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Fantasy ~ FableWood

zCrookedz said:
im perfectly comfortable in 100F honesty. When I was in Orlando last week, I never really got "hot". I can go into heat stroke without ever even knowing it if im not carefull.
*resentful glare*

Didn't help that I was out in a bee suit in the hottest part of the day...even the bees were cranky in this heat...
@zCrookedz Seriously? I can handle anything in the 90 F range, but once we get to 100 F, that's pushing it for me. >.<

@SilverFlight Poor bees, that must've not been too much fun for either of you.
Nah, everyone around me is dieing of heat in Orlando on a 102 degrees day, and im just like "Hey look at that persons shoes melt to the pavement." lol
Dang, lol. In Georgia, we just get more humidity than anything else so if you're not dying of the heat, then you're probably dying of humidity. xD
I did get stung today, luckily I hardly react. Just mistimed the smoke. One little worker, getting right pissed off after I'd been poking about her house for a good 15 minutes. Its really cool, you can hear them when they're getting anxious, the timber of their buzz changes. Some really experienced beekeepers can actually tell if they've lost their queen or if they're hungry just by listening to them....yeah ok, I'll stop :P

euck, you can all keep your high summer temps...I can't wait for fall.

*hides under frozen towel*
Lol, d'aww, Silver's on a bee rant. :P Hey, if it's your passion, then have at it. ^^
I can't take the heat. But well it is an allergy issue more than anything else.

Imaging spending your entire summer in a dark room. Yeah, so much fun :D
So i cant decide if i want to use my ESO picks for Leo or if I should keep using the picks I've had for some time. What do you guys think?
I'm sorry, but I don't think I understand what you're talking about. What picks? >.<
My avatar. I use a pic of Leo for my avatar since he is my favorite character. But I cant decide if I like the one I made last night


the drawn one without color
Oh, you put 'picks' instead of 'pics' so I was outright confused by your question lol. Anyhow, I still like the drawn one without color personally.
@andujarprime Um, I didn't even know Malachai had spoken in Leandra's mind? You seriously need to make that kind of communication more obvious. Leandra wasn't even reacting the mind talk since I had no idea it had happened. She was reacting to the whole body flinging thing.
No he hadnt. He was just trying to give her a heads up. Leaving her with a wtf is he talking about kind of expression

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Oh. Well, she's not even going to know what the heck he's talking about lol.
Yeah, not yet anyway. It was his attempt at trying to be mindful of other's boundaries lol

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*Malachai poses majestically in the moon Light with a plate in one hand and a turkey leg in the other, pointing at the stars* lol

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