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Fantasy ~ FableWood

Between Luness and Nyr its like:

Lmao xD

Can that be included in the notes? xD
I feel bad for laughing considering the circumstances of our characters, but the gif is so funny. xD
thank you @DawnAntalios for the engaging and thrilling fighting we got to enjoy. i had a great time defending castle branber. I hope everyone has fun and enjoys the next leg of our adventure, and our new comers get to enjoy their first full adventure with us as well. @SilverFlight and myself have beem messaging back and forth trying to make this adventure an interesting surprise for you guys :D like he said, we will get started once everyone is ready and meet Princess Briar in the grand hall.
Hey guys, letting you all know that Im on a camping trip this weekend and will almost certainly not be on. There's a small chance, but it's not to be counted on. Please drag Quincy along when you leave for the new quest, feel free to use her during fighting scenes/if you need her. I will be back sometime on Sunday @SilverFlight
So... I haven't gotten notifications for a while. Could anyone help me catch up so that I don't have to read through 15+ pages? I'm not sure when the last time I posted was, but I think the demon was reanimating corpses?
Yeah, I have drill for the Nat. Guard this weekend, starting tomorrow morning. I'll be busy from 7:30AM-5:30PM, though I may be able to respond during chow times or sporadically during the day. I'll also be released Saturday evening so I can try to catch up then. Same thing with Sunday.

Also, @SilverFlight don't forget that Falarion needs to get his foot replaced sooner rather than later. Once he wakes up, the medicinal herbs will have worn off so he won't be walking anywhere on his own.
From the sounds of it a lot of you guys are gonna be MIA this weekend. Plus being that we just destroyed the army and our toons will need a little TLC, i think the best option is to not start the next Arc until Monday as long as that is ok with everyone else. Then there's no pressure to post, and we can all come back refreshed and wanting more. How does that sit with everyone?

@Shimakage Thunder @anyone else i may have missed -.-
Try as I may I can not rival with your painting skills. Especially not at the eyes... damn it was horrible.

Anyway here is an another Baby " Fluffball " Luness

I completely agree with starting on Monday, I'll be gone most of Saturday too and working Sunday.

@Lioness075 feel free to control Trindle to get Falarion's foot seen to, unless a main character is actually in the scene I prefer not to rp just between supporting characters, I use them to connect and guide and support the main characters.

This siege has been an absolute blast, and so emotional! I'm sure the next adventure will be just as great, I know you'll love it, we certainly do have some surprises xD
You can bring Falarion in in that case, or just say that Trindle had seen to his foot and have Fal reappear as you like.

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