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Fantasy ~ FableWood

Wooo!~ *flails arms excitedly* Hopefully she'll get back before anything else insane happens, though that's definitely not guaranteed lol.
[QUOTE="Bea Delaine]Haha well. I can't type with an IV of anesthetic so I'll be off. Have fun times and be sure to say things like "everything probably went horribly and she is now dead" to silver.


So, Luness has no idea what Kallin is singing, but he's supposed to know the song she sings? :P
Lol, he doesn't have to know it per-say, but he can just sing back the other part, as the words 'come to his mind' *waves hands around erratically* Point being, Luness wasn't going to be able to continue Kallin's song either way with her lack of angel knowledge. Those words were never going to come to her head lol. I gave her songs to know that are things she could be aware of or understand. xD
I dunno, the moment felt right in all honesty. What with how Luness had been brooding and whatever prior to this moment and how she'd thought at first that Kallin was leaving her behind or something. Anyhow, don't worry. I've got plenty of other songs to choose from in any of our future musical moments. :P And I couldn't really think of a replacement word for angel in the song. It's written so beautifully on its own that I really couldn't get anything else to sound right. Otherwise, I totally would've tried to wing it myself lol.
TheHarlequinnCat said:
@zCrookedz lol! ^^ did you see my character CS? I think it explains it I just didn't feel like doing much a post cause I'm still so new. :o
Ah don't hold back from getting involved. One thing we have seen time and time again is that those who hang back from introducing themselves usually ont last long. As for your Character, I read your CS im just confused on a few points. Your character is a Man, that was turned into a Woman? And when you turn into the evil three eyed bunny are you blind AND deaf? That would make it awfully hard to communicate with you, though some of us can communicate with Telepathy.
@Sleipnir!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!, How was your trip? Glad to have you back.

*Takes deep breath*

Ok so recap, I think you were with us for a time in the dragon kingdom correct? We went to the dragon kingdom and found out the one stealing the dragon eggs was Rumpelstiltskin and we tracked him down but had to go into the Shadow Wood to get to him. A lot of our characters where affected by the Shadow Wood but we pushed on to Rumple and found him. He tried to offer us deals to let him go but we refused and promptly kicked his impish butt. After the fight we fetched the eggs from his home where Nyr found a really bad book that began to influence her with bad thoughts. Once we handed over Rumple and the eggs to the dragon we took off on the boat where Nyr went batty and Luness went to a very dark place. Ethan actually tried to help Luness a bit :D . After we destroyed the book that Nyr had we made it to the gorgeous whispering isles and were welcomed with a lot of thundering applause and smiles. We were al invited to a court with the king of the lands but was informed that it was possible the the kings brother, the duke, was after the crown. Just before the court started Leandra (Lioness's new character) showed up. We split into two groups during the court and began to talk politics with 2 of the dukes trusted friends until the party was crashed by a bunch of ninja mages that tried to kill the king. We were able to beat them and the king was saved. The court ended and we all kind split up. Ward and Elena went and got food, Kallin and Luness have had a very touching and beautiful duet, Malachi and Achyl's are making progress in their relationship in the court room, Alexander and Quincy are hanging around having a moment; Anya & Leia went to bed; and after all the commotion in the court room Otto was transported from Oz to rejoin the group and has been running around causing trouble and eating all the STEW!!!

*Falls to the ground from lack of air*
Ethan is wandering around thinking about his gifts. I knew you were returning so I gave you your chance for your thing, remember?
zCrookedz said:
@Sleipnir!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!, How was your trip? Glad to have you back.
*Takes deep breath*

Ok so recap, I think you were with us for a time in the dragon kingdom correct? We went to the dragon kingdom and found out the one stealing the dragon eggs was Rumpelstiltskin and we tracked him down but had to go into the Shadow Wood to get to him. A lot of our characters where affected by the Shadow Wood but we pushed on to Rumple and found him. He tried to offer us deals to let him go but we refused and promptly kicked his impish butt. After the fight we fetched the eggs from his home where Nyr found a really bad book that began to influence her with bad thoughts. Once we handed over Rumple and the eggs to the dragon we took off on the boat where Nyr went batty and Luness went to a very dark place. Ethan actually tried to help Luness a bit :D . After we destroyed the book that Nyr had we made it to the gorgeous whispering isles and were welcomed with a lot of thundering applause and smiles. We were al invited to a court with the king of the lands but was informed that it was possible the the kings brother, the duke, was after the crown. Just before the court started Leandra (Lioness's new character) showed up. We split into two groups during the court and began to talk politics with 2 of the dukes trusted friends until the party was crashed by a bunch of ninja mages that tried to kill the king. We were able to beat them and the king was saved. The court ended and we all kind split up. Ward and Elena went and got food, Kallin and Luness have had a very touching and beautiful duet, Malachi and Achyl's are making progress in their relationship in the court room, Alexander and Quincy are hanging around having a moment; Anya & Leia went to bed; and after all the commotion in the court room Otto was transported from Oz to rejoin the group and has been running around causing trouble and eating all the STEW!!!

*Falls to the ground from lack of air*
Hey, good job, howsabout you write the updates for me? :D


((Kallin and Luness: *serenades each other emotionally* *moving beyond their pain together and breaking my heart* *carrying to bed and protecting from nightmares*
Quincy and Alex: *slightly awkward sleepover*))
...and Alex wakes up to find a horse in his bed. xD
Lmao, the horse thing just suddenly made me think of Shrek when Donkey turned into a stallion. xD
@Shimakage Thunder

OK! New character challenge!!

If our characters were part of a musical group, what instruments would they play?

No specific genre in mind, could be anything.
Ohhh, I like this one! :P

Well, Luness already plays the acoustic guitar in the rp so I can definitely say she'd play that instrument in the band. She can also be a singer. :P

For Leandra, I could easily see her on the drums. ^^

I could also see Leandra choreographing some dancing haha.
I really can't decide between flute or harph.

I like both of them but since a flute is easier to carry around I might go with that one for practical reasons.

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