cannot stand by as you put yourself at risk.". I couldn't let her go alone, and I could tell that this mission would be difficult for her emotionally, and I wouldn't just leave her alone in that state.

I decided it was probably best to bring an array of weapons, just in case I was caught off guard, like the last one.

Letitia picked up a glass of water on a counter, and took a drink. Turning back towards Morrigan, she sighed. "This... this isn't like the last job. This.. this is..." She shook her head. "I-its personal.. I.. I can't have anyone else come. I have to go alone..."

She set the glass down, and looked away. "I need my magic to return anyway... So I won't be going immediately." That was an issue. She should've left instantly, regardless of all of her magical power returning. Something kept her here. "Don't worry about me, 13."

Maybe she did intend to die. Did she not deserve it?

"It's quite plainly, obviously personal, Letitia... And I am coming, whether you like it or not.", I could not leave her, even if she was adamant against it.

"Now... Which swords should I bring? What sort of magic are we dealing with here, Letitia?". We arrived at my room, and I grabbed one of my handwritten books, that I had written for each of my swords. I flipped through it, hovering over a few of them, pondering.

Letitia couldn't actually stop her from coming, so she guessed if 13 followed, then that was on her own terms. Sighing, she took a bite of an apple, and sat down on some soft chair. The other Witch inquired about the magic they were dealing with. Images of the most beautiful, elegant magic she had ever laid eyes on flashed through her mind. Memories fluttering like butterflies on a gentle breeze. A small smile crept upon her lips while she recalled Yuna and her magic.

Then she was brought to reality. "I don't think any magical sword is going to be useful." Her words were mumbled, she had no intention of letting 13 intervene in any fashion, but she did... "I mean, it isn't going to matter which sword you bring. Any will work, none will. It doesn't matter."

She ran a hand through her black hair, and then grabbed some of it. Letitia held her black hair in her palm before her eyes. It was so ugly in comparison. It made her sick.

I deliberated, and in the end picked up a few, and wrapped them up carefully, putting them in my bag. I packed a few other things I thought might come in handy, although I probably wouldn't use most of it.

"So... Are you gonna tell me what's going on? Or are you just going to sit there and wallow in self pity?", I knew I was being overly harsh on her. But, sometimes, you had to be cruel to be kind. I sat back down in the chair I had been in before, my bags pretty much packed by now.

Letitia really didn't know what to expect, and she was definitely not about to explain her life's story to this other Witch, just because 13 dictated that she would intervene in her life. But perhaps she could tell her a little bit. "Well... you read the note... Yuna is a name. You might know her. Or you might not. She was once a Coven Witch. Rank 11, but on the path to the Single Digits, I assure you.. After... " she trailed off, and shook her head of unwanted memories, she continued.

"Well, eventually, she left the Coven, to become an Apostate." A tear found its way into her eye, and she rubbed it away. "No one had heard from her in awhile. Until recently I guess. I mean I got a note from her... You saw it..." If Morrigan didn't understand the connotations that that Black Job letter meant, then that was her issue, and not something Letitia would explain.

I got up again, packing a certain sword that, on second thoughts, would probably prove quite useful.

"I understand a little better now, thank you. So, how far are we travelling?", I wondered if I should bring some winter clothes along, although I supposed it wouldn't hurt to do so anyway.

My bags were now packed completely, and I was ready to go whenever she wanted to leave.

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"Ha.. Aren't you eager?" Letitia grunted, getting to her feet. She rummaged in her clothes, and pulled out a small little ornament. Holding it by its string, she walked over to Morrigan. "This is a Magic Vial. It holds a little bit of Yuna's magical essence. It'll lead us to her. Uh, lead me to her, I mean." She let go of it, and it fell back into the folds of her dress, disappearing. "But we aren't leaving yet... " She turned around, and placed her hand upon her chest. "No. Not yet."


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I studied the small vial, this girl obviously meant more to Letitia than I had previously thought. My eyes widened slightly as she turned around. Perhaps it was my imagination, or was she getting much friendlier towards me? She was certainly much nicer than she had been when I had first met her. Hmmm...

"O-okay... What would you like to do? Or talk about? It's up to you, I don't mind.", considering her state, I was trying to be as nice s possible, to try and make up for my quite harsh comment earlier.

"Perhaps we'll leave -I mean I'll leave, tomorrow," Letitia responded simply, walking away. She stepped up before Morrigan's room, then decided against it, and instead found a side room, with a chair in it. That's where she sat and leaned in, closing her eyes to rest. These past couple days had been some of the most taxing in her entire life. The whole ordeal with Ao Meira and the Darkspot had brought back to the surface, unwanted, buried memories.

This latest Black Job... Something that her nightmares were made out of. Her eyes closed, and she was right. There waiting for her behind her closed lids was Yuna, and a confrontation. One she was not ready to undergo.

I sighed, truly feeling sorry for her. But I left her to grieve, and went off to train for a few hours, before going to bed.

Running, jumping, fighting with weapons, fists and limbs, climbing, more running and more fighting ensued. And, around 4 hours later, I had some food and went to bed, sleeping lightly, just in case Letitia thought she could sneak off without me.

Letitia had been planning just that. Or rather, she hadn't been planning to leave at all. Except, she finally decided to go; gathering the courage to take on this mission, that she knew no one else would be able to take care of. Once she had resolved herself to go -despite not being fully up to it, mentally, emotionally, physically, or magically, she had decided to dip out in the dead of night.

Figuring, 13 was asleep in her bed -a reason she hadn't gone back to it herself-, Letitia quickly, and silently left Morrigan's home. Shutting the door softly behind her, Letitia tiptoed away. Once she was beyond the treeline; just beside the other Witch's abode, she decided it was safe to walk normally. Her hand was resting on the vial of Yuna next to her heart, feeling its warmth and power. It was easy to follow the magical current, and where it lead. This particular Magic Vial had Letitia's magical signature on it. Meaning only she could decipher the feelings and directions it gave off, leading towards Yuna.

This vial literally was a piece of both Yuna and Letitia.

Something -the only thing, that Letitia actually held dear in her whole existence. Number Four of the Coven made quite the imposing Witch. Her front was strength, power, and bravado. In actuality, she was a emotional mess. She went sleepless nights, pitying her existence. Depression and self-loathing drove her into dangerous situation right after the other. In some ways, her hatred of herself had helped her grow quite powerful, putting herself constantly in the face of adversary, pushing her to her limits.

It was a part of her that had started before she and Yuna had... separated.

Letitia walked onward, the crescent moon in the sky, about a third through its path of nightly travel. Letitia knew it would take a few days to reach Yuna. A Witch no one from the Coven had interacted with in two years. The growing suspense and dread was driving Letitia mad.

I had prepared for Letitia to leave in the early morning, so when my eyes snapped awake in the dead of night, hearing the telltale creak of the guest bedroom, I sprang into action once she was out of earshot. I jumped out of bed, fully dressed, put on all of my bags, and followed her, being as silent as she.

I was quite a ways behind her, but once I was out of the house, I was full on sprinting after Letitia, still being as quiet as possible. I did not need to use any magic, as she left footprints in the soft earth, so I tracked her that way.

I saw her up ahead, and I went from running as fast as was humanely possible, to walking at her pace in the blink of an eye. I wasn't even out of breath, my gruelling training having served me well.

"Sneaky. So, how long are we travelling for?", I grinned at her.


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