First Arc (rp here)

Letitia listened to the both of them. Both were equally annoying in their own rights. Xerena -14- was sickly nice, and Morrigan -13- was sickly calm. Their resentment towards the shorter, black-haired witch was apparent. Even if they tried to hide it behind niceness, and levity. She was rank 4, and sure, maybe they should be jealous, but she was that rank for a reason! It meant she had more experience and more magical strength. They aught to be more respectful!

Sighing audibly, she shook her head, "A werewolf? No of course I'm not here for that. A child could deal with it," she grumbled, in annoyance. Well clearly, a child couldn't deal with a werewolf, she was exaggerating, but she was exaggerating to emphasize the ease of the job given 13. "Oh, perceptive," she replied sarcastically, staring ahead at the ghost town before them. Shacks drab, closed off. No signs of life anywhere. Creaky window panes broken and hanging by loose splinters. "Yes, clearly, that is why I'm here, 13! Now if you really want to learn something, I'd suggest watching me. But -oh kay, fine- let's deal with your werewolf first. Any ideas where it's at?"

@JPax @FrostFire
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"Hamlot and Naden," Avon chuckled "You know, a villager from Nadon told me their story. Basically, some sort of consumed witch ruled this are as it's warlord for quite a while until the Coven came in and killed her. The villages fell into-". He then heard a loud banging on the door. "God," Avon said "Whoever banging is loud," as he began to leave the roof. He liked telling his stories, especially to Elissa as she was a very good listener. He eventually reached the door and opened it to see two demons and Tyson. He smiled and said "Tyson, great to see you again! I see you made your first conrtact, eh?"

@VoodooXOXO @Jefferson

(Tyson dismissed his angels)

"No actually I've had my contracts for a long time now." Tyson smiles back at Avon "you asked to see me correct? What is going on?" He asks in a deep voice trying to change the focus off of him. 
I smiled. Perhaps I had been a little too harsh on the higher witch.

I deliberated for a moment, "Hmmm... No idea. I only just got here myself. Perhaps in a cave or cellar somewhere?", I wasn't quite sure where werewolves liked to spend their afternoons... "Are you any good at sensory or tracer magic, Letitia? Oh... Well I suppose you would be good at most.", I corrected myself. Silly me.

I was still on edge, and it showed through in my voice, even though I tried my best to hide it.

The area was foreboding, I could give it that... I hoped that whatever the death was, that it hadn't made the werewolf... Stronger? No, that was ridiculous. I doubted very much that something like that would happen. But still, I would prepare for the worst, just in case.

@JPax @Thalia_Neko

(Sorry, I'll change it. Also, sorry for the quote, I'm on mobile)

"Yes, please come in," Avon said motioning his friend to come inside. He had known this man since his departure from the Collective and knew he was a very valuable ally and friend to have. He continued to walk inside and said "So, I've spruced up the place since that Consumed Witch used to run it. So, tell me, what has happened to you in the past few weeks?". Avon then got out a cask of wine and poured them each a couple of drinks while saying "Also, I took in a Coven woman under my wing. Actually, speaking of her,". He then shouted "Elissa, our guest is here!"

@VoodooXOXO @Jefferson


Xerena sighed. Rank wasn't a thing she considered at all until Letitia started behaving like she did. Sorry, but Xerena had no tolerance for angst and brooding. "Here, I'll go find it." She touched the ground and several red circles with arrows appeared around the town. Xerena stepped into one and appeared in the next one. "Nope." 

This went until she stepped into a multi-arrowed thing appeared. To the eyes of the two other witches, there were eleven Xerenas spread out around the town, flickering wildly. They all replied in unison. "I found a body!" And then Xerena appeared in front of them again as the red runes dissipated. "There's...a body. Fresh bite marks here, here, and here." Xerena pointed out where the body was bit. Leg, stomach, then neck. "It's also a bit of a walk. And before you ask, no, I won't teleport you." It was all within reason too. If someone was despised, in the least bit, by Xerena, they could end up injured really bad should they be teleported. On top of that, Xerena took a lot of energy to teleport others. She was going to walk with them.

@Thalia_Neko @FrostFire
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Staring at 13, Letitia listened to her with some trepidation. A cave, or cellar, somewhere. "Oh my. You're probably right. A cave or a cellar, or some other dark place. That is where werewolves tend to make their home. Your training as a witch is really shinning through," the black-haired witch continued to patronize, in her sarcastic tone.

She watched as 14: Xerena. Right, Xerena... Excerized her magic with reckless abandon. Boy, thought Letitia sourly, looking at these 'fledgling' witches. They really have no idea how to conserve their magical power. No wonder they remain at these ranks. "Really? A body?" she asked, slightly surprised. "Well, a clue, at least." Turning back to 13, she sighed, right at her face. "Really? You're asking if I can sense magic? Of course I can! Do you not realize the rank you're talking to? You that dense?" Granted, Letitia was all about blowing stuff up, and killing things. Her magic wasn't the best suited for sensory objectives, but she was still probably more capable than the two of them. "If I were to guess... This place is dying, or dead. Why would a werewolf remain around here, without any food source?" Her gaze drifted back towards where Xerena had said there was a fresh body, "Then again..."

@FrostFire @JPax 
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I ignored Letitia, trying my best not to let myself dislike her too much.

I laughed, "Awwww! I was looking forward to it.", I smiled, obviously joking. I began walking, taking on a more serious tone.

"We need to be prepared... We could get ambushed at any time.", I said. More for myself than the others. I pulled out my sword. It was very large, and incredibly sharp. It was more suited to be held with two hands, but my superior strength. I was much stronger than all the women I knew, and even most of the men. 

I began walking, the sword in one hand, wary of my surroundings. I was very much impressed by Xerena's magic, and I certainly wouldn't mind if the girl outranked me. I knew it would probably happen eventually, and I certainly wouldn't mind at all.

I swung my sword round, careful to keep away from the other two. I smiled. This sword was one of my prised possessions. It was made entirely of silver, thanks to my parents wealth. So, once I had enchanted it with magic, it was very effective against werewolves.

@JPax @Thalia_Neko


Xerena's mouth dropped open as she saw the sword. Her turquoise eyes focused on the weapon, and her mouth snapped back to its smirking face. "Strong. I'm impressed." She marveled at the weapon before turning back to Letitia. Even though Letitia was two years older than her, they were the same height. Which, did absolutely nothing since Xerena looked younger anyways. 

Xerena turned around to see barrels of apples, but only could remember the location of the corpse. She was going to play a prank and teleport the apples on top of Letita and watch them fall. She closed her eyes and touched the ground, red stemming along the ground near her feet. 

Unfortunately, things did not go as planned and Xerena only could focus on the corpse. Focus, an important aspect of teleportation. Xerena had so much focus that it even surpassed that of some Single Digits, though nobody noticed or measured it. And that's when it happened. The air cracked red and the corpse, a freshly killed 5'11 man, appeared right above Letitia's head, headed downwards. On top of that, the corpse now had an apple in its mouth! 'How the hell...'

Xerena's eyes widened and a smirk spread across her face, hoping that Letitia was still alive after... that. 

@FrostFire @Thalia_Neko
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Letitia began strolling forward into the sullen, lifeless place that was that ghost town of death. A heavy, rancid air hung about the place, and as a high-ranking witch could definitely feel the presence of something there. She sensed it, as Morrigan had suggested. However, what she sensed was not a werewolf. Oddly enough, though those were magical creatures in nature, they were harder to sense than most; due in part to their mindless nature. Magic was heavily associated with the mind, it was how witches and sages learned to not only control magic, but hide their magical presences from sensors. It wasn't quite so dramatized for werewolves though. Those beasts had no idea how to hide their presence, they merely were to stupid to even realize they had a presence; hunting by instinct alone. It was one reason they were so dangerous, and witches like Xerena, or Morrigan were dispersed to deal with them so often.

Promptly, upon stepping forward, a body appeared over her head, and began to quickly descend right on top of the short girl. Diving out of the way, Letitia scraped her hands and knees against dusty, cobbled street that lead into town. Glaring back at her assaulter, as the body hit the ground with a crunchy thud, the witch stood up, facing Xerena. With a green death-stare, she held out a hand. With reddish magical runes appearing around her arm, Letitia growled, "Vanish Form." Then quickly, reddish energy enveloped the body, and slowly it turned black, evaporating.

"Always remove bodies. Lest they return to haunt you in some way," Letitia spoke up dryly, giving the two a lesson.

@JPax @FrostFire

(Im gunna wait til others post, before I respond again <3 :) )
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I backed away from the scene quickly, a look of anguish on my face when I saw the body, teleported into the area. A young boy...

No... I can't think about that now! The memory threatened at the front of my mind, and I shoved it back. I couldn't think about it... Regardless, a sliver of the memory slipped through...

I looked on in horror, the blood was everywhere. "Gideon! GIDEON! NO!"I couldn't peel my eyes away...

Unbeknown to me, I had whispered his name, quite loudly, whilst in the memory. I usually had time to prepare myself mentally before seeing corpses like this. I knew there was a distraught look on my face, with my eyes bugging, and my jaw slack. I was almost certain Letitia would make fun of it. But I couldn't help it. My eyes were trained on the spot where the boy had landed on the ground, and a lone tear slipped from my left eye. I roughly wiped it away. I had to be stronger than this! This was why I trained, to be stronger, I had to be stronger. My face changed to a look of fury and determination, and I turned around and marched in the direction we had been going.

"Where was the body again, Xerena? Hopefully there will be a trail of blood, leading us to the beast.", my voice was dead, with absolutely no emotion in it whatsoever. My lighthearted, if somewhat forced, humour from before, vanished. It was still a polite question, and I hoped it was obvious that I meant no ill towards the girl.

@JPax @Thalia_Neko


Xerena immediately mellowed down and frowned, her previously cheerful and red atmosphere turning to a horrid shade of remorse. Although she felt no remorse for teleporting the corpse on the high ranked witch, she still felt bad about triggering memories. "H-Here, they were just behind the fourth building on the left, pointing towards the woods. It looked like the body was thrown..." She described it the best she could and walked next to 13, staying a bit too close to her for comfort but still keeping some logical distance. Xerena should have a chance to apologize later, personally, without a high ranked witch there to patronize them. "S-Should we go...?"

@Thalia_Neko @FrostFire



Lillian stretched out on her cot, still snoring softly- despite her eyes being open. 

"Sooo sleepy..." she murmured, the petite teen had a habit of talking to herself when she was sleepy.

"I wonder what time it is..?", she thought out loud as she made her way to her bedroom door. 


She stayed in the basement of one of the smaller buildings in the Coven headquarters. The witches here had been very kind to her, and this basement was all her own. It wasn't very large, per say, but it was hers. She was so grateful for that. 

Gratitude aside, it was hard to tell time down here. It was always dark!

Lillian quietly snuck through the dim lit halls, careful not to accidentally harm one of the rats who took residency in these corridors. 

Climbing up the stairs, Lillian felt a breeze sweep over her fair skin, giving her goosebumps. Someone upstairs must've left a window open. Her white nightgown was no match for the brisk air. 


There it was, the open window. Lillian ventured towards the damned thing, shivering as she did so. She got on her tip toes, and managed to just barely grasp hold of the edge and swing it shut. 

The light hitting her face told her that it was well into morning.


~Ten minutes later~


Lillian rushed out the door, pulling on her coat as she did so. She had to hurry and find out what her mission was, so she could get started on it before lunch! She had already missed breakfast, and her tummy was very angry about that. It growled as Lillian made her way to the courtyard where one of the large Bulletin boards was kept. It was at these boards that all the missions of every single witch were posted, and they were updated daily. 

Lillian scanned the board, finding her number, 12. 

Apparently her mission for the day was to... 

see 24?

That was strange. Lillian had never seen a mission like this before. Sure, she had worked with people, but the mission itself had never been to see someone. 

Well there was only one way to solve this mystery!

24 24.. who the heck is 24?


Suddenly, Lillian remembered. Number 24 was Natalia, the cosmic witch person. She had heard stories about this girl, but she had never met her. Lillian was elated! She had so many questions! This was by far the best mission ever. Now where could this Natalia person be...





Letitia eye'd the taller witch when she whispered under her breath a name of 'Gideon'. Even if it hadn't been within earshot of the short black-haired witch, Letitia still would've heard the faint hint. Magic surrounded number 4's senses at all times, including her sense of hearing. Naturally, that meant she was better at hearing, and seeing, and even smelling than witches who didn't know how to enhance their physical traits with such magic. Even though she heard the mournful whisper, indicating the girl's hidden sorrow, it was not as if Letitia herself actually cared.

"Should you go?" She repeated, with a scoff. "Uh. This appears to be 13's mission, but if you're going to aid her, then I would suggest on doing so. Obviously. Don't shirk your duties 14." The two witches next to her didn't make Letitia forget why she was here. A mission involving the death of this place was why number 4 had been deployed. It seemed like it had gotten quite out of hand. Undeterred, she turned to walk away from the other two. Surely they could handle a single werewolf together...? Besides, Letitia had already figured out what was wrong with this town and forest. She had basically figured it out, once she had laid eyes upon it. Such a thing needed to be dealt with quicker than a single werewolf.

@FrostFire @JPax
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"You are looking for me...?" a soft whisper spoke, as though the frail voice had trouble speaking. 

Just as she was thought about, the silver-haired witch was suddenly standing right behind the little girl. As though right on queue, even with no words beings spoken of the intention of finding her. Natalia had her head pointed down towards the dainty figure in a look of curiosity underneath the metal frame shackled against her head. It was like she was taking a look at something for the first time or trying to distinguish something about what she saw. It probably felt strange how she peered so intently at Lilian directly despite her eyes being completely covered, suggesting she might be seeing more than normally possible, but she didn't show any signs of noticing. 

She coughed lightly, clearing her voice. But even with this measure, her timbre was still incredibly airy and probably difficult to hear at a distance. Luckily, they were face-to-face. "Now, don't be surprised." she grinned, revealing a jarring set of mixed sharp and normal teeth. It was difficult to tell what she used them for, but she can definitely take a mean bite out of someone if she desired. She continued on, pointing to the ground where they stood, "To explain myself, I am a witch who dabbles in anything regarding the 'mind', although Fortune-telling and Clairvoyance are my most refined specialties. Hence, I came to this spot knowing you would be here at this exact time." her smile widened as she averted her outstretched finger over her shoulder, "Well, that, and I had read the board earlier today and saw you were assigned to accompany me. Fortune-telling doesn't always require magic. Sometimes just a sharp mind is all you need!~" she giggled proudly at her achievement, "You may not know about me, but I know about you." catching herself, "Umm, not that I pry on purpose... I get these visions now and then..."

As she started rambling, the young woman realized something, "Ah, sorry, where are my manners...?"

Natalia made a curt bow, her heeled boots clicking against the stone tiles as she lowered slightly. "They named me Natalia, but please, refer to me simply as 'Talia'. If you may be so kind, dearest elder sister."


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I ignored the older witches retorts, and smiled down at the Xerena. I had managed to calm myself down enough to think clearly again, even if I was still rather upset, I was trying my best to hide it.

"Yes, it's probably best... Although if the body was thrown, then the trail may be somewhere else...", I surveyed the area, walking slowly, as if I was hunting something. The opposite was probably true, considering the body was fresh... The werewolf was probably somewhere nearby, watching. Waiting. I was fully prepared for an ambush, my magic ready to take effect on the sword (named Blueflame) at a moments notice. The sword was in my right hand, and my left was extended slightly, ready to cast any spell.

I turned the corner, and saw where the body was. There was a small stain of where it had been, and, just as Xerena had said, the blood was in such a way that it looked as if it had skidded across the floor somewhat. I followed the line with my eyes, and walked in the direction it had come from. Yes, there was a small blood spurt on this building, and giant paw prints... 

"Here! We can tack it... The ground is soft, so it's paws have left a slight imprint.", I pointed, showing the younger girl. I quite liked teaching her, so much so that I would have to request to work with her more... She was a very likeable person, and I could see us getting along brilliantly.

"This blood spurt here,", I gestured, "Would suggest the victim was standing in this way,", I demonstrated the position, my back bending backwards, my head and hips facing opposite directions. "Which would indicate that the werewolf was on it's hind legs, and surpassing 2 meters (7 feet). Quite large for a werewolf.", I examined the area more, looking at every detail intently. I walked over to a tuft of fur, caught on a wooden post. "Fur... it's brown...".

It could be the same one... No, that wasn't possible.... I shook my head, I had to concentrate. I searched over the area again, finding flecks of blood stained saliva. It must be hungry still.... That wasn't good for us. I had a feeling Xerena didn't fancy becoming werewolf lunch anytime soon.

"Something must have spooked it before it could eat. Possibly us. So we have a very hungry, pissed and large brown werewolf on our hands...", I didn't want to move on just yet, in case the girl could find something else.


((This is Morrigan's sword! I forgot to put it in before... She does have more than one, but she only bought Blueflame with her, as it's the best weapon for use against werewolves.))

Letitia was slightly impressed, watching the other witches from where she stood in the center of town. A plaza of sorts, with a long-since dead fountain. Looking around, the huts and houses were just shells and skeletons of what they formerly were. The streets, once cobbled with fine stone were cracked, and malformed. The fountain in the middle could once have been a pristine, beautiful hub for the citizens there, now it was a monument to the travesty that had occurred here. Sighing feeling the weight of this entire place laid upon her shoulders, she knew, oh she knew, that she had to fix it. It was not only Letitia's duty as a witch of the Coven, but she also really wanted to, deep down; this place was just too depressing, just too upsetting.

Clapping her hands together, and closing her eyes, Letitia began her spell. She formed a few symbols with each hand, then spread her arms out wide, and released her magic. The spell would not be felt by the other witches there. Or at least its effects wouldn't. Its effects would only be seen by Letitia.

As soon as Letitia opened her eyes, her spell was in effect. Glancing around, she was able to see into this village's past. What she saw left her sick to her stomach. It was horrible. This type of thing was supposed to be prevented by witches, not cleaned up by them...
Lilith  soon found herself at the entrance of the village surrounded by dead vegetation. That alone was a bad sign but the fact that not even a single animal or small rodent was around worried her more. Normally even without plant life, as long as animals are still in the area it meant the plants would eventually regrow. And now being so close to the village now, Lilith could clearly make out the presences of Three witches. One of whom she recognized, Letitia Darkchild a.k.a number 4. The other two witches were unknown to Lilith seeing as she'd never met them before. Which within the Coven, it wasn't uncommon for members to not know of other's existence seeing as everyone were all lone wolf types.

"well... a higher rank is here... which means.." Lilith grinned, "something fun might happen here." She giggled to herself and continued into the actual town.


Xerena followed Morrigan with little question. It made sense, wanting to learn about things despite being only one rank below this woman. Xerena had made sure to follow closely just for the sake of following, and possibly learning something new. "So what are we going to do once we find this werewolf? Kill?" As she said this, a devious smile spread across her face and her eyes narrowed a bit. 

Her thoughts snapped back before she actually reached out and touched the blood. It was fresh blood, so it stained her finger a deep red. "I don't think it actually got very far. They don't leave tracks in stone, so we should hurry before they reach a cave."


(I typed this up in class lol such an evil student ;~;)
I nodded, werewolves were pests, and needed to be eliminated. "Of course, it's dangerous to other towns... It will kill again.". I smiled at her mischievously, "A cave is not a problem... To be quite honest, I prefer a cave, we can retreat if necessary, but it cannot.", it was annoying when they ran. Sometimes the case would last overnight... Although I tended to manage things before it came to that, thanks to Blueflame. I began following the tracks, and talked quietly to Xerena, keeping an eye out.

"My sword, Blueflame, has some... Special traits of it's own. It's rather cool, actually. I wonder if I'll have a chance to show you some of them... Although Blueflame is the best sword I have for werewolf jobs.", I smiled. I hoped I got to show her, even if only it's basic attacks.

We travelled around the outskirts of the forest, apparently even a mindless beast was wary of whatever had occurred here. We tracked around, following the prints. They plunged into the forest suddenly, and I examined a tree right next to the tracks.

"Look,", there was a drool of saliva mixed with blood on the tree, "It's... We're perhaps only a few minutes behind it. At most.", otherwise the blood would've begun to congeal.

"Prepare for combat. This is going to get messy.", I didn't want to fight it in the forest, we were at a disadvantage there. The canopy above created a twilight in the area ahead, and it was quite difficult to see. I sighed. Better to be completely prepared for combat now, rather than wasting valuable seconds if we were ambushed. 

I held the sword in front of me, and placed my hand on the start of the metal, on the flat side and closest to the hilt. I closed my eyes and concentrated, then, slowly dragged my hand over the sword, and, even with my eyes closed, the darkness was filled with a bright blue, almost blinding, light. As if my hand was a hilt, I drew the sword from it, and opened my eyes again. The sword was glowing a bright-white blue, lighting up the darkness. It was on fire with blue flames, which were both searing hot and freezing cold at the same time. An odd sensation indeed, to be burned and frozen at the same time. And the metal of the sword was now covered in incredibly sharp, and small, ice crystals. Giving it a rough look. It made a lot of damage if someone was impaled by it. Especially a werewolf.

"This, is why they call me FrostFire.", I breathed happily. I absolutely adored my title, it suited me perfectly.

"Are you ready?", I faced the girl, my face illuminated by the blue glow.




Xerena smiled at the weapon. " aren't you a single digit?" She knew there was more powerful magic out there, but for now it was just a matter of how to use it. Speaking of uses, Xerena had no innate offensive capabilities. Sure, she could teleport things into other things but how was she going to fight? Xerena raised her arm and the air began to glow red and pulse around it, heating up her hand and making a soft whipping noise. "I've tried teleporting the air and making it into a sort of makeshift air magic sword's pathetic." She smiled sheepishly and turned it off, picking up some rocks. Even though they could seemingly do nothing to werewolves...

A  man stood before a woman, his face red with rage. "You stupid, repulsive shrew!" he shouted, smacking her across her face. "How dare you leave the house! What did I marry you for?! Clean the damn place! It's as obscene and foul, as you are filthy!" He roughly grabbed her arm, and kicked open the wooden door to, presumably, their home. "Now get to work!" He shouted at the top of his lungs, flinging her roughly inside, causing her to collapse on the ground, with a groan, tears welling up in her eyes.

"Now don't come out until this place is SPOTLESS! Or until I tell you to! Dumb whore," he roared, grabbing the door handle, and slamming it behind her. He had unfinished business that day.

Meanwhile, the woman, crying, glanced up at the wall she was facing. A mirror was placed there. She witnessed her repulsive reflection. Once a beautiful young woman, now a shriveled, bawling mess, hair everywhere, face soured, bags under her eyes, shaky hands and arms. What had happened? Where had everything gone wrong? She stared into the mirror. Deep into the mirror. Then her eyes widened.

The man, however, was confronting another man. "What the hell was that? Why were you with Selene?" he growled, shoving the younger man against the wall of a nearby house. "What were you doing with my wife?!"

"Nothing, asshole, back off," he retorted, glaring, but turning to go. When the older man once again, shoved him against the wall. Choice words were shouted in his ear, "That's my wife! You're not to speak to her again!"

"You treat her like a slave! She doesn't want to be near you or have anything to do with you, ever!" The younger man shouted, his anger rising.

"I what?! Hold your tongue boy!" He growled, punching the man in the stomach. "She's my wife! She's mine to do with as I want! If that means she cleans my house, then fine! If that means she cleans my clothes, then fine! If that means she cleans my sh -"

The other man retaliated with a hard punch right across his face. Suddenly, an all-out brawl happened between the two. Rough kicks, hard punches, and not a few barrels or rocks were hit against each other. Then, as quick as their fight had started, it stopped, with the sounds of loud howling.

"What was that?" The younger man grunted out, breathing hard, blood dripping off his face.

"What was what?" The older man retorted, holding back a thrown punch, glancing around the village. Promptly, screams of anguish and terror rang out. Things like fights and arguments were commonplace in that town. It wasn't that unusual to hear screams either. "Bah, stupid fools can't even handle some stray mutt!"

"Stray mutt? You're the fool, old man! Didn't you hear the sounds of that horrific wail? That was no ordinary dog," The younger man replied.

"What did you say, ingrate?" He growled, ignoring screaming people, who were fleeing something, turning his fury back on the young man before him.

"I said, you stupid cur, that you're a freakin' ignoramus! There's no way that was a dog!" He shouted.

"That's it! You think you can speak to me that way? You should show some respect!" He yelled, tackling the man, smashing through the poorly-built house and continuing their fight. While outside the hut was a scene of nightmares. People were panicking, as something else ravaged their small community. A community already drenched in the blood of the pained, hurt, angry, and vile. What was once a small, homely community, was now a treacherous place, repugnant, ruled by chaos, and terror.


Letitia's spell wore off, and her whitened eyes -indicating the spell was in use- returned to normal. Before her was a run-down town, ghost-like, with the bodies of its once living residents. Now it was gone. Desolate, and dark. With only a sole werewolf hanging about. She was right. She had confirmed it. That was definitely what was wrong with this town.

A Darkspot.
I chuckled a little at her mention of my rank, "I'm not competitive at all. I'm perfectly happy with whatever rank I have... Just as long as I can practice my magic how I want, and work by my own terms, I'm good.", I smiled down at her, amused. 

"You'll probably outrank me soon. I won't mind! Hopefully we can work together after this, it's really cool being with someone else...", I frowned at how forward I was being. Why would she want to work with someone like me?

I shook my head, and slowly proceeded into the dark forest. I heard a low growling resonating through the forest. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up, as the snarling echoed around us, all around us.

Steely concentration took over me, as I saw a pair of reflective, looking almost glowing, yellow eyes. The foreboding was extreme, and I readied my weapon, swinging it, the light of it increasing. The guttural snarls intensified with the light, and the eyes, which were attached to a massive dark shadow, moved fluidly back into the darkness, and began circling us. I circled with it, moving to keep Xerena behind me at all times. 

"Xerena, if something goes wrong, teleport immediately. That is an order.", I spoke to her, keeping my eyes trained on the shadow at all times.

At the sound of my voice, the beast barked, it's hackles raised. It jumped, and lurched forward, and then retreated just as quickly, in a fake attack. I was unfazed, and it could tell. As it lunged, it's snout came into the light. It was matted with blood, and dripping with drool, it's lips peeled back, and massive yellow and red fangs fully showing. 


(This is sort of what I was going for. Warning, disturbing pictures.)




Lillian jumped, the quiet voice of woman appearing out of seemingly nowhere. This voice.. it was almost as if someone was holding it back. It was so soft, like a murmur.

Lillian guessed this might be Space Witch Lady, and her startled state quickly turned into an excited one. She turned and faced Space Lady, her eyes aglow with inquiry. Space Lady was a lot taller than poor short Lillian, so the little girl had to crane her neck to get a good look. Space 24 Lady Person had pretty white hair, -

just like me! -

And strange clothing. It  looked very heavy. A mask too, so that Lillian couldn't see her eyes.

As the Space 24 Lady grinned, Lillian noticed all sorts of cool teeth in her mouth. If Lillian was just a liiiiitle bit taller, maybe she could look closer? Oh well, nevermind that.

What snapped Lillian out of her kitten-like curious trance was 24 McSpace's mention of mind powers. 


Lillian tried her best not to explode completely and hug this lady and kiss her face and talk to her about everything ever. Oh. how wondrous! It was not everyday that you met someone who dabbled in something as rare as Mind Magic. Oh man oh man, Lillian was ecstatic. Lillian waited antsily for Space Child to stop talking, not that she wasn't interested, but that she had so many things to say and she didn't want to forget any of the important stuff.

"Hi Space Lad- uh, Natalia. Hi! I'm Lillian, but you already know that? Oh wow that's cool. I don't do clairvoyance or telepathy or any of that type of stuff-- um, um, speaking of. Magic Mind! I mean, mind magic. Mag-"

Lillian had to take a deep breath and slow herself down, this was just too good.

"I use mind magic too. I'm more of an illusionist but that doesn't matter.. you're.. like me!"

Lillian bounced up and down on her heels, trying to get all of this adrenaline out. 

"A-And sorry I don't mean to be like this I'm just excited a-aaah"

Lillian shushed herself up, eagerly awaiting Natalia's reply.



Xerena raised her hands and felt the movement of the werewolf in space, only having stepped a little to adjust her stance. Despite being a witch, Xerena was really one for getting physical with opponents. Though, humans were generally a lot weaker than werewolves. Then, Xerena remembered Morrigan's words about teleporting. "Teleport? Teleport what? Rocks? You? Us? The werewolf?!" For once, Xerena was at a loss. She knew she was unable to teleport the werewolf. Teleporting Morrigan was within question, though it might cause the older witch some discomfort. The rocks...the rocks! Xerena reached into her pocket...

Aha! In Xerena's hands, the 16 year old rank 14 witch in the Coven, who possessed an immensely versatile ability of remote teleportation, was secured the weapon of savior. Smooth, round, and glowing silver under the moonlight was it. The projectile that could work miracles against humans and beast alike! Now was Xerena's time to make it work. Taking aim...Xerena pulled her arm back and catapulted it forwards like a ball. The rock left her fingertips, taking some red energy with it. The projectile was headed straight towards the werewolf as the hope in Xerena's eyes escalated beyond recognition. It was even a look of savagery, for Xerena felt a primitive instinct that had been long forgotten by humans in the course of evolution. Simply by throwing a rock.

Letitia had suspected such a thing, when first noticing the rot, decay, and death in the forest beyond the village. Upon coming to said village, it was pretty evident that there was some sort of Darkspot located somewhere within the place. At least it would've been evident to whoever knew what a Darkspot was. That was higher level witch stuff, so she doubted even the 13 and 14 nearby knew. Now, to get down to the nitty-gritty, and locate the Darkspot that was infecting this town.

While, her fellow witches nearby searched out the werewolf, and presumably figure out a way to deal with it -she assumed they could, Letitia would have the arduous task of locating something that could be as small as a speck of sand. Sighing, the dark-haired witch walked through the place, house to house. No residents. There were bodies. Plenty of them. Some freshly killed, probably by the werewolf... though maybe by each other, with how horrible this place had gotten. She stumbled upon a caved in wooden home, upon entering it, she found two men, dead. One a lot older than the other. Both were beaten to death, by the looks of their rotting corpses. In the bathroom, she found a third body, stinkin' and covered in flies and maggots. A victim of their dispute.

"Ugh, gross," Letitia grunted, shaking her head, holding her sleeve over her nose and mouth. Exiting the place, she looked around. Where would the Darkspot be? She would have to find it soon, it had already spread its horror to far, and for to long. Narrowing her eyes, she may have already found it, previously.

Walking back over to the fountain, she glanced down at it. Within it she noticed that there was a black rot. Sludge was growing, and festering. She had found it. The Darkspot.

"Okay, let's see if I can do this..." Letitia murmured to herself, holding her arms out to her sides. She, then, formed them into an X over her chest, then began to pull them apart once again, until her hands formed an O above her heart. Instantly, dark thoughts flashed into her mind. Voices spreading through her psyche.

Kill them. Start with 13 and 14. It would be easy.

Hate them. You already do.

You've already seen it. Death. It's not hard. It's simple.

Finish it. End it.

Why not?

You're not a nice person. It wouldn't be too hard for you.

Do it.

Kill them. Kill them. Everyone.

All of them.

"Grr," Letitia groaned, shaking her head, images of bodies strew about. Bleeding. Wounded. Witches she had met before, on the ground. Innocent civilians. Demons flying in a blood red sky. "Stop it. Stop it! STOP IT!" she shouted at the voices and images in her head. Sweat had formed on her brow, and her temperature was rising. It was a good thing she had been called in for this job. Most witches didn't have the capability to fight off this type of attack. Emotional. Mental. Even physical. Her heart was beating fast, and her legs were shaking. Darkspots weren't all that rare, but often treatable rather quickly. Even just human emotion often made them disappear. Emotions like love, acceptance, empathy, and joy were enough to make them go away. However, those Darkspots that grew strong... Were an entirely different story.

And this one was strong. So strong.

The strongest Letitia had ever seen, or came across. Even she was struggling to retain herself under this dark pressure. The witch began to invoke her spell.

"Darkspot. I beseech you. Go back to the void. Rid this land of your evil. Bring life and joy back into the world." Clapping the O together, she did a motion, and raised her hands to the sky. "Heavens above, hear me. Brightspot!" With that, her magic sparked, zapping hard, and causing Letitia to stagger away with a shocked yelp. Blinking, she glanced back at her handiwork. Her eyes widened. She had gravely miscalculated.

"W-what?!" She gasped out, seeing that her spell had failed. No. It had done the opposite! It had fueled the darkness there. This wasn't any ordinary Darkspot. It was a fully Matured Darkspot! Oh no!

Magic, dark in nature, sparked out from what she had originally thought was the Darkspot. Bolts of purple energy ripped through the ground, and exploded some nearby houses. Letitia let out a few shocked screams, and avoided one of the bolts herself. Glancing underfoot, she realized her mistake, and it made her blood run cold. It was as she had said, sometimes Darkspots could be as small as a speck, other times... as large as an entire village. The fountain wasn't the Darkspot! The entire village and surrounding forest was! She breathed out in disbelief, "No way..."

The ground was completely black, and howls of anger and terror rang through the air. Purple bolts of dark energy ripped through the village, and the nearby trees. Cracks appeared in the ground. It seems she had inadvertently hyper-charged this Mature Darkspot, igniting its dark magic. If Letitia didn't act fast, this entire place would rip open, releasing darkness, only horrid, terrible feelings, and worst-of-all demons into the world. This Mature Darkspot was about to become a physical gateway to the Demon Realm.

Her previous spell had proved too weak for such a Mature Darkspot. She would have to amplify her spell to seal this one. For that... She'd need those two witches behind her. Oh no! The two witches! With the power of this Mature Darkspot, they would definitely feel its effects. "That's bad. So very very bad!" Letitia stated aloud, before taking off running to where she could sense their magic. If it was hard for her to resist, then it must've been impossible for those two. If she didn't provide aid, those two could become Awakened Beings within minutes!
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