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Fantasy ~ FableWood

I never really got into DBZ so I'm not really sure how to respond lol.

Also, eww much, Otto? xD @zCrookedz
What is Dargon Ball Super 0.0 I grew up on DB, DBZ, and DBgt.

sorry, the wizards inventions arnt always full proof, so sometimes things might backfire.
The new dragon ball series. They were dined up and renewed for 200 episodes xD or something along there. Taking up after dbz, after the buu saga, which was the last actual cannon series

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Do you mean foolproof? :P And yeah, I guess I can't say I'm surprised. :3
how can they be fool proof, if a fool is the one who made them xD lol sorry little word humor.

AGH Must watch new DBZ

Woah so this is like GT never even happened? Thats actually kinda awsome. I really wasn't a fan of GT.

Lol, I don't think anything or anyone could fully be ready for Otto. xD
Is it that difficult to read the rules before you make a CS for RPs? >.> This is like, the third person to make a CS without checking up on the rules or even reading what this RP is about. >.<
Lioness075 said:
If you read the rules then you'd be aware that vampires aren't allowed in this rp. Please read the rules and then redo your CS. Then Silver will be more willing to look over your CS and possibly accept you.
You know I've been wondering. Silver let bot You and I have werewolves and the rules say no werewolves except big bad wolfs. Otto is neither big nor bad so im a bit confused.
Those can be much more easily accepted than vampires, angels or gods. U can be decedent of one

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The only time I have grievances are when we get two or more of the same type of character, and their lore/ basic stuff doesn't match. Like when I saw Alexander, I had to tweak my idea of Malachai to match her basic layout for dragons since hers was the first. But when sum1 submitted a cs for an "elemental dragon" that had control of all 4 elements I was like -____- fml I might have to msg silver and be a pest about this lol

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I understand completely. I guess being a descendant of the Big Bad Wolves would make since for werewolves. But Vamps, Angels, and Demons are way to much. I guess if Silver had a problem with it he would have said something before now.
Yeah, since Luness is the direct descendant of Bigby, AKA The Big Bad Wolf, she was accepted.

Otto is supposed to be Toto, right? Because he was one of the characters from the Wizard of Oz group, he was accepted.

@SilverFlight Do their private quarters have porches/balconies by chance? I keep imagining one for Luness' room, but I don't recall you describing that with the rooms. ^^;
Technically, though, vampires are just as valid as Dragons Griffons and Werewolves- every culture has some sort of vampire lore, Dragons and Griffons were mythological creatures long before they were any sort of fable, and in truth I can't think of a fable or fairy tale with a griffon in it. I'm not sure where Dread Ravens come from, truthfully, and the Wizard of Oz and Alice and Wonderland are a bit recent to be considered a Fable by her original set of rules. While they are 100 years old or so, in the grand scheme of things, they are still relatively modern.

I'm not complaining by any means, I'm just pointing out that the set rules and the applied rules tend to be a bit different. Though, to be fir, no angels makes since because if there are no gods or goddesses- or even if there are and there are multiple ones- then the very construct of angels and heaven and such are invalid. Plus, I doubt theres a real afterlife for Fables, I mean, do they ever truly die? Or do they just take on different forms as human interpretation of them varies? Either way, angels would be difficult to fit into this world. Demons, on the other hand would be very easy, as imps practically are demons in many stories, and they are a center point in virtually every mythology and many fables and stories, though not necesarially conventional demons.

Either way, Silver is the one who actually determines if something is okay, so what's the harm in posting a sheet and seeing if they are allowed? As mentioned before, we do already have werewolves and were cats despite those being distinctly forbidden. So if you don't post it you could never get it approved.

As for the most recent one I've seen, the rules only said that you couldn't be those things, not that they didn't exist last time I looked. ;)
Lioness075 said:
Yeah, since Luness is the direct descendant of Bigby, AKA The Big Bad Wolf, she was accepted.
Otto is supposed to be Toto, right? Because he was one of the characters from the Wizard of Oz group, he was accepted.
Thats right Otto is technically supposed to be Toto from Wizard of Oz.
@Hel I only told the vampire person that they wouldn't be allowed because Silver has turned away a vampire before and said for the person to read the rules first. I think Silver wants FableWood to be more of a fairytale world and so vampires would kinda ruin the effects. Certain werebeasts are allowed and since mine was related to the Little Red Riding Hood story, Luness was allowed.

And the recent vampire CS didn't even involve any kind of backstory or explanation behind how the character has either lived in FableWood their whole life or perhaps something else happened. Tying your character into the world of FableWood is key and on top of veing a vampire, the lack of backstory will most likely be another thing Silver notices.

Anyhow, it of course is better to post the CS and be critiqued as opposed to not trying at all. It just helps to read the rules and background information to FableWood ahead of time so you can make a character that ties in properly. ^^
Lioness075 said:
Anyhow, it of course is better to post the CS and be critiqued as opposed to not trying at all.
That statement is the exact reason I am in Fablewood now. When I first found Fablewood, I was so nervous to apply cause the story had already kicked off, but I thought to myself "Better to try and be rejected, than not try at all." And low and behold Silver accepted Leo and here I am today. xD funny to think how Fablewood would have turned out if Silver had said no to some of us.
The main reason why I outlawed vampires and werewolves is because its been my experience that they are often chosen by the sort of people I really don't like rping with. They are usually really disagreeable, mary-sue-ish or illiterate....I feel a bit bad judging like this, but...The rules also say that if you can give me a good reason to justify having a character of this species I will allow it. @Lioness075 had her CS really well thought out, had read the rules and I really saw her character going places, @zCrookedz You had already proven your rp skills to me by the time you asked for Otto.

So its less about the lore of FableWood and more about the people who choose those species. So far, no one else has given me any reason to consider making the exception...and yes, reading the rules would be a good first step for all new comers :P

As for the varroa parasite, it is possibly the worst catastrophe ever to hit beekeeping globally. I talk of managing it because for 30 years we've tried to eradicate it using pesticides...and they've evolved immunity to them. These things cannot be stopped by chemicals alone. We have to turn to the very mechanism that made them so powerful: The great thing about evolution is it is constantly striving for equilibrium. Bees in some areas are slowly changing to cope with them...very slowly. Its my job to understand the system and see if we can't help the process.

I am a very reasonable person. ^^ It really all boils down to people having read my stupid rules before they make a CS.
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zCrookedz said:
WOOAH :D that is such a very cool exsplination. Like a scientist. @SilverFlight you have a kick ass job.

I've wanted to be a biologist since I was four, and make a difference that the world could see.
Dude that rocks. Lol When I was 4 i think i wanted to be a super hero. My inner 4 year old was severally disappointed when I found out that wouldn't be possible. Man getting paid to do what you have a passion for, and make a difference in the world like that. Major respect my friend. :)
zCrookedz said:
Dude that rocks. Lol When I was 4 i think i wanted to be a super hero. My inner 4 year old was severally disappointed when I found out that wouldn't be possible. Man getting paid to do what you have a passion for, and make a difference in the world like that. Major respect my friend. :)
Super hero would be a bit hard...but being a hero is a reachable goal ^^ after all, its not really powers that make any superhero a superhero, that's what the comics tell us anyway.

As for me, I haven't made a difference yet. (Forgive my being slow, currently typing one handed)
A bee didn't sting your other hand did it??

Lol I doubt Im going to be much of a hero running a warehouse. But hey, maybe one day I can be Storage Man, with the amazing ability to organize your shit faster than a speeding bullet xD

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