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Fantasy Fantastical Island

[QUOTE="Marie Rain]Lilith nodded,"Ya sure. I'm just a guide", she said with a shrug. The human girl was hard to read but she liked how Eden didn't even become effected at all by her brother.
Drake took her arm,"I'll guide you back if you like~? It'd be fun to show you around", he said as he watched her. His tail flicked behind them, making it obvious how he thought she was fun.

Lilith shrugged,"Condemning yourself if dad catches you. He actually sorta cares about you.", she said quietly to Drake who only shrugged it off.

"Thank you, Drake." Eden said. Noticing what Lilith quietly said to Drake: "Condemning yourself for helping a girl? Your dad must know nothing of chivalry."
Drake looked at Eden,"Better to not worry yourself about it", he said with a calming smile and smoothed out her hair. He looked at her,"Come on. Let's get your stuff. Lilith buy her a room for the night", he said tossing her his wallet.

Lilith caught it and nodded before taking off,"Remember what I told you Eden!", she said and walked out of sight.

Drake motioned towards the forest,"Ladies first~", he said with his cocky grin. His ears twitched from excitement.
[QUOTE="Marie Rain]Drake looked at Eden,"Better to not worry yourself about it", he said with a calming smile and smoothed out her hair. He looked at her,"Come on. Let's get your stuff. Lilith buy her a room for the night", he said tossing her his wallet.
Lilith caught it and nodded before taking off,"Remember what I told you Eden!", she said and walked out of sight.

Drake motioned towards the forest,"Ladies first~", he said with his cocky grin. His ears twitched from excitement.

Eden walked into the forest, heading back to the beach they came from.

Drake followed behind her and studied her intensely,"You aren't very talkative are you? How are you not surprised by all of this?", he asked as he caught up. He walked next to her and watched her face for any reactions,"Or are you just playing hard to get~?", he teased with a cheesy grin.
[QUOTE="Marie Rain]
Drake followed behind her and studied her intensely,"You aren't very talkative are you? How are you not surprised by all of this?", he asked as he caught up. He walked next to her and watched her face for any reactions,"Or are you just playing hard to get~?", he teased with a cheesy grin.

"I am surprised. I just feel that showing it does no good."

Fima was foraging in the bushes. He put his berries in his bag which was made by using his shirt. He gathered:

-1 blackberry bunch

-5 blueberry bunches

After that, he returned to the cave. eating a blueberry bunch, he wondered where Satō had went. So, He Set out to find him.
Drake nodded,"Quite the sensible thing aren't you ?", he said looking pleased,"I like that." He walked onto the sand and stretched,"Alright where is your little cave so we can hurry? The beach is more of Lil's thing so I don't really like staying that long.", he said as he kept an eye out for dangers. He then took note of her frame,"You've fought before haven't you?"
Rowan paused, as if contemplating, before taking hold of his arm and climbing to her feet slowly so she wouldn't tug at the wound any more. "Rowan— and I'm pretty sure I can walk myself," the teenager decided, once again assuming she was fine. Or maybe it was pride.

Though after a few steps, the movement definitely had an aftermath as she flinched slightly due to pain.
[QUOTE="Marie Rain]Drake nodded,"Quite the sensible thing aren't you ?", he said looking pleased,"I like that." He walked onto the sand and stretched,"Alright where is your little cave so we can hurry? The beach is more of Lil's thing so I don't really like staying that long.", he said as he kept an eye out for dangers. He then took note of her frame,"You've fought before haven't you?"

"Yes. I was in the army."

Eden kept a lookout for her cave. Finally, she spotted it.

"It's over there, near the edge of the beach."

She pointed it out.
Petia just sighed and shook his head.

"Okay, acting tough is fine and all but you are hurt and walking through the jungle is going to be hell on you" he moved up beside her, "Once we get you fixed you can act as tough as you want but for now climb on my back."
[QUOTE="Marie Rain]Drake nodded,"Quite the sensible thing aren't you ?", he said looking pleased,"I like that." He walked onto the sand and stretched,"Alright where is your little cave so we can hurry? The beach is more of Lil's thing so I don't really like staying that long.", he said as he kept an eye out for dangers. He then took note of her frame,"You've fought before haven't you?"

"Come on, Drake."

Eden took his hand and led him into her cave. It was mostly just a cave, but in the corner least open to the wind and rain, there were the remains of a fire and a bedroll with pillows and blankets were nearby. Eden began packing up, and started explaining a bit about how she got there to Drake:

"That was some storm. There were waves sweeping over the ship. It was rocking. I barely managed to hold on on the decks. People were being swept over the sides. Then... I heard a crack, like the ship was breaking up. I decided that the sea and the island in the distance, this island, offered better chances of survival. And so I jumped into the water. I can swim, but I was swept about by the storm. It's a monster. I washed up on the beach and managed to crawl into this cave. It's a good thing there was wood in the back, otherwise I'd have never got warm."
Drake listened closely to her speech on what happened,"Ya we knew about that storm. Everyone could feel it, it was my sis' idea to watch it.", he said,"Oh and just for safety measures, don't admit to being human to soon. It may cause bad things to happen." He looked at her slightly worried for some reason.
[QUOTE="Marie Rain]Drake listened closely to her speech on what happened,"Ya we knew about that storm. Everyone could feel it, it was my sis' idea to watch it.", he said,"Oh and just for safety measures, don't admit to being human to soon. It may cause bad things to happen." He looked at her slightly worried for some reason.

"My humanity would probably be obvious to those with enough sight to tell that I have no cat ears, tail, red eyes, or all the other weird things that people in this island seem to have."
"Some creatures look human. You could pretend to be a succubus", he said then smirked and leaned over her,"I can help you~" Drake picked up a strand of her hair and his eyes shinned when he smiled at her, one of the things his kind could do. His tail flicked around behind him.
[QUOTE="Marie Rain]"Some creatures look human. You could pretend to be a succubus", he said then smirked and leaned over her,"I can help you~" Drake picked up a strand of her hair and his eyes shinned when he smiled at her, one of the things his kind could do. His tail flicked around behind him.

Eden hoisted her pack to her back, done with packing up her bedding. She told Drake: "I'm an army gal at heart. I doubt that I could ever pass for a succubus."
"Well you could...act? It's not hard to flirt. Again I can teach you", he said while glancing down at her. He liked how she wouldn't fall for his easy tricks, made the game more fun. Drake picked her bag up for her and started to walk out,"Come on, we should head back before the sea monsters come out to feed."
[QUOTE="Marie Rain]"Well you could...act? It's not hard to flirt. Again I can teach you", he said while glancing down at her. He liked how she wouldn't fall for his easy tricks, made the game more fun. Drake picked her bag up for her and started to walk out,"Come on, we should head back before the sea monsters come out to feed."

Eden walked with him back through the forest.
Kayta and Eoli (her mini dragon), walked through the forest stealthily. She Observed the two beings talking for a while and picked a spot in a nearby tree, a few yards ahead where she could listen in. Eoli squeaked a little. "Shh Eo."
[QUOTE="Marie Rain]"Well you could...act? It's not hard to flirt. Again I can teach you", he said while glancing down at her. He liked how she wouldn't fall for his easy tricks, made the game more fun. Drake picked her bag up for her and started to walk out,"Come on, we should head back before the sea monsters come out to feed."

Eden asked Drake: "So, what other things do you think I could impersonate? Succubi are out of the question."
Drake thought for a moment,"Well an elf if you put a beanie on you. ", he sauté stead then sniffed the air. He took Eden into his arms holding her and hissed at the tree that he smelled Kayta in. His ears pressed close to his head and his tail moved between his legs. It was still a bit further from where they were but his senses were strong. It was instinct that he tried to protect Eden.
Eden, herself, just got a loaded gun out of her bag and held it at the ready. She could appreciate the need to protect girls, but she was in the army. She could protect herself!
"Easy, creature." Kayta came down from her tree. "I mean no harm to you or this girl." Eoli chirped and flew over to eden, landing lightly on the ground in front of her. "Your presence interested me, is all." She put her hands in the air in surrender. "I am Kayta."
Drake relaxed his body,"You should know that it isn't good to spy on people, girly", he said keeping an eye on the dragon. He looked at Eden,"Hold your fire. That may just anger some people around here."
"Holding fire, sir."

For a moment, Eden had slipped back into "adressing-superior" mode.

She lowered her gun.
Kayta smiled. "I am no mere girl," She said, studying him carefully. "I am an elf. By far older than you, good sir." Eoli chirped again and nuzzled up to Eden's feet, his small, lithe body curving in and out of the gap between her feet. Kayta laughed. "It appears my companion likes you. Eoli knows who to trust better than I myself sometimes do."

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