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Realistic or Modern Farveyl High [Mature][WIP]

Here guys, this seemed pretty good to learn about the classes and choosing classes etc. Grades work on as an F (fail) and D-A+ I think (with + and - for each grade = B+, B, B-, I think). It might go from F straight through to D, but at least in England it goes F and then D to A. Obviously with A(+) being the best.

Classes are easy to understand; got core classes (english/math/science) and then you pick a number of classes, called electives, (no idea how many) and you can usually take the standard version or the AP version (AP is better and harder).

I may be wrong. So please correct me. I literally just spent two minutes reading this; x.

This at least gives us a basis to work with, lol. And according to my boyfriend, who was in the US for his middle school years a while ago, school usually starts at 9 am and I would suspect it finished at 4pm. Again, I could be wrong. I don't have the most reliable sources considering I just quickly googled most of it. ._.

@Couldyoustfu and @Bhlow
AT 9??? LUCKY.

And I'm confused here for grades we have from 1 (worst) to 10 (perfect) in which 6 is like sufficient. So anything except the F is sufficient?
Ok, I'm a bit late, but what @Koala put is right, I'll add on a few things. This will be based on my school but idk if that's how all American schools work.

My school runs on a 7 block rotation with 7 rotational days. [ex: Day 1 would have blocks 1-6 (missing block 7), day 2 would have blocks 7-5 (missing 6), day 3 would have 6-4 (missing 5) and so on]

You have core periods which are set along with a world language class and gym or health depending on the semester. You get to pick out 1 elective if the class is a full year one, but you can pick 2 half year ones.

And school starts at 7 here lmao.

EDIT: this is how the grades work

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Here it's like 5 hours a day and 6 twice a week and each hour you have a subject.

Here we don't choose we got the subjects (math, history, philosophy, history of art, science, physics, PE, italian literature, religion, english, latin and ancient greek in some schools) and gotta do them all, and we don't even change class we have ours and the teachers come to it. We gotta do 5 years and then university if you wish. Also if you really suck and you got at least 3 important subjects with a grade below 5 you could risk having to repeat the year. There's a final exam on year 5 and it's like the toughest bitch my mother says she still has nightmares about it
Here in the UK we have secondary school (age 12-I think- to 16), when you turn 14 you study towards a certificate called GCSEs. You have to study core subjects (English, Maths, a Language, Sciences and Religious Education, oh an physical education) and then you pick 3 or 4 more subjects (History, Business Studies, Graphic Design, Art etc). And you're graded on the D-A scale but work during the year (except coursework) doesn't count towards your final grade. You just get exams in your final year (when you're 16).

Then you go on to college for 2 years where you study 4 subjects (A-Levels). Same grading system, exams at the end of each year though. And then you go on to University which is where you do your undergraduate degree for 3 or 4 years.

@Couldyoustfu, your system sounds like the International Baccalaureate, my aunt teaches it abroad in an international school but they have a similar system (compulsory subjects and really hard exams, and five years long).
I never really got the different between college and university for other countries, so it lasts only two years?

And yeah here it's five years for elementary school (Usually start at age 6 but some like myself at 5) then three of middle school, in which you also got an oral test and some exams but they're all very easy and then five of high school and after those you're off to university. The grade you get in that final exam can really influence your career.

@Koala Ps: I feel very international right now
Couldyoustfu said:
I never really got the different between college and university for other countries, so it lasts only two years?
And yeah here it's five years for elementary school (Usually start at age 6 but some like myself at 5) then three of middle school, in which you also got an oral test and some exams but they're all very easy and then five of high school and after those you're off to university. The grade you get in that final exam can really influence your career.

@Koala Ps: I feel very international right now
We have Primary School (Year 1 to Year 6- so 6 years, usually starting when you're 5 or 6 I think). Then we have Secondary School (Year 7 to Year 11 - so 5 years. You're 16 when you leave Secondary School). Then we have College which lasts 2 years (16 to 18 years old) and then we have University which is 3 or 4 years long. College and University are optional though. And you can go to either no matter how old you are as long as you're over 16. I'm 19 (in a few months) and I'm only just going to College. >_>

Hahaha, international is good though. Makes you a lot more interesting than us boring folk.
Yhyh same here nobody forces you to go to university, a few even just finish off with just middle school. And nah I bet college is cool as hell @Koala
Couldyoustfu said:
Yhyh same here nobody forces you to go to university, a few even just finish off with just middle school. And nah I bet college is cool as hell @Koala
It's cool, but also really hard to do well in some cases. Unless you can afford private education, the colleges that are state-run often have pretty rubbish teachers- so you're education and ability to learn is hindered and unless you put loads of self-study and effort in alone, you'll come out with a mediocre grade. :3
And to make things even more confusing, in the UK - you can either go to a secondary school with a sixth form so you stay in the same school from when you're 11 - 18 or you go to a school that doesn't have a sixth form and instead go to a college - college or sixth form though is compulsory until you're 18, as soon as you turn 18 you can drop out.
Yeah I'm sorry if I sound offending but I hate the fact that in America most things are privatized like schools and hospitals, everyone should be able to get a good education and most of all health care. I mean I know by movies/facts that there if you have a cancer or some sort of illness that needs operation or therapy and can't afford it you're not getting it, that's insane!
Bhlow said:
And to make things even more confusing, in the UK - you can either go to a secondary school with a sixth form so you stay in the same school from when you're 11 - 18 or you go to a school that doesn't have a sixth form and instead go to a college - college or sixth form though is compulsory until you're 18, as soon as you turn 18 you can drop out.
I had a sixth form at my secondary school and it wasn't compulsory to go to. You got to choose whether to stay at the school for sixth form, go to college or do nothing.

@Couldyoustfu, I know. It's ludicrous.
Ok now throwing the whole scholastic stuff away is there someone available for RP or if there's no one could I slowly pretend to get to know about Thea's accident?

Koala said:
I had a sixth form at my secondary school and it wasn't compulsory to go to. You got to choose whether to stay at the school for sixth form, go to college or do nothing.
@Couldyoustfu, I know. It's ludicrous.
You have to stay in education until you're 18 or have an apprenticeship but you can't quit until you're 18 (UK Law), you can move from a sixth form to a college (or vice verse) or drop out of one college and go to another etc. but you still have to stay in education.
Bhlow said:
You have to stay in education until you're 18 or have an apprenticeship but you can't quit until you're 18 (UK Law), you can move from a sixth form to a college (or vice verse) or drop out of one college and go to another etc. but you still have to stay in education.

Oops. I started college and dropped out about a month in. I was 16 at the time and I'm 19 now. Lol. Ah well. :3

@Couldyoustfu, I'm waiting for @Vitez to reply. :(
@Koala I'm so sorry it's been a super busy weekend for me because of Prom and blah blah blah

I live in America and all of your educational systems sound so interesting. How our grading system generally works has already been laid out but basically we go to some sort of primary school from when we're 5/6 years old until 8th grade which is when most people are about 13/14. That can be broken up into all sorts of different schools like elementary school, intermediate school, and middle school but the age ranges in each school vary based on location. Then we go to high school for 4 years, typically most people start at 14 years of age and end when they're 18. Then we graduate and schooling is no longer necessary, most go onto college but some just stay in the workforce. The length of college depends on the degree and so on and so forth. Unlike @LastRomeo my school schedule is a little different, we have all of our classes every single day in 55 minute increments and our school starts at 7:40am and ends at 2:30pm. We have our 4 core classes (English, Social Studies, Science) and are allowed to pick three electives, but we need a certain number of fine arts credits to graduate. That schedule definitely isn't true for the entire American educational system, I'm just letting you know what my school is like.
Vitez said:
@Koala I'm so sorry it's been a super busy weekend for me because of Prom and blah blah blah
I live in America and all of your educational systems sound so interesting. How our grading system generally works has already been laid out but basically we go to some sort of primary school from when we're 5/6 years old until 8th grade which is when most people are about 13/14. That can be broken up into all sorts of different schools like elementary school, intermediate school, and middle school but the age ranges in each school vary based on location. Then we go to high school for 4 years, typically most people start at 14 years of age and end when they're 18. Then we graduate and schooling is no longer necessary, most go onto college but some just stay in the workforce. The length of college depends on the degree and so on and so forth. Unlike @LastRomeo my school schedule is a little different, we have all of our classes every single day in 55 minute increments and our school starts at 7:40am and ends at 2:30pm. We have our 4 core classes (English, Social Studies, Science) and are allowed to pick three electives, but we need a certain number of fine arts credits to graduate. That schedule definitely isn't true for the entire American educational system, I'm just letting you know what my school is like.
OOOOH. Did you go to Prom? How was it? I've never been to a school dance thing. :3
@Koala I worked Prom because I'm not yet a senior and neither is my boyfriend (next year I will haha) but working it is almost as fun as going. I have a lot of friends who are graduating and it was fun to spend time with them (plus I didn't have to pay for the ticket or the dress and I get service hours). I've been to a bunch of school dances and, in my experience, they're always more fun if the school is bigger.
CALLA said:

(crown) QUEEN BEE (crown)

View attachment 280520


View attachment 280533

| Name |

Kylie Van Allan Croft

| Age |


| Grade |


| Personality Level |


Queen Bee

Kylie is the ruler in this school , every body's worst nightmare , holding the highest position in the school

earning that name because of her world known gangster father ( who is scary and strict ) and her mother ( Also very strict ) owner of a

huge Modeling / Fashion company she has also recently opened a hotel (not he only one ) who's ratings quickly sky rocketed . Their fashion company is second best , while their hotels are famous and ranked highest in the country . Every one knows who this girl is , and they all classified her as 'daddy little girl' ' spoiled brat' or the 'devil' her self .


| Personality |

" My older brother is bossy by sister is a stirrer and me , I'm perfect . "

View attachment 280604

Kylie at first glance is full of womanly charms , she presents her self to be the best of the best .

Born into the family of the rich and mighty it is no wonder she was born a diva , her confidence is a sprout and one of her most extravegent traits.

She believes herself to be flawless when in reality is full of them , yet no one has every told her this , Kylie may seem to have a strong will, that is not entirely true . Kylie is very emotional , and will take anything to heart to matter what the issue is .

Kylie is loyal to her friends , she believes them not to be lowly like others but family , she has specifically categorized every one .

She is prideful , yet not afraid to cry in front of others , Kylie is not one to use physical violence , she would use her voice to drag people

down , her looks and social statues . Kylie is a coward and all she is , is talk and nothing more , a coward afraid of physical violence .

Kylie is not all foolish , once she has set her eyes one something she won't back down so easily .

Kylie has suffered through out her life , it has turned her to a naive spoiled Princess . She will attack any woman fully

as if a tiger , protecting her cub. She will not stand down unless physical violence is involved , even with that she won't allow any one to take her place . Here pride will not allow it , but at times her pride won't matter , she will ask for help like nothing .

She is the queen because of her wealth , beauty , and attitude , Kylie might seem independent , that is not all true her life is her friends .

| History |

View attachment 280787

It’s hard to feel bad for a teenage multimillionaire. It’s even harder to feel empathetic toward that teenager if she’s Kylie .

Born into a famous family who has been monitored by cameras and tv shows , Kylie was truly to be pitied .

Her parents were strict , on everything she did , all her life she has always dated the 'gentleman ' the prince who her parents had always picked out. Kylie's parents favored their other kids , more than Kylie , many say it was because they brought more money than Kylie .

Nevertheless , as time progressed she grew beautifully and her parents wanted to find a suitable man to be her betrothed , and

they did he was perfect a gentleman as they hoped . He was kind and gentle , no different from the rest , he odored Kylie like the rest , no different . Kylie hated her fiancé and wanted him gone , they were nothing like each other , she was wild and he was way to old for her .

Kylie party like no one else , she threw party's that were unimaginable , she was known for her fashionable taste .

Kylie's parents did truly favor their other children but parents still loved their offspring and they were strict on her because she was the youngest,

and the most spoiled out of all her siblings . In her parents eyes she was a princess , yet Kylie didn't know much of that , being the absent minded girl she is . Kylie ignores that fact that when she calls her parents come running to her aid , frightened, scared, worried , she ignores the fact that they listen and understand her worries .


Kylie loves her parent unconditionally , yet she went to far when she pushed her fiancé from the towering stairs of their gran ball

room . He was severely injured , with a concussion and for a year to no avail he was still in coma , but at the day of his birthday he miraculously

awoke . Kylie had not meant to push him she was pushed accidentally bumping into her fiancé in the process .

No worries they all understood , they were still engaged , Kylie was related he was alright , yet she didn't love him to marry him .

Yet kept he mouth shut . It was a new year Kylie was 18 and everything was perfect , at that point Kylie had tried everything to make er finance hate her but he just feel deeply involve with her buy the minute . So there was only one way out she blunt told him she hated him . . . every thing about him . It needed just like that Kylie was free , new year the greatest school and she was going to rule it and no one was going to stand in her way of doing it .

| If your poor just make a sex tape you lazy fuck |

| Dislikes |

Bright lights


Yellow |although she sometimes wears it |


Being Fat

Bossed around

Being ugly

Being poor

being cheated on

Not being able to drive

not being able to shop



| Likes |



art class


Large bath tubs

Large bed

High heels


| Hates |







yelled at

make up

| Loves |








Kissing | has never done it |

sex | has never done it |


Watermelon | Mangos |etc.




" I always loved the idea of not being what people expect me to be "

View attachment 280864


Drake Croft

View attachment 280878

Father/Drake is the most famous and strongest gangster alive he is feared by everyone ,

born as a poor boy he was never good in school , or hit love li- ok starch that he used women like

nothing and threw them away until he meet Diana the most beautiful women model her family was filthy rich a bonus of course.

He madly feel in love with her , anyone could see it . As cliché as it sounds it had turned out that drake was the lost son of a famous gangster.

As the years passed the couple their love only grew deeper an this lead to marriage .

Diana Croft

View attachment 280877

Diana croft was born to be the center of attention it was a shocking surprise when she married a former poor man ,

who latter shocked the globe being the lost son of a famous gangster , the scariest who many feared .

Diana had to keep her rank in the social status and be the wife of a mobster .

It was frightening but Diana pulled through giving birth to 3 children .

Marcus Croft

View attachment 280880

Many clam that this scary son was adopted because of his foreigner features but do not let that fool you

he is not Asian . He is the next in line to take his fathers place , he is the oldest of the siblings and strongest he is rash and inpatient

she wants to be heir more than ever yet his father clams that he is much to young .

He is cold to the heart possessing no true emotions , only to his family , taking pride in protecting them.

Him and Kylie are quit distant and tend to fight a lot when meeting .

Maria Croft

View attachment 280881

This young lady is loved by all , her sweet demeanor makes all who lay eyes on her get very attracted to her

she is the nicest in the family and known to be wise taking most of her mothers features.

Born a model it has been her passion since she was the age of 6 .

Maria was adored by her entire family and was the center of attention every where she went putting her younger sister in the shadow of Maria.

Growing up the sisters were never close Maria is know still working with modeling companies.


I believe @Bhlow, with her character Thea, is already the Queen Bee.
I was wondering, does this feel like a good place to time skip and move on to the next scene for everyone??
We'll wait for everyone else to reply with their consent, and depending on where we go to next - if it's like a day after or a week after, will depend on if Thea has left the hospital. If it's like a day after that we time skip to, then I'm perfectly fine with skipping a scene to keep it realistic.

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