Fairy Tail (Hexed and write.explore.imagine)

Hex squinted his eyes back at her before looking back out of the window. Maia moved in her seat, "most likely a minor monster. Not like a dragon or anything."
Devi returned the stare before sighing, glancing at Maia and nodded, "Well... hopefully not." She laughed, "Guess when we'll get there we'll figure out, I just like trying to think of ideas before I get there."
Mai nodded, "it's not S class so. it can't be that hard right?" She grinned and looked at Devi then Taura. "I wonder if he'll actually be any help.." She said looking over at Hex.
Devi smiled and nodded, "I'm sure it won't be but they didn't seem to know what it was." She pointed out. She glancced at Hex at her statement at her question. "I have a feeling it will depend on his mood."
Maia nodded, "yeah.." She said turning over to Hex. Hex ignored them for a second before looking off and then back at the window and then back over to the others. "Will you stop staring at me!"
"Maybe." Hex mumbled before going to look back out of the window.

Maia stopped looking at Hex and looked to Devi, "so, we're not going into anything we can't handle. This'll be swept up in a few hours or less."
Maia sighed, "finally." She sighed before barging past Devi and out of the train. No way she was staying on there any longer.

Hex sighed and shook his head.
Maia was already looking up at the sky, "oh god! I love fresh air." She smiled. Hex came out, hands in pockets shaking his head.
Devi smiled at Maia and just nodded in agreement looking around to figure out how to get the the town, it was a small town close by so they were either walking or getting a ride somewhere.
Maia folded her arms and walked forwards, "so let's get a ride then." She said looking around.
Maia followed her looking around the place, she'd never really been here before. Hex followed slowly, he had his hands in his pockets and a look that said he didn't care.
Maia nodded, "awesome." She said moving up to stand next to Devi. Hex sighed and hung back slightly but had still moved forward
Devi raised an eyebrow before leaning forward. She grabbed his hand with her gloved one, pulling him on the cart with a smile. "There we go." She grinned as Taura joined them.
"Whoa!" Hex exclaimed as he was forced forwards, "be careful, I could have faceplanted the earth!" He complained.
Devi shrugged, "but you didn't! And you're fine." She pointed out with a laugh as he sat down and they started moving. The drive shouldn't take too long from what the man had said.

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