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Fantasy Fantastical Island

Rowan too woke up on the sandy beach, allowing a slight groan to pass her lips as she moved into a sitting position, struggling a little however due to a sharp pain that coursed through her abdomen. Lifting the hem

of her shirt for closer inspection, Rowan's pale oculars noticed a shallow but rather nasty gash that ran from her right hip up to nearly her breast. Confusion rippled through the teenager's mind as she tried to recall how that could've happened, but her memories were still a blur. She did remember leaving her cabin out of sheer curiosity when the storm began to worsen, however, but after that .. well, she supposed she just fell overboard.

Now making an attempt at standing, Rowan subconsciously placed a hand on her wounded side as another faint wave of pain ran along her skin, though managed to get to her feet nonetheless. Gaze sweeping her surroundings, Rowan grew curious once again, and blocked out this now irritating pain in her side. Where exactly was she?
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When Petia took a look around he saw a confused woman who was seriously injured. He looked along the tree line to look for any potential dangers and saw many small creatures looking at her with hunger in their eyes.

"If only she wasn't here I could fight with some of them, but then the rest would go for her." he thought as he slithered up to the woman trying to look impressive in all his naga glory, but not like he was going to hurt her since she didn't seem to be in a very friendly mood right now.

"Look, I wouldn't normally do this but if you stand around here something is going to eat you, I know I don't seem all that trusting but I am probably your best shot at survival for now" he said in as friendly a tone as he could muster.
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Pale oculars whipping in the direction of the voice, Rowan's gaze focused upon the naga, a taken aback look contorting her features, that soon morphed between shock and then confusion once again. Bringing a hand to her head, she massaged her temple, though kept her gaze focused on the creature, expecting it to simply vanish in a moments time. "Must've hit my head as well or something .." she mumbled to herself rather than replying, as after all, it was merely a hallucination right?
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Emilia looked up at the woman (still Isa) and then back at the man. She sniffed him curiously. The little pixie fox had actually never been near humans before, so his smell was unfamiliar. Emilia huffed a little bit and continued to scamper along with the woman and man being dragged, still in her fox form.
Drake retreated back into the trees,"Lilith come on. We have to inform the others", he said as he left. He was a bit excited as well at this new development but wouldn't act yet. He would plan it out better.

Lilith looked at him,"You go on ahead. I'll watch some more.", she said then leaped into a tree. He hung over a few people while hidden behind the leaves. Her curiousity had to be her greatest weakness because it always managed to get her into a new level of trouble.
Petia was growing with concern, what the hell was she doing rubbing her head? Oh crap, what if she had a concussion? More likely she was having a hard time accepting his help.

"Look, I know I'm kinda scary but there is worse stuff out there that will not talk to you first. If you don't respond I'm going to assume you can't and I will carry you over my shoulder.
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Eden hid in the woods near the beach, careful to not make much sound, and looked out on the scene. It was quite strange there at the beach. Several other passengers had washed up there, and what looked like some people from the island had come there to help them.

But, the people were strange. One had glowing red eyes. What kind of person had glowing red eyes? Another had a snake tail instead of legs. She noticed, when she looked around her, that there was a catgirl up a tree.

"What have I gotten into?" she thought to herself.
Isa glanced at the small... fox-pixie-thing... Shrugging and adjusting the red haired boy's weight in her arms, she spoke calmly. "If you'd like, you're welcome to come with me to treat this human. That is, of course, up to you. May I ask your name, little one?"
The serpent-like creature was still before her, which meant she had seriously gone insane or else this was real. Taking a step forward, Rowan seemed to have forgotten about the fact that he had said other creatures would apparently harm her if she stood around for too long. He was like something from one of those fantasy novels she had been reading!

"Am I dreaming?" questioned the teenager in a quiet tone, the thought that pain didn't usually occur in dreams not even coming to mind as another jolt of pain shot through her arm as a result of stretching her arm to touch the creature. "Ow, crap," she hissed, quick to bring a hand to her abdomen again where most of the pain was.
Must... not... damn... Elsieth thought, attempting to move again for the umpteenth time. Staying here wouldn't be a good idea, she knew that. And losing consciousness again?! That was not on her list of things she would want to happen. And so, with all energy she could give, the human forced herself to stand, eyes slightly widening when she felt countless wounds reopen. "Fu... tch," she swore nearly, gritting her teeth and continuing her journey to wherever she could go. Beyond this beach, onto that forest... was a better place to stay. Or at least, the idea was better than staying vulnerable and weak in the middle of this place.
Emilia looked up at the woman again when she spoke. She shifted back to her human-ish form and walked beside her. The short girl nodded eagerly. She didn't even feel hungry anymore. "Emilia," she answered softly.
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Petia still had no idea what was going on with the woman in front of him, becoming even more confused when she poked him and then mumbled to herself.

"Hell why am I even doing this anyway? She is just some random woman." He thought as he grabbed her and put her over his shoulder, trying not to injure her any more.

"I know this probably hurts like hell but we need to get out of here now." he hissed as he began slithering to his campsite/home.
"Wha-- where are we going?!" exclaimed the teenager, speaking up finally, after concluding that she definitely wasn't dreaming now. And he was right, it did hurt, though she clenched her jaw and did her best to ignore the pain, far too caught up with trying to sort out all these thoughts that rushed to mind. The snake guy didn't seem like a threat, but what was she supposed to think? He was a frigging snake .. guy!
Petia was surprised when the woman on his shoulder started yelling. Since when could she talk? Besides, considering what she said she obviously wasn't listening to Petia before so she will have to listen to him now.

"Okay you obviously haven't been listening to me, you are an obvious target and it's the middle of the night. If I wasn't here you would be dead in a few minutes so I am taking you to where I have been living for a while, and we might be able to treat your wound there or something. suddenly wondering how in the hell was he going to fix that massive wound... that is now bleeding on his shoulder, great.
Shutting her mouth again and ceasing her exclamations, Rowan would've made an irritated retort if the gash on her abdomen didn't sting so badly. The movement of putting her onto his shoulder had obviously stretched the wound slightly as it was bleeding a little more than before, staining her shirt. "Snakes know first-aid?" was the only thing she managed to ask, quirking one eyebrow. Apparently, severe pain still wasn't enough to stop Rowan's comments completely.
"First off, that's a little racist but your probably in shock so I'll let that go. Second, no, I don't, but it's better than being out there and having much bigger wounds. I was just thinking we could make an improvised bandage out of a shirt or something." Petia said suddenly realizing his incompetence on this matter. "Besides we are here already." as he put her next to the burnt out fire and went to grab some kindling from his pile.
Rowan's pale oculars swept over the makeshift hideout the creature had for himself, curiosity ebbing away at her though her attention was once again averted to the wound. Lifting her top again to examine what state it was in now, she winced a little at the sight. How had it even happened anyway? She didn't recall banging into anything, but then again, she didn't recall much at all. There were some bruises blossoming on her skin too, which were proof she had been hit by something after all-- most likely stray pieces of the ship. "Well, what do you do when you get hurt?" she asked after a moment.
Petia was slowly realizing this may not have been the best choice considering he wasn't sure how to fix any major wounds.

"If it's cut I put some cloth over it, if it's broken I make a splint. I don't really get hurt too often." When he finished getting the kindling he made a small tepee and started sparking two rocks until the twigs caught.

"There is a city nearby though although I never go there, it's boring enough being surrounded by wildlife, but I suppose that's the best place for me to take you right now."
"A city ... ?" Rowan repeated, clearly growing wary once more. "Like with humans or m-other creatures?" she questioned, having been about to say 'monsters' as it was merely a first thought, though quickly thinking twice about that, seeing as he had seemed to take slight offense when she commented on snakes knowing how to do first-aid. Scooching closer to the slowly growing flames, Rowan put her hands near the little fire to hopefully warm herself somewhat. After all, wearing soaking wet clothes wasn't the best idea, but she wasn't planning on taking them off.
"Yeah, a city full of creatures. There aren't many humans here, or weren't I guess since you washed up with other bits if ship you can't be the only one here, can you?" Petia said while grabbing some bigger pieces of wood for later, "anyway, you should dry off before I take you there, you wouldn't happen to know any first aid would you?"
The mention of other humans being on the island had caught her attention, because she hadn't thought of that up until now.

"Uh, well, my father's a doctor but I never really paid attention to anything much he said or did. Although I do know how to stitch wounds, because my brother injured himself a lot, but there isn't really anything I could use," she pointed out, gaze sweeping around her anyway as if to make sure there wasn't anything that could be used for that purpose.
Petia was disappointed to hear that he would have to go to the city, he had been hoping this woman knew how to fix herself but since that wasn't the case...

"Alright, for now we should at least try to close that wound" he said while looking for a old shirt he used for bandages in the past. When he found it he ripped it into long, thin strips.

"Okay wrap these around your body to hold the wound closed."
" .. Okay," responded the teenager after a short pause as she took the strips of fabric from him, lifting her tshirt by the hem once again and holding it up out of the way with her chin while she awkwardly wrapped, the lengths of fabric around her torso, doing her best to cover the majority of the wound. She was beginning to get used to the pain now, and didn't find it as bad, though it was still an annoyance, especially when moving any parts of her body that'd put strain on her stomach and chest.
"Okay that should hold for now, but we are going to need to get you fixed soon. You haven't seen anything like me before, have you?" Petia said while finally warming up for the first time in hours and it felt fantastic.
"Well .. in movies and stuff, but, no," Rowan admitted, her gaze studying the creature before her once more with curiosity. Although there was clearly the possibility that he wouldn't know what movies were, but then, what did she know? Were all of the creatures he was talking about similar to him, or different? If so, then how come no one knew about this place? At least she didn't think anyone did ..
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