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Fantasy ~ FableWood

Am I the only one who keeps playing epic battle music in the background when they go to make posts for this rp? xD I keep picking out a good battle song before I make another post lol. I was listening to Kings & Queens earlier. :P
I have a continous amazing theme song for my life playing in my head all the time. When it comes time to be fighting, it automaticly changes to a kick as rock ballad with lots of guitar solos. Not just for me, when i read yalls posts to, im just listening to you kick ass and rock out!
You know, considering this story is composed of various Fable characters and all, I'm always thinking back to the Disney movies and such. This also gets me to thinking...where are the random break outs of music and singing? xD

I think that after every adventure, we should have some randomly choreographed dancing scene with our characters. (Lol, just kidding, but imagine that actually happening. xD )
I won't be able to reply now, but I'm reading this and I'm on the edge of my seat!

Oh, I just thought, Ward's gryphon size, when I say 'big as a cart horse', I mean this:

Hey, I've gotta get to camp, I have to do director stuff at band camp in the morning and honestly I probably should have gone to bed sooner!

@Lioness075 You can do the thing, and I'll make sure @Sleipnir responds first thing in the morning. You know the thing.
@Hel Gotcha, will do it now that Silverflight has responded. ^^ @SilverFlight I am curious about what Leia is up to right now though lol. Has she been crushed by the Jabberwocky at some point or what?
I made a response really fast so that you didn't have to do everything. I saw her response just before I closed my laptop. ;)

Okay, now for real to sleep. If Anya is needed she is all yours, Lioness!
@SilverFlight Hey, didn't Kallin give his cloak to Luness? xD I'm not sure how he'd still have it unless he was wearing two cloaks all this time lol.

@SkywardSocks Elena has already run off and rejoined the fray so she won't be at Achyls' side anymore.
Lioness075 said:
@SilverFlight Hey, didn't Kallin give his cloak to Luness? xD I'm not sure how he'd still have it unless he was wearing two cloaks all this time lol.
@SkywardSocks Elena has already run off and rejoined the fray so she won't be at Achyls' side anymore.
Did I say cloak? I meant robes.


Lioness075 said:
@Hel Gotcha, will do it now that Silverflight has responded. ^^ @SilverFlight I am curious about what Leia is up to right now though lol. Has she been crushed by the Jabberwocky at some point or what?
She is suffering from a severe case of 'I have no time to post for her' I'm sticking to absolutely necessary actions for the moment. Though i wish i could give this more time rn.
@SilverFlight Ah, gotcha. And yeah, poor Leia lol. I mean, you could always say that she was protectively standing at Kallin's side or something. *shrugs* Though, with the Jabberwocky in the sky now, it would certainly be an opportune time for Leia to use Tad to possibly knock the Jabberwocky out of the sky, thus giving Ethan a chance to strike once he gets the sword from the middle of the arena where Anya fell.
Lioness075 said:
@SilverFlight Ah, gotcha. And yeah, poor Leia lol. I mean, you could always say that she was protectively standing at Kallin's side or something. *shrugs* Though, with the Jabberwocky in the sky now, it would certainly be an opportune time for Leia to use Tad to possibly knock the Jabberwocky out of the sky, thus giving Ethan a chance to strike once he gets the sword from the middle of the arena where Anya fell.
You can swipe her to do that. I really can't post until much later...there's a film crew here wanting to film some stuff about our bees and I've been drafted to do something with them on camera...god help me.
@SilverFlight Well, nobody else is really active at the moment so I'll hold off using Leia. I also was hoping that the four who claimed glyphs could make posts of them getting to their designated spots first. Lastly, have fun with that! :P

Wait, who all nabbed a glyph cloth? Leo, Hatter, Quincy, and...Malachai?
SilverFlight said:
You can swipe her to do that. I really can't post until much later...there's a film crew here wanting to film some stuff about our bees and I've been drafted to do something with them on camera...god help me.
Bees! MY-...

Must, resist, urge, for, dorky, reference...!
Lol, makes me think of Indiana Jones and when he fell into that snake pit. xD Or even the snakes on a plane reference lol.
@Flutterby Hey, Quincy needs to get her glyph cloth to the proper placing as soon as possible. ^^
okey dokey, had my coffee. Gave my post a little more meat to its skeletonness. bleh i hate writing so little but i was afraid i would hold up the story if i didn't get the glyphs in position.
Yeah, I'm going to wait for Quincy to place her glyph before I make the Jabberwocky make anymore moves on the team.

Okay, I lied. I'm actually waiting for Ethan to claim Anya's sword before I continue with the Jabberwocky. xD Sorry.
All right, I'm going to be gone for an hour or two. Will respond to whatever happens while I'm gone...when I'm back. ^^
We've actually come up with a plan for that, but we're currently waiting for Elena to lend a gargoyle to Ethan so he can get up close and personal with the Jabberwocky.

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