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Fantasy ~ FableWood

Yeah, I don't have any active RPs currently... >.>
That will be tonight although it will be a relaxation run more than anything.

I bet that when it starts everyone will come back and the Rp will flourish again! :P
Haha, most likely. Silver is always most active in the evening and then at like, midnight. xD Sometimes we get lucky and he's active for most of the day as well.

I've quit WoW for now since I don't play it often enough to have a good reason to pay fort he subscription. Now I'm getting into the Elder Scrolls Online since it doesn't require a subscription and I got the game a while ago when it went on sale via Steam. ^^
I have heard a lot of people bashing the game but I am biased since I have been playing WoW for so long that no new MMO could reel me in.

I only play WoW for raiding since there is nothing else in it anymore. Not for me that is.
I haven't really heard any of the bashing. I've also played WoW for a long time and even tried Aion once cause I loved the idea of the wings, but the whole MMO felt too weird to me, controls and interface-wise. I actually really like the Elder Scrolls Online though, because it's very similar to Skyrim itself. ^^

Yeah, I still need to level up a ton of my 90s to 100, but whatever. I couldn't really get myself back into it.
Damn...my PC shut down unexpectedly Dx

Lioness075 said:
You really just need to work on your comma usage though
Oh I actually know when to use commas, but I lack concentration right now ... forgive me, I am tired...I had 7 exams these two weeks xD (each exam lasted between 2 and 3 hours). I generally make almost no mistakes regarding comma usage.

Ok Lioness...after reading what you said again...I realised that I indeed made a few mistakes and I'd also like to say that by 'bounds' I meant 'bonds'.

Then again, as the half-blood Grammar Communist (because the term 'Grammar Nazi' is too mainstream and we can't just have two Grammar Nazis in a single RP xD ) that I am, I can't help but also point out a few things:

Lioness075 said:
every being that exists they could have a better understanding', this should be rephrased to 'every being that exists then they could have a better understanding'
^'Then' is, in this particular case, optional (like in the case of almost all conditional sentences).

Lioness075 said:
sociolinguistic capabilities of every being helps in understanding
^I disagree... What helps others in understanding are the sociolinguistic capabilities (plural), therefore 'the capabilities help', not 'helps'.

Lioness075 said:
in general, thing which interested Eroan quite a lot' should be rephrased to 'in general, things which interested Eroan quite a lot'
^Why 'things'? The thing which interests Eroan in general is society, not just sociolinguistic capabilities (which are a mere fraction of society).

Lioness075 said:
And this here...'some people deserve their fate' should be rephrased to 'some people deserved their fate
^Initially I wrote 'deserved', but I changed it to 'deserve' for a particular reason: the past simple form of the verb is used in this case for people who already had their fate sealed, therefore I changed it to the present simple form, because I'm refering to people who deserve their fate in general, not just those who already had their fate sealed.


Ok, these ones are just curiosities of mine:

Lioness075 said:
'a ''safety'' distance' should be saying "safe" distance, not "safety"
^In this case I used 'safety distance' in a similar way to 'safety belt' ...Is it wrong?

Lioness075 said:
analyze them better, still a little suspicious
I wanted to specify that he was still a little suspicious of them, but at that moment I belived it was obvious from the context. Was I that wrong? xD
Iv'e heard the bashing. One of the guys I work with is a hard core WoW player and even he had to put it down he was not having fun with the new x-pack. I got my paladin up to 100 and fiddled with my garrison a bit, but then i moved onto ESO and GW2.
[QUOTE="Azure Sky]^'Then' is, in this particular case, optional (like in the case of almost all conditional sentences).

How is it optional? The sentence makes no sense to me if it doesn't have the transitional word added in. You just jump from 'exists' to 'they' with no transition, which ultimately makes no sense to me.

[QUOTE="Azure Sky]^I disagree... What helps others in understanding are the sociolinguistic capabilities (plural), therefore 'the capabilities help', not 'helps'.

Ah, you're right. That was my bad. ^^;

[QUOTE="Azure Sky]^Why 'things'? The thing which interests Eroan in general is society, not just sociolinguistic capabilities (which are a mere fraction of society).

Maybe because you mentioned multiple things that he was interested in and not just one thing? The moment you added in both of those things then it became a plural subject. Even if one thing was less interesting than the other, you still mentioned more than one thing.

[QUOTE="Azure Sky]^Initially I wrote 'deserved', but I changed it to 'deserve' for a particular reason: the past simple form of the verb is used in this case for people who already had their fate sealed, therefore I changed it to the present simple form, because I'm refering to people who deserve their fate in general, not just those who already had their fate sealed.

This is true. I just wasn't sure if he was referring to those he'd dealt with in the past or if he meant everyone in general.

[QUOTE="Azure Sky]^In this case I used 'safety distance' in a similar way to 'safety belt' ...Is it wrong?

Yeah, safety distance makes absolutely no sense in general. You would definitely use safe distance in this case. Or in any cases involving you wanting your character to safely distance themselves from some potential danger.

[QUOTE="Azure Sky]I wanted to specify that he was still a little suspicious of them, but at that moment I belived it was obvious from the context. Was I that wrong? xD

Yeah, it wasn't entirely obvious and you just abruptly ended it with 'still a little suspicious'. That could mean many different things and so details would be necessary to clear it up to anyone reading it. ^^


zCrookedz said:
Iv'e heard the bashing. One of the guys I work with is a hard core WoW player and even he had to put it down he was not having fun with the new x-pack. I got my paladin up to 100 and fiddled with my garrison a bit, but then i moved onto ESO and GW2.
Yeah, I loved the garrison idea, but even that has worn off on me a bit. I feel like they're just pushing it with all these new ideas and such. I actually would like more story details and new and controversial stuff, but instead they're desperate to add more and new content. I've slowly lost interest in the storyline after MoP simply because it started to go downhill from there...
You know, I still do let you guys get away with grammatical errors here and there though. It'd be truly annoying if I corrected every single little thing in everyone's posts. ^^;

@zCrookedz It hasn't turned into an argument for me yet. We're just going back and forth over the stuff. *shrugs*
I am fully aware that I commit such crimes ever so often and sometimes I can not even spot the error.

Such is the price for not knowing the language properly.

But fortunately I do not have to type in German, otherwise you would have decapitated me already, @Lioness075
@DawnAntalios Lol, I wouldn't even know what to do if you typed everything in German since I don't know the first thing about German. xD
Lioness075 said:
You know, I still do let you guys get away with grammatical errors here and there though. It'd be truly annoying if I corrected every single little thing in everyone's posts. ^^;
@zCrookedz It hasn't turned into an argument for me yet. We're just going back and forth over the stuff. *shrugs*
I know, that's why i said ya'll were still being civil. BUT I don't want to see anything break out for Silver to come back to and think we need a babysitter when he is gone :)
@zCrookedz Lol, nah, I doubt it'll come to that. Even if it did, I'd know when to pull it out of here before it became an issue for anyone else. ^^
I'm pretty sure this chat is always some sort of mad house one way or another. xD
Why would it not remain civil? It's just grammar stuff.

Lioness075 said:
How is it optional? The sentence makes no sense to me if it doesn't have the transitional word added in. You just jump from 'exists' to 'they' with no transition, which ultimately makes no sense to me.
It makes sense to my british and american teachers (yes, I have shown them a similar sentence once and they said it was correct)... xD . They were the ones who taught me this kind of thing.

Just like : ''If i had studied, I'd have passed the exam''/''If i had studied,then I'd have passed the exam''

''if someone could gather information regarding the psychological microcosmos of each and every being that exists, they would have a better understanding of the world as a whole''/''if someone could gather information regarding the psychological microcosmos of each and every being that exists,then they would have a better understanding of the world as a whole''

Makes sense to me... (and, as mentioned above, to my teachers as well). As I mentioned before 'then' is optional, most of the times, in conditional sentences.

I will ask them again about it. But later.
Exactly!! OCC has always been nothing but a buch of insane people talking about birds and stew. I.E. Mad house :3
@Azure Sky Um, you don't have to ask your teachers about it. We both have different opinions and discussed them accordingly. Why in the world would you bring your teachers into this? Anyhow, I can't really think of anything else to add at this point so...onto more important topics like our immortal stew! xD

@zCrookedz I'm pretty sure our immortal stew is gone now that Otto ate the last of it last night. >.>
no no, Ward fixed a bowl before Otto stuck his head in the pot. That bowl is somewhere in the castle. All we have to do is find it and then........well I'm not really sure what then.
Lioness075 said:
Why in the world would you bring your teachers into this?
I won't...I'll ask them for the sake of my improvement in English...I just mentioned I'll ask them, but not for the sake of his...'debate'...If you can call it like that.

Chill...I have nothing more to add either xD
@Azure Sky I'm very calm. :) I was just saying that we had more important topics to discuss like our immortal stew. You have no idea just how important that stew is to this group. xD

@zCrookedz Really!?! *gasps* Wait, but if he left it around then it'll be eaten by some random servant or something. We have to save the stew!

@Bea Delaine Hmm, what kind do you have? My personal favorites are chicken noodle soup and miso soup. :3

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