First Arc (rp here)

Elissa listened to Avon trail off in his story, and left a soft, disappointed smile appear on her face as she watched him go to greet his guest. Just a bit longer... she hoped. She loves staying on the roof, or anywhere outdoors really, for being under the open sky is where she feels the most comfortable. Letting the breeze billow through her hair, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath in. Blissful.

Her moment of serenity was cut short when Elissa heard her name being called from somewhere in the castle. Avon was lucky he left the door to the roof open, otherwise she wouldn't have heard him. When she realized she had been lost in a day dream, she jumped to her feet, got rid of any wrinkles in her long, flowing skirt and ran her fingers through her hair to fix herself up. Elissa swiftly walked to the door, into the castle and down the stairs to see her Master and his guest sharing some wine.

Elissa leaned her shoulder against the concrete brick wall of the archway over the entrance to the dining hall where the two were gathered. Crossing her right leg over her left and putting her weight on the wall, she seemed cool and casual, yet her body language said different. She ran her fingers through her hair one more time, tugged her long sleeves down over her wrists, and folded her arms. She gave Avon's guest a warm smile, "It's wonderful to meet you, sir." 

@Broncos @Jefferson
(Sorry, I'll change it. Also, sorry for the quote, I'm on mobile)

"Yes, please come in," Avon said motioning his friend to come inside. He had known this man since his departure from the Collective and knew he was a very valuable ally and friend to have. He continued to walk inside and said "So, I've spruced up the place since that Consumed Witch used to run it. So, tell me, what has happened to you in the past few weeks?". Avon then got out a cask of wine and poured them each a couple of drinks while saying "Also, I took in a Coven woman under my wing. Actually, speaking of her,". He then shouted "Elissa, our guest is here

@VoodooXOXO @Jefferson

(Next update needs to allow you to delete quotes on mobile)

Avon turned to Elissa and said "Ah, Elissa, you're here! Elissa, this is Tyson, an old friend of mine. Tyson, this is Elissa, she's my apprentice and former member of the Coven,". He then turned toward Elissa and walked over to her, letting the heat of his body against hers as he stood beside her. He thought it might be a way to make up for ruining their conversation with the guest. Avon, giving a warm smile to Elissa, said "Do you want some wine, Elissa?". He hoped Elissa would accept and keep things casual while also hoping she didn't make things awkward by her showing her affections toward him in front of Tyson

@VoodooXOXO @Jefferson
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Lilith never made it into the town surrounded by dead vegetation. Where number four and two other witches were. Because a black hole opened up under suddenly and before Lilith could react, she was suddenly standing just outside an entirely different village, Her old man of a courier stood nearby looking pretty pleased with himself.

"I'm glad you found me. time for a mission." The old courier spoke, sounding smug.

"wait what? how?... you just used the spell i used on you before?"


"how did you learn that spell so quickly?"

"i have my ways."


"what worth would lying to you about this would i gain?"

"fine," Lilith  said the word with a finality that said the conversation was over. "so im  assuming my being here has something to do with my mission?"

"possibly. you get to search this town for the whereabouts of a Coven witch suspected of becoming an Apostate, Elissa." The old courier said with a grim tone. He'd seen so many leave the Coven and either join the Collective or become Apostates. 

"so what? im just supposed to find her or find something that could lead me to her?" Lilith asked just for clarification. "what happens if i end up finding her?"

"if you find her and she is willing to let you escort her back to the Coven. Then you are to just bring her to headquarters and she questioned. if she is unwilling and attacks, you are permitted to use force."

Lilith sighed, "alright. got it. search for Elissa and bring her back, force or no force. and im assuming if she's become a consumed witch that i can deal with her however i want?" She raised an eyebrow at the old courier. Who just responded with a nod and left using a type of travel magic. "welp... lets go!" The girl also known by the title Voidwalker cheered to herself and headed into the town. A large castle stood in the distance and that's where Lilith decided she would start her search.

@Broncos(is this okay?)
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Emily woke up in a bed of leaves. It was a nice bed, especially since it was set up by Xerena. How nice of her! The ten year old rolled on her side and looked at the barren trees. Somehow, this made her bed far more comfortable knowing it was special. She scrambled to the tree to see a teddy bear. Immediately wrapping the bear into a hug, Emily leaned against the tree and pushed her messy hair out of her face. "Don't worry Napoleon, we're gonna find Xerena." She turned the heavy bear to face herself, who just replied with a cold and lifeless derp face. Although, Emily understood the animal. She put Napoleon under her arm and began a walk towards the town that Xerena went off to.

Most witches distrusted or patronized the little zapperball. A ten year old at rank 32 was quite a feat, but Emily had the excuse of learning about her abilities at age two and having Xerena to guide her. "Napoleon! Directions!" The little girl saluted and tossed the lead-filled bear forwards. The bear floated in the air and turned to Emily, saluting back with the lead balls in its own arm and staring, yet again, with those beady eyes. "Thank you general! That...wasn't helpful. More directions!!" Napoleon was forced to nod and took off in a random direction, flying around rapidly and 'finding' people.

(Open! If anyone wants to have their character hit on the head by Napoleon xD)


While Avon stood beside the girl who loved him, Avon noticed a girl in the distance. Usually, visitors do not come by the castle unless invited by him. However, he was willing to greet his guest and opened the gates. The girl however did not look like one of the villagers which automatically set him on guard. He then shouted at her "Hello stranger! My name is Avon Lockheart and I am the protecter of these lands. Do you want to come inside and have some wine?"

@Shiro Kurogane @VoodooXOXO
The werewolf glanced to the side, the rock hitting it on the shoulder. I barked and snarled, and leaped forward.

"Shit.", I put both hands on Blueflame, holding the sword with the flat side towards myself and the werewolf. I stood with Xerena directly behind me, and raised the sword to meet the lunging beast.

As the attack neared my sword, there was a crack of magical energy from myself and it, with bright blue lightning coming from it. And a shield of ice protruded from the weapon, surrounding us both in a half circle of glowing, on fire, ice. The werewolf glanced off the bubble, howling. The ice disintegrated as it retreated, it was burned where it had touched the shield. I glared, and stalked up the the snarling creature. It swiped it's massive paw at me, and I swung my sword, expecting the move from the stupid beast. I had fought many before, and most followed a set pattern. 

The animal screamed as part of it's paw was chopped off, and the rest quickly began to catch fire as the flames from the sword spread. I was right in front of it now, and it's putrid breath, stinking of blood and rotting corpses, surrounded me.

With one quick thrust, the sword was in the creatures shoulder, and I quickly jumped back as it clawed and snapped, succumbing to the flames, burning a deep blue, engulfed it's body. It fell onto it's back, withering and whimpering. I almost felt sorry for it. Not quite, but almost.

I watched the now dead werewolf become ashes, which were freezing cold. The ground shook, and I gasped as a powerful dark energy ran through the area like a dark, noxious cloud. I gasped, and ran for my sword. Picking it up, I ran back to Xerena, pulling her into a hug. I hoped to god this worked.

Kill her... you know you want to. Run her through and watch her burn.

I wasn't like that!

I raised the sword above my head and muttered spells under my breath. The ice shield emanated from the sword, as before, but this time travelled all the way around us, creating a haven of light inside the bubble. The inside was pleasantly cool, and we were effectively inside a massive, ice egg.

I had tried this before, it took quite a bit of energy, but dark magic couldn't penetrate the inside. I saw the outside of the egg begin to chip, we had... Only a few minutes, before the shield was completely obliterated. This was power such that I had never seen before, and my breathing became quicker.

"It will only hold for a minute or two... This power... It will kill us, or break our minds, at the very least. Letitia must've done something wrong... With whatever she was doing. Perhaps she underestimated a powerful awakened being?", I frowned. If such a thing was so close by, surely we would've known... What was she doing? Was there some creature, so powerful as to cause the rot and death we saw, that the Coven hadn't told those under rank 10 about? Surely.... Well. I scoffed internally, the Coven didn't always have our best interest in mind. I smiled down at Xerena, everything had happened so fast... 

@JPax @Thalia_Neko
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You can do it. You know you can. Letitia, your a killer.

Just get it over with, 13 and 14 are right there.

Make it quick. Painless.


The voices continued to hound Letitia, darkness swarming her entire psyche. She knew it wasn't herself though. It was this vile Darkspot. Just being around it made one succumb to the darkness within, and around. Then it festered based on more darkness and terrible feelings, forever growing bigger. This Darkspot had unfortunately been here a long time, for it to reach the size of the entire town. Boy, this place must have been miserable long before the residents had met their untimely end.

"Unghhh... " Letitia moaned, falling to one knee, racing towards the other two witches. She wasn't going to kill them. There was no way that would ever happen. (Unless they deserted the Coven and became Apostates, but that had nothing to do with this current situation.) It was growing increasingly difficult for the witch to defend against this Darkspot, but instead of giving in, she would convert its dark magic into pain, and soak up the pain as physical damage to her body. That much her magic could do, and she could allow. Physical pain was easier to endure than mental anguish. Suddenly, something sent a shiver down Letitia's spine, shocking her through and through. A large spike in dark magical power had appeared behind her. What next? Hesitantly she glanced behind her at the village, and her eyes widened, while the light-skinned girl paled to white.

Dark black hands, reached through a mirror, cracking its surface magically, but extending out into the physical world. Those hands gripped the sides of the furnished frame, and began to pull. White light glowed from within the mirror, as something dreadful pulled itself out and through. Slowly horns, muscles, and other bits and parts of its body revealed themselves, touched by the warm air of the real world. It took just a moment longer, like a chick hatching from an egg, for the Demon to burst free from the mirror, and spread its wings.

Phasing, in a simmery-signature, through the roof of the building, the Demon found itself floating above the town that had been infected by the Mature Darkspot. Spreading its wings, Letitia noted its face. It had none, and instead was a mirror. This was a terrible Demon. She could feel its power from here.

Glaring down the Demon, Letitia found herself shaking. The Nightess had squared off against a handful of Demons in her time as a witch of the Coven, it was why she was rank 4, but none had terrible power like this one. She knew that. It was evident by the way the world crackled and sparked around this Demon. She had never seen the physical world start to bend and react to a Demon like that. It's like its physical presence in the world was already distorting physical laws.

"What are you doing here, Demon?!" Letitia shouted at it. "You are unwelcome here! Go back to your own realm!" Her voice was threatening, but honestly, she was rather scared, and normally she was fearless. It must've been that infernal Darkspot making her feel this way! This Darkspot! That's how this Demon was here! It must've used this Darkspot to cultivate itself a personal portal, and broke through the barrier between the Demon and human realms! Narrowing her eyes, she knew she had to find the spot it broke through, and destroy it, to sever the link between this Demon and its self back in the Demon Realm. That would de-power it a lot, and then she could strike it down.

"Heh heh heh," The Demon began to slowly chuckle, clearly amused by its instigator. Folding its arms across its chest, it had its 'gaze' focused down on the witch. "Ah... A Coven Witch... I knew someone was tampering with my Darkspot. Oooh, a Single Digit, too. Very smart of the Coven. Heh heh."

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Xerena had lost focus against the werewolf and suddenly felt a couple shifts in the space within the two witches. It bothered her beyond reason, and then it happened. The minute Morrigan's arms met Xerena, the teenager thrusted her hand out and pushed the woman away. "Don't touch me..." She mumbled and looked at her feet. Before the woman could say anything else, Xerena teleported a couple feet away from Morrigan and behind the demon. The distortion of the world was already getting to Xerena's senses and she found it increasingly difficult to teleport. 

Xerena was no stranger to demons. She'd seen many, encounter many, escaped a few and a couple other things. She didn't display any fear, nor did he feel any. Maybe it's because the demon wasn't facing her. 'What the hell is happening now...?'

@FrostFire @Thalia_Neko

While Avon stood beside the girl who loved him, Avon noticed a girl in the distance. Usually, visitors do not come by the castle unless invited by him. However, he was willing to greet his guest and opened the gates. The girl however did not look like one of the villagers which automatically set him on guard. He then shouted at her "Hello stranger! My name is Avon Lockheart and I am the protecter of these lands. Do you want to come inside and have some wine?"

@Shiro Kurogane @VoodooXOXO


(first time using the site on mobile. so i can't really judge my post size. ;-; all the posts look huge on mobile.)

Lilith walked casually with no obvious hurry to do her mission. As she walked She would appear to be singing quietly to herself. But really, Lilith was casting magic that didn't seem to be working as anything had yet to happen. The spells she was casting may have just been overthinking on her part, but it was better safe than sorry. The spells wouldn't activate unless Lilith verbally said the trigger word aloud, so the spells were Lilith's backup. Her continuous spell setting was interrupted by a man's voice suddenly yelling at her from the castle's direction. Apparently, she was much closer to the castle than she'd thought while focusing on laying down word-triggered spells.

"hello person yelling to me! i'd love to." Lilith yelled back with a childishly friendly tone and an equally innocent smile on her face. Both her tone of voice and smile were genuine, which explained why most people always underestimated her. With that she continued to the castles actual entrance and just stared at it with awe. "woah... the entrance is huuuuuuge!" Lilith exclaimed and chuckled. 
(first time using the site on mobile. so i can't really judge my post size. ;-; all the posts look huge on mobile.)

Lilith walked casually with no obvious hurry to do her mission. As she walked She would appear to be singing quietly to herself. But really, Lilith was casting magic that didn't seem to be working as anything had yet to happen. The spells she was casting may have just been overthinking on her part, but it was better safe than sorry. The spells wouldn't activate unless Lilith verbally said the trigger word aloud, so the spells were Lilith's backup. Her continuous spell setting was interrupted by a man's voice suddenly yelling at her from the castle's direction. Apparently, she was much closer to the castle than she'd thought while focusing on laying down word-triggered spells.

"hello person yelling to me! i'd love to." Lilith yelled back with a childishly friendly tone and an equally innocent smile on her face. Both her tone of voice and smile were genuine, which explained why most people always underestimated her. With that she continued to the castles actual entrance and just stared at it with awe. "woah... the entrance is huuuuuuge!" Lilith exclaimed and chuckled. 

((I know your pain. I usually post from mobile and everything looks twice as long on mobile!))

Amelia sighed a little as she looked at the flames on her hands. She usually had it all over her body, but she had learned a little more control in the last five minutes than she had in her entire time having these powers. She loved being a witch and all, after all it did have it's benefits, but still she struggled a little bit. She was told that she should join these other people that were going to help her gain a little more control. Apparently they were pretty good, or atleast training like her. As she neared this castle she got a little more nervous, people seemed to be yelling everywhere, and it did make her quiet nervous. She looked to the flame on her hands and then she blew on them and relaxed, which caused the fire to go out. "Hello, I'm Amelia Jordan Pond." She stated nervously, only to herself, as she wasn't quiet near people yet. She was nervous, and her nervous habit was to repeat what she wanted to say over and over again until she was certain she had said what she wanted to say. She looked down at her purple dress and sighed a little. "No, no, that's not right.... Hello, my name is Amelia." She said and then sighed a little bit as she shook her head. Still not perfect, and she was getting more nervous the closer she got.
Avon walked up to the voidwalker and said "Yes, this is quite the big place. Used to be run by a consumed witch who ran this area with an iron fist. That was until the Coven came who decided to kill her but instead of helping, plunged the area into civil war. It was only I who was able to stop the fighting,". He then turned to hear a woman come out of the forest. She introduced herself as Amelia Pond and immediately put him on edge. He didn't know all the names in the Coven but he had heard of this girl's name. She was a very mysterious girl with her past not even he could find and this came from a man who was obsessed with knowledge. It also put him on edge as he wondered if she was sent by the Coven for Elissa. Avon would not let them in and hurt Elissa but he stayed calm saying "It is a pleasure, Amalia. My name is Avon Lockheart and I am the protecter of the two villages that lay below my castle,". He then turned to the other women and asked "So, what is your name?"

@Chain of Memories (MCRP) @Shiro Kurogane

Jekkel Thatch

I sat on a throne in the main hall of the church, My brothers church to be exact. The throne was actually quite comfortable, It had a red velvet cushion and the chair was constructed out of a sturdy oak. I was reading a book called the "The death of a rose" It was mainly a fiction book about normal life. No need to go into details tho, It's not a very good excuse for a book. I sat with my left leg over my right, slouching in the throne. I took another sip of wine. The lighting was very dim, Only a few candles were light but I don't really mind the darkness that much. It was actually pretty cozy until my brother came running in like a madman with an anxious look on his face "What's wrong brother?" I asked in monotone. He stared at me for a moment as if he had forgotten what he was going to say, Then immediately remembered what he was going to say. "Th-the demon i-is Back!" He studdered. It took me a moment to realize what the hell he was talking about. "God daw....." He threw me a dirty look and I quickly switched my words "Gosh Darn it, *Cough* You mean the awakened witch is back?" I said in a confused tone. "No I mean Demon, Now can you go kill it." He said in a flustered tone. "Such holy words from a clerk," I said with a small grin. I took another good sip of red wine and teleported to the basement. Before I completely vanished I heard these words from my brother "That's not the communion wine is it?"  As a matter of fact yes, yes it was. The room's lighting was now very dull. I could see pretty clearly but for others, it would be pitch black, What can I say I'm one with the shadow. I took a glance around the damp, musty Basement. It was not very hard to spot out the consumed witch. It was about the size of him, It was curled into the fetal position. It had long greasy hair and rags for clothes "You know buddy, There is a nice inn across the street if you would like to stay there" The Witch quickly turned it head toward me. It did not take long for things to get ugly. The witch was on its feet in a matter of seconds. Eyes glowing red, Taking unnatural staggered breaths. It started shooting a blue aura at me. I jumped back and unsheathed my sword. "I'll take that as a no, Sorry mate you're going to have to die." I teleported behind him and took a clean sweep of the beast neck. Let's just say he lost his head. I gave a sigh of relief and teleported back to the main hall. My brother was walking in circles. "Did you get it?" He asked. "Yes, Ulrich I took care of it" He glared at me with a very  uncertain face. "Are you sure, Last time you told me that it came back to life?". I started to head for the two big doors that lead to the outside world. "It's fine just go down to the basement and pour some holy water on it," I said sternly. "That will work?" He asked puzzled. "Whatever helps you sleep at night" I said opening the doors. It's quite funny really I was greeted by a raggedy old teddy bear. I looked up into the heavens "God, Is this a sign?"  The even weirder part was a little girl was following it. "Errr... Do you need help with That".


(Gosh that took a long time)         
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"Lucinda Darkwater" Lilith answered the man called Avon. As she turned to the girl who may have unintentionally introduced herself. "hello to you as well, Amalia." Lilith gave the girl a smile and didn't seem to recognize her since Lilith didn't know anyone outside of the 8 people above her in rank. Now she turned back to Avon and stuck her hand out to shake his. "i've never been so close to a castle before!" She exclaimed and then turned back to Amelia. "you were doing a thing with fire, right? are you a...." Lilith paused and pretended to think hard before her whole face lit up again. "a witch?"

@Broncos @Chain of Memories (MCRP) 
Amelia looked at the people, not really realizing she was around anyone, and this made her even more nervous as she hadn't intended to introduce herself yet. "Hello Avon, hello Lucinda." She said as she looked at them all curiously. She was obviously nervous, as her power kind of kept going on and off, consuming her hands in flames and then going back to normal. This had become so normal to Amelia that she never really noticed it happening. She looked at the two people near her. When inquired about the kind of magic she was using she nodded her head. "Yes, it's fire magic... I'm still learning to control it. i'm better than I was five minutes ago though." She said showing her hands, which she had finally gotten control of, thank god.

((How do I attach people to my post? Sorry, I'm still new and learning the ropes!))
I gasped when I realised that Xerena was no longer beside me. "Xerena! It's dangerous out there. Get- Aahh.", I could do nothing to help the girl, and I was stuck standing where I was. I could see Letitia and the demon from where I was in the forest, and I could tell that she would probably need help... 

Shit! I didn't bring any of my other swords... Icebeam would've helped massively.

Oh well. I would just have to use what I had.

I examined the shield which was beginning to develop long cracks down the centre.

"Shit.", I would have to be quick getting over there. I breathed slowly, preparing myself mentally for the onslaught of dark thoughts and psychological attacks.

I sprinted forwards, as quick as my legs could carry me, and the shield disintegrated around me, and I grunted as my head was filled full of screaming demands and whispering persuasions.

I ignored them as best I could, and reached Latitia's side. I created the shield around myself again, and sighed a sigh of relief. It wouldn't hold for long, so close to the demon, but I had time.

"Tell me what to do, quickly. Before my shield breaks again.", I said to Letitia. Thanks to the shield being magical, she would be able to hear me clearly through it.

"I don't have the best equipment, so I'm somewhat limited, but I'll do the best I can.", I had already used up quite a bit of power, but I still had lots left, and my emergency reserves, that had plenty. Although I was very worried about what would happen if I ran dangerously low on it.... That had never happened before, with me being so stingy and reluctant to use any.

@JPax @Thalia_Neko
This confirmed Avon's suspensions. Under normal circumstances, he would've just attacked the girl, incapacitatated her, and converted her. However, he didn't want to freak his guest out so he said "A witch? Well, as long as you do not cause trouble, we should be just fine. Actually, I have a library in my castle with a couple of books on fire magic, perhaps you would like to see them,". He then pointed to his castle to show Amelia the way. He knew Ameila was a low level witch and could deal with her with ease

@Chain of Memories (MCRP) @Shiro Kurogane
Letitia, stared down the Demon floating before her; he had wings, but just seemed to float without flapping them -eerie. Regardless, the fourth rank in the Coven racked her brain, searching out this Demon's identity. If one could figure out a Demon's name, then that gave them power over the beast. -A little bit of power, at the very least. So she searched and searched, trying to recall. Letitia had read many books and scripts about various Demons, learning all she could, but it seemed that vast pool of knowledge, was actually hindering her at the moment. For one reason or another, she couldn't pinpoint this Demon's exact identity.

Suddenly, a girl -the Witch Xerena teleported by it. "Watch out! It's not safe!" she shouted, shocked, fear for the Witch's life on her tongue, extending her hand out. Even if she could avoid the Demon, there was still the malicious intent spewing forth from the Darkspot to deal with. There was no teleporting away from that, unless she completely left this place, with a teleport to miles away.

Just then, at her side, was the other Witch, 13, Morrigan. She was asking for directions. Right, she was the 'elder Witch' after all. Usually, Letitia was very bossy, and would give orders with no hesitation, but this entire ordeal had her a bit frazzled. Shaking her head once, to clear it, regaining her composure, she responded. "I need you two to do something very specific. Listen closely. This Demon has broken into our world through the use of this Mature Darkspot." Normally such a thing never occurred. Darkspots very rarely ever got so powerful to summon a Demon, let alone a Demon Lord. If they didn't know what a Darkspot was, she would just have to explain it later: no time! "However, he 'birthed' his way into our world through some sort of portal. An object if you will." Narrowing her eyes, she stared out at the village, that was now covered in a dark, fetid miasma, emanating from everywhere at once, as the entire village was the Matured Darkspot.

The Demon roared a metallic screech that pierced the ears. In an incredible burst of speed, sending him from one place to another instantly, his fist drew upward, and connected right in Letitia's rib-cage. Hearing a few crunches of satisfaction, and knowing who his true enemy was, he sent the dark-haired witch flying with a powerful blow.

"BLEHGH!" Letitia was forced to release, feeling his fist sink up into her chest cavity. The force behind the hit was immense, this was most certainly a very powerful Demon Lord. Number four had had run-ins with many Demons, but a Demon Lord? Maybe just two, if she could remember. None was this aggressively imposing, though. His hit sent her small body flying, smashing through buildings, and disappearing beneath smoldering, smoking rubble.

Pulling herself from some crashed debris, she coughed and weakly said to Xerena and Morrigan. "Find the object -his tether- and destroy it! Sever the link that keeps him here! I'll deal with him in the mean-time!"

Angered, the Demon sent out a raging screech, his mirror-face flashing red with burning flames. In another instant, just as her words finished, he appeared above her, slamming Letitia hard into the ground. Little did she know, his gateway, was hidden deep under ground, in an ancient cavern beneath the town, Lesser Demons already pooling out of the mirror, using the Demon Lord's power to come into the real world, sentries set to defend the portal.

@JPax @FrostFire


Xerena felt herself reach out to Letitia, but she knew very well that death was imminent should she remain. She held her hand off to the side and two red auras formed around large boulders. They shimmered into a red haze and disappeared, only to reappear on either side of the demon and fly towards him with decent speed. "Get the darkspot. I got the demon..." She narrowed her eyes and several rocks began spinning around her body. Xerena applied some pressure on her left foot and sprinted at the demon recklessly. Large masses of air were teleported behind her to let her run with little resistance.

@Thalia_Neko @FrostFire
"cool, i've never seen a witch before." Lilith under the false name of Lucinda gasped with awe. "hm... what would i be? i recently learned i could do magic!" Lilith boasted like a child who was showing off a new toy. "but people don't call me a witch when i show people it. they run away yelling something about apostate?" Lilith said with faked sadness that sounded no different from true sadness. But the sadness was only momentary as Lilith grabbed Amelia's arm, careful of the on and off hand flames and tugged her arm lightly. "we should go in! Avon here seems nice enough."

@Broncos @Chain of Memories (MCRP)
I did what I had always done best. I followed orders. I knew I couldn't last very long mentally outside of my cocoon, but I would have to try.

"Djinzal... Give me strength...", I said in a strained voice. I heard some faint distasteful grumbling, and snickered. He wasn't happy, but we both enjoyed fighting, and I had a feeling I would be doing a lot of that.

I began to sprint around the village, looking everywhere. I assumed that, if one demon could come through, others could too? Although I guessed from what Latitia had said, that the object was a bit of a; "You'll know it when you see it" deal.

"I-It's not here!", I shouted over at her. My toes tingled, and I looked at the ground.

"T-there was just a spike in dark energy, it came from... Underneath us!", I yelled over at Letitia. I groaned as the barrage of mental attacks continued, and I put up my shield again, this one was purposefully weaker than the others, so that I could conserve magic.

@Thalia_Neko @JPax
Amelia looked at Avon and offered up a sweet smile. "Yes, a witch... I had no intention of causing any harm. I was on my way through, looking for someone to teach me more about my powers and what not." She said as she looked around playing with her fingers a little bit. She then looked to Lilith and smiled softly. She was always happy to meet new people, and especially those who were learning magic too. It made her feel a little more comfortable. "I'm sorry, I don't know much about the magical world... what's an apostate?" She asked curiously as she looked at her. She certainly didn't know much, and she was ready to learn more if she could. "Oh, I would love to read some of them if I can." She said looking to Avon again and then nodded at Lilith when said mentioned that they should head inside. "Ofcourse, we should go in. He does seem quiet nice." She said smiling softly.

@Broncos @Shiro Kurogane
"You what?!" Letitia spat out her response in disbelief, to 14's silly, and frankly ludicrous response to her orders. To her horror, and utter shock, laying on her stomach in the uncomfortable crater that the Demon Lord had smashed her in, she observed Xerena make a stupid brave attack on the monstrosity before her. Currently, struggling to her feet, she watched as the Demon turned its mirror-'gaze' on its new assailant.

As the mirror-Demon turned around, the rocks she had attempted to use against him, instantly exploded into dust, with very little effort. She was rushing him. Good. The silly Witch would learn her place. He could feel her magical power, and it wasn't threatening to him. Very quickly, he flew over, and put his mirror-face right before her eyes. Her reflection appeared there. In mere moments she would stare at it, stare into its depths, and see the terror down within her. He would make her face herself, her inadequacies, and her darkness. That was his horror. "This is my power. Witness your inner being, and lay waste to yourself."

"No! Get out of there! Go help out 13!" Letitia shouted, getting shakily to her feet. Eyes widened as she watched the Demon Lord's actions, his mirror-face right before Xerena's. Her eyes widened, immediately recalling who this was. "Demon Lord of Soul-searching, Introspection and Mirrors." Her words ended there. Gah! What was his name though?!

"Get away from her!" Letitia shouted, determined to aid 14, so the effects of his horrific power wouldn't completely consume her. Feet turning a shiny-black, she launched herself at the Demon Lord before Xerena, and tackled him away. Magically-powered arms, allowed her the strength to throw him away, where he stopped, floating in the sky.

His laughter bellowed outward, completely satisfied with himself. "So, you've realized who I am? Well partly..." he shrugged nonchalantly. "If you've realized that, then you realize the magic that now holds your friend."

"She's not my friend," Letitia couldn't help but refute, arrogantly, and pridefully.

"Your fellow Witch, then, whatever." He chuckled lightly. "It doesn't matter, unless you can figure out my name. Even then... Well.. Huhahaha!" He trailed off into more laughter, his entire form bouncing in air, with his thunderous cackle.

Glancing over at 13, Letitia nodded, "Go, then! Find his gateway, and destroy it! Quickly!" He was right, without his name, giving her dominion over him, this Demon Lord would be very very difficult to defeat, even for her. Black and orange magic swirled around her fists, and she looked down at them. 'Destruction magic'. The magic to destroy demonkind. Letitia was very potent against Demons, however... Tch.

@JPax @FrostFire
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Xerena began to face herself, horrendous memories of what she did and couldn't do. The one word that lingered around her mind was 'So what?' And now was when her focus came in. When the time comes, she wasn't going to lose focus against a demon, especially her own inner demons. She did her actions for a reason, and she wasn't going to let this faze her.

"Huh?" She blinked, shaking off the attack. Sure, Letitia had 'saved' her but at this point Xerena would rather give into the darkness of death rather than listen to the older witch's condescending remarks that were bound to come later. "If your power is just showing me my insides, then you're just a giant mirror aren't you." Xerena sighed and figured that Letitia wasn't going to let her do anything else. She walked past the older witch and, since they were the same height, Xerena could afford to look straight ahead. "Thanks." A smile crossed her face and Xerena turned to the demon. She raised her hand and then raised her middle finger, sticking her tongue out and disappearing before anyone could do anything.

Xerena reappeared right next to Morrigan once again. "I should probably be taking this more seriously shouldn't I..." She blinked and held her eyes for a second before opening them up again. The demon was far more powerful than her, but Xerena refused to give in to his superior power. 

@Thalia_Neko @FrostFire
Elissa nodded towards Tyson, Avon's guest, yet kept an eye at the entrance. She turned her head fully, eyeing the two girls in front of her and her Master. The witch doesn't talk much, for she is extremely observant. The two girls in front of her who had just happened to wander into the courtyard of Avon's castle and ultimately invite themselves in were extremely suspicious to her. She raised an eyebrow and pursed her lips together, not taking her gaze away from them. 

She laced her arm around Avon's, placing her hand around his inner elbow joint. She stood on her tiptoes to reach his ear and whispered, "I thought you said you were only to have one guest here for business." Elissa's eyes never left the two unexpected guests. Based on the interactions, they've never met Avon nor have they heard of him; so what gives them the right to wiggle their way into receiving and invitation to share drinks with her, her Master, and her Master's guest? More importantly, why did they show up at the same time asking for knowledge on training their magic, yet they haven't met each other either? There were too many holes in their stories -- too many questions left unanswered for Elissa's liking.

@Broncos @Jefferson @Chain of Memories (MCRP) @Shiro Kurogane
Avon smiled and winked at her with a "Don't worry, I can handle this" expression. He then said to the other two "This is a close friend of mine, Angelica Jeanne. Angelica, this is Ameila and Lucinda. Now, right now, I have a properstion for you,". He then took a long look at Lucinda and remembered her from somewhere. He then realized that this was the number 9 which caused him to say his previous statement. "I am, you could say, not a fan of the current state of the Coven. They abduct people for their own gains. So, I have a properstion for the two of you: Join me and Angelica in destroying this threat,". The reason why he was calling Elissa Angelica was to prevent the number 9 from knowing that she was wanted by the Covent

@Chain of Memories (MCRP) @VoodooXOXO @Shiro Kurogane

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