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Fantasy ~ FableWood

Also, just edited my post to add Leandra's bit. :3
SilverFlight said:
If you think my decision was unfair, and if Sleip's going to try and be more active, I can put Ethan back. It was a hard choice because she already left once.

But ok, I need to catch you up so you can have Anya and Alex back:

So our forces have split into 2 teams. One is taking part in the sky races held by Lord Canton. The locations are all in the tab labelled the same. We are in the last part of the race, the fire caves. Ward and Elena are a racing pair, as is Nyr and Leo, Alex and Quincy and Kallin and Malachai. All of them are in the caves now. The assassins have shown up, there are three. Thye used a (what do you call them? They look like giant crossbows) to kill Avaar, the King's racing mount (a giant fruit bat). he's not on that central platform in the pic I just posted with Leo and now Kallin. Alex is circling with Quincy on his back.

Anya I am assuming stayed with the other group:

Leia, Luness, Achyls, Eroan and Otto were watching the race when they caught a shady character skulking around. They chased her, turns out she was a gryphon and was part of a group of common folk who heard about the assassination attempts and wanted to try and stop them. the team has been snooping around the sleeping quarters of the nobles and just found a letter tying Lissanne (a noble allied with the duke) to an assassination attempt involving poison. They find the vial, and the last post I made explains the rest.

*takes a huge breath* Any questions?


rats, hold on.
No no! I didn't mean for it to sound that way! As I said, I was just relaying information because the question was asked! Those decisions are your job and I don't want to have an opinion because I wouldn't be good at making them anyway!

Thank you for the recap!! I was getting close to caught up, but wasn't sure if I should take Alex back now or wait for the race section to end. I'll go ahead and take him now though. Anya is going to stay tucked away doing her own thing somewhere because it seems like it would be odd for her to just pop up in the group now.... I'll bring her back in soon.

THANK YOU! You really do a fantastic job managing and running this RP and to do it all by yourself must be so time consuming! I love Fablewood and really appreciate all of the work you put into it and haven't yet actually mentioned that! @SilverFlight


zCrookedz said:

This is how @Lioness075 is all day long. sitting there.....waiting.......for anything........


Well where do baby storks come from??
Little fairies deliver baby storks. Storks deliver other babies
I still haven't stopped laughing since I posted that gif xD . I had someone pop their head into my office to make sure I was alright
Character development! Character development! Character de- *runs out of breath* You know what, you get the point.
SilverFlight said:
"the first time she was the deliverer of judgement, before even arriving at Fablewood." ??? @Bea Delaine Now I know I want to hear the rest of that one.
@zCrookedz since this rp started your coworkers must think you've gone nuts :P
My coworkers already think im nuts. I maintain a solid flow of insanity for the work place just so people don't start to suspect I'm actually sane.

I am also EXTREMLY interested in Elena and this judgment she had to pass. Need details.
It might be more fun to reveal it in the RP in my opinion.
Alright. So I decided that since this might be fun. What available races are there?
[QUOTE="Bea Delaine]I told Dawn before. Should I just copy-paste the gist?



[QUOTE="Aldur Forgehammer]Alright. So I decided that since this might be fun. What available races are there?

Anything you can find in a myth or fairytale except: Gods, demons, angels, vampires or werewolves. You can be a character from a fable or fairy tale or a myth barring those races I just mentioned.

The details are in the rules. I know there are a lot of rules...

This thread is extremely active, I do warn you. I try and post at least twice a night.

and whoa whoa whoa...'might be fun'? This is a guarantee my friend ^^

To answer an anticipated question; Yes, you can be an orc :P
SilverFlight said:
This thread is extremely active, I do warn you. I try and post at least twice a night. ^^
Now this right here. This. I might not be as active. If you want I could try, but I am unsure of how big my posts can be. I may get left behind.

Note: I wasn't gonna ask that. Besides, I get tired of playing orcs. (Not really. I need help)
[QUOTE="Aldur Forgehammer]Alright. So I decided that since this might be fun. What available races are there?

Just about anything that has ever been imagined for a fable, legend, or even a Disney fairytale. Sadly, I don't think this includes orcs. At least, that's my opinion. Silver may allow orcs to join our ranks. :P

EDIT: I began writing this a while ago and then just posted it so I'm a bit behind int he conversation now. xD
[QUOTE="Aldur Forgehammer]I might not be as active.

That...and the fact that I won't be home for two weeks starting the 2nd of August.
@DawnAntalios, I didn't recall Arianne being there when Brennan told that story. It had only been Luness present at the time just before Leia arrived with Leandra and Oswald in tow.
SilverFlight said:
I always encourage people to try. You might find you get hooked :D
I know. I'd love to join, especially since all of you put a lot of hard work into this and this is going strong (I mean, woah, 400+ pages) but I have a feeling I wouldn't be able to keep up. If you've got no problem with my slow-ish pace and those two weeks of absence then I'll join.
Well Arianne followed Leia, dragging Achyls with her. Hell, she even asked Leia and Achyls if she could be her companion, to which Achyls replied. To my understanding she was with Leia all this time.
Sorry, I just never saw Leia react to either Arianne or Achyls so I wasn't entirely sure where they were, especially when Leia didn't show up until after Brennan finished telling the story. ^^;

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