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Fandom Fairy Tail: Symbol of Hope

Daemon waited in the trees high above the fairies, waiting to see if he could get a sight on Jay. Even if he spotted her, he still needed for his comrades to attack. He noticed a young woman wearing a hood walking with a young man with an eyepatch wearing a bomber jacket.

"Jay..." He muttered under his breath.

He also needed to keep his eyes peeled for Fairy Tail's master, not as a target but to be cautious. Currently there was no sight of her but things could change very quickly once she noticed that members of her Guild were in danger. That was when he noticed that he wasn't very clear on his orders. He cursed himself for letting his emotions get the better of him and thought about what to do next.

He turned his attention to his loyal raven. It looked like he would have to strike first.
Narina stood behind Daemon not makeing a sound, she thought she head him utter something, but did not dare ask. She looked to where the group of Fairies were fighting, though this wasnt as many as she saw before. not even half. She looked around the area "where are the others?" she asked allowed half to herself, and half to Daemon, maybe they had gained some luck and they guild had spilt up. Or what if this was a trap to lure them out. Narina looked to the back of Daemon's head, her eyes then moved back to the sall group, what was she going to do, fallow his orders and attack? should she call master shadow and see what they were to do? Narina didnt know, she bit her lower lip nervously.
(I didn't get the notifications -_- )

Cyrus a little far behind struggled to keep up with Jay and Tiberius, Wow i guess i really am out of shape. He said to himself while catching his breath for a bit. I hope this doesn't happen during the training. I need to prove myself. He looked up and saw Jay and Tiberius even farther then before. Cyrus began to run again trying to keep up.
"The others are nearby." Daemon replied quietly but without turning around to face Narina "But they're still waiting for the first strike against these Fairies."

He turned around to face her "Are you ready?" He asked, trying to hide his doubt. He did not doubt Narina but rather this plan which was unlike him. Daemon cursed himself again for letting his emotions get the better of him.
When Viran was quickly pulled from where he was sitting down and brought to meet Felina's eyes. He got red in the face and was terribly nervous because of her presence. "W-what are you talking about?" He questioned unsure of what he did wrong. "I...I was just eating my candy... It's still out there." He said sadly like he was about to cry but was feeling too nervous around Felina.
Enigo climbed up the tree Daemon was in and said, "Hey, Demon, I took the liberty of creating an illusion that we're not here. We're completely undetectable to them; they can't hear us, smell us, or see us. Anyway, I don't know what kind of plan you guys came up with back at the camp, but I have a suggestion. I'll keep up the illusion that you're not there and while you get ready to kidnap Jay," He put on a cheshire grin before continuing, "I'll distract them."
Daemon turned to face Enigo

"The plan was to ambush Fairy Tail as a distraction while I dealt with Jay." He replied "So your plan is similar to mine." He smiled "When I give the order I want you to make the first strike against the Fairies and the rest will follow. In the distraction, I will take Jay with us. If everything goes according to plan, Fairy Tail won't know what's happening until it's too late."
"Nah we weren't waiting to long, and the camping gear is just incase, plus I don't really have a place to stay so I have to carry all my stuff around with me" Shin said. Miku looked around, Where is Armina, I have to be on gaurd, god only knows when she will attack us and what she will do Miku thought to herself.

Yui walked along the ground. hearing what Enigo and Daemon had to say. "I'm ready to go when ever you guys are, I'll make sure all those flies get their wings frozen solid" She said angrily " Except your oh so precious Jay of course" she added.
"Insult me again, and I will hold you down while my raven plucks out your eyes." Daemon hissed

"Are you okay Cyrus? Tiberius asked, turning around and stopping "We're almost there but we can wait if you need us to, right Jay?"

Jay said nothing but nodded in response.
Narina was going to answer Daemon's question about if she was ok, but Enigo had arrvied and spoken, She waited until they were done to try and speak again, but then Yui had showed up, she stepped away for yui. She wasnt to fond of them. She looked to the clearing, the illusion was helping to keep the Fairy tale from noticing them, But Narina wasnt wondering where the rest of THEIR group was, but where the rest of fairy tale was. She knew there were more members. so where were they. She couldnt keep silent any longer "master Daemon, before I was sent to you, Lord Shadow sent me to oberseve the fairy tale building, and its members." She moved herself to stand beside Daemon, She was standing up straight un afraid at this point and speaking with such confidence that it was not like her one bit. "This is not all of them, this is merely a small group, there are many more faires" she looked to Daemon with her blue eyes, they narrowed slightly "what if they are egging us to attack them, what if the rest of them is hiding and useing concealing magic like us to hid themselves. We ran stright into this without knowing the numbers, if they had all come, or only part. we dont know if they are setting a trap for us to lure us out. Being too egar(sp?) to get your daughter back like this wont work. With no plan at all, we will be running in there blind, and we could be ambushed, and then lord shadow could lose all his strongest team. Even with with your powerful group of wizards, their whole guild attacking us, we may not be so lucky" she hadnt taken her eyes off Daemon wil she spoken. Narina had crossed her arms under her chest. She didnt break eye contact with him. She had a serious look on her face, standing tall and confident. Though to be honest, she was terrified on the inside, what if Daemon would get angery that she had spoken so directly to him, and sternly? what if he would punish her? what if he were to order her to attack alone to lure out the other members of fairy tale for speaking out like this. All these senrios spun around in her head making her dizzy, but Narina stood her ground. She wanted to help Daemon, but she wanted to do this right, not just run in blind and be killed.
"Once we complete the objective I'll get you some more candy," Felina said, sounding like a mother talking down to her five year old. She tapped her foot as she waited for the ambush order. We don't have all day to wait, their guild master could show up any minute now.

"You have a place to stay now though," Tora said to Shin. She tapped a finger against her knee as she waited for the others and Armina to show up. "Word of advise," she added, speaking in Shin's direction. "Leave your stuff here when the training starts, it'll be too cumbersome for you to move if you're still carrying it."
Cyrus had finally caught up catching his breath for a bit then looking up to reply to Tiberius, "Yeah i'm fine, just not used to all this moving." He smiled. He didn't want the two of them to know he had been suffering since he got to fairy tail.
Lindow walked away sadly since Tora rejected his invite. Man i'm bored when is this training thing gonna start. Lindow wandered off into the mountains by himself. Guess i'm going hunting for Armina now to find what we are doing here.
Daemon took Narina's words in before turning to face his raven. He whispered something into its ear before it flew upwards and above the trees.

"I've sent my raven to scout out for other Fairies." He stated "Without moving from this illusion, he is the less likely to be noticed. When he returns, I will decide our next move."

Narina was right, he had let his emotions get the better of him ever since he found out that he could get his daughter back from his most detested enemy. Fairy Tail. Not only was it a final insult to his so-called brother who had risked his life and even died trying to protect Jay but Jay would be a valuable ally once she had joined Enveloping Darkness.

"I'd try to get used to it pretty quickly." Tiberius replied "Either that or try and save your strength for the exercise." He had a tone of concern in his voice
"Well while you're all sitting on your donkeys, I'm going to start the distraction. When Demon's behind Jay, I'll add Jay to the illusion so you can capture her." Enigo said before making himself visible and walking into the clearing, holding an illusionary book with the enveloping darkness guild logo on it. "Hello," He said, "do you have a moment to talk about The Shadow, our lord and emperor?"
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Shin looked at the man coming through the clearing, playing it smart he eyed a couple people to let them know he would handle it. With his symbol covered up he walked up to the man looking at him. "Sure, he is a very gracious lord after all, I was writing a song about his actually, I shall play it for you" He said as he started to play. He purposely broke one of the strings which sliced his finger. He was now ready to pull off a counter attack if necessary. Maybe this guy just likes Shadow, he may not be a member of Enveloping Darkness, on the other hand he could be with them and could have friends near by He looked over to Yui who was thinking the same and began to examine the area to see if there was anyone else near by. Then it hit Shin, I should have been able to smell him when he was approaching, why couldn't I... Is it his magic, or is my sense just dulling, in any case I better be careful He thought to himself.
Tiberius stepped forwards.

"No, I don't have time to talk about The Shadow. Why would I waste my precious time talking about a tyrannical, murdering crazy guy?!" He snapped, dangerously close to losing his temper. If this guy was merely a preacher of Enveloping Darkness then Tiberius ran a risk of putting him in hospital simply for the crime of worshiping someone who Tiberius hated with a passion.

He breathed deeply, trying to calm himself down.

"Now please leave."
Tora quickly noticed Enigo's Enveloping Darkness symbol. "I don't think you're going to fool him," she said to Shin, as she glanced at her exposed guild symbol on her shoulder. She nudged Leone with her foot. "Armia?!" he asked, startled. He looked around and saw Enigo instead of his guild master. "What do you want?" he asked as he stood up.

Felina and Vixen watched Enigo. They both waited for Daemon's order to attack, but Vixen was a lot more patient; Felina lightly tapped her foot on the ground.
Raijin went into a defensive stance when he saw Enigo approach. By the symbol on his fedora, He knew that he was in the Enveloping Darkness guild. Eyron also saw this, but he was in a more evasive stance than Raijin. He was ready to hide into the shadows if necessary.

Engio suddenly started blushing and avoiding eye contact with the Fairy Tail guild. "It... It's not like I wanted to fight you or anything." He said, going tsundere on them. "I-idiots!"
Cyrus looked at supposed enveloping darkness member he put his right hand in front of his left eye so at the first sign of trouble he could at least try to slow the enemy, I wonder how i should try to do this? he asked himself. a few small barrier bombs chaining into a pillar of fire should be good.
Yui Walked out of the illusion. "Enough games. DARK ICE MAKE BELLOWS" She said as ice shot from her mouth and started freezing every thing. Shin immediately took the defensive and used his magic "SHIELD OF THE BLOOD DRAGON" He said as blood came out of the cut in his hand and formed a wall in front of himself so the ice would freeze him. Miku took the initiative to hide behind a tree. Shin walked out from behind his shield and Miku from behind the tree once the attack was finished. Shin jumped at Yui " WING ATTACK OF THE BLOOD DRAGON" he said at currents of blood shot from his arms cutting his bandages. Miku ran at Yui "ANCIENT TAKE OVER: ARM OF THE FIRE DRAGON" She said as her arm turned into that of a dragon. " DARK ICE MAKE FLOOR. DARK ICE MAKE SERPENT" She said causing Miku to fall face first and Shin who had the serpent going after him got bitten by its fangs which dug into his sides. Shin passed out unconscious as he was slammed into the ground approximately 150 meters away from the group. Miku was about to get up when Yui's foot slammed into her back pinning her to the ground. Yui drew a sword that was on her side, pulling Miku over so that she was lid on her back and Yui put the sword to her neck. " Haha, Guess I get to kill a couple fairies today" she chuckled.
As ice flew towards Cyrus and Tiberius, Jay stepped in font of them

"Defensive flame!" She shouted, creating a moderately-sized shield made out of flames in an attempt to defend her long-time friend and Cyrus. As the shield was about to break due to the large amount of ice, Tiberius stepped in front of Jay

"Lightning shield!" He shouted, allowing his shield to take the rest of the impact

The two looked at each other and Tiberius shot a half-smile for several seconds before turning their attention back to the fight. Jay turned her attention to Yui and Miku and was about to draw her bow when Tiberius stopped her by raising one hand

"No, you might hit Miku." He whispered "She'll get caught in the blast."

"Lightning beam." Tiberius muttered before firing a blue beam of lighting out of the hand he had raised and aimed it at Yui.
Raijin crossed his arms in front of him to try to block the cold blast, but then Eyron created a shadow wall in front of Raiin and some of the others. "Where did she come from?" Raijin thought, "I didn't smell her coming, but, now that I think about it, I didn't smell that other guy coming either..." After the cold blast had subsided, Eyron let the shadow wall go down.

A few moments after Yui left the illusion, Enigo's illusion faded and he was right behind Yui. He looked enraged. "You... YOU FLAMNG IDIOT!" He said as he slapped at the back of Yui's head, "Never before could I have guessed that someone as cold as you could be a flaming idiot! With a single action, you have not only betrayed The Shadow's orders, but you have also created a paradox with your cold, flaming idiocy! Now reality is going to tear itself apart and it's all because YOU'RE A COLD. FLAMING. IDIOT!"
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Daemon looked down as Tiberius' lightning beam shot towards two of his team members. In his view, both were cold flaming idiots. Firstly Yui for betraying orders and now Enigo for leaving himself open to attack by Fairies. With the illusion gone, Daemon would also be spotted.

"Damn." He muttered, this time refusing to allow his emotions get in the way again. He needed to focus on Jay, she was his first priority. He flew upwards, further into the trees and out of sigh.

Tiberius let out a slight chuckle as he directed his beam towards not one, but now two Enveloping Darkness wizards. He could hit Yui and rescue Miku before curving it and hitting Enigo. He didn't expect it to do that much damage but at the very least he'd save a fellow Guild member and wound someone who at first he thought was a preacher.

"Idiots." He muttered

Jay turned pale and drew both of her blades. She could sense something familiar above the trees. Why had she not sensed it before? An illusion spell must have kept it hidden.

"Tiberius, after you save Miku I need you to get out of here and find Armina." She ordered, trying to hide the fear in her voice
Huh. Is there fighting going on without me. Lindow sighed and started standing in deep thought. should i help out or should i continue my search for my beloved Armina. Lindow then let out a face of determination and started running farther into the mountains. "Dont worry my beloved Armina i shall find you before i return." Lindow shouted out loud.

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