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Fallen in Love


New Member
*texting on his phone, hand stuffed in his pocket* Which way is to the school again...? I wonder if my friend will respond before class time.... Stupid idiot for not even giving me a map...
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*suddenly feels her body fall on him, lets out a startled shout and falls face first into the ground as she lands on his back* Ow.......
(Ouch ,what? The ground is a lot more bumpy than I last thought.... and very soft.) * sits up very dizzy * Hand is on something hard * ( blonde hair? O.o )
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*groans, his face being more squished to the ground* (What... Just.... A giant bird??) *he tries to look up at her but his face hurts too much and he groans again*
O.o (holy shit! did i kill him???) *stands up Pokes his head* "ummmm blonde person dude thingy are you ok? "
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*he finally sits up, holding his nose which is bleeding a lot* "I... Think so..." *looks at his hand and jumps a little* "Okay, maybe not." *glances at her, furrowing his eyebrows* "Where did you even come from...?" *looks up, so confused*
"ummm i came from the sky... well sort of " O.o *rips sleeve of jacket off and hand it to him* ( not like I liked that thing anyways sigh) "here use it to stop the bleeding ill answer your questions later.' you need help first" ( god my legs hurt)
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*waves one of his hands frantically* "N-no, you didn't have to rip your jacket, damn it...!! I-I have a handkerchief or something in my bag..." *looks for his bag* (Where did it go..? God, it's going to get everywhere and it'll be so much blood and... blood... Oh god, I'm getting dizzy, sO MUCH BLOOD.)
(dang it this guy is gonna die if he keep breathing like that and he may lose one of his blue eyes if he keeps the open that wide for much longer ) * grabs his arms and puts the sleeve on his nose* "Now stand still!" "look at me , breath" (ugh I just wanted to leave this world peacefully and now i land on a guy , great....)
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*tenses, crying out in pain* "Th-that hurts!!!!" *he squeezes one eye shut, looking at her with the other eye, tears at the corners* (Did I break my nose? Why does it hurt so much... And why did she come from the sky??)
" Oh god I'm sorry ;-; " *lets go of arms and hands him the sleeve "I didn't mean to " are you ok?" * * *Reflexively wipes his tear away *[flustered]
*he starts blushing like mad when she wipes his tears, staring wide-eyed and embarrassed* "I-I guess I'm fine, but I mean, my nose is probably broken or something. Maybe I should just go to the hospital." *he looks at her sleeve and takes deep breaths, just taking it and putting it back on his nose* (Don't think about it, don't think about it.)
"you probably should " ummm i'll take you to one" what's your name?" (god im such an idiot >.< why did i do that)
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" im Jade " we better get walking can you walk? or should we call someone?" ( idk if i can walk.... walk normally at least sigh might have to call an ambulance)
"Um... M-maybe... Ambulance... Also, I think I'm going to pass out in two seconds." *There he goes, out like a light*

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