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Fantasy ~ FableWood

Hey, can someone help catch me up? I Fell behind again. The good news is after tomorrow I should be able to keep up again!
Um, what was happening the last time you posted?
Well, you've missed an attack on the king by some mage assassins and we didn't manage to capture any of them before they escaped, though we did kill one. Leandra went to inspect the dead body and Malachai threw it out a window before it burst into a big ball of flames. Always fun. Also, the king questioned the heroes about what they thought had happened and they warned him of something possibly happening in the race. Beyond that, no actual accusations were thrown out besides someone mentioning the Duke. The king has left and now some people are cleaning up the mess left in the wake of the failed assassination while others are chatting amongst the group and whatnot. In Leandra's case, she's chilling off to the side and drawing the scene of the devastated throne room. ^^

Oh yeah, and Elena got some wine spilled on her so that she could get away from everyone before she paused out due to fatigue and lack of eating properly. Ward found her and brought her to a bed before the pair returned to find the assassins attacking everyone in the throne room.
Eh, I dunno. As long as we keep nominating it, Silver has to keep accepting more people into the rp, as per the rules saying that the rp has to be currently accepting more players. I think right now we're full, unless phoenix guy disappears (though it would appear he already has done so).
Yeah, Draki is gone for sure. I wouldn't be surprised if the phoenix guy had as well.
woof, it only got up to about 36 here, but that was enough to make me decide not to open my colonies today...I would have had to borrow their queens for a few hours...colonies that lose their queens (even for that short time) get reeeaaally pissy...and with this heat...no. Just no.
Why do you have to borrow their queens if you open the colonies? *prepares self for inevitable rant that's sure to follow* :P

For Elena:


Hahahahahahahahaha xD OMG @Lioness075 that was one of Malachai's songs. That one or a diff. One, thanks for reminding me that I never pressed the post button on my pc after I gathered the songs xD

And Malachai isn't that bad :/ he wouldn't push the new girl for no reason lol

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You're welcome. :3

Lol, well, it's not like Luness would know what was going on in that moment anyhow. ^^;
I gotta good feeling about this month!! Woo nominations!!

O.o someone just broke the IC flow. oh god what are we gonna do!!!! DX lol

Kendal said:
Um may i join?))
Sent from my SGH-T889 using Tapatalk
Your gonna want to apply in the character sign up tab friend. and if possible, delete your question before @Lioness075 see's it. O.o she can be kind OCD bout things and stuff. lol

@SilverFlight will then look over your character sheet and give you the yay or nay @Kendal
zCrookedz said:
I gotta good feeling about this month!! Woo nominations!!
O.o someone just broke the IC flow. oh god what are we gonna do!!!! DX lol

Your gonna want to apply in the character sign up tab friend. and if possible, delete your question before @Lioness075 see's it. O.o she can be kind OCD bout things and stuff. lol

@SilverFlight will then look over your character sheet and give you the yay or nay @Kendal
Its funny 'cause its true xD

I have to borrow them because I need them safely in boxes while I map the brood pattern on a frame. Avoids the risk of killing them when the frame goes back, this bit of the research is tricky.
zCrookedz said:
I swear i never knew bee's were so fascinating :D
Nobody does! Neither did I until I started learning about them. Did you know that a small cluster of bees can survive temperatures for days that would kill an exposed human in 2 hours?

or that the workers change from nurses to foragers depending on their age, and this takes a massive physiological shift (strong flight muscles, different diet, better metabolism, they lose the ability to make baby bee food etc.) but if for some reason the bulk force of nurses are lost, the foragers will revert back to their beginning nurse state and start making baby food again....*5 hour rant about how cool bees are*
Sorry I've been hit and miss lately.

Just so you guys know the reason I've been virtually gone is because a few days ago a friend of mine's father died, so my inactivity isn't a permanent thing, promise.

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