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Fandom Fallout: Legends of the Badlands

Nic and Tess turned when the the queen exploded out of the hill. Nic was stunned not by fear but by the fact a queen was here they should be facing hundreds of wasps then because a queen did not leave the hive and thirty or so wasps did not make a have. Still the queen to Nic was less of a threat, it was strong and everything but the massive girth of it's ovipositor meant it was dragging itself along the ground as the legs could only drag it so fast.

"Tess aim for the organs boil it alive" Nic said pointing to the area.

" With pleasure ma'am" Tess said her eye charging up quickly and soon unleashing the deadly laser into the insides of the queens overly bloated body. The queen screamed and insect scream but it did not die, its vital organs must be higher up but it was in extreme pain.
Karcen said:
" Nails?" Nic asked a little confused why were their nails in the hornets, did Anna use them as a weapon, well it made some sense as they had more metal than bullets, but they would lack the proper velocity to go far. " Never mind already got it " Thought Anna was already holding up the rifle so Nic was actually a little behind on what was going on.
" i would help but I don't have hands, I have considered gettign claws, but they would be equally as useless" Tess said showing off the blade to make a point.

Nic sighed " I guess I can help you with that" She said though there was some reluctance . She was not a people person and this wasn't a matter of life or death so she was more than willing to just leave Anna to fend for herself, but that didn't seem to be an option.
Karcen said:
Nic and Tess turned when the the queen exploded out of the hill. Nic was stunned not by fear but by the fact a queen was here they should be facing hundreds of wasps then because a queen did not leave the hive and thirty or so wasps did not make a have. Still the queen to Nic was less of a threat, it was strong and everything but the massive girth of it's ovipositor meant it was dragging itself along the ground as the legs could only drag it so fast.
"Tess aim for the organs boil it alive" Nic said pointing to the area.

" With pleasure ma'am" Tess said her eye charging up quickly and soon unleashing the deadly laser into the insides of the queens overly bloated body. The queen screamed and insect scream but it did not die, its vital organs must be higher up but it was in extreme pain.
Annalise Fredricks

Anna smiled softly at Nic and Tess, giggling at her comment. "
That's fine Tess, thanks Nic." She told her before walking over to the nearest hornet corpse and pulling nails out of it, they looked pretty disgusting but she'd clean them later. "If they're too damaged or too deep don't bother. I-I really appreciate the help." She added while poking the corpse. Soon enough more things happened, things involving the Queen bursting out of the ground. Anna paled at it, thinking it could fly. But thankfully it could not, and Tess was soon attacking it. Anna wasted no time at all firing a few nails at it's head to try to kill it, she was hoping the rest would follow suit instead of running..otherwise she was wasting ammo.
Alex's vision was hazy. He couldn't see much except for a queen hornet. Suddenly he saw a huge laser hit the Queen and multiple shots at it. He was still very paralyzed by the venom but could see what was happening. If Jay's still alive he's going to kick his ass.
Dode grabbed Alex' shoulder as he recoiled in pain, helping him to the ground. He let his rucksack slip off his arms then flipped it round so he could open it. Junk...lots of junk, bits of salvage, energy cells... the good stuff... or rather the useful stuff was all kept in the pockets lining the bag, or wrapped in folds of material. He reached into the bag and pulled out a med-x syringe, popped the cap and injected it into Alex' arm, "That should stop the pain, but you need a stim-pak or an anti-venom", the urgency forcing Dode's words to crack. He closed up his rucksack and slung it over his shoulder, adjusting his rifle so it was accessible again. Alex was in a daze, whether he felt the injection or not was up for debate at this point.

Dode looked down the hill toward Jay, who was looking upwards, "
hopefully Jay has a spare stim-pak, or something to fight the venom", whispered Dode, trying to keep his anxiety concealed. Dode bent down, ready to carry Alex down the hill... But something was wrong... The ground was shaking... something was coming! A giant hornet queen tore through the earth, it's buzzing wings accomplishing nothing...it was looking right at Alex. Dode shuffled off to the flank, whipping off his Enfield, removing the safety in the same motion. He didn't even need to aim, this thing was huge. He let loose a shot into the beast's head and cocked the next round into place, "3 left...". The beast barely flinched, instead it's whole body seemed to be twitching, it's antennae shaking rapidly. Dode aimed at the antennae and sent 2 rounds flying, snapping the antennae off...the queen stopped twitching...for but a moment everything was still...then it started moving again, more erratically this time. "THE LEGS...SHOOT IT'S FUCKING LEGS!", he screamed, cocking the final round into place and sending it into one of the leg joints...The leg stopped moving...instead just hanging off the body. "That's one... ".

The Enfield was empty. Dode pulled the bolt back, exposing the magazine chamber, noticing how dirty it was. His ammo was kept in a left pocket on the rucksack for easy access, the stripper clips holding 5 rounds each, and the Enfield could hold 10...The rounds slid in easily, one strip after another. Dode eased the bolt back into place, cocking the first round into the chamber, then stowed the empty strips back in his rucksack...He pulled the rifle into his shoulder once more and aimed at the next leg joint...
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Ferrin had largely kept her distance save for retrieving her spear when the loud mouth, Jay from what'd she'd heard, had swapped to an actual crutch. To be honest she wasn't sure whether staying with them, or even near them, was necessarily a good idea. There were definitely a few, such as the small girl with the silent rifle, the ghoul and Jay who seemed to have no bloody clue or chance to survive in the badlands. Still, there were a couple others such as the man that had given Jay the crutch, or the woman with the Sten, that seemed to know what the hell they were doing.

Pulling a rag out the Dragoon set to cleaning off her weaponry from hornet gunk when the ground rumbled and the massive queen pulled herself from the earth. Ferrin didn't even attempt to attack first, making sure she watched where the bullets seemed to be most effective such as the legs and the like. It was better this way, as she had to get close to do damage, meaning it was important to know what she was about to step into. She also took note of the wounded man with the rifle. He certainly had guts, and she respected that. He'd make for a good Serant for certain, but not if that queen keep going after him.

Running through the group at a good clip Ferrin made a break for the space between the man and the queen. She heard him shout about the legs, but her spear wouldn't be good for that. Not at all giving it's stabbing basis. That coupled with the hide was going to make it tough, but she settled on the iridescent eyes the massive hornet held. Leaping high with a mighty war cry, Ferrin appreciated the height advantage the hill had given her as she came to a jarring stop as her spear sank deeply into on of the queen hornet's eyes.

In response the creature seemed to let out an almost ungodly high pitched buzzing as it began to writhe around. Ferrin did her best to hold on, but her hands slipped from her spear as it remained firmly lodged in place. The weightlessness that took over the Dragoon only lasted long enough for her to hit the hill harshly, rolling and sliding a metre or so from the man with the Enfield. Standing back up, she flagged at him and spoke.

"You put out it's next leg on the same side, and I'll leap atop again. When that happens she's going to try to shake me, and when that happens put your next round into her front leg on the other side to slow her down. I want my fucking spear back!"

With a feral growl ripping from her throat Ferrin started running towards the queen again, hoping the man would listen to her, but ready to improvise if he didn't.

Jay swallowed hard as the situations unfolded before him.

"Sorry, Daphne, but I'm not sure running is something I'm capable of right now," he cursed quietly. Casting his crutch aside, Jay drew out his bat and jumped forwards, sliding down the hill towards the hornet. He aimed came to a stop beside the legs and took a swing at one with his bat, shearing the lower half off with a sharp snap. An idea formed in his head, and he took hold of the section of leg and tried to stab the queen in the underside with it, but all is did was shatter.
'The woad woman knew what she was doing' thought Dode, stopping the queen beast from charging at him with one well placed spear, 'it'll be pissed now though'. Dode turned to look for a more suitable vantage point, but his concentration was broken by the woad woman slamming into the ground in front of him. He began to walk forward and get her on her feet, but she took care of that, gracefully hopping back up and resting in a crouched stance, like she was about to pounce and rip out the queens other eye with her bare hands...she stood up and motioned to Dode,

"You put out it's next leg on the same side, and I'll leap atop again. When that happens she's going to try to shake me, and when that happens put your next round into her front leg on the other side to slow her down. I want my fucking spear back!"

Dode nodded toward her, his eyes fixed on the twitching queen, the Enfield fixed into his shoulder... He was ready to put the plan into action. The woad screamed an impressive roar then leapt forward. Dode waited until the woman was one stride away from the beast then snap-shot 2 rounds into the next leg joint, the first bursting the leg open, the second... tearing it off. He cocked the rifle again and moved the first leg on the other side into his scope. Another 2 rounds flew from the barrel, almost together with the speed Dode cocked the bolt... Snapping off the leg, leaving a bloody stump...

@Veirrianna Valentine
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Two bullets hit the hornets back. A girl was standing on the ledge of a nearby hillside. "Y'all need some help?" She asked with pleasure and a smoking gun in her hands. A peaceful robot was floating near her. Her pipboy was finished scanning a nearby vehicle that was abandoned. "It seems You guys are in a sticky situation." She said as she reloaded and took aim again.
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As the opportunity presented itself, Ferrin leapt into place and planted her feet firmly against the hornet's face as she wrenched the spear left and right doing her best to pull it from the thrice damned creature. As she did so Jay and the rifle-man did their part and finished off the rest of the beast's legs, causing it to do it's best to writhe angrily as it tried to sort out how to fight back. As her spear finally began to slip free the hornet managed to twist it's body, and due to lack of it's legs to stabilise itself, it began to roll down the hill, taking Ferrin with it even as her spear finally came loose.

Both tumbling down the hill a ways, Ferrin hit a chunk of rubble on the way down, knocking the breath from her as she ragdolled the rest of the way down and landed roughly on her back at the base of the hill her spear still in her stubborn grasp. The queen came to a stop not a couple seconds later and began to angrily inch it's way towards her, doing it's damnedest to get close enough to get it's snapping mandibles into the girl's body.

In response Ferrin drove her spear into it's wretched and rancid maw before sliding back away from it, kicking the spear further and further down it's throat as she did her best to keep out of reach of the snapping mandibles of the beast.

"I. Hope. You're. Bloody. Well. Starved!"

With each shout she kicked again, and finally she queen seemed to stop moving. Struggling to her feet and stretching her sore back, she reached for her spear, wanting to pull it from the queen's mouth. It was then that the hornet jarred back into action and attempted to take her arm off. Letting out a startled cry Ferrin fell backwards as the abomination began to inch towards her yet again.
After the last blast Nic had needed to replace Tess's fusion core if she was goign to fire another shot, while there was one more shot left in the core it was best not to use the charge up as they could be recharged if you put it in a generator that was how many cores had survived the years without all dying. Nic also didn't like it when Tess ran out of power, not for some effectiveness reason but rather she did worry Tess would get hurt if she ran out of power. It was odd and Nic knew it worrying abotu a machine that couldn't feel pain getting hurt. So after the last shot Nic had undone parts of Tess's rear chaise and took off the armor plating revealing several slots and one filled one. Each slot could take a different kind of energy source. Nic put a micro fusion cell into one slot as emergency power while she pulled out the used core put a small mark on it then pulled out a fresh one and put it in.

" There all good to go " Nic said as she put the platting back on, in this time the fight had neared its conclusion if it wasn't for the queen somehow moving Nic would swear the hornet was dead and given all the holes, boiled organs and head trauma it should be but insects were resistant bastards.

" Thank you ma'am I should finish it off thanks to the others efforts" Tess said, her calculations having said if the two had been alone they were very unlikely to survive.

Tess's eye lit up and she quickly took aim, the abdomen was out and the head was to small to hit from this distance without hurting the person close to it. She woudl have to hit the hornets thorax, which given its size was easy to hit and it hopefully held the vital organs. Tess's eye soon reached full power and she maneuvered to the side and a little closer and unleashed another beam upon the queen. The beam hit and tore into the hornet queen reach inside searing flesh and roasting what few organs it had left, with any luck that would be enough to kill the accursed hornet.
Karcen said:
After the last blast Nic had needed to replace Tess's fusion core if she was goign to fire another shot, while there was one more shot left in the core it was best not to use the charge up as they could be recharged if you put it in a generator that was how many cores had survived the years without all dying. Nic also didn't like it when Tess ran out of power, not for some effectiveness reason but rather she did worry Tess would get hurt if she ran out of power. It was odd and Nic knew it worrying abotu a machine that couldn't feel pain getting hurt. So after the last shot Nic had undone parts of Tess's rear chaise and took off the armor plating revealing several slots and one filled one. Each slot could take a different kind of energy source. Nic put a micro fusion cell into one slot as emergency power while she pulled out the used core put a small mark on it then pulled out a fresh one and put it in.
" There all good to go " Nic said as she put the platting back on, in this time the fight had neared its conclusion if it wasn't for the queen somehow moving Nic would swear the hornet was dead and given all the holes, boiled organs and head trauma it should be but insects were resistant bastards.

" Thank you ma'am I should finish it off thanks to the others efforts" Tess said, her calculations having said if the two had been alone they were very unlikely to survive.

Tess's eye lit up and she quickly took aim, the abdomen was out and the head was to small to hit from this distance without hurting the person close to it. She woudl have to hit the hornets thorax, which given its size was easy to hit and it hopefully held the vital organs. Tess's eye soon reached full power and she maneuvered to the side and a little closer and unleashed another beam upon the queen. The beam hit and tore into the hornet queen reach inside searing flesh and roasting what few organs it had left, with any luck that would be enough to kill the accursed hornet.
Seeing that all the fire power had basically killed off the beast, The girl made her way over to Nic. "Howdy, what Y'all doing out here? It is dangerous and this group does not seem like a caravan of the sorts." She said with a curious tone. Her robot tagged along and made random sounds. "Sorry about Renold, I still need to add a voice modulator to the poor guy, His died a few weeks back and I am trying to find the right parts."
Dode watched the Queen roll down the hill, the hulking beast now blocking the view of the woad covered woman, 'hopefully she's alright... If she still has that spear, then the Queen is as good as dead', Dode grinned at the thought. As for the Queen, it was still moving, barely moving... But moving.

He started walking slowly down the hill toward the Queen, his Enfield raised and aimed at the beast's back. The air trembled as Dode sent another three rounds into the beast...he was about to empty the rifle into the Queen but noticed the mech was now about to fire it's beam weapon. Dode instead flipped on the safety and slung the rifle behind him, this fight would be over shortly...
Alex sat up slightly and stood up. He fell over once but was okay the second time. "Thanks Dode, I owe you a med-x." Alex was greatfull of the help Dode gave him. He turned toward the rest of the group. "You guys make a kick ass team."
Ferrin couldn't help but let out a relieved laugh when they finally finished off the queen. To be honest, it hadn't been her first time tangling with hornets, but never before had she gone up against a queen. Aside from it's tenacity and durability, it hadn't been as hard as she expected. Poking it a couple times to make sure it was finally, one hundred percent, not getting up again dead, the Dragoon leaned over and dragged her spear from it's maw, pulling a face at the mess. Wiping as much as she could off on the queen's carcass. Then, walking around behind it, Ferrin grinned triumphantly as she took in the size of the beast's stinger. Pulling her combat knife out, she set to work hewing the barbed end from the queen before slipping it into her belt as a trophy.

"Well, that was certainly exciting," jibed Ferrin as the started making her way back towards the group, using an old strip of cloth to clean the rest of the gunk off her spear, "But I've a feeling that wasn't what you were here to do. Anyhow, that was fun and then some."

Walking through the group, Ferrin made her way to the rifle man that had helped her with the creature and offered a hand in greeting.

"Ferrin, in case you missed it earlier. You're a brave one entering the fray pre-wounded."

" We aren't a caravan ... I'm not with them i'm just tagging along until they reach the factory Nic said having to remind herself that they weren't traveling together in fact at least three of the people had just joined in just before the fight, or during it.

Nic was not overly eager to talk to others, and it wasn't that she didn't trust people but she could rarely tell what they were thinking she could normally tell what robots were thinking so much so that she could generally understand the beeps from an eyebot. This new woman however was a little better than most as she seemed to have a respect at the least for robots, Nic had found few who liked robots as much as she did and even fewer who knew as much about them. She quickly thought about the problems that could cause the voice modulator to burn out and how best to repair one, though without a terminal there might be some unnecessary pain to the eyebot.

Tess meanwhile came over " Ma'am you are getting lost in thought" She said noticing the expression on Nic's face and the nearby eyebot.

Nic jumped " Oh right yeah " Nic said looking back to the woman " Um hi.. I'm Nic and this is Tess " Nic said

Tess gave a little not " A pleasure to meet you"
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Karcen said:
" We aren't a caravan ... I'm not with them i'm just tagging along until they reach the factory Nic said having to remind herself that they weren't traveling together in fact at least three of the people had just joined in just before the fight, or during it.
Nic was not overly eager to talk to others, and it wasn't that she didn't trust people but she could rarely tell what they were thinking she could normally tell what robots were thinking so much so that she could generally understand the beeps from an eyebot. This new woman however was a little better than most as she seemed to have a respect at the least for robots, Nic had found few who liked robots as much as she did and even fewer who knew as much about them. She quickly thought about the problems that could cause the voice modulator to burn out and how best to repair one, though without a terminal there might be some unnecessary pain to the eyebot.

Tess meanwhile came over " Ma'am you are getting lost in thought" She said noticing the expression on Nic's face and the nearby eyebot.

Nic jumped " Oh right yeah " Nic said looking back to the woman " Um hi.. I'm Nic and this is Tess " Nic said

Tess gave a little not " A pleasure to meet you"
"Name's Celia, Sheriff of Crossroad Junction." She said with a smile. "And this here is Renold, a storage bot but a really good friend." Celia laughed a bit. "Seems Tess is running low on steam there... Why don't y'all come back to my junction, I got a terminal that works almost as well as they used to. Powers Renold here just fine." She strapped her rifle onto her shoulder and put it onto her back. "I am also the local mechanic there, if ya want I can get Y'all a good place to rest for a bit, then set y'all on your way towards the factory."
Nic was actually a little offended as she took the mention of Tess not being at her best as an insult to both of them. " Tess is perfectly fine she just used the eye beam so some of her energy is drained" Nic said snapping at the woman, many things she could tolerate but someone insulting Tess was not one of those. " Fusion cores aren't that simple to charge, they require a specific make of generator which the factory is more likely to have than a sheriffs' shack" Nic continued.

It was now that Tess stepped in both figuratively and literally " Please excuse Nic she gets fired up about such things, I can however assure you i have plenty or energy left" Tess said trying to defuse the situation " I am sure that if we did go to your home Nic could repair Renold, but i bielive the factory is maybe an hour away"
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"I am sorry for offending you ma'am. I just wanted to help." Celia said with a nervous laugh. "Listen, how about I treat ya to a drink?" she said as she pulled out a nuka cola. "Renold kept it cool. Here, you go." She said as she held it out to her with a friendly gesture.

"My junction is over the hill, if you want you can, but you don't have to stop by..." She then looked around. "Hey um, who's your group's leader?"
" Then don't insult my... friend or my work on her" Nic said though she did take the cola still sounding very defensive.

nic was definitely not one to just get over things she would often hold onto insults until she forgot which could be in minutes or days or years depending on the insult. Either way Celia did bring up a good point who was leading this bunch they just seemed to agree on a spot and go towards it, not actually organizing beyond that.

" I don't know not my group I'm just following them go ask them if they have a leader Nic said just being honest abotu who to ask about such things, not because she wanted to get rid of Celia.
Karcen said:
" Then don't insult my... friend or my work on her" Nic said though she did take the cola still sounding very defensive.
nic was definitely not one to just get over things she would often hold onto insults until she forgot which could be in minutes or days or years depending on the insult. Either way Celia did bring up a good point who was leading this bunch they just seemed to agree on a spot and go towards it, not actually organizing beyond that.

" I don't know not my group I'm just following them go ask them if they have a leader Nic said just being honest abotu who to ask about such things, not because she wanted to get rid of Celia.
"Alright, and thank you." Celia said as she looked around. "I am going to go talk to the people over there okay. and sorry about the insult." She said as she started to walk away from her.
Annalise Fredricks

Anna, once the thing was finally dead, had pretty much ignored everyone and took this as a chance to recover the majority of her ammo while everyone talked and recuperated from the ordeal. Sure, finding nails was easy. Almost too easy. But she didn't like wasting anything, especially when it could be melted down for metal for something else later. She quickly and methodically moved from corpse to corpse, scooping up the somewhat slimy nails and assembling a pile on the ground. In all, she'd lost about five nails. Not bad, all things considered. Piling up the twenty semi-odd nails she'd fired she grabbed her canteen and poured a small amount of water on them to wash them, being sure not to use much at all and mostly just wash the initial slime off, before retrieving her teddy bear and placing the nails in the backpack. Couldn't get her teddy bear or her suit dirty, after all.

Once everything was said and done she walked back over to Nic. "
Sooo. When do you think we're gonna head out?" She asked her, arms crossed across her chest hugging her bear tightly.


The moment the queen bee died, a sense of guilt overcame Daphne. She could've helped, she could've been like Spear-Girl over there, but instead, she cowered behind everyone else. She sighed, shifting uncomfortably, before approaching the beast's carcass. "Sorry I didn't help out." She said, not really speaking to anyone in particular.

(Sorry for not responding to anything sooner! For some reason, I wasn't getting alerts! Otherwise, she'd have probably helped out.)
From one issue to another Anna came back from shooting nails at the queen, though that did give Nic an idea. Still why was she asking her about when they were going Nic wasn't part of the group so why did everyone think she was? Nic was no leader a leader needed charisma and to at least seem like they liked people, Nic couldn't even pretend that. Then an idea came to Nic that perhaps Anna was serious about repaying them for Tess saving her, she had said she was willing to be Tess's servant, Nic really didn't like the ward slave in this situation, and she had assumed it was a joke. Though she did think that Anna like most others would or did think Tess wasn't completely sentient which she was.

" Why are you asking me? I'm no leader its some one in that group that picks that I'm here on my own we are just going the same place" Nic said repeating the story she had concocted.

" I bielive she wants to stick with you and i ma'am" Tess said speaking up then she turned to look to Anna " If you are trying to repay a debt, you do not meed to worry about it, despite what Nic may say we often help people in need free of charge"

" We just get them out of a bad situation then leave them we aren't heroes or anything" Nic responded

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"Hey, it's fine," Jay reassured to Daphne, wincing, as he checked on his leg. He stood up slowly and let out a quiet groan.

"Well then, shouldn't we head off to the factory now? I don't want to hand around all these hornets for too long... Plus we need shelter, and all that. I can just about see it now, on the horizon," he suggested, slinging his bat over his back and tucking the crutch back under his arm.

"Hey, uh, Ferrin. Thanks for helping us out, that was pretty impressive," Jay added.
And there it was, the voice that started it all. glaring at the loudmouth Ferrin pointed an accusatory finger at him as she began to walk towards him.

"S'your first time in the badlands, I can guarantee it. You're going to get yourself killed, you know that? You've no clue how to get about the place, screeching through the fields and doing your victory jig cos you put down a single hornet with a baseball bat. Aren't you just the pride'n'joy of your fathers loins, aye?" Ferrin growled before pointing to the wounded and making a point to remind Jay of his own wound, "When you're out here, it's not a game. You live by rules and structure, and you act out or act up, you die. You don't meet the mark-up? You die. You think for even a millisecond that it's been an easy day? Mor'n likely you'll meet a cockatrice round the next lane, and then you die. Like I said before, if it sounds like shite, it's because it is, but this is the nicest you'll see of most in the badlands, boy..."

Letting her tirade sit on the man's shoulder for a moment, Ferrin rummaged through her satchel before finding what she was after. Pulling out a couple small canvas bags of herbs, she tossed a few different ones in her mouth and chewed them for a moment before taking a dreg of water from a canteen on her hip. Rather than swallow, she instead spit the mixture out into her hands and compressed it, leaving a foul coloured paste resting in her palm.

"Now you might as well come over here and let me put this compress on your wound. It helps sterilise and prevent infection, and acts as a mild anestheti-thingy. Fuck all, it's good for numbing pain at the source and I know how to make it, s'all that matters."

Looking around at everyone else, she took stock of how things were, and noted who else was hurt by the hornets before sighing. It'd been a long time since she'd been with a group before, to be honest she wasn't keen on being alone again, or losing anyone from the group. She didn't have to know them to know that they were simply trying to survive like she was. If there'd been one thing she'd picked up from the old trader, it was a bit of insight into other's lives.

Looking up at Jay, Ferrin figured he probably didn't need to be crippled by self doubt if he was still going to be out here, "Just... watch your volume. You want things to either not hear you, or only hear them when you want them to, such as when I showed up. It's safer that way, especially if you're in a group. That and I suppose if you're all from Colonia I may as well see you back there since I was headed that way eventually anyhow. While I have them out, if any one else needs a compress just tell me."


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