Fairy Tail (Hexed and write.explore.imagine)

Taura thought about it and nodded, "I figured it was something like this since there was no word of teleporters in the guild... either way guess it's not a problem now." She pointed out.

Devi rolled her eyes at Taura's response, watching Hex. "Clever... you're smart too..." She observed.
"Too smart?" Hex said, "since when was that a thing?" He had a slight grin on his face but it wasn't very noticeable.

Maia raised an eyebrow, "impressive." She said with a little smile.
Devi rolled her eyes. "Not too smart. Smart too." She corrected, though she seemed to catch the hint of a grin, smiling and leaning back. "I'm not here to stroke your ego you know." She stuck her tongue out. She looked up, ordering her food at the waitress arrived.
Hex grinned slightly before looking away quickly and leaning his head on the wall again. Maia laughed and ordered her food smiling at the waitress as she came.
Devi smiled as she got a smile from him, leaning back and watching the waitress walk away. "So what else do you feel like telling us?" she prompted Hex, figuring he was in a better mood... he might tell them something, or even ask something...
Hex turned his head, "depends what you want to know.." He said looking at her. They were light mages anyway not like he could get in anymore trouble.
Devi raised an eyebrow, "About anything you will tell us." She said simply, leaning forward curiously.

Taura had settled back again to listen, let the conversation go where it may, she had always been more of an observer.
Hex shrugged, "I need questions." He said, "I don't know what to say."

Maia looked at him and Devi, just listening.
Devi sighed, watching him for a second. "Where did you come from? When did you join the guild? What did you trade your guild for? How old are you? Why did you join a dark guild to begin with? What do you like to do?..." She started listing off questions.
Hex started his answers, "Somewhere far away, when I was seven, none of your business, thirteen, because they were the only people who would take me in, stuff.."
"Hmmm..." Devi thought aloud at his answers, falling silent only when he cut him off to answer. "We'll that was only partially helpful. Though if you wanna do something you like you'll have to tell us or you'll just be tagging along." She pointed out. No luck on his 'personal gain' bit other than that he'd at lease answered. "Any guild would of taken care of you... At least all I know... Why a dark guild?"
"Yeah cause anyone's going to take a psychopath seven year old aren't they?" Hex replied, "mentally ill people only get one choice, but I didn't care."

Maia was a tiny bit surprised she looked at Taura sitting silently and mouthed, 'did you know this?'
Tayra glanced at Maia at her question and nodded faintly. "Rumors of it at any rate." She added.

Devi frowned, leaning back and crossing her arms over her chest. "So it's not that you're cold...you just can't feel emotions." She thought aloud. She supposed that made sense. Not all guilds were discriminatory... Though she supposed a hurdle some... Maybe most would have trouble overcoming.
Hex sighed, "not exactly." He said , "I can feel emotions just on a lesser scale I guess. Guilt and all that doesn't bother me." He wanted to turn his head to. Taura when she answer.aia but thought best not to .

Maia nodded slightly, "it seems they were true."
Devi watched him carefully as he spoke and nodded. "I see..." She said thoughtfully , still chewing over the new information and debating what to think of it.

Taura just nodded at Maia's statement. "Seems so." She confirmed.
Hex sighed and moved slightly and leaned his head against the wall again.

Maia nodded, "so what do you guys want to do later. I mean eventually I bees to get back on requests."
Devi glanced at Maia and sighed, tearing her eyes and thoughts away from Hex. "I was wondering about that too... I have rent to pay so unless we're dragging him along, which i'm nto sure if a good idea we'll have to figure something out.
Maia sighed, "well we have to eventually, otherwise we won't have anywhere to live." She sighed and looked at. Hex, "looks like he'll have to come along."
Devi sighed and nodded, "Seems so..." She agreed, "I do like my flat, and getting food and clothes." She agreed, "Hopefully he won't get more in the way than help." She looked over at Hex again.
Hex glared back at her for a second. Maia sighed, "I can't say that he will be."

(Sorry I'm having a sleepover so kinda short replies)
Devi sighed, "Didn't think so either. Of course it would be nice if he would just go with it." She looked over at Hex pointedly. "Maybe if you actually help you can get some money honestly." She told him.
Hex shrugged, "fine," he said, "but only so I can see what you guys are actually good for."

Maia smiled, "good, we need a job now."
Maia nodded, "ok, good with me." She said with a grin, "are you coming Taura?" She asked turning to Taura.

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