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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Daniel reaver]Atrio just shook his head and smiled "n-no it's ok I can unpack later" he said softly hoping she didn't take it as he didn't want to go watch a movie [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/15002-sweetone/ said:
"ok well im open to anything" she said looking at her hands thar were in her lap, she didnt know how to act towards a cute boy that wasnt using her for her powers.
She rolled her eyes and laughed "that's fine for you to say, you can easily evade the law, I however cannot"

Sweetone said:
"ok well im open to anything" she said looking at her hands thar were in her lap, she didnt know how to act towards a cute boy that wasnt using her for her powers.
"A-well I liked the idea of the m-movie" he said softly as he sat back down next to her this time a little closer to her while still blushin @Sweetone
Daniel reaver]"A-well I liked the idea of the m-movie" he said softly as he sat back down next to her this time a little closer to her while still blushin [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/15002-sweetone/ said:
"we can go to my dorm and you can pick a movie to watch" she suggested to him and smiled when he sat closer to her.
Nonalaka said:
She rolled her eyes and laughed "that's fine for you to say, you can easily evade the law, I however cannot"
"Well, when you are with me, you can." Ansom smiled and turned on the radio. "Oh, this is my jam!" He laughed and turned the music up, singing along with the song.


Roman said:
Kio smiled and nodded his head in Dylan's direction, "Hi, I'm Kio, and you are?" He asked taking a seat on the recliner next to the couch.

Han sat next to Dylan and put a arm around her, he noticed that she was in a small amount of pain but, pretended not to notice. He felt that she'd think he was a little too worried.


the last bones crack and she smiled in realif " Im Dylan " she smiled and stood " ill be right back let me get dressed i wanna not look like...a dog she said witha grin and got up and sliped into the bedroom and got dressed walking out with brushed hair , shorts and a tanktop " ok now i feel a bit more proper and human " she kisses Hans cheek and smiles at Kio
Jace opened his eyes and huffed. It was inevitable; He could rest without going to sleep, and couldn't sleep without dreaming. He lifted himself from the ground and started to walk towards the gates, cleaning the dirt from his pants. Even if he couldn't sleep, he needed to eat to get his energy up. There weren't many people around the gate, so he could barely be seen pulling the zipper to his jacket down to reveal stoney bare skin. He pulled the sword at his hip from its sheath, the container disappearing into particles of light that dwindled, and spun it to face his back. Beneath his jacket, he slowly sunk the blade into a hidden portal-sheath connected to the small marking on his back; hiding the sword away so people would react when he went into town.

Jace pulled the ends of his jacket back together and lifted the zipper back up to his chest. He kept walking, out of the gates and starting down the path to town.

It took him a while to get back, slinging a bag around with his hand as he whistled. Just taking that trip seemed to help, getting away from that silence. His mood had cheered a bit, but he was also half asleep. Walking down the path from the gate entrance towards the dorms.
@Daniel reaver (You never responded I put this) Falim speaks "That may be true......However nearly impossible isn't good enough I can't take any chances!!" She says as she appears behind Al and kicks him sending him flying
(Oh sorry) Shira yelled in a plead as she ran over to Al and held onto him "al al please be ok" she said softly to him as she held his head in her hands

Daniel reaver]"O-ok" he said with a nervous smile as he looked over at her while the blush slightly started to fade from his cheeks [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/15002-sweetone/ said:
She stood up and walked with him to her dorm. They arrived at dorm 206 and she unlocked it and walked in, she closed the door once they were both in. she opened the book shelf that had some movies on it, "you pick any movie and ill get some snacks" she said.
Al just laughed "You really want to kill me Falim?" He said as he wiped blood from his mouth with one hand and patted Shira on the head with the other
y0k9o said:
Zomo nodded putting the bag of peanuts he offered Azure in his pocket and fished the rest of the bag in one whole swallow throwing it away "I overheard some people here talking bout you" wiggling his ears whilesmiling he leaned on the wall and shifted his headphones on his neck "So what can we do for fun¿?
Azara watched his ears and blinked," fun? Depends. There really isn't much to do around here." He shrugged, lya peeking her head up from his shirt collar.
Atrio acted nervous the hole time then looked at the drawr and at the movies nervously 'come on Atrio pick a horror shill cling to you if you pick it you know she will' nightmare spoke into atrios mind as he tryed to decide "shut up nightmare" he mumbled under his breath as he looked for some thing he thought she would like


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Kio still smiling looked at Dylan then Han, "I see that's your girlfriend. She's very beautiful." He said smiling. Kio stood up and made his guitar appear, "We need you Han." He said making another guitar appear, this one red, and decorated with black and white flames.

Han kisses Dylan when she kissed him and listened to Kio as he spoke, "She is my girlfriend indeed." Han said watching Kio as he stood up and made his guitar appear. His eyes opened wide when he seen his guitar appear in Kio's free hand. "T-t-that's my old guitar..." he said slowly standing up.

"Hm, true" when the music started and Ansom began singing Dakota burst out laughing in response, she was enjoying herself this time, last time she hadn't prepared herself for such fast driving but today she knew what to expect.

Shira held Al close and sat inbetween him and falim "I won't lose you again" shira said before she stood up while her clothes changed into the seductiv bra and under wear along with the metal gautlets "I won't lose him again" shira said determined as she got into a fighting stance and faced falim

Komo looked confused at his shirt collar "Hey, you have something in your shirt, on your collar" he pointed in his own shirt to show him where it was on his then his stomach growled "Welp, i have to save you for tommorow so I don't starve" he looked in his pocket and sighed "Sorry, haven't eaten in for four days, with the acception of the peanuts I just had"

Al stood up and laughed as Falim charged at him attacking him relentlessly and he thought as she attacked him "Left Right Left Left Down Right!" He memorised the pattern and blocked her kick and smirked as he realised he blocked it before his smile faded and a snapping noise was heard Al's eyes were wide with pain and terror as his wrist was broken
Nonalaka said:
"Hm, true" when the music started and Ansom began singing Dakota burst out laughing in response, she was enjoying herself this time, last time she hadn't prepared herself for such fast driving but today she knew what to expect.
Once the song ended, Ansom turned off the radio. "I totally want to destroy that." He pointed to a giant building. "But I will not since you are here." He smiled and drove the rest of the way to the dorm parking lot in silence. Once there he turned off the car and got out.
Shira watched with nervousness then her eyes went wide when she heard a cracking before launching her self at falim and hiting her in the side of the face and sending her flying

Blood spurted out of Falim's face when she landed as Al clenched his wrist as it swayed back and forth "D-Damn it!" He said as his vision started to blur from the pain
Shiras eyes went pure pink as she quickly launched her self at falim bringing her to the ground and siting on top of her "I told you not to touch him!!!" she said in a rage as she started to bring her fists down on Falims face one after another


"thats a beauiful guitar " she said her eyes shining as she gazed at it in child like amazement " i havent played guitar in ... well years " she said smiling
shortyshot8 said:
Al stood up and laughed as Falim charged at him attacking him relentlessly and he thought as she attacked him "Left Right Left Left Down Right!" He memorised the pattern and blocked her kick and smirked as he realised he blocked it before his smile faded and a snapping noise was heard Al's eyes were wide with pain and terror as his wrist was broken
(That moment when you do not know how to block a kick xD )
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