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Fantasy ~ FableWood

Heh, yep. Seeing as everyone is going to sleep/getting ready for timeskip, I think I'll wait with more Raegan things until said timeskip happens. The next morning or whatever. Should be a good time to bond some with the group and make everyone (painfully) aware that Raegan exists
The arcs that were planned with other characters were thought up by their writers and I. If you want an arc for your character, just talk to me :) As it stands now, some stuff will involve Ward, but its ultimately for everyone.
My god, Kallin just continues to remind me of Luness when she first joined the group. Well, minus the magic abilities and day/night curse thingy. :3
I think he is cute.

That reminds me, Nyr needs to pet Luness as soon as she sees her. She definitely needs more overwhelming burst of love.
Lioness075 said:
My god, Kallin just continues to remind me of Luness when she first joined the group. Well, minus the magic abilities and day/night curse thingy. :3
He's not very good at being an ass sometimes. But he tries...really hard. xD

I tried to write him as someone who ran across misfortune in his past and has himself utterly convinced that people are much better off not getting close to him. But a little pressure will probably get him to open up, eventually.
SilverFlight said:
I tried to write him as someone who ran across misfortune in his past and has himself utterly convinced that people are much better off not getting close to him. But a little pressure will probably get him to open up, eventually.
And hat is the adorable thing about him! Breaking it is the best part! > :D

He also kinda reminds me of myself, so bonus points for that! :3
Yes, but I doubt Nyr's overwhelming presence of wanting to help someone or excessive hugging will help Kallin open up haha. And please spare Luness. She's finally settling in for the moment lol.
DawnAntalios said:
And hat is the adorable thing about him! Breaking it is the best part! > :D
He also kinda reminds me of myself, so bonus points for that! :3
...suddenly I'm afraid for him -.-
I'm always afraid for Luness when Nyr is involved lol. She's still not really used to physical comfort, especially in the form of a hug, which Nyr typically wants to give her.
Lioness075 said:
I'm always afraid for Luness when Nyr is involved lol. She's still not really used to physical comfort, especially in the form of a hug, which Nyr typically wants to give her.
Lols, I think she and Kallin will get along. If Nyr tried to hug him he would freak right out.
Yeah, I feel the same way about Luness and Kallin. I think the two can better understand one another compared to anyone else trying to understand them. Plus, Luness is still in pain over what all has happened to her. She still hasn't gotten over the somewhat recent losses of two of her packmembers.
Bad Raegen. Stealing Luness' scent idea. At least she's an Alpha so she'll have a strong chance in winning over Raegen to follow through with such an idea lol. :3
Lioness075 said:
Bad Raegen. Stealing Luness' scent idea. At least she's an Alpha so she'll have a strong chance in winning over Raegen to follow through with such an idea lol. :3
Well hey, he's a wolf and a hunter. Would only come natural that he would think of tracking things by scent. Just being held back by the fact that he has no idea where her room is :P

And if Luness is another alpha type... Hoo boy, we're going to have trouble when the two slow down enough to talk
No, I mean she's literally an Alpha with a pack of her own.

Type-wise, Luness can be a little of everything. She's not really one way or another.
She'll be the best Auntie out there. Even if she feels a bit awkward with everything at first lol. ^^; @Shimakage Thunder
Aww, you're just hugging the wrong people is all. I'm sure Achyls or Leo would truly appreciate Nyr's hugs!
Heading out for the day. Please, please don't leave Luness behind in the plot, @SilverFlight. I understand everyone else probably wants to progress on, but I can respond later and still keep Luness majorly involved. This kind of thing will mean a lot to her, especially if she can be of help.

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