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Fandom Fight for Humanity OOC

Depends on if people drop in the roleplay and if we get another titan shifter. I'd like to be flexible and allow people into the rp if they want to be in it.
Do I insert my character here?

Here it goes.

Anela Ackerman
Anela Ackerman
No one truly knows who Anela is, but those who have met her have described her to be very stoic, but kind and generous when you get to know her more. She isn't shy, which is what some people confuse her silence to be, but in reality, she doesn't care about relationships that much, though she does want her own friend group and potential husband. She keeps to herself most of the time, but she helps out a lot around the building, which a lot of people deem it to be from boredom. If you were to ask her, though, she thinks it's fun to clean up and explore the encampment, and especially when it means she's able to keep to herself because of it. She's not anti-social, but she keeps to herself unless spoken to. She is very demanding at times but can be a joy to work with once you get to know her more.

Not much is known about Anela Ackerman, other than the widespread fact that she was born from a prostitute from a random village in Wall Maria. As she grew up, she learned, from rumors that spread like wildfire, that her father was a potential noble, who had the appearance of a countryman. She's never met her rumored father, nor does she think she wants to, at this current time, though she's uncertain of whether or not she'll want to in the future. Her personality has been considered to be influenced by her surroundings, but for as long as she could remember she never truly felt the desire to socialize. Growing up, she got accustomed to horse riding and taking care of horses, including general medical care of horses and some other farm animals, as well as basic human medical practices (removing bullets, stitching, disinfecting, and a couple other things that are in that same skill level set) but she's been fascinated by the beauty of the human body and has been said to have applied to various medical and scientific facilities within the area, though they got quickly overran by the demolition of Wall Maria.

Alena was rescued by a couple who raised her, keeping her safe and sheltered from the events that were taking place, and always fed her, even at the cost of their own satisfaction. Fed up with this, she left at the age of 15 only to return to find them gone, as though they had vanished. Similar to how she thinks of her father, she thinks the same way with her adoptive parents, as she had no real attachment to them.

At age 16, she joined the Training Corps and got to the top, only to join the Survey Corps to escape her ongoing chaos-filled mind.
Now, she is 17.

Health Conditions:
Ever since she was able to think, she was unable to feel emotion. Because of this, people have called her a monster. Things like guilt, shame, regret, love, and the similar, while she can experience them to a degree, it is very hard for her to understand them and express them. However, as she's gotten older, she's been able to expand this ability set to reach her social life. Small hints of psychopathy; possible neurological issues; unknown at this time.

Skill Set:
- Archery
- Basic Medical Skills
- Manipulation
- Reading & Writing
- Hunting
- Horse back [riding]
- Gunmanship

More will obviously be discovered during RP, but here's what I have so far.

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