Fairy Tail (Hexed and write.explore.imagine)

Hex decided to stay towards the back, he didn't care what job they went on as long as it wasn't a complete waste of time.
Devi hummed as she walked, making her way back to the guild. She was happy, or happen enough.

Taura shook her head a bit, following them back tot he guild and looking over the quests when they got there. "What do you think?" She asked the others.
Maia looked around, "hmmm.... There's a few decent ones here.." She said before turning to. Devi, "what do you think Di."
Maia looked over Devi's shoulder at the job. She nodded, "ok let's do it." Then turned to Taura, "what do think."
Hex nodded with a slight grin but nothing that he couldn't hide. Maia put her hand around Devi's shoulder and grinned, "ok."
Devi smiled, humming. They bought the tickets when they got to the station before waiting for the train. "So... any of you ever been there before?" She asked, referring to the village they were headed to.
Maia shook her head, "nope." She said, "I may have passed by it once or twice but I don't remember going through it." Hex shrugged, maybe he had maybe he hadn't.
Taura nodded a bit, "Once... On another quest as a surrounding village, we passed through there." She said simply.

Devi raised an eyebrow and nodded, "I haven't either." She sighed, glancing out the window at the passing scenery. "Well... We should be there in a few hours." She shrugged.
Maia nodded and leaned her head against a window. She sighed, "Its a shame its gonna be a few hours.." she said.
Maia nodded, "yeah..." She said looking out of the window. "Air magic, we need air magic." She told them with a massive sigh.
"To make this thing either go faster. Or get on something that will." Maia sighed, she was so bored.

Hex was just leaning back in his chair watching the others as they talked. He had no reason to speak to them.
Devi sighed, personally she found trains soothing but... She glanced at Taura. The quiet girl sighed, glancing around. A pair of translucent yellow wings appeared behind her before the train started to pick up speed, wind hollowing outside the windows.
Hex looked out the window, "what the-!" he exclaimed before looking over a Taura. Maia grinned and looked over at Taura, "oh yay!" she said happily, "I forgot you could do that."
Taura just smiled softly, leaning back in her seat. She glanced over at Hex, "Guess you don't remember much about me from our last meeting." She told him before glancing at Maia and shrugging a bit.
Hex shook his head, "honestly, I don't." he said sighing and looking back out of the window. Maia smiled, "this is gonna be a lot quicker now. Taura's great!"
Maia slumped, she still had to travel on this train. Whilst she wasn't motion sick she was impatient and hated waiting and sitting not being able to do anything.

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