Fairy Tail (Hexed and write.explore.imagine)

Devi's eyes widened for a moment. "Hey... Hey, I'm not part of this, I'm just tagging along." She insisted. She had a hard enough time keeping herself out of trouble let alone someone else. She looked back at Hex, sighing and running her hand through her hair. "There has to be someone more... qualified."
Maia nodded, "yeah.." she said.

The Master looked back and forth from the two, "and who do you suggest?" he asked turning his head to the side slightly, "who is more 'qualified'?"
Devi glanced over at Maia at the question before back. She shrugged, "I don't know... someone who knows how to handle dark mages? Someone more... down to earth... what about Taura? She's calm and... doesn't get into a lot of trouble by herself." She muttered the last part quietly as if not meant to be heard.
"Well if you think she's up for it then bring her here immediately." The Master said shooing Devi away to go get Taura.

Maia smiled, "yeah, Taura's actually probably the best choice, she can cope better than I can with kids. Fighting dark mages is my thing, not babysitting them."
Devi sighed, glancing at Maia before sliding away, looking around until she found Taura across the room. She smiled walking over to the other girl who was watching the guild, not doing much participating. She was leaning back against the wall, arms folded. "Hey Taura." She smiled, jumping in front of her. "The master wants to see you." Taura glanced at her and nodded, "Very well." She told her, following her back to where the others were waiting.
Maia smiled at Taura, "sorry.." she whispered before looking at the master. The Master smiled and turned to Taura, "ah Taura," he said before looking at Hex, "do you know who this child is?" he asked.
Taura glanced at Maia as she spoke before looking back at the boy. "Looks familiar, I can sense dark magic on him though." She said simply. With control over dark magic herself along with the other elements she could sense it.
The Master nodded, "you saw him a year or two back. Little kid, big attitude." he said, "well you're in charge of him. I needed someone to make sure he doesn't go causing chaos and these two and too scared." he said.

"hey hey hey!" Maia protested, "I'm not scared!"

"well take him then."

"No way!"
Taura raised an eyebrow slightly glancing at the kid. "Ah yes..." She nodded as she made the connection. She glanced at Maia and Devi who protested as well. "It's not that I'm scared but I'm not the 'In charge of' type." She pointed out. Taura just sighed. "I'll help them." She fianlly said, already seeing where the argument was going.
The Master smiled, "great," he said , "just make sure the child stays under strict guidance."

"You make it sound like I'm two." Hex mumbled, "anyway what right do you have to go and tell me what I can and cannot do!"
Taura sighed and just nodded, glancing at the other two before back at Hex. "No, I'm quite sure you're much older." She told him, glancing at Devi who fell back dejected, but it hadn't been a huge surprise so see what had happened. "We're Fairy Tail and you were terrorizing people." She told him simply.
Hex scowled but had nothing to say to the girl.

The master nodded, "now you all may leave." He said, he knew Taura could take care of this and if Maia and Devi helped the boy wouldn't do any damage for a long time.
Taura sighed and nodded, making her way back around the room. "So... what were you planning to do now?" She asked the other two girls.

Devi sighed and shrugged, "Well... not this..." She admitted, not sure what to do now that they were watching a boy.
Maia sighed, "yeah me either." She admitted, "I would give him to one of the guys but the kid would probably wrap them around his little finger in no time." She sighed and pushed Hex forwards before slouching.
Taura sighed, "Well... until you come up with something I'm content to sit here." She shrugged, leaning back in a chair.

"Oh come oooon." Devi groaned, "That's so boring, we can still do things right? We don't have to just sit here all day every day watching this kid..."
Hex sighed, "seriously if you do I'll kill myself."

He wasn't up for this at all .

"Yeah Taura, we could actually do something."
Taura looked them over. "This is what I do, you want to do something else I'm up for suggestions." She shrugged.

Devi sighed, "Well why don't we start by going out to eat? To a park? Really I don't care but I can't sit here." She insisted, bouncing with energy as if about to explode.
Hex looked up at the girl, "you're more childish than me." He said.

Maia looked a Taura , "I agree, anywhere just let's not sit."
Devi stuck her tongue out at him, only seeming to prove his point. "Maybe, what's it matter to you?" She asked, "Come on, lets go for a walk and figure out what to do." She decided, jumping towards the door.
"Ok," Maia agreed, "c'mon Taura." She said before rushing up to Devi, "I keep getting the instinct to beat this kid up.." She said
Taura sighed, standing up and following after them. Devi smiled, "Much better." She smiled, stretching as they got outside. She turned back to Hex. "So tell me... did you leave you're guild or were you just lying to us?"
Hex put his hands in his pockets, "no I left." He said casually. Maia turned her head to the side, "but I thought dark guilds don't take well to 'traitors'."
"Just like that?" Devi asked. "You just left to live on the streets?" There was clearly more to the story he wasn't saying.

Taura just listened as she followed.
"Not exactly." Hex said, "why would. I do that?"

Maia was confused, "then what did happen?" She asked.

"None of your business!" He snapped.
Devi watched him, "You were kicked out? Impressive you're still alive. " She told him, "Someone granted you leniency... what did you do that a dark guild didn't approve up?" She asked curiously.

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