First Arc (rp here)

The two clashed back and forth. With Letitia brandishing harsh Destruction magic, that sizzled, and crackled, igniting and decimating anything her magic accidentally touched. Contrasting, his in-your-face full-on brutish style of nasty hand-to-hand combat. One spell in particular, that she released. "Dome of Death!" Clasping her hands together, bright red-orange circle of power beneath her feet, a swirling mass of blackness, veined with reds and oranges appeared high in the sky. It fell, dropping straight onto the Matured Darkspot that was the town, looking to obliterate everything with its magical power.

However, the Mirrored Demon stopped it, stepping before the massive explosion, and blocking its power with his mirror-face. Sparks of magic bouncing all around him, eventually the explosion from her spell was sucked up into that endless reflective face of his. The Demon Lord then crawled forward, and pointed his face in her direction.

"Unh!" Letitia gasped, and leaped away, as a big, nasty black and orange beam of magic fired from his mirror, shredding the cobbled stones, ground, dead grass, and destroyed rubbly-buildings as it sought her out. Leaping away, Number Four landed, and drew a few symbols in the dust, cutting herself gently on her arm on purpose, she let blood leak down into those etched symbols. "Whips of the Master!" she called out, slapping her hand down on it, powering her spell.

Tendrils of bright orange sprung from the ground, and reached out, wrapping harshly around the Demon Lord, searing his flesh as soon as he was caught. They continued to wrap around him, pulling him closer to the ground, strangling him in their power harder and harder. The spell had no chance to contain him. Within a second, the Demon vanished, and appeared right behind Letitia. His leg swung and he kicked her across the town, as her body skid along the ground. The Demon Lord's onslaught continued. Without allowing the Witch any rest, he picked her up off the ground, and threw her up in the air. Following her, he landed several punches and kicks, that released ear-splitting-gong-like booms; sound from each hit rang out across the forest, coupled with huge shock-waves. Yet she endured. "Heh heh heh, impressive," he breathed, before taking both fists, flipping, and slamming down against her midsection. Hearing the shrill cry from the girl brought joy to his demony ears, while his attack sent her flying like a whistling meteor at the ground below.

Her impact was like said meteor, destroying the remainder of that entire town, leaving not a single building intact, debris, rubble, rock, and dust spread out from her impact like an explosion had just occurred.

Alighting on the nearby earth, noticing she was still alive, the Demon Lord spoke, seemingly very dazzled by the girl's tenacity. "Wow, you're a glutton for punishment, aren't you Witch?" He snarled out, his voice the same hollow, metallic-sounding, spine-chilling tone. "Heh heh heh heh. Yes, yes, yes, I know of you. I remember now." His voice carried on, watching her struggle to pull herself up out of the center of the crater, grunting with effort, and now bleeding from some injuries he had caused. "Belial gave you high praise, Letitia-san. Indeed, you are a very interesting opponent. He venerated you, but it's still stunning how you are able to even stand after my attacks!"

Letitia managed to find her footing, standing before him, facing him proudly. Then it registered. "Wait. You said 'Belial'. You spoke with Belial?" Quickly, her face switched from one of surprise, to one of haughty confidence. "You shouldn't have mentioned that!" In truth, she should've already contacted him; that was her mistake. She knew to contact him immediately, when faced with a threat like this. However, it had escaped her mind somehow.


She called deep within herself.

Belial! Do you hear me?

Yes, girl. I can hear you.

You see this Demon before me?

You mean, Ao Meira?

Hehe, thanks, Belial.

Anytime, my Letitia.

Her eyes glimmered, and her bloody lips curled into a smirk of satisfaction. Placing her hands on her hips, she spoke defiantly, "Ao Meira." 

Instantly, as his name was leaving her lips, Ao Meira was struck in the chest with intense pressure. He fell to the earth, knee slamming into the ground, fighting the effort to collapse. He spoke with Belial about this particular Witch, but he hadn't grasped that they'd be contracted to each other. If he had known, then there was no way he would've spoken the words he had. In hindsight, it now seemed completely reasonable to suspect she was his contracted Witch. "Heh... Well, so you know my name. Big deal. Even if you know my name, I'm still here in the physical world! You'll still have to overpower me!" His response was muffled from his concentration to stand back up, but his words were stricken with intense anger.

"That's true, but now that I have your name, my attacks will be far more effective. Also, as soon as those two find your gateway, and severe the link, I'll be able to banish you with a one-way ticket back to your own little rotting, festering, stinking hell," Letitia snarled back. Glaring down his mirror-face, while the two faced-each other, she felt a new resolve deep inside, and magic power swirled around her. "Round two, Ao Meira?"

"Bring it on Witch."

@FrostFire @JPax
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@Broncos @Chain of Memories (MCRP) @Shiro Kurogane

Elissa caught on to what Avon said and how he introduced her to them. She nodded her head to the two newest guests, her guard not going down despite the introduction. Her grip on Avon's arm tightened even though she knew they were on the same page. She tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear and returned the hand to the other side of her Master's arm. His confidence in what he was doing has always been one of the main reasons Elissa liked him.

As Avon presented his preposition, Elissa looked sharply up to him with a facial expression that were to say 'What the hell are you doing?!'.  The two girls just so happened to stumble upon his castle at the same time, are just learning magic, asking stupid questions that everyone who is a witch knows the answers to, but yet they supposedly don't know each other and have no plans with Avon and his castle - it was all a coincidence. This situation was extremely unlikely in Elissa's eyes, and here her Master is inviting the two to destroy the Coven with them.
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Lilith a.k.a Lucinda glanced at the new woman who'd latched onto Avon's arm. she must be his lover.. She thought to herself but kept her pure, seemingly clueless smile pasted on her face. Suddenly Her courier's voice entered her head. Lilith internally smiled at having cast a spell to bind her consciousness to the old courier's seeing as he would know what Elissa looked like.

"there. that woman...," There was a slight pause, "that should be Elissa." The man said and followed up with "I've done what you wanted. so unbind my consciousness from yours." 

thank you. and yes, I'll release you now. "break." Lucinda whispered quietly to herself in a way the made it look like she was whispering 'wow' to herself as she admired the castle's inside. The word triggering the release of one of the many spells Lilith had cast before hand. She hadn't gotten to being ranked ninth by being a fool. "this placed looks just as big on the side as it does the outside!" Lilith exclaimed, shaking Amelia's arm like an excited child. Lilith kept her smile in place even as Avon blatantly lied to her. "nice to meet you, Angelica." Nine greeted casually. Lilith cocked an eye at Avon after he mentioned the Coven and waited for him to finish speaking before asking, "what's the Coven?" She asked with what sounded to be genuine confusion and curiosity.

@Broncos @Chain of Memories (MCRP) @VoodooXOXO
I looked, wide eyed, at Xerena. "We need to leave. Now. This whole place is going to be obliterated.", I came out of my shield, the mental attacks were much less potent, and I thought I could handle it. I ran to the outside of the village, trying to get away from the battle so as not to get injured from backlash or something. 

I stood quite a way from the village, and looked around frantically. I was too slow...

"Xerena! Do you think you could teleport around, and see if you can find the entrance to the underground cave where this portal is? I'm too slow.....", we were desperate, and her powers were perfect for something like this.

@JPax @Thalia_Neko

(Sorry it's so short! :( )
Avon chuckled and said "Do you take as a fool, Miss Lucinda? Or better yet, Miss Lilith,". He then smiled at the two and said "So, you can stop being stupid with me. I know you just said the word "break" and that is a common word used that unbinds a conscious will. So, please stop acting stupid with me and acknowledge that you are her because I know you are her,". He then stopped and turned around right before they entered. "Now," Avon told the two "Tell me, do you know what the Coven has done? It has made many transgressions including taking in people under its wing that hate and killing them if they don't. An old friend was killed because of them so, I have an offer: Join me, and we will smite the evil of the Coven and who knows, we might save some people while we're at it,". Meanwhile, he gave Elissa a "Calm down" look

@VoodooXOXO @Chain of Memories (MCRP) @Shiro Kurogane


Xerena flicked her wrist. Teleporting did consume energy but the more she did the more efficient each one was before the last. Looks like this was an all or nothing move. "Yeah, I can do that..." A slightly worried look crossed her face and she put her palm to the ground. Red patterns of arrows appeared on the ground, all in one great arch. Xerena put her foot on the arrow and her entire body disappeared, leaving a trail of red particles. "Entrances....entrances...where...aha!" On the sixth teleport, Xerena found a pretty large entrance. She warped back to Morrigan and pointed into the distance. "I don't want to make you walk. Do you want me to...t-teleport you?" Xerena knew it might not actually work, but maybe if Morrigan allowed it there was a chance. 

A steely look of determination crossed my face. "Yes. We must be as quick as possible. We cannot be responsible for 4's death.", I was deadly serious. I could hear everything that was happening, and it sounded as if Letitia was being thrashed. 

We had to hurry, otherwise a fellow witch could die, and we would be responsible. The coven would be incredibly upset if they lost 4, and I wouldn't be surprised if we were severely punished...


(Sorry it's so short... Again....)


Xerena grabbed Morrigan's hand and a red aura surrounded the two. Then, for the first time, another witch got to see the secrets of Xerena's teleportation. The ground seemed to flex and bend in their eyes and the sky was seen under their feet. And then the two were flipped up and down, twice, before the solid of the ground could be felt once again. 

Xerena looked to the entrance, but kept ahold of Morrigan just to make sure she didn't fall. "If that damned darkspot bends space, I can't teleport near it. We have to continue on foot." She began making her way into the cave, though a bit reluctant, seeing as Xerena had no light.



Sound. Vibrations in the air. Iris perked up from her spot on a dead tree when she heard something from a mile away. She looked and felt something powerful, more powerful than just sound. A challenge maybe? Should Iris interfere? Yeah, interfering sounded like a decent plan for now. 

Iris's left foot touched the ground first, making no audible sound. Everything seemed so still as she walked towards the site of the noises. Iris narrowed her eyes and focused hard on the location. She had keen senses, and the ability to bend light came in handy every day. Iris's right foot still hadn't hit the ground, but once it did she went forwards in blinding speeds. Two trees even parted as she came to sense the powerful being. A demon. 

An invisible shield surrounded Iris as she increased her already supernatural speed. The shield and Iris approached the demon from behind. Not only could the shield block attacks, but should the demon hit it, he would feel the force of his own punch. This in turn worked offensively, so a direct hit to the back would do...quite a lot.

@Thalia_Neko @FrostFire
I swayed a little, feeling as if I might throw up.

"Ugh... How do you do that?!?! I'd probably be violently sick after the second time.....", I took a few deep breaths, and felt much better.

I got out Blueflame, and the light of the torch illuminated the whole cave, leaving not a trace of shadow behind. Blueflame was always best at illuminating closed off spaces, and anything coming at us, we would see from a distance, and would probably shy away from the bright, pure light.

I walked forwards, going in front, as I had the light, and offensive capabilities.

Racking my brains, I decided that the other witches input would help, although she probably knew just as much, if not less, than I.

"Do you know how we could destroy this thing? I assume there will be quite a few demons around it, so I may have to fight them off, while you destroy the portal... Or visa versa.", we really didn't have much to go off of, and I was rather annoyed that the Coven had kept such life saving information from us. Surely we were high enough rank, that we might come across such a thing? Myself and Xerena certainly had... I would have to make a case, for all witches above rank 20 to be given this information. If we all came out of this in one piece, that is.

Glowing black and orange, sparking with red, powerful protective magic surrounded Letitia, keeping her encased in a protective magical barrier. She slammed into Ao Meira over and over again, with each blow resounding like thunder, shaking the immediate area. Casting yet another spell, large black orbs floated in the air, veined with red-orange molten spiderwebs. "Orbs of Blasphemy!" She shouted, three orbs ascending into the air. Each one was about the size of a large bush, they each continuously fired powerful magical beams, that cut swathes of dark magic through the ground, each time Ao Meira dodged them. He was good at dodging them, using insane speed that appeared as if he instantly blinked around the battlefield. In fact, the frenetic pace of their fight meant that he hardly noticed another Witch coming to interfere. Letitia as well, was with him on that, so entirely focused on the powerful Demon Lord before her.

For those other two Coven witches, 13 and 14, the place looked like a crater of rubble for the most part. The town that had once existed there, was now almost completely gone, evaporated by the duel of powerful magic before them. Letita slid back after blocking an attack by Ao Meira, "Grr.. What are those two idiots doing?!" she growled in annoyance, still not aware of another high-ranked Witch that had joined the scene. Hadn't they found his portal yet? If they didn't hurry... It would finish transferring his entire existence here, and he'd become whole. Ao Meira then wouldn't need the portal to link to, and he'd be free to leave this area. Who knows where he'd go? "Hurry," she said under her breath, before small black and orange circles circled around her arms. She didn't seem to realize that Lesser Demons had already taken up arms around Ao Meira's portal, protecting it with their meager existences.

"Profane Laser," Letitia intoned calmly, holding out her hands and firing dark-magic rays like the orbs that remained in the air. "Tch..." Ao Meira continued to dodge them. Knowing his name was supposed to make her spells more powerful against him! But if he dodged each one, then what did it even matter? Finally, she landed a solid strike with one of the beams on his side, searing a glowing patch of smoking orange across his flank, which caused Ao Meira to howl out in pain.

Seeing her chance, Letitia launched forward, with magically powered enhanced speed and strength. Her small fist sunk into his chest, in much the same way his had to her, earlier, and she sent him flying upward. Appearing above him, mimicking his movements, her hand formed into her next attack; with her pinky and ring finger pressed against each other, her middle and index finger pressed against each other. Her hand turned a shiny obsidian color, "Dragon Claw!" She shouted, eyes furious, powerful Destruction magic infused in her hand as it shaped like that. Sparking with red bolts of magic, she slammed it down into Ao Meira's chest.

Ao Meira let out a scream of agony, feeling the powerful effects of her 'Dragon Claw' spell seething through his midsection. With the force, Letitia brought him all the way to the ground, and smashed into it, making yet another crater.

"Heh heh heh," Ao Meira's laughter rang out, before Letitia's body was sent flying out of the crater with a powerful blow. He followed it up, by grabbing her flying form, and slamming her face-down into the ground, flying forward dragging her like that. Seeing the light of consciousness begin to ebb from the Witch within his grasp, he flipped her over, and left her laying on the ground, facing the sky. He snaked his form creepily over her, and placed his mirror-face in front of her eyes. It took only a moment for his power to take hold, and he slowly crawled off of her, standing upright at his well-over 7 feet.

Pain made Letitia's body throb with intensity, and she found it hard to move. Disgusted, even as Ao Meira crawled over her, she could do basically nothing about it. Within moments, he positioned her reflection over her and her eyes widened. She faintly heard, "Witness your inner being, and lay waste to yourself," before the dark-haired Witch found herself plunged into darkness. She was not nearly as strong as Xerena in this regard...

@JPax @FrostFire
When Lilith asked what the Coven was, Elissa couldn't contain her amusement. As much as she tried not to, a laugh of disbelief managed to escape her mouth. She raised her eyebrows, still smiling, and looked directly at Lilith. "You try way to hard to seem clueless, dear," she chuckled and looked up towards Avon, now. As he called them out, Elissa nodded her head in agreement. This quality about her Master is what originally made her listen to him. He is upfront and brutally honest with people, and the witch absolutely adored that in him. 

@Broncos @Shiro Kurogane
Amelia looked around the castle a little bit and then to Lilith, wondering if she was as surprised about this place as she was. After all, Amelia was still relatively new to this craft and didn't know much about the Coven or anything else in the magic world. Elissa seemed to be an interesting character, the way she looked at them. It kind of made chills go down her spine, and she wasn't sure why. Her mother had warned her about many things in life, but nothing about a Coven or anything like that. "Excuse me, I legit don't know anything about all this Coven business... I'm literally relatively new to this craft." She stated as she looked between Elissa and Avon. When they picked up on something that Amelia hadn't she looked at Lilith curiously. What was all of this? Why did everything feel so confusing to her, and why was she so anxious? Well, she could probably identify an answer for one of those questions. A pit had formed in her stomach, and while she was listening to the proposition she wasn't sure what to say, who to side with.

@Broncos @Shiro Kurogane @VoodooXOXO
Lilith blew out a bored sounding sigh. All traces of her earlier innocence disappeared to be replaced with an annoyed look. "well you could have kept up the act. I was having fun acting the part of a clueless beginner... no offence, Amelia." Lilith patted the flame girl's shoulder. Amelia's confused look didn't seem to faze Lilith. Then she turned to Elissa and replied with, "I'll keep that in mind for next time, dear Elissa." Lilith smirked, "you know the Coven really does want you back." She told Elissa with a tone of uncaring nature. Nine had stumbled across a girl wanted by the coven and a girl who seemed to have recently awakened her fire magic. "don't worry about it Amelia, for right now you aren't involved in the current argument." Lilith pats the other girl's shoulder again, this time comfortingly. "now back to the matter at hand, Avon." She said, turning to look at the man again. "you can hand Elissa over to me and by extension the Coven, the easy way. or we can do things the boring way a.k.a the hard way." Nine sighed again and finally stopped hugging onto Amelia's arm. She'd need to be able to move if a fight was to happen. Plus she'd heard the rumours about Avon and his brand of magic. 

Lilith pretty much knew the answer to her question before she'd even finished. No one ever did anything the easy way. It was like, against the villain's code or something. And with Amelia there who likely wouldn't be able to manage much against Avon, aside from possibly a few surprises since fire could be really destructive, Lilith would have to keep her out of harm's way as well as herself too. Thankfully she still had her four previously set spells, two of which were counterspells and the other two were...experimental? Lilith had yet to play around with those two spells since she recently learned them. Hence the reason for a failsafe. "Amelia sweetie, you may want to stand back behind me a bit if a fight starts."

@Broncos @Chain of Memories (MCRP) @VoodooXOXO
Amelia looked at Lilith curiously, could she trust this woman? Well, who could she trust here? She had literally just met all three of these people, and it was a bit difficult to even follow what was going on. She didn't know anything about this Avon person, Elissa, or Lilith. She didn't know which side was supposedly supposed to be bad, and which side was supposedly supposed to be good. "Will you explain all of this to me afterwards?" She questioned looking at her as she really wanted to learn more about this Coven, and she was certain she was going to trust Lilith more than this Avon character. She had experienced dark magic in her first few years of having these powers, and the power didn't much appeal to her. She honestly wanted someone to teach her how to use her powers for good. She wanted someone who was going to actually take the time to teach her more about her powers. She was certain that Avon was not that person, that Lilith and this Coven entity could help her more. "A-Alright." She said looking at Lilith and taking steps behind her. She felt like she could trust Lilith, and she hoped that her instincts were correct.

@Broncos @Shiro Kurogane @VoodooXOXO
Elissa took both hands off of Avon's shoulder, took a step to the side to give him and herself some personal space, and folded her arms. She blinked slowly and paused before considering answering Lilith. "I'm not going anywhere," she replied with an attitude behind her voice and shook her head. 

"It's my life and I'm allowed to what I please with it. This is so typical of the Coven; thinking they have control over every being on this Earth and how they live. This," she rolled her eyes then gave a confident, taunting smile,"is exactly the reason I wanted to leave from the minute I got in." Elissa looked over to Avon. "I'm glad I met Master; he gave me the courage and confidence to leave. If I have to be honest with you, Lilith, I was only part of the Coven because I was scared of what they would do to me if I disagreed with anything they forced me to believe. Thanks to Master, I acquired the bravery I needed to in order to get myself out." She knew exactly what she was doing. The smart girl was still skeptical about Amelia's lack of knowledge on the Coven, but if it were a genuine oblivion to it and she truly didn't know anything about it, Elissa could convince her to take their side without directly telling or asking her to. Everything she said was definitely true and nothing that would be new information to either Avon or Lilith for that matter. Simply saying it out loud for Amelia to hear was all that needed to be done.

@Broncos @Shiro Kurogane @Chain of Memories (MCRP)
Avon gave Lilith a cold stare but gave a warm smile to Elissa. "Exactly, my little star," he told her. He would not surrender Elissa under any circumstances. He then chuckled and said "You ask for every single witch to join the Coven. You give them two options: Join or die. Sure, you might do some good, but what happens to the witches you kill or the people you leave behind,". He then pointed to Hamlot and said "See that village? It used to be under the control of a consumed witch. Now, the Coven did clear her out and if they helped the village, that would've been fine. However, they left with them not a shred of government. It was lawless and only I was able to bring back order. There is a reason why the people hate the Coven in these parts,". He then turned to Ameila and said "Ameila, you are quite the mystery. I have never seen a girl with such a mysterious backstory and this is coming from a man who has tried to obtain a deep understanding of the Collective and Coven. So, tell me, will you side with me or will you side with murders?". A tear came down from his eye has he remembered his friend that had fallen that caused all of this to happen

@Chain of Memories (MCRP) @VoodooXOXO @Shiro Kurogane
The second Elissa saw the tear in Avon's eye, she dropped her defensive stance. She looked up for her eyes to meet his and hold a steady, reassuring gaze, but her glance darted around his face; from his eyes, to his lips, to the tear streaming down his check, and back to his eyes. 'No, no no.. Not now,' she thought to herself. She was supposed to be strong and on the defense right now; they were being confronted in their own home by a Coven witch who is either going to take her back and away from her Master, or kill her and her soul will be separated from her Master. She hates when her emotions and feelings get in the way of her responsibilities. Elissa stood up on her tip-toes to become eye level with Avon, looked him as steadily in the eye as she could bear, gently caressed his face with her hand and wiped the tear away with her thumb. She took her hand away and came back down to normal height.

Flicking the tear off of her finger, her hand began to heat up. Elissa's anger and protectiveness often got to her, and this typically leads to uncontrolled magic. Small balls of white light began shooting down her arm. They traveled from her bicep muscles downward, pausing to dance at her fingertips before leaving contact with her flesh and dispersing into the air. 

@Broncos @Chain of Memories (MCRP) @Shiro Kurogane
Lilith gave a quick glance to Amelia and gave a normal, genuine smile. "yes, i will." She answered the girl's question and looked back at Elissa and Avon. Now She turned back to Avon and Elissa who were currently spouting their own bullshit version of justice and what was 'good and evil'. Except Lilith didn't believe in justice or good and evil crap. "The Coven's methods may be 'evil' to you two. But i don't really care for all that crap. If you ask me, there is no absolute evil and no absolute good. your reason to fight the Coven is probably for some petty revenge or grudge." Lilith spoke like someone who was much wiser than she appeared. Which technically she was. "now let me ask you, you see your way of doing things as correct. but to others, you could be considered evil. The terms 'good' and 'evil' are subjective to everyone."

Lilith sighed, "the only thing that matters is actions. although, even that alone is enough to cause some to think you are evil. so tell me, how are 'good'? how do you figure your cause is just? the answer is you can't. Humans all have their own set of ideals they either follow or abandon for whatever reason." Lilith sighed, she always hated being told why someone was 'good' and why either herself, other witches, The Coven, Apostates.. ect, were all evil. It was the surest way to make Lilith rant about the subjectiveness of such terminology.  "seems i've talked a bit too much. Amelia dear, i hope you listened to my words closely. you'll have to resolve yourself against such things if you choose to delve deeper into the world of magic."

@Broncos @Chain of Memories (MCRP) @VoodooXOXO
Amelia looked at Lilith, now she was unsure who to trust. If she was being honest both sides were seeming pretty bad here, but she had a choice, she always had a choice of what to do, but could she remain without help? No, not really, she barely understood her powers and the entire magical world. She knew the world wasn't so black and white, no one was all bad, and no one was all good. She had a difficult decision to make here though, as both people seemed to want her, but could she really trust herself around other people? Maybe she should just turn back now and return to the person who had been previously teaching her about her powers? No, it wasn't much of an option, seeming as the person who had been helping her was dying. She kind of backed herself away from both of groups, and she was holding a necklace around her neck, that had pictures in it, of people that she didn't even remember. The person teaching her had told her that it was of her family, but she had no proof of the sort. She didn't know what decision to make in this choice, and she was worried that her options were slowly closing. "I-I don't think I can really give an answer to a question when I don't have all the facts." She commented, as that was a very true answer. Without all the facts, she felt like her answer would be bias towards who she thought could help her most, and while that seemed to be Avon, she couldn't deny that he had this odd feel to him... a feel she didn't like at all.

She then listened to Lilith and bit her lip a little. She could completely agree with her statement that both actions are just from different stand points. It wasn't all black and white at all. "I am listening to both of you, but I have no idea... I'm new and out of the loop on all of this magic world stuff... I have always wanted to learn more about the world of magic, ever since I got these powers." She admitted looking at Lilith as she played with her necklace a little bit. It was the only thing keeping her from freaking out right now, as she knew if she didn't calm down she would just go ablaze and harm more people, and that wasn't something she wanted.

@Broncos @VoodooXOXO @Shiro Kurogane
Elissa could tell how flustered Amelia was beginning to get. She shot a look at Lilith. "All of you Coven witches are the same," she spat angrily, yet her eyes were soft with compassion, "Look what you do." She turned her attention to Amelia and saw her clutching onto her necklace. She could see that the necklace had meaning to the new witch, just as Avon had meaning to her. The magic orbs that were dancing around her arm began to decrease in number and appear less rapidly until they stopped completely.

"Amelia, darling," Elissa gave her a warm and compassionate smile, as she resonated with the feelings of uncertainty. "I'm not asking you pick your side right this second. I... I understand how difficult this is, how fast this is all happening, and especially how pressured you may feel. From my," she paused then looked at Avon, "I mean, our side, you're not expected to know right in this moment when you don't even know all of the facts or how to control your magical abilities just yet." She took a hesitant step forward towards Amelia, glanced back at her Master to give him an I'm sorry look, then turned and took a few more steps while outreaching her arm to shake hands with the new witch. Elissa hoped to make amends with her for pressuring her and making her feel uncomfortable.

@Broncos @Chain of Memories (MCRP) @Shiro Kurogane
Lilith's look of neutrality didn't falter under Elissa's glare to her. Instead, she shrugged and commented with, "lets not forget that i said she wasn't a part of this situation... that was until you two decided to drag her into it". Lilith watched as Elissa attempted to calm the young, budding pyromancer. She had no problems up until Elissa tried to approach the girl. Lilith may not know how exactly Avon's magic worked. But she wasn't taking the risk of that magic being transferable through touch. "i believe thats close enough, Elissa. protection of void!" Lilith cast the spell that encased Amelia in a dome of protection that reflected most things, people included. If Elissa bumped into that wall, she'd be sent flying back into the walls of the castle.

"actually, come to think of it, we've gotten off focus here. Amelia dear, this may be scary for you. but you'd be better off away from here." Lilith's tone had taken on an almost motherly quality as she spoke softly. "Void, power over nothingness, that which life begins and ends. Accept this lost lamb into your gentle embrace." As Lilith finished the chant, tendrils of black that were darker than any shadow snaked up Amelia's body, encompassing her. Then suddenly, Amelia was just gone. Like a puff of smoke. The transportation magic would leave Amelia far outside the town. "there, now she is safe and we can continue our talk." Lilith commented, having refocused on Avon.

@Broncos @VoodooXOXO 

@Chain of Memories (MCRP) (was this too much?)
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Amelia looked to Elissa and then to Lilith nervously. She certainly didn't want anything to happen to herself, and hearing Elissa's words she wanted to desperately believe what she was saying, but she found herself very distrustful of what she was saying. She then looked at Lilith and got nervous when she found herself inside a but she wasn't there long it seemed, didn't even get to voice her opinion. She found herself outside the town and turned around to look back at the castle and took a deep breath. "Alright, I don't want to go back there... duly noted." She said to herself and looked around. Should she wait for the other girl, Lilith, or should she run? No, she was going to wait because she had questions for Lilith when she got here, but maybe she should hide, so if anyone came looking for her they couldn't find her? Yup, that sounded like a good idea. She'd hide behind one of the trees in order to keep herself safe. She ran into a nearby forest that surrounded the town and quickly hid behind a tree and looked at her hands... okay, she was good. She hadn't set them on fire and she hadn't accidentally hurt anyone, which was the biggest concern for her.

@Shiro Kurogane (Was all good! Sorry, was busy!)


Iris had felt too much silence from Letitia and knew this was her time to do something. Either now, or the older witch was going to suffer at the hands of the demon. She realized the position of the demon was to the advantage of the attacker, and being completely silent gave Iris an edge. The first thing the witch did was amp up her brain speed to one thousand times the normal. It could seriously injure her, but now was a time she could easily react to attacks of all sorts. Iris darted about noiselessly, setting up traps on all edges. However, they were no normal traps. In fact, once she set them, magic couldn't be really detected in the area. Physics traps were the best.

Iris finally was ready to attack. She silently cast a spell to increase the strength of her muscles by redirecting both her power and the bounce back effect from hitting something. That meant she could deliver devastating physical attacks. As Iris ended up behind the demon with her leg outstretched, her eyes met Letitia's and something reminded Iris that she was doing it for the good. Iris's own eyes narrowed at the back of the demon as a kick, powerful enough to tear through half a mountain, was thrusted towards the demon.

Her surprise attack had the desired effect, and after a sharp kick struck her opponent, Ao Meira was sent flying away from the body of Letitia. He flipped in the air, and halted right dead center of the destroyed town, floating there, focusing on his new adversary. He spoke up, "Ah, who have we here? Another simpleton putting herself before my brilliance?" Ao Meira spoke in a cocky tone, his mirror-face glinting in the light. "Though you have less magic power than the other Witch.." If he had a face, his facial motions would reveal his inflated ego, and arrogant thoughts. The Demon Lord cracked his neck back and forth, before cracking his fingers and forming a battle stance. "You also don't know my name. Good luck little Witch."

He nodded to Letitia, who was laying on the ground, eyes white and wide-opened. Her body was completely still. "Quickly, now. You wouldn't want her mind to melt before you defeat me, now would you? Heh heh heh heh heh!"


Letitia was falling and falling and falling, through endless darkness, that surrounded her oppressively on all sides. Within seconds she struck solid ground, only illuminated by a strange white light that seemed to follow her. Groaning from the impact, the Witch pushed herself up, and looked around. Eyes only being met with complete and utter darkness. Where was she?

Standing up, and smoothing down her outfit, Letitia once again made note of her surroundings. Black darker than her hair reached out into the distance all around her. Suddenly, she noted something in the very dimness just beyond her sight. What was that? "Hey!" She called, hand extended. "Hey!!" she hollered again, before taking off running after whatever she could see in the distance.

"Hey! Can you hear me?! Over here!" Letitia yelled, now sprinting after whatever it was. As she neared it, her legs slowed, beginning to understand what she was looking at. A ghost from her past.

@JPax @FrostFire

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