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Fantasy ~ FableWood

Lol, well, I'm not really sure what time of the day it is currently anyhow lol. I was imagining most of this was happening either during the late evening or at night. xD

And yeah, we got some really good character redemption going on right now. Things should definitely be less moody as time goes on. After all, Luness has finally told several people mixed versions of what has happened to her so it's not like she's hiding her problems anymore. Though, she still hasn't told Kallin about how she'd killed Bigby or her pack members...or Falarion losing his foot. She was at least more than willing to tell Anya about all of that. :P
If anyone plays Elder Scrolls Online, and see's this big lug running around. You may give him a biiiiiiiig hug :D

Leo!! :D I actually really want to get into that game, but haven't gotten it installed on my desktop back home just yet. I just hope my PC can handle it. xD
Wish I had a proper gaming computer. >.< Oh well. If I can play it on my Xbox 360, PS3, or even GameCube, then I will. :P

And as for the time skip, Silver probably will end up wanting our characters to all wake up to the arrival at the Isles or something. I dunno.
It's gone free to play, so once you buy the game it's free to play online. You definitely won't find it on GameCube xD . UT it is comming/has come out one xbox one, and ps4. It MIGHT be on 369. And ps3. Not sure.
I hope it does cause I haven't found any solid reason to buy either of the new consoles. Though, if I did get one of them, it'd probably be the PS4 for the better gaming experience. Xbone doesn't seem like it's too focused on the gaming aspect.
I've got both consoles. Preference is with the xbox. As much as it has all the multimedia. Gaming is a huge focus. The interface for the x1 is alot more user friendly, and the online there beats ps4 in terms of security, partying, chatting, and ease of use.

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Well, I suppose I've heard wrong about it then. Whatever. I won't be selling my old consoles since I learned over the years that I almost always regret doing so. I'll still probably buy a PS4 before an Xbone though.
If it's any consolation, x1 has started rolling iut backwards compatibility for 360 games. And come august I believe Rare is letting out a collection of 30 of their games for playing on the x1. But yeah there's always badmouthing about 1 console or the other. I recently bought my ps4, and I only bought it for the exclusives. Any multilayer games will be for the x1

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Yeah, I typically play multiplayer games on my Xbox while I play single player games on my PS3.
Well, if silver has a different plan for the morning, then he can always cut it off. Also, to jump into it just now makes for a really awkward transition for Luness especially, so, you know, up to him I suppose in the end. We always have a breakfast scene before we truly move on, anyway.

This is true. You should probably take back your time skip though. No point in having your characters so far ahead of everyone else while they're all still settling for the night and such. Plus, Quincy is now in Alex's room and I doubt he wouldn't have noticed her presence before leaving for the hall in the morning lol. Anyhow, I'm off to bed now! G'night everybody! ^^
Except she super ninja disguised herself as a pile of blankets :P It might be easier to notice her empty room, because I, for one, believe she would make a very convincing blanket-pile.

But alas, it is also time for me to get some sleep, nighty night!
I'll be asleep for awhile and everyone else usually blows past me when I'm asleep, so it's gonna be fine for Anya and Ethan, anyway.
Well seeing as how we are still not through to the next morning like everyone, might be a good time to get some posts in before we actually progress.

On a sadder note, we did not get RP of the Month :( BUT that just means we have to try again next month :D
Hey! All good. Anyways I think you guys should go ahead and catch up as well. Elena and Ward are together so I'm waiting for Silver, who is probably having an awesome time on his trip.
Yeah, I guess everyone's busy with something currently. I'm sure once Silver is online again, we'll be progressing to the morning finally and most likely all of our characters will wake up to find that we've arrived at the Whispering Isles. Once our characters start to disembark the ship, I'll finally introduce Leandra. :D

And yeah, my character can't really do anything else until Silver is online again anyhow lol.

We'll try again next month! It'll happen eventually! >.<
I'm just waiting for it to become the next morning because it doesn't make sense to have much else happen tonight except for calming down and such- to me anyway. So my characters will just be sleeping until the next morning.

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