First Arc (rp here)

Letitia, breathing heavily, blood dripping from the shallow wounds she had received, Morrigan's magic healing her somewhat. "Y-yuna... h-how," she breathed out. "Could you?" 

"Because of how pathetic you are. Letitia, you ruined everything! I embraced everything! I mean look at me!" Yuna twirled, as if she were showing off a dress or something, laughing heartily.

Yes... look at you.. what you've become... Letitia thought inwardly, soured by the entire thing. She couldn't help but feel pain and sorrow for the Spirit. From her yells, it seemed that Spirit had trusted Yuna. They had been with each other for years. Letitia had even spoken to Divnity a few times. It was heartbreaking. Yuna truly was gone.

 "And now, that I finally am Consumed..." Yuna focused her attention back on Letitia, eyes completely not seeing Morrigan anymore. "You can be, too! Did you see how easy it was?!"

"Yuna... You just committed the ultimate sin... You murdered a Spirit..." Letitia breathed out, her voice pained, but not by her wounds, her pity for Divnity. That act... was monstrous. It had left her shaken to her core to even observe it, and Letitia was made of stronger stuff than most.

"Grrah! Coven's poison! They spit such words, and poison us with their brainwashing! Letitia, this is power unlike anything you've ever felt before! Believe me! Don't listen to those stuck up hussies back at those stinking old ruins! What do they know anyway?" Yuna continued to twirl around, apparently completely enthralled with the feelings she was feeling.

"Yuna... Look at you... You're a monster. This is... it's... tragic," Letitia spoke, trying to talk to Yuna. There was nothing to be said, though. The deed was done, and Yuna was completely gone. Letitia knew this.

"UUUGGHH! Letitia -just SHUT UP! I'm SO through with you! I HATE YOU!" Yuna screamed, the entire area shaking with the force. Suddenly, Yuna struck out with her spines, and without any warning, sunk them right into Letitia's unsuspecting form. Those sharp, demonic, silvery spines were completely through her, sticking out her back; at least five were in Letitia.

Red blood sputtered from Letitia's mouth, squirming with Yuna's spines jabbed deep, within and through her. The pain was excruciating. She squealed when Yuna continued to twist and torture the black-haired girl, with her 'fingers' embedded like that. Red liquid flowed freely from the wounds, like a waterfall onto the rocky mountain.

"NO!!!!", I tried to help Letitia in some way, but there was nothing I could do. I picked Earthsong up, it was all I had left now, and prepared to die just as Letitia was.

I didn't notice, but fresh tears were rolling down my face. I had failed, and I would die because of it.

"How could you?!?! She loved you with all her heart, and you have betrayed her. You heartless bitch."

Yuna wrenched her tendril-spikes out of the young woman, watching her collapse into a bloody, impaled mess. That couldn't have felt or been good for Letitia, considering her 'fingers' were embedded in her like spikes. She tore herself away from this nuisance, who shouldn't even be here! What a worm, trying to intervene! Though, now the effects of the spells were taking their inevitable toll. With a grimace, she faltered. Her vision began to blur, and she felt some sort of pain begin to take over, boiling within her center. What exactly, was going on? She was all-powerful now! Neither the girl before her, nor Letitia posed her any threat! Yet...

Even as a powerful Consumed Witch, she couldn't remain. That much was obvious. Something was happening within her.

Growling in pained anguish and irritation, Yuna cast a sideways glance towards the dark-haired Nightess, who laid in a disheveled, bloodied heap. Yuna scowled, time to leave. Even though she did not want to go, something was hurting her within, even as she was now. "This isn't over! You hear me Letitia?! This isn't over!"

Spreading her wings, the hideous Consumed Witch state of Yuna took off into the skies. Flying high out of the range of any of magics, she looked down. "You could've come with me," she said in a melancholic, saddened, troubled voice. (Regret maybe)? With one last sorrowful look, she turned and left, flying on into the sky, disappearing into the stormy clouds. All Letitia could see, was a gallant, beautiful white angel flying into the heavens, before her eyes closed.

I rushed over to Letitia, fumbling, unsure of what to do.

In the end, I placed my hand gently on her body, and ushered one final spell, finishing the battle.

I use wish magic to heal Letitia. Heal her as much as I am able without any long lasting negative effects are dealt onto me. Heal her of all afflictions.

I felt the power drain from my hands, into her. It was enough that I believed it would heal her enough so that her wounds weren't serious, and I waited for the magic to take effect before I would begin the long trek back, probably with her again carried on my back.

Some healing magic, would help a bit, but Letitia's wounds were quite deep, and had been bleeding long. She needed more immediate medical attention. As it were, her eyes opened, glowing red. The Witch got to her feet, possessed by the Demon Lord Belial; his power radiating from the small woman's form. Body still faltering, Belial forced 'himself' or 'herself' forward. Casting his red-gaze at the Witch next to 'him'/'her'. Belial winced, feeling the limitations of this much weakened body, speaking up, he alerted Morrigan what was going on.

"I greet you, 13, Witch of the Coven. I am Belial, Lord of Destruction. A Demon Cornerstone. The battle with the Consumed Witch has left you weak. My Letitia weak as well. She should have summoned me. But instead she refused my aid, and held me back. Now it is costing both of you."

He could feel the wariness of this body he was using. He would need to find a place soon, to leave Letitia to rest. The aforementioned town at the base would be good. People there could attend to her.

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I was still crying for Letitia, worried that my spell hadn't worked very well.

"I.. Yes, it's an honour to meet you, Lord Belial.", I did not really know what to do, so I merely sat there in his presence, after initially bowing. I marvelled at how powerful Letitia's contract was, I had never before seen a demon cornerstone, even though I knew Letitia was contracted to Belial, it was still a shock to be talking with them.

Belial shook the head of Letitia's body. "I cannot hold onto this form for much longer. It is growing increasingly weaker. Down below, is a village, at the base of this mountain. I must get to the village, so she can get medical attention." With that he started walking again. It was obvious the body was sluggish. 

Belial was feeling woozy. Which was not something the Demon was used to feeling. It was the limitations of this weakened body. He could feel it was about to collapse. He wasn't even using any type of situational awareness, like he usually would. There was just no energy left to expend for that. His wounds were still leaking blood, and he was leaving a nasty pungent red trail behind him. The village lights were coming through the murky darkness. He was close. Surely someone in the village would help this poor battered woman?

A small boy was carrying a pheasant out of the woods, he glanced behind him, and spotted the people there. He instantly noticed something was wrong, when he saw a young woman, limping, blood dripping from her. Gasping, he rushed over, "Um, ma'am, are you alright?" he asked, when he drew near, he felt a strange heat coming from her. Then he noticed her glowing red eyes, and instantly shied away with a squeak of shock.

"U-uh... Ma'am..." His voice faltered, unsure of this. However, he saw wounds, and could tell she was injured. "U-uh... f-follow me..."

Belial, who was inhabiting Letitia's body, could not even respond. It was taking all his effort to regain control and consciousness. The help from the strange source was very much appreciated, even if it pained Belial's pride. Not that it was him that was injured... since it was Letitia who was injured... But it stabbed at Belial's pride all the same.

As they drew nearer to the village, the boy leading them along, the demon-controlled body of Letitia faltered. Her footing stumbled, and the girl found herself falling. Belial's presence completely left the body of the Witch, and she collapsed, into the wet, dirty, mud. Her wounds open, and mixing with the disgusting filth they were wading through. Completely, unconscious, Letitia was deadpan, sunk into the mud, body lifeless, breaths shallow.

I walked behind Belial, keeping my distance, and ran forwards as Letitia's body fell.

I picked her up quickly, and, telling the boy to run, ran myself in the direction he was leading. My worry increased tenfold, and I frantically followed the boy.


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