
CelticSol said:
She raises her eyebrow, "I don't see why I shouldn't. I mean, you're as much as a person as I am."
"Should I be concerned for my sense of humanity then? Kidding." Mist thought for a moment. "You know this is a secret right?"
Light said:
"Should I be concerned for my sense of humanity then? Kidding." Mist thought for a moment. "You know this is a secret right?"
Jackie sighs, running her hands over her face in exasperation, "Mist, the only person who seems to think this should be a secret is you. We've got a lot of weird fucking people in this guild. We've got a god damn Cerberus, for God sakes. You not having a physical body is weird, sure, but it just makes you one of us."
CelticSol said:
Jackie sighs, running her hands over her face in exasperation, "Mist, the only person who seems to think this should be a secret is you. We've got a lot of weird fucking people in this guild. We've got a god damn Cerberus, for God sakes. You not having a physical body is weird, sure, but it just makes you one of us."
"You mean that Cerberus you and Isabel have been playing googly eyes with? I think I need to get a Cerberus boyfriend too." Mist thinks for a minute and gasps. "Then we can go on double dates!"
Light said:
"You mean that Cerberus you and Isabel have been playing googly eyes with? I think I need to get a Cerberus boyfriend too." Mist thinks for a minute and gasps. "Then we can go on double dates!"
Jackie narrows her eyes dangerously, "Googly eyes? He's just my friend. That's really rude of you to say it like that, Mist."
CelticSol said:
Jackie narrows her eyes dangerously, "Googly eyes? He's just my friend. That's really rude of you to say it like that, Mist."
"I'm kidding. Sorry though... there's gonna be a guild rank up test soon. You in or out?" Several blood mist hurricances randomly spawn in the room and start to hide. One blood mist hurricane spinning the opposite way was looking for them. As if the way it spins indicate if it's it. One blood mist hurricane hides behind Jackie.
Light said:
"I'm kidding. Sorry though... there's gonna be a guild rank up test soon. You in or out?" Several blood mist hurricances randomly spawn in the room and start to hide. One blood mist hurricane spinning the opposite way was looking for them. As if the way it spins indicate if it's it. One blood mist hurricane hides behind Jackie.
"First of all, it freaks me out that your little hurricanes things have personalities. Fucking weird, dude," She thinks a minute, "I dunno, I might join in depending on what the test entails."
CelticSol said:
"First of all, it freaks me out that your little hurricanes things have personalities. Fucking weird, dude," She thinks a minute, "I dunno, I might join in depending on what the test entails."
"They're like kids." The opposite rotating hurricane finds the one hiding Jackie. They start chasing each other around Jackie as if they were orbiting her. "The test is a survival test. I throw you out into the forest and you all try to survive a night with a sky filled with blood mist hurricanes. Once you rank up your abilities are boosted."
Light said:
"They're like kids." The opposite rotating hurricane finds the one hiding Jackie. They start chasing each other around Jackie as if they were orbiting her. "The test is a survival test. I throw you out into the forest and you all try to survive a night with a sky filled with blood mist hurricanes. Once you rank up your abilities are boosted."
Jackie grins wide suddenly, "Is it cheating if I used to be a girl scout? Because I've survived in the woods more than once."
CelticSol said:
Jackie grins wide suddenly, "Is it cheating if I used to be a girl scout? Because I've survived in the woods more than once."
"I don't know how many badges do you have?" Mist smiles.
Light said:
"I don't know how many badges do you have?" Mist smiles.
Jackie tilts her head, grinning wide, "109 out of 122. I didn't fuck around when it comes to badges."
CelticSol said:
Jackie tilts her head, grinning wide, "109 out of 122. I didn't fuck around when it comes to badges."
Mist raises his hands. "What happened to the other ones?" The two blood mist hurricanes chasing after each other around Jackie go faster and faster.
Light said:
Mist raises his hands. "What happened to the other ones?" The two blood mist hurricanes chasing after each other around Jackie go faster and faster.
Jackie falters, her grin falling off her face. She looks away from Mist, suddenly taking an interested in her nails. "Ah... That was around the time that my... that my parents died. I had to quit girl scouts to help my brother adjust because he inherited the family business."
CelticSol said:
Jackie falters, her grin falling off her face. She looks away from Mist, suddenly taking an interested in her nails. "Ah... That was around the time that my... that my parents died. I had to quit girl scouts to help my brother adjust because he inherited the family business."
"Oh..." Mist goes silent as well. He's also suddenly interested in his hand which turns into mana, then blood mist, then flesh.

Mist decides to add. "Do you think you'll ever finish?"
Light said:
"Oh..." Mist goes silent as well. He's also suddenly interested in his hand which turns into mana, then blood mist, then flesh.
Mist decides to add. "Do you think you'll ever finish?"
"I'm too old to finish, but I've had better things to worry about," She says, her voice hollow. She sits back down in the chair in front of his desk, bringing her feet up, then quietly adds after a moment, "Paulie's done well with the business, though. John and I made damn well sure of that."
CelticSol said:
"I'm too old to finish, but I've had better things to worry about," She says, her voice hollow. She sits back down in the chair in front of his desk, bringing her feet up, then quietly adds after a moment, "Paulie's done well with the business, though. John and I made damn well sure of that."
"Paulie? You're brother?" Mist raises an eyebrow.
Light said:
"Paulie? You're brother?" Mist raises an eyebrow.
"Twin brother, actually. He says it doesn't matter whose oldest, but I'm oldest," She smiles, though it's weak and seems sadder than she probably meant for it to look, "John's my oldest living brother. Eddie and Frank died in the fire, since Frank made sure me and Paulie made it out before him and Eddie was trapped under one of the beams and died from smoke inhalation. Frank died fighting, though, despite all the burns. Took two weeks for the son of bitch to give in," She laughs a bit bitterly, then coughs to clear her throat. "Regardless, both John and Paulie think I'm dead, so none of that is very relevant. It's better this way."
CelticSol said:
"Twin brother, actually. He says it doesn't matter whose oldest, but I'm oldest," She smiles, though it's weak and seems sadder than she probably meant for it to look, "John's my oldest living brother. Eddie and Frank died in the fire. Frank died fighting, though. Took two weeks for the son of bitch to give in," She laughs a bit bitterly, then coughs to clear her throat. "Regardless, both John and Paulie think I'm dead, so none of that is very relevant. It's better this way."
"Why is it better this way?" Mist seems really curious. The two blood mist hurricanes stop playing and float over to Jackie as if trying to console her. They revolve slowly so they wont cut her if they touch her.
Light said:
"Why is it better this way?" Mist seems really curious. The two blood mist hurricanes stop playing and float over to Jackie as if trying to console her. They revolve slowly so they wont cut her if they touch her.
"I was raised Catholic, and both my brothers are full fledged humans," She waves away the hurricanes, looking a little irritated, "I don't imagine it would sit well with them that I was a demon possessed by the embodiment of corruption, with or without the fact Paul is running a criminal empire."
Bruce walks up to Mist, he wasn't much of a detective and thought he'd be a good person to ask about some information. "Hey Mist, I've come to talk to you about the whole 'attack on Arcadia' thing. After all, you are the leader of Excidium, you have to know something about the people who've joined." He sees Jackie and feels the mood in the room "maybe this isn't the best time."
Afrobrony said:
Bruce walks up to Mist, he wasn't much of a detective and thought he'd be a good person to ask about some information. "Hey Mist, I've come to talk to you about the whole 'attack on Arcadia' thing. After all, you are the leader of Excidium, you have to know something about the people who've joined." He sees Jackie and feels the mood in the room "maybe this isn't the best time."
Jackie waves him in, "No, I insist. This conversation was going into the realm of 'tragic backstory', so you're a welcome change of subject."
CelticSol said:
Jackie waves him in, "No, I insist. This conversation was going into the realm of 'tragic backstory', so you're a welcome change of subject."
"Well... okay. I suppose you're one less person I have to track down to ask questions to." He walks on over, sitting on the ground. "Tragic backstory, eh? Sounds like an interesting topic, you'll have to tell me all about it later. All I heard was 'criminal empire'."
Afrobrony said:
"Well... okay. I suppose you're one less person I have to track down to ask questions to." He walks on over, sitting on the ground. "Tragic backstory, eh? Sounds like an interesting topic, you'll have to tell me all about it later. All I heard was 'criminal empire'."
Jackie chuckles a bit, though it doesn't sound like she's humoured at all. "My dad was the don of the Sapienti Crime Family in New York. My brother took over when he, my mom, and two of my brothers died, and I faked my death about two years after that. That about sums it up."
Afrobrony said:
"Well... okay. I suppose you're one less person I have to track down to ask questions to." He walks on over, sitting on the ground. "Tragic backstory, eh? Sounds like an interesting topic, you'll have to tell me all about it later. All I heard was 'criminal empire'."
CelticSol said:
Jackie chuckles a bit, though it doesn't sound like she's humoured at all. "My dad was the don of the Sapienti Crime Family in New York. My brother took over when he, my mom, and two of my brothers died, and I faked my death about two years after that. That about sums it up."
Mist blinks. "About Arcadia? To sum it up Sonter is the only suspect. For an assassin he did a sloppy job. Can't say I'm too proud. This could lead to the end of the alliance and a war." Mist closes his fist. Suddenly all friendly blood mist hurricanes become extremely agitated and revolve 54 times per 2 seconds. "I'll have a good talk with my brother." 20 blood mist hurricanes started to orbit mist violently.
CelticSol said:
Jackie chuckles a bit, though it doesn't sound like she's humoured at all. "My dad was the don of the Sapienti Crime Family in New York. My brother took over when he, my mom, and two of my brothers died, and I faked my death about two years after that. That about sums it up."
"The Sapientis? I knew those guys. I did a couple of jobs for them. I never got to see anyone's face who was important though, just the money, which was enough for me and my guys."


Light said:
Mist blinks. "About Arcadia? To sum it up Sonter is the only suspect. For an assassin he did a sloppy job. Can't say I'm too proud. This could lead to the end of the alliance and a war." Mist closes his fist. Suddenly all friendly blood mist hurricanes become extremely agitated and revolve 54 times per 2 seconds. "I'll have a good talk with my brother." 20 blood mist hurricanes started to orbit mist violently.
Bruce looked down "I don't want to believe it. It does all point to him, his position, his weapons. We should confront him about this. We need to find out why he attacked Arcadia. If there's others behind this then we're in some major trouble. Do you know anybody who'd want to tear the guild apart?"
Afrobrony said:
"The Sapientis? I knew those guys. I did a couple of jobs for them. I never got to see anyone's face who was important though, just the money, which was enough for me and my guys."
Light said:
Mist blinks. "About Arcadia? To sum it up Sonter is the only suspect. For an assassin he did a sloppy job. Can't say I'm too proud. This could lead to the end of the alliance and a war." Mist closes his fist. Suddenly all friendly blood mist hurricanes become extremely agitated and revolve 54 times per 2 seconds. "I'll have a good talk with my brother." 20 blood mist hurricanes started to orbit mist violently.
She shrugs, "That's fine. My dad didn't interfere much in the field, because he had five kids and a wife to take care of. Though he got us all trained in self-defence and marksmanship, and by the time I finished, I could disarm a man twice my size and shoot a coke can right in its logo at 1000 yards with a rifle."

She grins proudly, but kicks the desk forward, hard enough that it hits Mist's thigh, "Hey, I get that you're pissed, but you need to calm down. We just talked about your temper."

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