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Fantasy ~ FableWood

Yeah, she's not going to get that message at all and will only be further irritated with Nyr. xD
Well, you said that eventually the strong will also fall, the strong will also cave in.

It will be in that moment when Nyr's love will find Luness :)
You can try if you like, but it might not work out as well as you hope it might. ^^;
I'll be honest, that wasn't exactly on my mind in the moment lol. Nyr has wings, that's already obvious enough. How would she commit suicide by jumping? xD It's second nature in anything with wings to catch itself with its wings before it falls to its own death.
It was a good dramatic scene leading into her flying back up to the group in her new form, just didn't really seem like a suicidal moment...at all.
SilverFlight said:
Sorry @Hel I had to move on, she's inside the library tho right? I think we need Anya's tracking ability xD
I thought some people were staying behind to distract and whatnot, I figured you'd move on further and wanted to get that in before you did! Sorry! Now I'll move Anya on a bit more, I was still trying to establish what exactly everyone was doing because just reading through it it seemed unclear.



HEy, Silver, Could Anya just teleport inside now that the fight is underway? Or would the Sphinx notice?
Lol, it seems Luness had forgotten Nyr's true form then :D

That was how they first met and she even barked at her to stop communicating with her through mind, that is why she shifted to the human form she always uses :D
You forget how much has transpired between then and what has changed. Luness has easily forgotten the fact that she has already seen Nyr's true form. Especially since it seems to be a rarity to be seen at all.

Not that she's entirely forgotten how Nyr was the first to speak to her, but the fact that she saw her true form doesn't really pop out in the memory.
SilverFlight said:
Oh my god. I held my breath. That was awesome ^^ More more!
@DawnAntalios You don't think the sphinx would get suspicious if the sky suddenly darkened?

@zCrookedz do you know the story of Pandora's box?
I know the basic story of the box itself. Inside held all of the evil in the world and when it was opened it was released into the world. The only thing left in the box afterwards was Hope. or something like that right?
Something like that. I don't even want to begin to have to deal with what's inside of Pandora's Box lol.
When Prometheus defied Zeus and gave fire to humans he was furious. Not only did he punish Prometheus by chaining him to a rock to have his entrails eaten very day by an eagle, but he decided to strike back at the creatures Prometheus had helped. He would do this my tricking Epimethius, Prometheus' brother. Now the name 'Prometheus' literally means 'fore thought' Prometheus was clever and always thought ahead, anticipating danger. 'Epimethius' means 'after thought', so he wasn't nearly as perspicacious (I love that word).

Zeus chose a mortal woman, the first made by the gods; Pandora, to be given to Epimethius for his wife. Pandora was given a pithos, a clay urn as a wedding gift. Zeus warned Epimethius that the jar not be opened at any cost, and this he conveyed to Pandora, not thinking anything amiss.

As the time passed Pandora was happy with her new life, but something bothered her everyday as she worked about the house. What was in that clay urn?

She asked Epimethius, who was content not knowing and told her not to be so curious, but as we all know, curiosity is human nature, this Zeus was counting on.

One day she could stand it no longer. When her husband went out she took the urn down off its shelf and...lifted the lid.

That day Pandora released all manner of evil onto the world of mortals, and so, by our own nature are we punished, but. There was one thing hiding at the bottom of that box Zeus was not counting on, and you're right, that was hope, which escaped as well, so no matter how bad things could get, we always have the ability to reach for better.
Man, I'm having Percy Jackson memories here lol. All this gods and goddesses talk.

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