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Fantasy ~ FableWood

Hey, @Bea Delaine, just don't forget to perhaps have some reaction to everything happening around breakfast as well. Like, the king has made his presence known, Otto just ran around like a maniac and shifted only to remove his shirt and reveal a large scar on his chest, and Leandra is playing rock soccer with Bob, Leia's earth spirit. ^^;
Well, everyone's having breakfast currently. It probably wouldn't be too much for your character to find their way to the castle or city and perhaps have a guard spot them or something. Maybe you should ask Silver and he could devise some way for your character to be noticed after entering the city or nearing the castle...or something. *shrugs* That's all I can think of, sorry. ^^;
Just don't appear in bunny form, you will be chased. By Malachai, maybe Luness. And most probably Otto.

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Most definitely Otto. He will chase you to the ends of earth lol. Luness would probably just frown and be like, 'Why is there a bunny here?'
[QUOTE="Bea Delaine]I'm so sorry!! I'm like half awake. I'll fix

Relax, rest! Be happy and do not hurry we are like a family here inside and outside the RP :) We wait for all ( most of the time anyway :D ) so don't push yourself too hard.
None of us are wt Branbern so that probably wouldn't work out in the end. It'd be best if you showed up somewhere around Castle Aerios (Is that what it's called? :S ). You said in his CS that he wanders and such. Perhaps he just so happened to be in the Whispering Isles the same time as the group and learned of their presence so he wants to join then? ^^
Wow. Ya know, this has got to be one of the slowest days we have had in a LONG time. Everyone seems to be busy, which kinda sucks xD

BTW Official Fablewood Welcome to @Azure Sky. Glad to have you with us. Feel free to talk about....pretty much whatever pops into your head here in OCC. We have all done it ^_^
Yeah...we usually have at least one person active right now. *sighs* Oh well. Someone is bound to come around eventually.
I mean, I did notice a few grammatical errors in Azure's first post, but figured I'd go easy on him since he's new here. :P
Lioness075 said:
I mean, I did notice a few grammatical errors in Azure's first post, but figured I'd go easy on him since he's new here. :P
Hmm I re-read it and the only mistake I see is that I wrote ''After all'' as a single word xD Unless you're talking about the incorrect use of a verb, article or preposition.
Well, there's also the lack of proper comma usage in basically the whole post.

Also, right here: 'every being that exists they could have a better understanding', this should be rephrased to 'every being that exists then they could have a better understanding'.

Also, this here...'capabilities of every rational being help in understanding' should be rephrased to 'capabilities of every being helps in understanding'.

And this here...'in general, thing which interested Eroan quite a lot' should be rephrased to 'in general, things which interested Eroan quite a lot'.

And this here...'some people deserve their fate' should be rephrased to 'some people deserved their fate'.

I'm also not really sure what 'with no bounds made' means. Are you talking about boundaries?

Also, 'he'd go , to fight' - unnecessary space between the word 'go' and comma there.

It also would be highly advised to put thoughts inside of your character's mind as italicized so that we can better differentiate between your characters' thoughts and what he's saying out loud.

Let's see...oh, and this 'a ''safety'' distance' should be saying "safe" distance, not "safety". Also, you only really use " " for when someone is speaking. Otherwise, you should be using these guys instead, ' '.

Also, 'analyze them better, still a little suspicious. What are you suspicious? Who are you suspicious of? It might help to clarify that a bit better, as it doesn't entirely make sense what or who your character is suspicious of.

Also, 'the Aerios Castle' is not titled like that. All of the castles in our RP are always titled with Castle first and then their proper name, so it'd be Castle Aerios, not the other way around. ^^

All right, my rant's done now. :P Now you know why the others said to fear me lmao.
Lioness075 said:
Well, there's also the lack of proper comma usage in basically the whole post.
Also, right here: 'every being that exists they could have a better understanding', this should be rephrased to 'every being that exists then they could have a better understanding'.

Also, this here...'capabilities of every rational being help in understanding' should be rephrased to 'capabilities of every being helps in understanding'.

And this here...'in general, thing which interested Eroan quite a lot' should be rephrased to 'in general, things which interested Eroan quite a lot'.

And this here...'some people deserve their fate' should be rephrased to 'some people deserved their fate'.

I'm also not really sure what 'with no bounds made' means. Are you talking about boundaries?

Also, 'he'd go , to fight' - unnecessary space between the word 'go' and comma there.

It also would be highly advised to put thoughts inside of your character's mind as italicized so that we can better differentiate between your characters' thoughts and what he's saying out loud.

Let's see...oh, and this 'a ''safety'' distance' should be saying "safe" distance, not "safety". Also, you only really use " " for when someone is speaking. Otherwise, you should be using these guys instead, ' '.

Also, 'analyze them better, still a little suspicious. What are you suspicious? Who are you suspicious of? It might help to clarify that a bit better, as it doesn't entirely make sense what or who your character is suspicious of.

Also, 'the Aerios Castle' is not titled like that. All of the castles in our RP are always titled with Castle first and then their proper name, so it'd be Castle Aerios, not the other way around. ^^

All right, my rant's done now. :P Now you know why the others said to fear me lmao.
People fear you for this? Seriously...I don't get it...

It's like when I see others getting angry when they are corrected grammatically xD

Anyways there's nothing intimidating in this... I always accept constructive criticism or helpful observations so...thanks xD

As a college student studying languages, I am always grateful for this kind of feedback.

(before anyone says anything, ''who is'' isn't neccesary in the above sentence )
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@Azure Sky Lol, no problem. And it's really just an inside joke more than anything. Not like they're actually terrified of me. Just a running joke in the group. I've scared some people from the RP before though due to my criticism so I was holding back at first to be safe. xD
[QUOTE="Azure Sky]People fear you for this? Seriously...I don't get it...
It's like when I see others getting angry when they are corrected grammatically xD

Anyways there's nothing intimidating in this... I always accept constructive criticism or helpful observations so...thanks xD

Its a long standing joke we like to pull on each other when we slip up and misspell something or make obvious grammatical errors. We just like to have fun with it, there's always at least one Grammar Nazi in a group and Lioness is our Grammar Nazi.

THAT, and how Lioness has an inhuman ability to throw posts up faster than anyone I have ever met. Seriously, its weirdly fast.

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