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Fantasy Fantastical Island

"Well I guess that explains earlier, you better get used to seeing some weird stuff because I am probably one of the closer to normal things you will see here." laughed Petia "And I doubt you recognize many of the things in the forest who see you as a midnight snack!"
"Well, I wouldn't let them get near me," responded the teenager as if that'd be the simplest thing ever, but looking at the Naga, and how large he was compared to her, she supposed that there was the possibility of even larger creatures. Actually, she doubted she would be able to manage getting away from this guy, but, she wouldn't admit that easily.
The black haired vampire nodded once in reply. "Nice to meet you, Emilia. I'm Isa." She gestured slightly with her head at the red haired boy in her arms. "I'm not sure who this is, but he obviously needs help." Thankfully the boy wasn't bleeding. Otherwise, Isa didn't know what she would have done...
"Really now? How well do think you can run with a injury like that and with your head spinning? How well can you fight with no weapon, just your small hands?" He said in a teasing voice "The thing is, right now you are one of the weakest things on this island."
"You didn't necessarily have to put it like that," huffed the prideful teen, about to fold her arms over her chest and sulk a little before quickly deciding that probably wouldn't be the best idea with her wound. Instead, she leaned back against the wall, allowing her arms to sit by her side and out of the way of the wound. Only now did she realise how worn out she felt, and would've liked nothing more to simply sleep. "Do we have to go to the city right now?" she asked, even though she knew well that they would, or else her wound would probably get infected.
Emilia smiled a little bit then looked at the man again. "When do you...think he will... wake up?" she asked the vampire, still looking at the man she was carrying in curiousity.
Isa shrugged slightly. "I'm not sure... I haven't met very many humans, so I don't know too much about how their bodies work..." Quite suddenly, her entire demeanor shifted, and she was blushing and smiling, practically squirming. "Ooohh! This is so exciting! My first human encounter!" Almost as soon as her little fangirl moment began, she cleared her throat and she was back to looking rather blank. The changes were so sudden, it was almost like they never even happened. "I'm sure one of the doctor will have some idea how to treat one of his kind." Under her breath, she added, "I hope..."
Emilia jumped when the woman suddenly became very cheery. She looked up at her with wide, surprised eyes. That had been unexpected. And as fast as the sudden happiness came, it was gone. Emilia blinked a little then mentally shrugged and continued folowing. "He is the first...human I have seen too..."

Lilith eventually started to head back to her town. The humans were being cared for and truthfully they were no fun all injured and weak like this. She jumped down from the tree and started to walk through the forest. The markers her family had made on the trees were still very clear and easy to read. She traced the symbols with her fingers,"Ugh...dad is going to be angry...", she muttered to herself as she walked.


When he was originally going to report to his father, Drake thought more about it. He decided to hold back for now and explore this idea. He started to head to the city and explore for himself. Drake needed more information on how the humans got there. Why they were here. And how long they'd be staying. Also, he was bored and the only thing to cure it would be some...fun.
She nodded. "I would expect these are the first humans a lot of us have seen. They don't usually make it out here to our island, after all. Good thing outsiders aren't killed on sight anymore after that law passed 50 years ago!" It would have been a shame to see this boy burned alive, for no other reason than he was a mere human.

After fima was done drying off, he decided he would go foraging for berries and other fruits. "Off to the forest I go." He mumbled to himself. And go to the forest he did.
"What law?" Emilia asked her. Not only had she seen her first human that day, it was also the first time in years she had actually socialized with anybody. Emilia also had never been into town.
Isa looked down at her and tilted her head to one side. "There used to be a law that anyone that wasn't born on the island was to be killed on sight, but it was repealed, and now anyone that manages to get to the island from the outside world has all the same rights as the rest of us. Of course, being mortal, they can't do some of the things that we can, physically, but the government now views them as an equal species."
Emilia listened to her intently. Government? She was about to ask about that, but stopped herself. She didn't want to make herself look more stupid than she already probably looked. Instead, Emilia just nodded and looked at the man again. She poked his face.
[QUOTE="Marie Rain]
Lilith eventually started to head back to her town. The humans were being cared for and truthfully they were no fun all injured and weak like this. She jumped down from the tree and started to walk through the forest. The markers her family had made on the trees were still very clear and easy to read. She traced the symbols with her fingers,"Ugh...dad is going to be angry...", she muttered to herself as she walked.


When he was originally going to report to his father, Drake thought more about it. He decided to hold back for now and explore this idea. He started to head to the city and explore for himself. Drake needed more information on how the humans got there. Why they were here. And how long they'd be staying. Also, he was bored and the only thing to cure it would be some...fun.

Eden, from her hiding place, heard everything. After struggling a bit to not go into shock, she decided to follow the cat girl as she left, and potentially learn a bit more about the island, and maybe even make a friend.

Lilith was easily able to detect being followed by the human. She turned and looked at her,"Who are you?", she asked as her tail flicked. It was out of pure instinct that she kept a safe distance from the girl. She walked up to Eden and her ears stayed perked up as she watched the human creature.
[QUOTE="Marie Rain]
Lilith was easily able to detect being followed by the human. She turned and looked at her,"Who are you?", she asked as her tail flicked. It was out of pure instinct that she kept a safe distance from the girl. She walked up to Eden and her ears stayed perked up as she watched the human creature.

"My name is Eden Taskar. I am one of the victims of that storm. Now, your turn. Who are you?"
Lilith decided to play a bit and her tail flicked in the air,"Now wouldn't you like to know", she said with a grin. She laughed a bit,"I think my brother would enjoy you~ Are you strong?", she asked changing the subject. Her ear twitched and she sniffed the human girl,"You smell like ocean."
[QUOTE="Marie Rain]Lilith decided to play a bit and her tail flicked in the air,"Now wouldn't you like to know", she said with a grin. She laughed a bit,"I think my brother would enjoy you~ Are you strong?", she asked changing the subject. Her ear twitched and she sniffed the human girl,"You smell like ocean."

"No, I smell like desert. Of course I smell like the ocean, I took a swim in it not too long ago. And, am I strong?"

Eden considered the question. She did consider herself strong, but she wasn't stupid. Questions about strength were usually followed by either a) a discovery that they weren't talking about what you thought, or b) discovering that they were much stronger than you. Both ways lead to humiliation, as she had discovered via experiment when she was in the army. Eden decided to play it safe and answered:

"That is relative."
"Well if you aren't then you are just a nuisance right? A waste of space that will need to be watched or else it will die. Like a baby almost", she said teasingly. Lilith studied her,"I'm Lilith.", she finally decided to tell her,"Come with me. I'll take you to the city to find somewhere for you to stay." Without a response, she was already walking away at a fast pace.
[QUOTE="Marie Rain]"Well if you aren't then you are just a nuisance right? A waste of space that will need to be watched or else it will die. Like a baby almost", she said teasingly. Lilith studied her,"I'm Lilith.", she finally decided to tell her,"Come with me. I'll take you to the city to find somewhere for you to stay." Without a response, she was already walking away at a fast pace.

Eden was somewhat disturbed by the cat girl's attitude. In the military, it had been beaten into her head that you never left a squad mate behind. Ever. No one was ever useless, and if they couldn't help in the instant, it was your job to get them back to where they could. Nevertheless, she followed the girl, figuring that when she got close, she could inform her that she (Eden) already had some stuff in a cave near the beach.
Lilith walked into the town and soon spotted her brother being thrown out of a building. She sighed and walked up to him,"Drake. What now ?", she asked crossing her arms.

Drake rubbed his head,"The idiot just can't handle the truth", he said then noticed Eden. He jumped to his feet and straightened out his clothes,"Hello ~", he said with a smirk as he leaned on her shoulder.

Lilith grabbed his ear,"Bad. Down boy", she said sternly as he went limp. She then directed her attention to Eden and smiled,"This is my pathetic excuse for a brother, Drake. If he gives you trouble just grab his ear and he's weak. Touch his tail though and you'll get bit...probably. ", she said as if in thought.

Drake flicked Lilith's hand off,"You act as if I'm some dangerous pervert, Lil. That hurts really", he said in a fake pout.
[QUOTE="Marie Rain]Lilith walked into the town and soon spotted her brother being thrown out of a building. She sighed and walked up to him,"Drake. What now ?", she asked crossing her arms.
Drake rubbed his head,"The idiot just can't handle the truth", he said then noticed Eden. He jumped to his feet and straightened out his clothes,"Hello ~", he said with a smirk as he leaned on her shoulder.

Lilith grabbed his ear,"Bad. Down boy", she said sternly as he went limp. She then directed her attention to Eden and smiled,"This is my pathetic excuse for a brother, Drake. If he gives you trouble just grab his ear and he's weak. Touch his tail though and you'll get bit...probably. ", she said as if in thought.

Drake flicked Lilith's hand off,"You act as if I'm some dangerous pervert, Lil. That hurts really", he said in a fake pout.

Eden nodded politely. "Hello, Drake," she said.

She turned back to the girl, apparently Lil. "I was setting up in a cave near the beach, and I have possessions there. So, if you're going to find me a place to stay in town, may we return to grab my stuff?"
"Yeah we should, you're dried off, that wound is not going to get any better and sleeping out here won't help much either, my name's Petia by the way." he said giving her an arm, "How would you like me to carry you?"

"I haven't seen anything like her before, I mean it's not like I meet many people living out here but still.. pink hair? on a human? That's just weird."
Lilith nodded,"Ya sure. I'm just a guide", she said with a shrug. The human girl was hard to read but she liked how Eden didn't even become effected at all by her brother.

Drake took her arm,"I'll guide you back if you like~? It'd be fun to show you around", he said as he watched her. His tail flicked behind them, making it obvious how he thought she was fun.

Lilith shrugged,"Condemning yourself if dad catches you. He actually sorta cares about you.", she said quietly to Drake who only shrugged it off.

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