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Fantasy ~ FableWood

Also, I like to think that despite Leandra's staff's design, it acts as a bö staff for her to fight with. After all, I've made it so that Leandra is trained in several different fighting styles on top of being in the military. I'll bet she wishes she had her M16 right about now just so that all of this could be over with in a faster manner lol.
Welp, be back in a few. I'm gunna head downstairs and make myself some breakfast. :3
Lioness075 said:
Welp, be back in a few. I'm gunna head downstairs and make myself some breakfast. :3
I'll take 6 slices of bacon, squiggly not crispy. 2 glasses of o.j low pulp, or no pulp. Either is fine. 3 eggs scrambled with cheese, peppers, and onions. And 4 pieces of white toast lightly buttered :)

Sent from my SM-G925V using Tapatalk
1. I don't have any bacon. 2. I also don't have any o.j. 3. I don't have any peppers 4. I'll let you watch me eat my breakfast, but I ain't making nothing for you. :P
Wait, is Silver controlling the assassins or are we allowed to take control of them ourselves?
I had assumed that Silver would be controling them, but It would make things move alot faster if they were taken care of. BUT at the same time, then some of the others might not get hits in. : | so i have no idea.
Uhh well I took the liberty to hinder the assassin, thats why I did not want to write anything major involving it but sidestepping.

The big attacks will be made by Silver, yes, I just wanted for the guy to have some reaction to the attack.
Yeah, I mean, I don't think any of us know his plans for the assassins so we probably should avoid killing any of them. Maiming them would probably be okay for now.
zCrookedz said:
For shame @SilverFlight. Poor Elena. lol
Hey @SilverFlight did Leo's attack hit either of the assassins?
getting there, one moment ^^'

You can all move the assassins, basically whenever I know you're going to be on without me I'll orchestrate a fight scene or something so you can continue on.

OK, all fixed @zCrookedz , Leo got one :) but the other got away and tried to set him on fire.
uuuug...my apartment doesn't have AC, because its Europe and nothing gets that hot up here....but its been over 30 C for 2 weeks and I come home yesterday to a room like an oven...its not getting better, I've taken to wetting and freezing my towel and wearing it like a granny shawl....this is not habitat for Canadian!!
wait a minute......your Canadian?? And Europe dosn't have A/C?? AND 30C is hot?? I learned so much from that one complaint O.o
Lol, 30 C is nothing for someone from the south of the USA. :P Still, that must suck, especially for a Canadian. :P And I traveled to Europe not but a month ago and my hotel at least had AC, but a lot of the places we went to also had AC. O.o Then again, I was in Spain, Italy, and France. It might be different in Norway. :P And yeah, I had no idea Silver was Canadian until now haha.
DawnAntalios said:
30C? So weak, it is 38C here!
Come to my country, enjoy the fun!
But do you have air conditioning? Live anywhere but the top floor and were you specifically raised in a cold climate?

I am Canadian, hence why I spell everything with an 'ou' rather than just 'o' like humour and armour. I just moved to Europe...Norway was so fantastic and had a wonderful climate...but now I am back near my university and things are wicked hot...when I say above 30, I mean like 40 in the sun...and my building holds heat like the devil himself.

**whine whine complain sulk*
Lioness075 said:
Lol, 30 C is nothing for someone from the south of the USA. :P Still, that must suck, especially for a Canadian. :P And I traveled to Europe not but a month ago and my hotel at least had AC, but a lot of the places we went to also had AC. O.o Then again, I was in Spain, Italy, and France. It might be different in Norway. :P And yeah, I had no idea Silver was Canadian until now haha.
im perfectly comfortable in 100F honesty. When I was in Orlando last week, I never really got "hot". I can go into heat stroke without ever even knowing it if im not carefull.

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