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Fantasy ~ FableWood

Well, not everyone has to believe right away. ^^ I just thought it sounded odd for Arianne to be repeating almost exactly what Luness had said in my post before Dawn replied. ^^;
Luness has been eliminated from the character competition. :/
Yeah...I was so excited to do that competition, too. >.< Guess I'll just have to try again next year.
I'll probably use Luness again unless I can get in a good amount of character development for Leandra before then. I might very well put her in it next year. ^^
I'm so sorry @Lioness075 I thought for sure she would get through. I guess you were up against some pretty good writers though. Its lame, but sometimes how these things go, you just get grouped with really good people.
I mean, it might not be the nicest thing for me to say, but I honestly thought I was one of the better writers in my group. I guess I was wrong lol.
In a fair world better always wins.

However this world is far from fair and people may judge the worse person to be better than his/her superior counterpart because of outside pressure.

Not saying that this was the case this time, but I would not find it impossible.
Yeah, I was reading yours as well and laughed when someone mentioned their character considering shipping Kallin with someone else. I was like, 'aw, hell no.' xD Don't worry, I've got a very dramatic death post planned for Luness and Kallin will get an honorary mention in it. It's just going to take a while to type it out on my phone with what little free time I can find throughout the day.
Just don't let Kal get wind of it, he'll be devastated. If I read this will I cry? I bet you I will.

In a way Lune will be carrying on. Kallin will most certainly mention her.
Just posted it since I've suddenly got a lot of free time. You'll most likely cry when you read it. :') I went ahead and tagged you so you could find it easily.
Guess who's back!! Silver, if it isn't too much trouble can you keep Alex for a short but, just to finish out this segment because honestly I am very lost.
@Lioness075 you almost made me swear at work!!! Aaaaah, that was painful!! to add to it I was listening to this while I read:


It made it a hundred times worse....if you'll excuse me I need to go sob in a corner.

@Hel no worries I can watch Alex for a bit longer. We're having a sky race! :D

Gimme a few hours and I'll have an update written...
@SilverFlight I may have tugged a few heartstrings to write that post...

@SilverFlight Hey, can you link me to your Round 2 group? I'd love to continue following you throughout the RP competition. ^^

So, I'm chatting with one of the competition mods to figure out what held me back and he told me that I was the 5th selection in the group, so I was just one slot away from being able to move forward in the competition. >.>
Oh. My.God. This round is terrifying. Also, only 2 out of 8 go through so I'm pretty sure I'll be out this round...Though I'm really excited to try this...my only issue is how is Kallin going to fight his inner demons when you can't know half the stuff that's inside his head until we progress FableWood!

Here it is though, this should be...interesting.


Dang, so close!
Dang, that round would've been perfect for Luness! She has so many inner demons! D:

And yeah, that could be difficult to avoid any spoilers...I can just ignore the thread for now and read it once things are revealed in our own RP? I definitely don't want anything spoiled for the main RP.

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