First Arc (rp here)

I took a deep breath, and walked slowly to come in between Letitia and Yuna.

"She did not want me to come, I came of my own accord. From what I can tell, she came here to die.", I said distastefully. Loss of life was a serious matter, and for someone to want to throw it away...

"I do not know you, Yuna. But I can imagine that is not what you think. Power is temporary, feelings are what keep us going.", I felt strongly about that. It was what had kept me going.

Yuna glared down at the Witch that so arrogantly stood between her and her Letitia-prey. "You underestimate a 'Tyrant One'," Yuna snarled, boasting, clearly irritated by 13 who was trying to seem high-and-mighty to her. "Witch, you may be all about 'feelings', but that doesn't mean anything! You don't have power like I do! Your feelings are meaningless to this type of power!"

"You're not a 'Tyrant One'," Letitia hissed, refuting Yuna. She eye'd Yuna down, confusion shadowing her face.

"No, but you could be Letita!" Yuna responded brightly, almost as if she were hopeful. "Just call Belial here, and Consume him! That Demon Lord is all but a useless, flabby sack-of-shit now anyhow. He ain't usin' what he's got! He's all washed up! A shadow of his former self! Quite literally his glory days are behind him!" Yuna was giving a bit of attitude to her voice, clearly pleased with her own words.

Before Letitia could respond, darkness clouded the area. Even darker then the thundering storm overhead. Small pitter-patters of new raindrops began to fall atop the rocky summit. Though, that wasn't what was disturbing the area. Darkness swirled around the place, even snuffing out the storm overhead. It was a paradox, her magical power radiated evil, and dark. However, Yuna stood like a beacon. White, pure light, radiating from her. The magical aura that enticed Letitia so.

Letitia stood next to Morrigan. She didn't like the ominous presence of Yuna, with the Awakened Being's power was very concerning. It was clear, Yuna was preparing for something.

I glanced over as Letitia stood next to me, we could (hopefully) do this.

"Perhaps you wish to die. But it would sully your name in the Coven if we both died here... Letitia, just please try and look after us both.", I was still facing Yuna as I spoke, but I could see Letitia in my peripheral.

I was afraid for us both, not just because of Yuna, but I was also worried about what would happen with Djinzal. He would more than likely have to give me a million times more power than usual, considering I had only ever used a drip of his power, even when using something like inferno blast. It was merely a drop from the whole ocean of power he held. Which was probably another reason why I wasn't higher ranked, but I did not care in the slightest for that, or the potential power he held, I was happy with where I was.

I had no idea what would happen when I pulled from the massive reserves of power that I had never touched before, and I hoped nothing too bad happened.

Yuna, meanwhile, was rather annoyed with the Morrigan, who was crashing this party. This was supposed to be between her and Letitia! No one else was even supposed to be here! Had Letitia found someone else? The very thought enraged her. Turning back to the Nightess, she snarled once again, refusing to take 'no' as an answer. "Fight me Letitia! Show me the power you've gained over these past few years!"

"No Yuna, I came here to stop you from Awakening... To... kill you," Letitia finally managed to mumble, hardly enjoying speaking such words. This was supposed to be something special. Preventing a loved one from Consuming their soul and magic, was something to hold dear. It wasn't supposed to be such a trying encounter.

However, Letitia's answer was unsatisfactory. Yuna, growling, turned to the edge of the cliff-face. She stepped up to it. "Did you know? Down at the base of this mountain. There is a small town." Smiling, her whispers were bloodcurdling, "I can hear children playing. Mothers in the kitchens, cooking for their family, fathers, toiling even while stressed out, simply to provide. I can hear little heartbeats. Blood pumping through veins. Heh, but not for long." Turning slightly, looking at the witches out of the corner of her eyes, she snarled, "I will make you fight me Letitia! Isn't it a 'Witch's' job to protect? Hehe, let's see if you can!" White, gnarled, bony wings unfurling, from Yuna's back, as she prepared to fly off the mountaintop. Just as she was leaving, into the air, hands caught her, pulling her back down. Letitia was angered, "No! Stop it Yuna! You can't do that!"

"Good! Perform your civil duty as a Coven witch! Stop 'evil' from occurring!" Yuna mocked, turning to them once more, clearly pleased with herself.

I did not speak, feeling no need to input anything.

I prepared to draw from Djinzal's power, both he and I would make sure nothing to bad happened, well, nothing too bad.

Hesitant to draw on such immense power yet, I would wait until it was absolutely necessary to draw on. 

I quickly prepared myself for battle, Shadowshard and Silversoul in the scabbards at my side, and a few other swords in the one's on my back, hidden away but accessible.

Arming myself again with Shadowshard and Silversoul, "Letitia, just tell me what to do, and I will do my best. I'm going to be drawing on Djinzal's power much more than I usually do, considering I almost never use it, I'm going to be somewhat more capable to do what you need me to do.".

Taking a deep breath, I faced Yuna.

Letitia frowned, glancing over at Morrigan, a concerned look on her face. "Yuna isn't evil," she stated simply and softly, trying to convince herself more than the other Witch.

"Remember, Letitia? How you chose your magic type, specifically to kill those like myself? Consumed Witch-anti magic? 'Destruction magic'? I know first hand how potent it can be," Yuna gloated. "Though, ironic isn't it? You have to have another fight your battle for you. How, and why your type of magic doesn't work against me, at all. Your rank four, and that's special -probably, but I'm the one Awakened Witch, you cannot kill." Yuna's demeanor Awakened, was quite contrary to how she was a normal human. Holding up her hands, clear mists swirled.

Letitia frowned, "Absorption magic," she stated so 13 knew, understanding. Yuna wasn't particularly strong. Last Letitia knew, Yuna was ranked just above Single Digits, but not for sheer strength. However, Yuna had a special type of magic - to absorb other magics. Making her quite potent in the field; as well as, against other witches. A perfect counter to Letitia's all-out style magic. It allowed her to merely absorb any magic or spells tossed her way. It was relatively low-costing to maintain, and quite effective. Letitia could only imagine how it ramped up when she became an Awakened Being. If she got close enough, Yuna could even completely sap a Witch's magical force, leaving them completely vulnerable.

"Be careful," was Letitia's only warning to Morrigan. Spoken softly, and timidly.

My brow furrowed, this was going to be difficult. I reached behind me, my arms rifling around my back, and I pulled out 2 metallic wires, from a harnessed pack that was under my clothes.

I clicked the ends of the wires into my swords. This would give me a more long ranged attack with them, and it was an incredibly flashy style. Considering the absorption magic, I didn't want to get too close to her, and I would have to be very careful. I had an idea in my head, but it was a last ditch effort, if all else failed.

I smiled at Letitia, "I will. Watch my back, okay?", I patted her on the shoulder, reassuring.

I faced Yuna, and took a deep breath, ready as I would ever be...

Yuna, currently ignoring the other bladed outsider, focused her attention to the dark-haired Witch in front of her. With a grin, she spread her wings, again threatening the safety of innocent villagers. "Letitia, you know how this is going to go. If you don't fight me, then I'll just have to slaughter a few villagers, to grab your undivided attention!" With that threat, she prepared to take off, into the humid air.

"NO! Fine, Yuna, if that is what you want," Letitia hissed, clenching her fists. "Then I will have to stop you. You're an Aw-awakened Being now. It's my duty to stop you."

"DUTY?!" Yuna roared, anger bubbling, her magical abilities crackling in the air like the lightning overhead. "What about your 'duty' to me?" she snarled, clawing at the air. "WHAT ABOUT THAT, HUH?" Unrequited pain of long-lasting years reared its ugly head again, and even those short words stung to the woman known as the 'Nightess'.

Letitia winced at the harsh words from her long-lost beloved. Memories too painful to bear flashed across her eyes. Reminding her of what she had thrown away. Swallowing, and steeling herself, dark red auras encircled her hands. "Yuna, you're a m-m-monster now. That's that."

"Heh. And you were always a monster Letitia," Yuna retorted fiercely, eyes ablaze, but glossy -with what? Tears? "Now show me what type of monster you really are! Show everyone! Letitia!!" Yuna burst forward, flying at intense speeds.

Letitia, biting back her heartbreak, lunged forward. Hand in a weird claw like formation, with three 'claws', she shouted her spell of destruction, "Dragon Claw!"

Yuna outstretched her own hand, already-claw-like, slamming it into Letitia's spell. "Letitia! Who taught you that spell? -I did! It's a mere copy-cat, and won't work on me! 'Dragon's reversal!'" With cracks and sparks, the ground shook, and the air around them heated up. Loosed sparks struck nearby rocky cracks, exploding from the impact of the magical generation. Suddenly, Letitia's dark-red energy engulfing her hand disappeared, and with an explosive blast, Letitia was sent backwards, flying away once again, hitting the ground hard, rolling in the dust. Yuna had absorped her magic right out of her hand and punished her for it.

My mouth dropped as the events unfolded around me. I took the opportunity while Yuna was distracted, and raised my arms above my head, and slightly behind, and threw them both with all my might. They flew straight forwards with incredible speed, on either side of Yuna, but still quite far away, the wire crossed in front of me, the swords on the opposite sides.

I grabbed the wire when they were at the right distance, and pulled them both to their right side, and both travelled towards Yuna with dangerous speed.

If they hit her, the magic would do similar things as when I had blocked her magic before, but I had also put some special wish magic into Shadowshard. As Letitia had fought, I pulled Shadowshard to my lips, and whispered a spell.

For whomever absorbs the magic in this sword, let this spell destroy it. Let this magic be unusable to that which steals it, this spell shall perform retribution against the awakened being...

I had no idea if it would work, but it was worth a shot, and that magic had come directly from the massive reserve of Djinzal's power, making it much more powerful than if it was me who had cast the spell.

Yuna lightly fumbled in place, feeling her insides heat up. Even more so then usual. And when you were an Awakened Being -your insides were already hot. This was different though. This was an actual magical attack, from a source she cared not for; blood boiling she turned. Her eyes focused on the source. "How distasteful. Letitia, your pet dares to attack me?" she hissed.

Yuna placed her hands out, to intercept the swinging attack. The swords on their wires clashed with her hands, sparking magical collision, immediately their power left; Yuna absorbing the magic within them, erasing the magic preventing any magical incantation or spell placed therein. This was her magic, Yuna had the ultimate Defense. Flying towards her attack at incredible speeds, she swiped vicious claws at Morrigan, who underestimated her fury. Yuna was never considered a strong witch, even now, as an Awakened Being, she held considerable less power than others of the same nature. Even still, it was due to Yuna's nasty ability of absorbing things, and effectively erasing them, that put her on the board. Her particular magic was hard to fight against - with any style of magic. Aggressive magic struggled the most.

My eyes widened as she effortlessly blocked my attack, "Aw shit.", I quickly grabbed one of the swords from my back, it was Earthsong. Well, it would have to do. The claws hit the sword, and I was flung to the side, hitting the ground with a grunt.

Well, that failed spectacularly.

I staggered to my feet, and looked down at my side. The sword had managed to block most of the attack, but my top was ripped, and a shallow cut ran over my ribs. I pulled back the two other swords, putting them in their scabbards at my side, they were only swords now, the magic gone. It would eventually regenerate, but that would take a long time.

"Ow.", I held up Earthsong again, preparing for another attack, still somewhat numb so I couldn't really tell if anything else was wrong.




I'll reveal it's power in the next post, if I can...
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Letitia, despite having major reservations about this battle, finally leaped back into the fray. She swung her fists, coated with glowing dark red energy. Their very strikes were powerful enough to slice open rock. Glowing orange sear marks scraped the ground, as she strikes out at the dodging Yuna. Yuna was crafty, and agile. Getting a good blow from anyone on her would prove difficult. Even someone as high ranked as the Nightess was.

After a few clashes, Yuna sent Letitia sky-borne, with a powerful kick. Flying up into the air, Letitia caught herself. Focusing down on the... beast below, she formed a few signs with her hands. Drawing a weird pattern in the air, she slapped her palm on the rune there. "Reign of Rain!" Multitudes of fire-enhanced blasts of destructive magic rained down upon the Awakened Yuna. Their little blasts searing her body, when they struck her. 

Yuna was absolutely forced to defend from the barrage of the Witch's attack. Holding her arm up above her, fiery-blasts stabbed down into her flesh. Immediately a buzzing numbing filled her arms. How despicable. Luckily, for her that was all that would damage her, while she was able to cast a counter. "Angel barrier!" She called out her spell, and a dome of light blue light surrounded her. Any magic that fell through the dome immediately vanished, before reaching their target. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the other Coven Witch ready for an attack. She cast her focused on this other person. White light encircled her hands, that were still numb from where they were struck.

Preoccupied, with Morrigan, Yuna didn't notice Letitia coming from the side. With this opening, she struck Yuna hard in the side, destruction-magic aura'd punches connected hard, ripping some of Yuna's clothes and flesh from the mere contact. Yuna screamed as she fell over, her side smoldering, with red and orange sparks.

I advanced as Letitia struck Yuna, but still kept my distance.

I stabbed Earthsong into the ground, focusing my mind on Yuna. The ground shook, and the earth under her rifted and sprung apart quickly, creating a large rift where she was. The earth also stuck to her, as if it was trying to pull her into the cavern.

Again, it was much stronger than anything I could usually do, thanks to the power at my disposal. I was drawing on quite a bit of magic, although hardly any considering the amount that I could. I just hoped that something I did would work, although I didn't mind being a distraction for Letitia, and motivate her to fight.

Yuna fell over, clearly in pain from her injuries. Letitia saw the pain flash across the Awakened Being's face, and momentarily faltered in her approach to this fight. Yuna looked up, seeing the worry on Letitia's face. "Letitia..." Yuna began, just as the earth opened up beneath her, and began to pull her downwards.

"NO!" Letitia screamed out, reaching for Yuna, watching the 'woman' slide downwards into the maw of the earth. Morrigan's motivation had backfired, and seeing Yuna in grave danger zapped Letitia's will to continue the battle.

Yuna wasn't so easily defeated, though, she sent out white, pulsing waves of magic-absorbing magic. Eventually, quelling the earth, she managed to pull herself out, and get to her feet. Suddenly, putting a halt on the fight, Yuna focused on the weak-willed Letitia in front of her; grinning, and stepping towards the black-haired woman, arms extending. "Letitia... come here."

Letitia was hardly paying attention to anything Morrigan was doing, at this time. The Witch should've been at a time of half-transformation in such a battle, which, oddly enough, at this stage in a fight, Letitia would've allowed, due to such a powerful enemy. Not now though. Right now, she seemed relatively normal. Maybe even more like a normal person, than she usually did. All the girl could see, was the opening arms of Yuna. Yuna, had since reverted back to human, looking as elegant, and beautiful as always. Letitia couldn't help herself, and she felt her feet carrying her forward, and into the outstretched arms of Yuna. Arms encircled the approaching Letitia, holding her fast. Embraced by the other Witch, Letitia felt at home. Felt relief. Felt like she belonged.

I pulled Earthbound out of the ground, before the sword itself was affected. I did not trust this one bit, but I kept my distance, noting that if Letitia died, I wouldn't be able to do much, considering how close I would have to get.

So, warily silent, I kept back, and I would only engage if Yuna began to fight again. But I was prepared, if tired, for her attack.

I was dangerously close to transformation, the edges of my being were beginning to turn into shadowy smoke. Although I was managing to stay as normal as possible, as I was only drawing on Djinzal's power when it was needed. Which meant that it wasn't residing within me, and I was just pulling it straight from the demon lord, and putting it into the spells directly. But, this also meant that I was physically only slightly stronger than usual, thanks to pulling a very small amount of power for my physical body and movements, and it was showing. I ached all over, but I had taken bigger punishments before.

Yuna meanwhile, was in pain, the destruction spells seeping through her form like a poison. She was feeling the pins and needles all through herself. Effects of small attacks, and poisons. Even if she could erase magic with her absorption abilities, she had still felt the painful strikes that Letitia had managed to get in; through her defense. Just like a Single Digit to do something like that. Yet, she held Letitia to her, petting the long, black hair that she so often used to pet. "Letitia..." she breathed. "Let's stop this. Put everything in the past. I can still forgive you. You can join me. You can come with me, like you are meant to." She leaned in, her lips brushing Letitia's ear, "Summon Belial. Become a Tyrant One, and be with me... forever."

"The two things you've ever wanted, are within your grasp!" Yuna shouted out, unfurling her wings, revealing she was still fully Awakened, despite her human form trying to hide otherwise. Though, it was obvious she still was. "Power, and myself. Just take them. -When they're offered to you... Summon Belial, and feast. Consume him. He's just wasting away anyways... Be with me again Letitia."

"Y-yes... M-maybe... that's best..." Letitia breathed, leaning into the embrace, accepting it; closing her eyes, and feeling the warmth of Yuna, once again.

As they spoke to each other, I made up my mind. Tears running down my face from what I was about to try and do, I silently stalked up the the two distracted women, and hovered behind Letitia, keeping out of view from both as best I could.

Both hands on Earthsong, I thrust it with all my might past Letitia, barely missing her, towards Yuna's abdomen. 

The words only rang in the back of Letitia's mind. She was so lost right now. Tipping on the edge. There was no way she could Consume Belial... He was practically her friend... But Yuna... was so convincing. And that embrace was melting the hard shell that Letitia had.

"Come, Letitia, join me once again," she purred, holding the Witch close. "Just summon Belial. It's not hard... You can do it. I believe in you." Yuna at this moment was ignoring anything, and everything else, trying to finish off Letitia's psyche.

Letitia heard those words, in the back of her mind. If you consume your Demon, you'll be forever plagued, forever cast out. Damaged.

Though, in truth, she was just telling herself this, remembering the Coven code. Sniffling, with tears flowing, she gripped Yuna's clothes, rubbing her face into the Witch. "I miss you Yuna... I've missed you for a long time. I was wrong. I messed up. I'm sorry."

For once, Letitia was speaking from her heart; letting down her defenses, and unleashing her built up feelings. Her soft words were finding their way into Yuna, and the Awakened Being began to question herself.

"But... I... I cannot do that, Yuna. I cannot do as you ask," Letitia softly spoke, looking up into the eyes of Yuna. "I cannot join you now."

Just, as Yuna was beginning to reconsider, Letitia spoke that line, and a sword stabbed into her side. The two, embracing were both stunned. Yuna released a scream of pain; the scream shook that mountainside, and she stabbed large, razor-sharp nails directly into the sides of Letitia, before pulling back from their embrace, releasing the now-injured Witch, and recoiling away from 13's bloodied sword.

I grabbed Letitia, and pulled her back with me, reeling from the scream. Crying more, my voice broken, I addressed her.

"L-letitia. I-I'm so sor-ry. She isn't herself anymore, and you were falling for it. I understand if you never forgive me. But we have to finish this now.".

I stood slightly in front of her, shielding her from the other witch. I swung my sword in a circle, shaking off the blood, with tears still running down my face. I was determined to end this, although it would be quite a bit more difficult now.


Recoiling, and landing a bit away, she glared down the two in front of her. Yuna immediately got defensive, her anger rising once more, Letitia's words were rage-inducing, and her little body-guard was grating on her last nerves.

Screaming, and transforming to her fully Awakened state, Yuna's twisted nature was in full light. "You never could! I knew it! You're the same Letitia now, as you were back then! Ugh! How you sicken me! Hahaha! Now die Letitia! You were always so weak! Never could grasp the power given to you! Now die with your regrets, you stupid bitch!"

She watched the blood flow from Letitia's wounds in her sides, observing her once-lover use the other Witch as support. That just enraged her even more. Yuna's feet ripped from her shoes, their talons gripping the earth below angrily.

Letitia struggled, blood dripping along her sides, staining her black dress, and down her legs, over her stockings. "Unhgh..." she groaned, clutching to Morrigan. It had been awhile since she had felt actual injury on her mortal body, and it was an unusual sensation. What was worse, though, was the way Yuna was reacting.

I held onto Letitia, supporting her. "Are you going to be okay? Can you heal yourself with magic at all?", I could probably use some wish magic on her, but I did not want to use more than I should, and I could not see Letitia fighting against Yuna, even if she was better.

I grabbed her wrist, and curled her fingers around Earthsong, pulling Nightkiss and Solarebony from behind me. I did not bring any more swords, so I hoped to god these would be enough to finish off the Awakened being. These were, however, my strongest swords by far, and after making them I had been incapacitated for weeks, making them had almost killed me.

They were a pair, just like Shadowshard and Silversoul, and I took the wire off those, and attached it to the new ones. I did not want to drag this out any longer, and I prepared for another confrontation with Yuna.


Nightkiss and Solarebony respectively;


"U-unfortunately, no..." Letitia responded, softly to Morrigan's question, looking at her. "I didn't get to the rank of Four, by 'healing magic'." It was true, outside of natural-magical-regeneration that being a Witch meant, Letitia had zero healing abilities. Destruction magic was the antithesis of such magic. Literally being a 'Destruction' magic user, meant she could not ever cast a healing-type spell. If she ever tried, she'd cause the wound to get worse, by destroying the cells, instead of repairing them. Power came at some cost.


That cost was evident more and more in front of them.

Yuna sighed, pacing, deciding just how to finish off the two in front of her, she was the size of 10 feet by now, seemingly grown larger than before, with her body utterly distorted, and her wings cruel. "Yes.. That's it. That's it..." she murmured, seemingly talking to herself, and deciding something eerily to herself. Glancing at the two, she spoke, throwing one final lifeline. "Letitia... Just do as I say. Consume Belial, and join me as a 'Tyrant One'. -Please."

Letitia shook her head slowly, staring Yuna down. "You're not a 'Tyrant One', or even a Consumed Witch, Yuna. But even if you were, you know I couldn't do that. You know that..."

Letitia's words cut deep. She released guttural screeches, that did not sound human, as her fury rose. Screaming, and thrashing about, pieces of rock flew here and there; with some of the rocks on the mountain breaking off, and crashing below. "NO! Letitia! I... I gave you.." She shook her head, "Fine! FINE!"

If Letitia wanted to be correct like that. Then she would be correct like that.


Furiously, she quickly formed several symbols with her hand, writing the spell out -the very powerful spell. Watching, Letitia's eyes widened, and she began to tremble.

"Through the heavens. Through space-time. I call upon thee. Hear this plea. Beyond the veil. Beyond the gate. I summon thee..."

As she chanted her spell, rocks from the surrounding area, loosed, and began floating upward into the air behind her. Sparks began to swarm through them, pulling them together into a circular shape. Ancient runes long forgotten etched into their surface magically, sparks flying everywhere through the process. The storm clouds above lightened to a bright blue color, but remained storm clouds.

Slapping her hand down onto the ground, a wave of energy and magic shockwaved outward. "Vestige of Light. My Spirit-Track: Divnity, to me!"

The circle of floating rocks behind her, had a mystical portal rip open within them, the cracking of the sound ringing out through the valley. A large bounty of magic pulled itself out of Yuna and into the ring, charging the gateway. This withdrawal of magic caused Yuna to collapse onto one knee, feeling around 90% of her magic being drained out of her.

Within moments, the portal sparked to life, swirling open. It didn't take long, before claws were seen scratching out of the portal, pulling themselves off its sides...

I acted quickly. As soon as Yuna went on one knee, I threw both of my swords straight at her. They were dead on, and unless she got up and dodged, she would hopefully be hit.

These swords were somewhat ironic, considering the situation. Nightkiss was dark and destructive, and it could rip people apart cell from cell with the darkness. Solarebony was light, but also destructive in nature when paired with Nightkiss, as it was here, and would do exactly the same as it's darker counterpart, but destroy with light. 

When on it's own, Solarebony was rather strange. As I demonstrated while Yuna was ranting off to herself. I picked up Letitia's arm, and cut it with Solarebony. It was a deep cut, I could imagine it would hurt a bit.

Solarebony, when it cut someone, would heal said cut, and any others they had sustained.The more serious the cut, the stronger it healed. It was somewhat counterproductive as a weapon on it's own, but I tended to take it on more serious missions, just in case I needed healing, but also thanks to it being one of the most powerful.

Letitia was so stunned, watching the scene before her, she didn't even feel the cut that Morrigan just sliced into her arm. Her previous wounds also were numbed to her. She was so enthralled, and astounded at what was transpiring before her. Yuna was summoning her Spirit Contract? That... Was unreasonable! It was so dangerous to do such a thing! Many Witches and Sages didn't even have enough magical power to do so. Most if they did, and summoned such beings, those beings killed them outright. It wasn't like a Demon to be kind when it was summoned, and often took its fury out on the summoner right there. Spirits were similar. Their pride was usually quite hurt when a human of all things 'summoned' them like some child.

A large, strikingly beautiful winged-wolf pulled itself out of the ring, finding itself sliding out of a portal. The elegant creature landed on the mountain top, with a quake. It was slender, and majestic, but massive, imposing, and impressive. Even though there were stormclouds above, that had rain falling from them, the sky turned into a lovely, sparkling ocean. With the rain bending around the Spirit.

Yuna. Its voice rang out, but it didn't seem to actually be speaking. How could you summon me here? What, pray tell, girl, were you thinking?

edit: Yuna swatted behind her, with glowing malformed wings. Once the swords struck those wings, their magic was immediately sapped from them, and her wings hit the blades, causing them to bounce uselessly away on the rocks.

Then, without warning, and with no answer, the Awakened Being of Yuna leaped at Divnity, tackling the Spirit to the ground. A sharp yelp sounded from the surprised Spirit, suddenly attacked by its contracted Witch.

Yuna began pummeling it harshly, and clawing at it. Glittery rivers of light spilled out from it: the Spirit's blood. Divnity released an anguished, painful yowl, and its voice rang out like the heaven's splitting above. Yunnnnnnna! W-what are you?... AHHHH, YUNA! STOP!

It was heart-wrenching.

Suddenly, a few crunches could be heard. Moving unnaturally, with impossible swallows, the large bestial form of the Spirit, slowly began to disappear. Yuna riled back, the Spirit disappearing down her throat unnaturally. She swallowed once more, with glittery, white, silvery blood leaking down the corners of her once-pure, pristine mouth. The Spirit was nothing but a head, and a oddly-sticking out foot now.

Yuna... A weak voice came out from no where. H-h-how could... The Spirit didn't give in, though, and claws grabbed the sides of Yuna's mouth, the Spirit began to pull itself out of her.

Yuna fell back, while Divnity struggled to free itself. To no avail. Yuna's sharp fangs chomped down, and piercing howls rang out, before Yuna swallowed once more, and the Spirit was gone.

"The ultimate sin..." Letitia breathed out, eyes wide. She couldn't believe what she had just witnessed. What Yuna had just done. What Yuna... had just done... Her Yuna. It was unthinkable. Letitia had never imagined the pure, beautiful woman that was Yuna could ever have even conceived of doing something like this.

With the Spirit gone, the stormclouds blasted outward, disappearing. Stars high above began to twinkle, and fade. A low rumble shook the heavens, and the night-sky suddenly drained of some color. Was it Letitia's imagination, or did the entirety of night just get a little bit darker?

It only took one more second, before wild magical power flared up from Yuna, eyes glowing bright red. Screaming at the tops of her lungs, her body began to shift, and morph on its own. Painlessly, though. Within moments, a large, winged monstrosity floated there. With a hint of glamour, beauty, and virtue that once was, now twisted, and corrupted, with creeping darkness.

"Oooohhhh~~~" the 'Consumed Witch' sighed. A smile crossed her face, and it seemed like she was enjoying just being. With a blush, it seemed like she was feeling senses of pleasure, and for a moment, she seemed to forget who or what was going on.


Spirit Contract: Spirit Tracker of Light: Divnity



Yuna: Consumed Witch form


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I cursed all the swears I knew under my breath, and pulled both swords back.

"Well, that's it. Those were my strongest swords... Letitia, unless you do something, we shall both die. I cannot do more.", I had no more weapons left. I was useless, hopeless. And I would not use anymore power, for fear of becoming what Yuna had, although I could probably use quite a bit more before becoming an awakened being, I did not want to risk it in the slightest.


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