Fairy Tail (Hexed and write.explore.imagine)

Hex sighed, "but I could have." He added looking away. Maia laughed and shook her head, "I don't think we've ever met a kid quite like this one."
Devi shrugged, "But you didn't." She pointed out again before glancing at Hex. She shrugged, "you meet a lot of kids on the street, he is unique though." She agreed.
Maia nodded and leaned back on the seat looking forwards now. She smiled, "I want to know what waiting for us." She said, "I'm so weirded out sitting here just waiting."
Maia nodded, "I guess it does make it more exciting." She grinned.

"But what if then it lets you down with a little tiny pudgy thing or something." Hex added.
Devi smiled at Maia before glancing at Hex. She raised an eyebrow in thought at the question. "Well... Then it's easy money and at least it was a fun trip." She laughed.
"oh oh oh where!?" Nova exclaimed looking around and then following Devi's hand. "Yay! We can finally get on with this mission. Travelling is really boring."
Maia shrugged, "I guess." She said as she watched the town get closer and closer. Finally some action could begin.
Devi chuckled, watching the town grow closer before hopping off the wagon. She thanked the man, paying him before taking Maia's hand and skipping towards town hall.
Maia got off quickly and waited for. Devi, this was going to be fun.

"Are those two idiots?" Hex asked Taura, "there's no real reason for me asking. I just can't tell."
Taura raised an eyebrow at the question, glancing back at the two of them with a small smile. She was rather calm but that didn't mean she was emotionless. She just didn't let them control her. She shrugged, "They might be." She admitted, but shrugged, "But they're Good hearted idiots if they are." She told him.

[[btw, so sorry about lately, things have been getting a bit crazy here but I'll reply when I can!]]
Hex sighed, "good hearted idiots are the most reckless." He mumbled walking slightly ahead. He wanted to do something yes but not with this bunch of people. They were from an official guild.

[its good]
Taura smiled a bit. "Maybe they are... But they are good people, they protect people." The told him as they made they arrived in town and made their way to the center of town.
Hex shrugged, "all you people ever think about is protecting. What if you're protecting the wrong people."
Taura raised an eyebrow, thinking at his question. "And what would make someone wrong to protect?" She asked. Taura had almost inhuman patience but if there was anyone who pushed that it was dark guilds. "It's not necessarily about who you are protecting, it's about protecting at all." She told him evenly.
Hex shook his head, "I don't understand you people. You protect random people for no reason , why? It doesn't make. Any sense to me."
Taura looked back at him, "I suppose it must seem strange to you..." She agreed, looking around they town as they walked. "Everyone of us had our own personal reasons but at the heart it's become some people need to be protected. Devi came from the streets where no one ever looked out for her so she looks out for other people, Maia... well you'll have to talk to her yourself and I... well I think people need to be protected from dark guilds. Some people can't defend themselves, so we do it for them. Like out guild does for us." She shrugged.
"If no one looked out for you why on earth would you want to look out for other people?" Hex asked, he shook his head a blank expression in his eyes, "Dark Guilds are formed of people who don't like how this place is run. Who want to bring back people like Zeref, now that was something. A wizard that can kill someone with a single hit, that's something. The world of magic, that's another. Why protect people who do nothing but cause harm to others? Most people in this world are too selfish to care about anyone but themselves, why protect those people?"

Maia looked backwards to see Hex and Taura talking, "Do you think she'll get anywhere?" she asked Devi looking around town as she did, soon they would be on their job. It wasn't long now.
Devi slid her hands into her pockets, glancing back at Maia. "Maybe... she has the most reason to not want to help, but is the most qualified... I think if anyone can she will." She admitted.

Taura glanced back at him, "If people didn't need protecting then maybe things would be different, but people do need to be protected. Sure, maybe some people don't seem to deserve it but really does anyone?" She asked. "We all hurt people, be hurt by other people, that's what life is, but that doesn't mean they deserve to be killed. If a crime in severe enough there are authorities for that, it's not about taking it into our own hands. Sure you want to be come stronger but for what? If you're only doing it for yourself it will let you down eventually, it won't be enough... but it's something completely different when you use it for other people, for your friends."
Hex didn't looked back at her, "Just like you have your reasons for believing that I have my reasons for believing different. You people wouldn't get it even if you tried, but I know how dark guilds think, how I think. You probably know this but I'm the lowest of low, I sold my entire guild out, I don't do things for other people because I know what they're like. Do you? Honestly do you?"

Maia shrugged, "I suppose we have to let her try.." she said, "He really wasn't in the best place to grow up was he..maybe..maybe if he'd gone to a proper guild it would have turned out different.." she sighed and looked at Devi, "oh who cares right now. We can think about that later, we have a job to do." She grinned.

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