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Fantasy ~ FableWood

DawnAntalios said:
I really can't decide between flute or harph.
I like both of them but since a flute is easier to carry around I might go with that one for practical reasons.
Its FableWood, magic harp that can shrink to a pendant! xD
We have so many drummers that we might as well make a Blue Man Group at this rate. xD
I was banished to drums in highschool for having no musical potential whatsoever. xD

I do love music though, and unlike me, Ward is actually quite proficient at playing the piano.

Kallin would play the electric violin. :D
Alex is definitely a base kinda guy, it's cool, but often pushed in the background pretty often, so that seems his style. Stand up or base guitar, either one.

Any is a dancer, so maybe a singer who dances? Or maybe she'd play the violin, I could see that before a singer, honestly


SilverFlight said:
I was banished to drums in highschool for having no musical potential whatsoever. xD
I do love music though, and unlike me, Ward is actually quite proficient at playing the piano.

Kallin would play the electric violin. :D
Well drums are supposed to be the most musical! Keeping tempo and what not! In my experience, those who aren't musical are sent to sing and they just pretend while everyone else masks their bad singing xD
Hey now, @SilverFlight, theyre taking things slow, Quincy took the floor! So he'll find a horse on his floor.. which is probably not that much better xD

Also, would it be heavy-handed to say Quincy would play crystal glasses?

Wait, someone should be on the electric triangle! I've always wanted to play that instrument, but have never gotten the chance to do so. xD

@SilverFlight Also, I can totally see Kallin playing the electric violin. Definitely suits him.

I was both a clarinetist and percussionist in junior high and high school for my school band. Never found marching band appealing so I never joined it. I also was a part of my school's choir my senior year. Went from an alto singer to a soprano since I had no idea what the heck I was doing at first lol.

@Flutterby Lol, I'd love to see Quincy standing on the stage and playing those. :P
Flutterby said:
Hey now, @SilverFlight, theyre taking things slow, Quincy took the floor! So he'll find a horse on his floor.. which is probably not that much better xD
Also, would it be heavy-handed to say Quincy would play crystal glasses


That is awesome...and slightly reminiscent of Ms. Congeniality
Lioness075 said:
Wait, someone should be on the electric triangle! I've always wanted to play that instrument, but have never gotten the chance to do so. xD
@SilverFlight Also, I can totally see Kallin playing the electric violin. Definitely suits him.

I was both a clarinetist and percussionist in junior high and high school for my school band. Never found marching band appealing so I never joined it. I also was a part of my school's choir my senior year. Went from an alto singer to a soprano since I had no idea what the heck I was doing at first lol.

@Flutterby Lol, I'd love to see Quincy standing on the stage and playing those. :P
*GASP!!* No marching band?!?!

Well, I suppose I'm only still doing it so that I can be in winter guard, but I graduated and I'm still doing it three years later!
@Hel Yeah, well, military stuff took over as my priority in life once I graduated from high school. ^^; My biggest passion in high school was track & field anyhow. Kinda left a piece of myself behind when I realized that my best college option didn't have a track team I could join.

@SilverFlight Lol, yeah, they don't actually exist, but I seriously wished they did. xD (Edited)
Electric triangle? *cough cough* Ethan *cough*

@SilverFlight Ah, but wouldnt Quincy make a good Miss Congeniality? She's certainly not a beauty queen xD

@Lioness075 @Hel I second Hel's gasp! Marching band is life! Im head drum major though, so I have to say that lol
Lioness075 said:
@Hel Lol, it isn't, but it'd be hilarious either way.
It would be, I'm just trying to imagine how one would make it! It reminds me of a fairly odd parents episode xD

Though apparently some guy in his garage /Kind of/ made one.
@Hel Haha, I love that episode. xD And someone 'kind of' made one? How so?
Pffft. I can kinda see Malachai at a jazz club, sleeveless button up with suspenders, long pony tail and a fedora playing the sax xD

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andujarprime said:
Pffft. I can kinda see Malachai at a jazz club, sleeveless button up with suspenders, long pony tail and a fedora playing the sax xD
Sent from my SM-G925V using Tapatalk
I can see that!!!!!
I agree. Malachai should totally be playing the sax in our band. :P
Gah...I wish people would get back soon...I have so much awesome planned.

@SkywardSocks ...Achyls needs an arc. I think she's the only one who's stuck with us and hasn't had one yet.
I can't wait for the awesomeness! :D Are we waiting for Sleipnir or something? I think everyone was more or less in bed or a post away from being in bed. I know Bea said that she was probably not going to be online until tonight or tomorrow morning. I suppose we could just assume she found her way back to her room and went to sleep. I dunno if I'd be the best one to control Elena since I don't do much with her if at all. Beyond Elena and Ethan, everyone else should be ready for the time skip. Oh! Malachai and Achyls both need to go to sleep, too.

And you're right. Achyls hasn't had her own arc yet. >.>
Yeah, Nyr and Leo I guess will sleep outside looking at the stars ( at least Nyr will ).

Also hell yeah! Raven sister arc is a must ( if she wants one [ of course she wants one ])!
I mean, I feel like going to that magical library will help a ton of the characters. On a side note, this magical library really reminds me of that Avatar: The Last Airbender episode with them visiting that library in the desert.

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