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Fantasy ~ FableWood

*peers in and gasps at disruption of IC flow* WHAT IS THIS MADNESS?!

Also, am busy atm, but will read bee rant once I am back on my computer. ;)
Everyone loves bee rant....doesn't make me hate getting stung any less. But it's def. Always interesting :)

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Lol, finally read the bee ranting. @SilverFlight So, what kind of research are you doing with the bees that requires you to map out the brood pattern? Also, what exactly is the brood pattern? The way their tunnels in their hive are designed or something?

Also, @zCrookedz, *whispers* it's too late. I already noticed...
Well, that depends if they make an acceptable CS and stay active. In that case, they may not be screwed, though they seriously need to learn what OOC is and where to use it. >.>
come now, be nice :) . Look your favorite little werewolf is back :D .........and luness left -.- well you know he is going to have to hunt you down.
I'll be nice. :3 And yay! I was hoping Otto would eventually make his appearance again. ^^ Though, this may not be the best timing for him to be hunting down Luness lol. She'll probably be far happier to see him once she and Kallin hunt down those springs and she gets that darkness out of her. :3
Haha! They don't have tunnels in their hives :P They have flat pieces of honey comb, even the wild colonies, hanging about 3/4 of an inch apart.

like this:

As beekeepers we make rectangular frames set with the bottom part of the cells on both sides so the bees just have to build the walls for each frame.

Each hive box has a big base chamber, where you've got much longer frames, this is the brood box, where the queen lives and lays eggs for the worker bees to feed and raise. She is genetically geared to lay eggs in a spiral pattern starting in the direct middle of the frame. usually she lays a circle of brood in the middle and then does the same thing on the other side. The bees bring back pollen and store it in a ring around the brood (because the brood needs a lot of protein and pollen is bees' only source of that) and then fill the rest with honey.

If there's something wrong with the queen, or you haven;t put enough frames in the hive the brood pattern won't be in a circle, it'll be all over the place.

I need to map where the eggs are put because I'm looking at a little tick-like parasite called varroa mite that lives in the brood chambers. The details of this study are a little complicated, but basically I need to know exactly how old the babies are so I know when the mites will try to get into the cells. We don't actually know whether the mites are haplodiploid, meaning that the females can produce male offspring without even being mated, just with half the number of chromosomes as a female (Like honey bees can do, all male honey bees or drones only have half a set of chromosomes), or if all of the offspring are originally diploid and half the genome gets removed to control the gene pool.

Mites have really strange reproductive strategies, and the things related to this mite seem to do this second option.

What it means then, is if they can't reproduce at all when they aren't mated, all we have to do is kill the male mite (there is only one in any cell) and boom, be control the mite population.
@Hel Otto and Luness are in the private quarters, not the throne room lol.
I am fully aware of Luness's no touching policy. HOWEVER, the happy little puppy is not. Please dont kill the happy little puppy XP
we are all going to come away from this knowing so much more about the world of bees. xD SO why do you need to know when the parasites get into the cells? are they bad?
Lol, don't worry, Luness won't kill the oblivious puppy. I love Otto too much to let such a thing happen. Plus, Otto is a part of Luness' pack now. She definitely won't harm him. Course, she still won't be pleased by the hugging, but she isn't going to hurt Otto. ^^ Plus, she's kinda emotionless at the moment, which helps in keeping her from getting angry at Otto.
Yeah, I don't really know any parasites that are good.
Some parasitic relationships can be beneficial for both parties. But in this case I'm not sure if it's completely bad since @SilverFlight is talking about pop. Control and not complete eradication O.o

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This is true.

Surprise! No vicious attacks from Luness for Otto's hugging. :3
:D OMG OTTO GOT A LUNESS HUG!!!!!!!!! A little one, but it still counts!! Dawn is going to be jealous ( :P )

@Bea Delaine How come your posting form the hospital, is everything ok??
Not that anyone here would care but I watched the first episode of dragon ball super xD just needed to share that with a group of supercool people. #dontjudgeme

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