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Fantasy Fantastical Island

Rowan exhaled a slight sigh, before doing as she was told, finally, and climbing onto the naga's back. She hooked her arms around his neck so she wouldn't slip off again. "Is it going to take long to get there?" Rowan questioned, quirking one eyebrow.
Petia forgot to compensate for the extra weight so he had to strain his core to not lean back when Rowan climbed on his back.

"It's about two kilometers in the forest, so it will take about half an hour once we reach one of the main trails."

Once they started going into the forest Petia began trying to remember things about the city from the short time he lived there, wasn't there some issue about humans? Oh crap they weren't banned were they? No, that idiotic law was abolished long before his time, he was really wishing he spent more time inland now, but there was still a lot of ill will towards them wasn't there?

"Hey I don't spend much time in the city but I think there may be a slight racial problem with humans there, so you know, there isn't a whole lot we can do about it since we are getting a doctor but you shouldn't expect rockstar treatment or anything. I am going to grab my sword just in case."
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[QUOTE="Juli Zakstyre]Kayta smiled. "I am no mere girl," She said, studying him carefully. "I am an elf. By far older than you, good sir." Eoli chirped again and nuzzled up to Eden's feet, his small, lithe body curving in and out of the gap between her feet. Kayta laughed. "It appears my companion likes you. Eoli knows who to trust better than I myself sometimes do."

Eden bent down to study Eoli more closely. A few days before, she would have been shocked by the small dragon, but now, such things seemed normal.
Drake kept an eye on Eden but kept talking to Kayta,"Age is not important here sweetheart. You should know that. So the dragon won't bite right?", he asked looking a bit jumpy. His tail flicked at the tip and his ears were a bit flattened.
Kayta laughed again. "Oh, no. Of course not." Eoli sat down and looked up at eden. He chirped, and licked her leg, the way a dog does. Kayta looked at the girl and the dragon for a moment, a calm smile on her face. she turned her attention back to Drake. "Your companion is new here on the Island, correct?"
"What's it to you?", he asked looking at her. Drake wanted to protect Eden from danger, atleast for now, since he was in charge of her temporarily. He knew that the elvish people could be dangerous and were not all good, despite appearances.
Eden, just by looking at Drake, knew that he was trying to protect her, the silly goose! She was probably a better fighter than he was. Just because she was human didn't mean that she was a child or a china doll (or both).
Kayta shrugged. "I mean no harm to either of you. I was just curious, because, Drake, i have seen you, but never her on the island before."
Drake nodded,"Ya she's one of the new ones. I'm in charge of her while my sister gets her a room.", he said and leaned on a tree. He was becoming more sure that he could trust her and thought of something. He smiled,"You could do us a great favor and make her look like an elf. She needs to blend more. "
Kayta smiled. "Oh?" Eoli got bored of not being paid attention to, and flew back to Kayta's arm. "I think...." Kayta slowly approached eden, giving her a good look over. "The only thing that needs to be changed is the ears. I can help her DRESS like an elf, but i cannot make her ears like my own." Kayta shook her head. "So long as nobody looks closely at you, you would pass for a normal elf." Eoli licked his chops and yawned from kayta's shoulder.
"Oh, all right, well, something to cover it up properly would be nice, so I'm hoping that's included in the not so great treatment," Rowan commented, resisting the urge she got now and then to poke at the wound, figuring she'd just make it worse. And racism towards humans? She supposed that was probably understandable although hoped it wasn't /too/ bad.
((Sorry, but this isn't really a post to the RP and I might not be able to get one up for a while. I'm just really sick and haven't been able to concentrate or really even stay awake for more than a couple hours... And my head hurts too much to look at a computer screen for long... Sorry...))
"Being majorly racist is kinda old fashioned, the problem is the people who are that old. They're all high and mighty and stay away from us 'peasants' anyway so you shouldn't have any real issues with doctors or anything." Petia put a mocking emphasis on peasants. After heading in one direction for three minutes the two of them found the main trail, where they found an elf "Crap" a cat person "Okay maybe not bad" and a human "Okay this is alright"

"Uh, hi."
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Drake looked at the new people for only a moment,"It's dangerous Eden. Anyone around here could warn you of my father. If you see any other cat people besides me and my sis you need to be wary.", he whispered then looked at Kayta,"Thank you for this. She can wear a hat for the ear part."
[QUOTE="Marie Rain]Drake looked at the new people for only a moment,"It's dangerous Eden. Anyone around here could warn you of my father. If you see any other cat people besides me and my sis you need to be wary.", he whispered then looked at Kayta,"Thank you for this. She can wear a hat for the ear part."

"Who's your father? Is he the sort of person that really deserves getting on the business end of a shootout?"
Rowan cast the others a curious look at Petia's indication, and was glad to see she wasn't the only human who had washed up, although this person didn't look familiar to her at all. After all, she hadn't really left her cabin much when they were on board the ship. Not that they had even been on board for very long.
Drake sighed,"Listen, the less you know the better. He's an ass but he's the alpha", he said patting her head,"Anyways we should head back to the city. Lilith is probably waiting." He then looked up to address the others,"I assume you are coming as well?"
Petia put down his sword and put up his hands "Whoa, I'm not looking for any trouble please don't shoot me out of nowhere. And yes we are going to the city, Rowan here hurt herself pretty badly when she wound up here"
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"Ah— what the heck?" Rowan exclaimed and ducked almost immediately after the bow was drawn for no reason whatsoever. Well, not that ducking would really help if Petia was shot with an arrow seeing as Rowan would just get squashed.
[QUOTE="Marie Rain]Drake sighed,"Listen, the less you know the better. He's an ass but he's the alpha", he said patting her head,"Anyways we should head back to the city. Lilith is probably waiting." He then looked up to address the others,"I assume you are coming as well?"

"Ah, so he does deserve it, then?" 
Eden was a bit annoyed at the head-patting gesture. She'd had it done to her several times in the army, and it had then been condescending.
"Yeah, we're heading to the city," Rowan responded with a slow nod, referring to Petia and herself.

(Hah... this role play isn't really going to proceed that well if characters are being played as if they haven't run into more people. ^^' That and I'm kinda used to longer posts so I might end up backing out in a while, sorry. ._.' )

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