First Arc (rp here)

Letitia was too wrapped up in her own thoughts to notice she was being tracked. She when she heard a voice at her side/ behind her slightly, the girl let out a squeak of surprise. Bright green eyes now on the one who was after her -Morrigan-, she sighed, regaining her composure. "I knew you'd find some way to follow me," she spoke, voice dull. "Eh, a few days," the girl answered.

Depending on how long Yuna could hold out... That was either a good thing, or a bad thing. Regardless, Letitia was traveling slow on purpose, wanting to prolong this as much as possible. "I still don't understand why you insist on coming," she mumbled, watching ahead again. "This has nothing to do with you, 13."

I smiled at her, "Perhaps, but I have morals to uphold. They are the reason I am still alive, and I will stick to them. Anyway, I'm not going to let you go on your own, I couldn't leave a friennn-errr.. You, four, hanging.", I stumbled over my words. Well... It seemed I had managed to embarrass myself again. Oh well... I was beginning to understand more about Letitia the more I spent time with her, and the more I wanted to spend time with her. Odd, I usually didn't feel anything above a work friendship with, well, anyone. I guessed she was probably the first sort-of friend I had ever had. I was usually very independent, and didn't really interact much with the other witches, even if I was friendly. Hmm... I was interested to see how this would pan out...

Letitia narrowed her eyes at the other girl's words, thinking Morrigan should choose her words carefully. The dark-haired Witch stepped out from the treeline, into a clearing. Glancing upwards, the moon glowed brightly on the earth, with browning leaves swishing about in a rustling wind. "I guess, since you're coming along, that we might as well travel during the day. Let's rest up while we can tonight."

Waving her hand, a patch of land began to heat up, and Letitia watched as the leaves began to meld together. Strange spell aside, she pulled her new makeshift leaf-blanket over her, and she laid down on the solid ground. "Might as well, get some sleep, if we can."

I nodded, "Yes, that would probably be wise.", I was still quite tired, even if the run had woken me up a bit.

I climbed a tree, and snuggled into a fork in the tree, comfortable in the familiar position.


(Sorry it's so short... ;-; )

 Yuna Arc 






 Letitia Darkchild 



                Letitia lay on the cold, hard ground, and dreamt of nothing but her past love. Bittersweet memories that she both cherished, and shied away from in distressed fear. An infinite reminder of what could've been, but what would ultimately end. Regardless, of her trepidation, and nervousness of the encounter that would increasingly quickly happen to the two of them, Letitia let the dreams play out; savoring them once more. For the final time.




         Two young witches stood side by side. Their very visages contradictory. One pitch-dark, the other a glowing spot of brightness. One, grim, an air of mystery about her; standing there in a beautifully tragic black dress. They other, by her side, taller by a few inches, a warm smile of overconfidence on her beautiful features; serene, white dress lightly sifting in the breeze. Together, they stared down a cult of Apostates. Apostates who refused the call of the Coven. Magic flared up all round, canvasing the area in an abstract painting.


      The two nodded to each other, then leaped into combat, their Apostate adversaries not wanting to join the Coven, and not caring about such rules; only wanting to remain out on their own, in their own cult. With rituals, and hexes, and curses conducted on their own, by their leisure. Letitia and Yuna were there to end that, swiftly, and without mercy.


        Their opponents whipped up all sorts of magical attacks and strikes. Both Letitia and Yuna were experts in the field, however. Letitia easily avoided some harmful hexes thrown her way, counterattacking with dark, orange-red magical blasts of destructive force. She dove, and weaved, smashing her blackened fists and legs into her opponents, hearing satisfied crunches, and nasty breaks.


       Yuna was having a similar time with the fools that recklessly engaged her. Even though Yuna was not as highly ranked as her gloomy counterpart, it was almost far worse to engage with the 'White Star'. She fought in sort of a passive style, that required her opponents to attack her first. Which the Apostates were very eager to do. They rushed her, slicing with bright red searing slashes, or hitting with dark blue, or dark red fists and kicks. A few had more sense, and cast far-range spells, but all were basically victims to Yuna's masterful dance.


     Yuna, too, weaved, bobbing and kiting. Her hands would tap the opponents in close range, and their magically enhanced blows would instantly lose the magic behind them. Then she'd finish off the stunned Apostates, with a flurry of spinning strikes, and slashes; easily felling any enemy who no longer had even a simple magic-barrier up to defend themselves with. Yuna capitalized on uncertainty, confusion, and ignorance. As soon as she was done with the Apostates in her face, in bloody, unmerciful fashion, she aimed her sights on the ones pestering with ranged attacks. Intoning whatever spell she would concoct that day, her magical presence would blast outward in a wave. During this time, her close companion, Letitia, would be hiding, as to not be struck by her devastating magic. Only to reveal herself, once Yuna's magic had done its dirty work, to aid in the clean up.


        Smart of the Nightess, too. Yuna's magic was a certain brand of savage. Leaving her opponents -no- targets completely dumbstruck. Their offense negated. Their defense deleted. They could not even move, out of sheer shock. That was when the two yin and yang beauties struck simultaneously, cleaning up any and all targets in one bloody swoop, painting their own picture of callous, brutal, fierce teamwork.


Culminating, in an embrace shared between the exquisite White Star, and her ebony Nightess. Sharing a impassioned kiss, revealing the tight, inner connection of heightened intimacy the two shared.


Lip-locked, it was when the dark one's harsh outer shell would crash down, and the shinning one's heart would connect to the one in her arms.




Yuna: the White Star

I woke, bright and early as per usual, and went through my daily routine. 

A long run, in circles around out makeshift camp, martial art practice, I snapped off a few branches from a tree, and began to pommel another with the makeshift staff, so hard that I left a dent. I ran some more, and did some climbing while I was at it, and returned to our camp, panting slightly.

I cleaned off all of the swords I had brought, being extremely careful with them, and wrapped them up again, putting them back in my bag.

After a small break, I continued again with my training, repeating all that I had done before, and some extra. I decided I would train until Letitia awoke, and probably a little after that.



                Letitia and Yuna danced the dance of life and death. Both were equal partners, enjoying their lives together to the fullest. Demons were nothing to them. Apostates meant nothing, and were easy pickings. They fought in unison, time and time again.


     Letitia was the power, the might. Her spells of Destruction caught a swathe of dark red energy though their foes, leaving nothing but smolders and ash. Yuna was far more dignified, with attacks of gentle light. She'd suck the magic right out of her opponent's then leave them, in her glorious, shining wake.


      "Eradicator!" Letitia shouted, leaping over Yuna, one hand catapulting the dark Witch, using Yuna's back as a support. A giant red-orange beam, with a black center fired out. It cut straight through the area, the ground below baking beneath it. The enemies in front instantly destroyed. Evaporating into nothing.


    Yuna's turn to attack; she spun around her beloved, hands held up. "Light of Heavens: Ivaldi!" She called, with pure white rays striking down on the rest of the enemies. Letitia followed through. "Terror Chains!" Blackened chains tore up through the earth, then glowed a red-orange, before slicing through the defenseless Apostates.


     This was their dance. A Witch of such purity that she made magic stop, and vanish before her vary eyes. The other Witch of such darkness, that she protected the other with spells of fierce destruction.


      Yuna let out a scream, flying backward, somehow a strike of magic had gotten around the both of them. The woman fell back, sliding on the ground, red spilled from her pure form. Instantly, Letitia's rage exploded. The Nightess glowed a bright red, with her eyes pools of red. "You spilled blood that is pure," she stated aloud, her voice revealing the hatred there. "I'll do worse to you a thousand times over! The Reverse 12! Zodiac of Death!"


   Yuna laid on the ground, watching in glee as her beloved defended her so adamantly. Letitia's strikes were nothing short of sadistic as she dealt with the foe in front of them that had the gall to harm that pure white Witch.




   Suddenly, Letitia awoke with a start. Blinking, and sitting up, she glanced around. Spotting 13, she sighed, remembering the task at hand. A hole was where her heart was supposed to be. Letitia wanted to go back to sleep, and never wake up. Falling back over, she covered her face.


As I was working my arm muscles by using a tree, I saw Letitia wake. I jumped down, and walked over.

"Oh, good. You're awake. How was your sleep?", I trailed off as I saw her cover her face. I hoped she was ok... Although I could imagine she had dreamed about Yuna, like I did with Gideon quite often...

I decided I would prod her, and ask about it. It was probably best to leave her to... Grieve? Anyway, I wouldn't mention it, or let on that I had any idea. I was oblivious.

I ruffled around in my bag, and sat down without doing anything more with it.

The joyful memories were already fading, being replaced with forlorn glimpses at a sorrowful past time. Letitia, sighed, and threw the makeshift leaf-blanket off of her. Getting to her feet, she stretched and wiped herself off. Glancing over at Morrigan, she had all but forgotten the other Witch had insisted on coming with. The sun was already up in the sky, and there was a certain orangey hue in the clearing, what with all the dried, dying leaves about the ground.

"Oh... 13.. Right. Um.. Uh.. I guess so," Letitia answered, preparing to set off once again. It wasn't like she had packed like 13. Usually, Letitia packed very little. At most she ever carried were a few texts and a charm or two for some odd job here or there. She usually dealt with life in the moment, allowing her power and wit to sail her along.

"Alright, let's get going, then," Letitia stated simply, turning to where the Magic Vial was pulling her towards. It wouldn't take long to get to where they were going. Maybe another day or so, depending on the time it took them to travel. Some witches were quicker than others. Running, or flying, or using some sort of magical travel, but Letitia usually just walked from place to place, and she was even less enthused to get quickly to this particular job, than usual. So what could take a half-day, or less if she had just instantly left upon receiving the note, would take about two or three, give or take a couple nights.

I quickly put my stuff on, and followed her. I had no idea what I was walking into, and I hoped that Letitia was.... Not kind, but that she would at least try and make sure I don't die or anything.

I effortlessly keep up with Letitia, even considerably slowing my pace for her. I walked with my head down, not talking or anything. I had a feeling that Letitia would not appreciate it.

Their journey was uneventful, and dull. The journeying without any conversation was incredibly boring. Thus was Letitia's normal life. Morrigan was experiencing Four's lifestyle firsthand. It was a lonely existence. Her only drive to serve the Coven. After a day's travel, Letitia sat on a fallen tree.

She looked at Morrigan. "If you must know, my full magical power has returned," she announced. I have even more now, actually... She thought on it. The battle with Ao Meira must've forced more magical power out of her. "You can go home now. Or back to the Coven. I should be able to handle this..."

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I stood in front and slightly across from her, and raised an eyebrow. "Why would I travel this far, just to return again? I intend to see this through...", I sighed. I felt it was my duty to see that Letitia lived, for the coven's sake, and I would feel incredibly guilty if she did, and that I had run away...

"Mine has almost returned, and I cannot be sure yet, but I will probably experience a similar effect. I gained quite a bit the last time I performed something like that.", considering I was reluctant to use Djinzal's power for anything big or destructive, when I did it took a lot out of me, but also grew my own power at a somewhat alarming rate. I had only done it once before, so I could not be sure, but I anticipated that the trend was set to continue.

I did not comment on her remark on handling it, I was certain that she could handle things magically, but emotionally, I was not so sure.

Tch. Letitia frowned, eyes reflecting her disapproval. However, the Witch said nothing more regarding the matter. "Whatever, I tried. This isn't your job, or your business, but I can't stop you." She shook her head. Technically, this type of job was private, which was what the note was about, but Morrigan seemed deadset on joining her. Unless, she physically incapacitated 13 to prevent her from following, there wasn't really anything she could do about it.

"Rest up, we'll be there soon," Letitia announced, preparing for the night, and the journey tomorrow.


Once again, Letitia's mind that night was filled with dreams of Yuna. A time before all this, when they were together. When Letitia actually knew more than darkness and pain. When she actually could recount happiness. Now she only knew happiness in the form of watching it in memories. It was a feeling she wasn't familiar with at all, any longer.


The next day, she awoke earlier, her magic giving her that boost. Together -reluctantly- they traveled onward, Letitia once again leading the way, wishing that Morrigan had just accepted it and gone home, but giving in on mentioning that again. Yuna was close, the vial at her chest was heating up.

I went through my daily and nightly routine, speaking little. It did not feel awkward, it was more of a sober silence, and quite peaceful.

Most of the time I spent thinking of nothing, in a somewhat meditative state, but, when I did think, I thought of Gideon, focusing on my happy thoughts and the breathtaking scenery I had seen in my time, the places I had been... All manner of things, all but negative thoughts. 

I felt the tension between us increase slightly, so I felt as if we must've been close.


Yuna: the White Star


After a bit more of travel, Letitia climbed up the side of a rocky mountainside. Dark gray stormclouds hovered overhead; no rain fell, though, just threatened it. The forest disappeared behind them, while they walked up that stony pathway. Below, at the mountain's base, was a small, humble rural town. The sky overhead was gray, and somber.

There, at the peak, with their back to the two Coven witches, was a woman standing in a long, beautiful, flowing white dress. The breeze making such a billowy sight breathtaking. Letitia's eyes fell upon the woman, and she came to a stop. Yuna.

I studied the scenery around with interest, and stopped slightly behind Letitia when I saw who I presumed was Yuna. Apprehensive, my hand hovered just above my waist, just above my sword. I wasn't going to engage combat unless she became a threat to us, and I hoped that Letitia could resolve... Whatever we were doing, peacefully.

The sullen clouds hanging overhead made the day all the more depressing; naturally, this would be one of those days.  Letitia stood there, staring at the woman before her, forgetting the presence of Morrigan behind her. A single breathy word escaped her lips, it was heavy, and it crashed down upon her heart, "Yuna..." The dark-haired girl had wished this day would never come. Though she knew it would eventually.

 Letitia was not looking forward to what was about to happen. Something gnawed inside of her, really digging at her insides. She hadn't even thought once about anything else, not Morrigan, not her weakened state of mind, not the past, nothing. This was far too important for her mind to wander.

"Nhnn.." the girl groaned, as she passed through a very ominous magical presence. It wasn't a barrier. It was just the magical exuberance from a nearby witch. A wall that wasn't emitted willingly, but by mere force of power. Just passing through that 'barrier' made Letitia queasy. Yet, she was filled with its power, and left in awe.

Yuna stood there ominously; the one who had summoned her here. Waiting. Patiently. Quite creepily patiently. Daylight was masked by the stone-gray clouds, but visibility was fine. The woman before her was quite easily recognizable.

Pursing her lips, Letitia breathed out her words, that clung so harshly to the back of her throat, causing the girl's voice to be raspy. Croaking, she spoke, "Y-yuna. Sorry I'm late."

In front of her. A brilliant white stain on that gray mountaintop trembled, fists clenched, head bowed; a thick mane of translucent white hair blocking her face. With a shiver, her voice responded. An eerie rasp not doing well to conceal what was occurring.

"I sent for you days ago... Do you disappoint me again?"

The words were hoarse. As if spoken by a voice not used to use. Letitia tried to respond, her mouth falling open.

"Don't respond!" Yuna hissed, holding up a hand to stop her. "At least you came."

"Of course I came..."

"Of course you did."

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I listened to the conversation, staying exactly where I was, not moving and being completely silent. I did not want to interrupt anything, unless of course, Letitia or I were in danger.

From what I could hear, I felt incredibly sorry for Letitia, noting that the other woman was not nice to her at all. It worried me, but I would never voice those problems to either women.

"You know why you're here," Yuna spoke up, stepping forward, lifting her hands. Her arms extended towards Letitia looking to embrace her.

Letitia couldn't help but shy back away, curling up as she barely looked towards the other woman.

Seeing Letitia's reservations, Yuna stopped moving, and lowered her arms. "I'm changing Letitia. As per the code, I chose who I want to stop it, who I want to put me down."

Letitia swallowed, and looked away. Why was this so hard for her? It was just another job... One expected of all Coven witches. It wasn't a good thing when Coven witches Awakened, or when they became Consumed witches. Normally, if they didn't want to wreak havoc, and obey the laws of the Coven, they would chose the person they wanted to kill them. Normally you'd kill them beforehand; stop the change. Stop the chance to become Consumed or Awakened. It often involved someone close, who the Witch could trust. But why her? Why Letitia?

"Yuna... Why me?" Letitia asked, voicing her concerns, glancing up, holding her hands to her chest. "Why me? Why put me through this? Choose another." It was clear by her tone, that she was struggling with this entire thing.

"It's too late, you've already been chosen," Yuna stated simply. "Besides, it had to be you. It had to always be you."

Tears welled up in Letitia's eyes, and she stiffened. Why was she crying?

I didn't move or make a sound, but shock veiled my face. I was a million times more sorry for Letitia now, and I understood better why Yuna was being less than civil. I would be too in that situation.

I wouldn't go against either's wishes, although I would consider intervening if Yuna became a threat to either of us. Although I thought that unlikely, unless she became an awakened being or a consumed witch.

"Yuna..." Letitia began, her voice trembling. She had come here under such resolve. An iron will fortified beyond measure. She had mentally prepared herself for this for years. And yet... why? "I... " With a long swallow, she stood upright, facing the woman in white before her.

Beginning her words, with a voice so tender, Yuna breathed out, "My beloved... Letitia..." Those three words ran themselves through the Nightess's ears, ringing melancholic tunes of bliss. That was quickly ended, with the besmirching guttural growl of something more sinister beneath. "...Fight me." Words the echoed the hollow ground of the rocky mountain summit. Words that froze Letitia to her core. Beneath white strands of billowing hair, two red eyes glowed.

"Y-yuna... I-I'm not here to f-fight you. I-I'm here to stop the awakening... To..." Letitia trailed off, staring straight at Yuna.

"Remember when you mentioned, 'being late'?" Yuna growled in that feral, dark voice. Cracks began snapping around on her bone structure, as her body convulsed, de-figuring itself. "The process has already began and ended! You're way late Letitia."

Standing before Letitia, was the fully-awakened form of Yuna. A beautiful woman once, now hideous transfigured into something demonic, and vile. It almost hurt Letitia to merely look at her. Yet, something kept the black-haired Witch transfixed. Something still-beautiful resonated there. She stood much taller, about 8 feet. With lanky legs that didn't match the dress at all, looking creepy, from where they exited the hem. Her face was still beautiful, but it now had cracks going through it, with bright red eyes, and fangs hanging below her lips. Wing stubs were sticking up out of her back, feathers growing off of them. Her fingernails were claws, and her dress clung to her new lanky form oddly. She made for a disturbing sight, mixing beauty, and horror. "But not late to the party. -Fight me," Yuna repeated, obviously relishing this situation. "You see, before... I wanted you to kill me. To end the suffering. To end what was happening. But now..." She gazed intently at Letitia, a smile forming on her scaly lips. "Not anymore! With power like this... No... Not anymore."

Trembling Letitia stood rigid, shaking her head, staring at the ground, instead of the monster before her.

"Ugh! You were always so damn stubborn!" Yuna shouted angrily.

"What?! You were always the stubborn one!" Letitia retorted, looking back up at the woman's face. "I... I was just doing my job, Yuna."

"Your job? Your job? Dammit Letitia, some things are more important than 'your job'!" Yuna roared, blood boiling in her veins, anger visible as radiating magical energy. "You squandered what we had! Letitia you messed it all up! And now... Now I don't want to die anymore! I want to do the opposite..."

Yuna seemed to be searching for the words, hand outstretched clutching at the air. Her raspy voice came out, finally, "I want to kill you. -Rid myself of you once and for all!" Her words finished, she clutched her fists together, and sent out a shockwave of magical might, wingly-stubs popping out into full-grown wings.

As things began to get heated between them. Well, as Yuna became more agitated, I slowly unsheathed  Shadowshard and Soulsilver, which I had had in the scabbards at my sides, and tensed. I did not like how the situation had escalated, and I crept up so that I was very close to Letitia, although still out of her field of view.

My eyes narrowed as the magical energy of Yuna hit me, and even though I was still hopeful that we could do this, I was much more fearful now. And it didn't help that I had no idea what I was up against. I was unused to the lack of information, and weary because of it.

Nonetheless, as the shockwave began, I grabbed Letitia, pushing her directly behind me.

I pulled the swords in front of me, crossing them in front of me. Their magical power together was majestic, when touching and crossed in front of me, they had the powers of a glorified shield, that negated magical blasts that hit them, and on occasion would bounce them back to the user.

I seriously hoped this worked...


Shadowshard and Soulsilver

Yuna's words had rattled Letitia quite deeply. The words spoken by the gentle flower that had been the girl called Yuna just didn't match up, to her memory. Letitia had known this would be hard, and had been fearing this day since the beginning of their relationship.

Still remaining stoic, and completely rigid, Letitia didn't even notice the presence of Morrigan, despite 13 basically throwing herself right at the other Witch. That was just how completely shaken Letitia was over this whole ordeal. Yuna's magical explosive pressure clashed with Morrigan's sword-stance, and surprisingly, the Witch held it back. The shockwave exploded out from the two, dissipating.

"Dammit, Letitia! Fight me!" Yuna roared, also so fixated, she also hadn't even see the other Witch in their vicinity. Her vision was reddened by blind rage. She rushed forward, this time noticing the other Witch; shoving passed her, only focused on Letitia. Her gnarly, twisted hands grabbed Letitia, picking her up by her clothes. "I said 'fight me'!" She shouted at the black-haired Witch's face. Seeing Letitia slowly shake her head, Yuna roared. "You were always so damn weak!" Spinning on her heel, she threw Letitia. A rock smashed apart, 'breaking' Letitia's fall. "GGRRR! Letitia! You have ruined me! Ruined my life! And continued to do so, up until now! Just allow me to rid myself of you! Everything! All this is because of you!"

With a snicker, her voice softened, she stepped around, pacing. "I remember, when we met. It was magical... You know. I looked up to you. I idolized you," Yuna conceded, glancing over at the 'Nightess', who struggled out of the debris of the boulder she crashed into. "After a time, you know what I found?" she asked, momentarily facing away, out towards the forests below. She spun around, stomping her feet, creating cracks from the force.


Letitia got up, grimacing, pulling herself from where she lay. Though Yuna's words stung more than the scrapes and wounds. "Y-yuna..."

"I'm done with this! I'm done with you! Once and for all! You will fight me -and I will kill you," Yuna growled out finality. Her red eyes drifted to the other Witch there. "You should not be here. You are interfering with a private matter! Leave, Witch!"

I staggered backwards as I was shoved, managing to stay on my feet. I kept my distance, but took a few steps forward as Letitia was thrown, but backed up just as quickly as she turned her attention to me.

"I am sorry, Yuna. But I cannot leave her, she is my friend. You may have been disappointed, but I am not. I should not be here, as you said, but I consider my duty to my heart more important than my duty to the Coven. Yes, this is a private matter. But it would hurt me for Letitia to die.".

I held the two swords in each hand. They did quite different things when separate like this, only when they were together did they do as they had.

Morrigan. You have never fought such a powerful being before. You cannot win this, child.

I know... Help me. I cannot do this alone.

I will help all I can, girl. It would be a damn shame to see you die so soon...

I squared my shoulders, thankful that he wouldn't leave me to die.

Yuna, growling, turned her attention to the unwanted visitor. "Who are you, anyway? You shouldn't be here," she repeated angrily, snarling. "Letitia, you brought back-up?" she sneered her question. "Since when did you play with other toys? That's unlike you." Her voice sounded slightly hurt. A hint of jealousy? It was as if she was ignoring Morrigan's words, preferring to only focus on Letitia, instead.

"The Coven?" Yuna responded, finally realizing just exactly was going on; like 13's words were just now reaching her ears. Conversing with this outsider was grating on her nerves. "Who cares about that? Pity, rules, 'friendship', relationships... They hold us back! Why don't you all see?" Spreading her wings, wind kicked up around the Awakened Being before them. "Power! That's all that matters!"


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