
Light said:
Mist really seems lost in thought. This is obvious because the blood mist hurricanes are floating around confused.
As one of the hurricanes gets close to him Bruce shooshes it away "back, Mist Jr. I don't need a hug right now. He pokes Mist a couple of times in the head "yo, Mist, don't tune out, you're the leader here. We don't make a decision without you. Or at least, I don't. I'll say what I want but it's all up to you in the end."

(I must go, for now, see you fine people tomorrow.)
Afrobrony said:
As one of the hurricanes gets close to him Bruce shooshes it away "back, Mist Jr. I don't need a hug right now. He pokes Mist a couple of times in the head "yo, Mist, don't tune out, you're the leader here. We don't make a decision without you. Or at least, I don't. I'll say what I want but it's all up to you in the end."
(I must go, for now, see you fine people tomorrow.)
Mist lightly slaps his hand away. "Yes, I know this. Just give me time."
Nether walked in scratching the back of his head. There was a little blood on his hood and shoes. "Sorry about the delay, I got caught up in something." He said with a small smirk as he rested his forearm in his sword handle. "Anyway a little birdy told me you have something for me?" He asked as he stifled a yawn.
Peaceswore said:
Nether walked in scratching the back of his head. There was a little blood on his hood and shoes. "Sorry about the delay, I got caught up in something." He said with a small smirk as he rested his forearm in his sword handle. "Anyway a little birdy told me you have something for me?" He asked as he stifled a yawn.
Mist sighs. "No.... I've had a change in plans. You may stay if you'd like though."
"If you are planning something that will quench my boredom, than I would like to tag along. Unless that is too much of a hassle."
Peaceswore said:
"If you are planning something that will quench my boredom, than I would like to tag along. Unless that is too much of a hassle."
"I am planning a guild rank up test." Mist nods his head.
"Yeah I know. I walked in on that conversation when we were arriving at the guild." He informed as he began to play with his shadow out of boredom.
Peaceswore said:
"Yeah I know. I walked in on that conversation when we were arriving at the guild." He informed as he began to play with his shadow out of boredom.
"If you're so bored take up a mission." Mist rolls his eyes.
Peaceswore said:
"Sounds like work. And...I don't feel like working right now.". He muttered more ir less to himself.
"Okay then what do you want to do?!" Mist is starting to get annoyed.
"What are you my F-ing baby sitter? I only came in here because I thought you had something for me to do. If you don't then I'll leave and entertain myself." He said as he turned to the door. "Later~" He said in a singsong voice before leaving to do whatever comes to mind.
Peaceswore said:
"What are you my F-ing baby sitter? I only came in here because I thought you had something for me to do. If you don't then I'll leave and entertain myself." He said as he turned to the door. "Later~" He said in a singsong voice before leaving to do whatever comes to mind.
Jackie blinks as he leaves, then looks to Mist, her voice sarcastic, "Well, that was beyond pointless," She leans her head back so she can see Alpha, albeit upside down, "What do you think about all this?"

(@Daimao )
Peaceswore said:
"What are you my F-ing baby sitter? I only came in here because I thought you had something for me to do. If you don't then I'll leave and entertain myself." He said as he turned to the door. "Later~" He said in a singsong voice before leaving to do whatever comes to mind.
CelticSol said:
Jackie blinks as he leaves, then looks to Mist, her voice sarcastic, "Well, that was beyond pointless," She leans her head back so she can see Alpha, albeit upside down, "What do you think about all this?"
(@Daimao )
Mist blinks a total of 5 times. The winds start to kick up since the forest's skies are covered in large blood mist hurricanes. He's considering killing Nether right this second.
Light said:
Mist lightly slaps his hand away. "Yes, I know this. Just give me time."
After giving him a chance to cool down Bruce says "we might not have that much time. But, I know some decisions can be tough. This isn't an easy one at all."
Afrobrony said:
After giving him a chance to cool down Bruce says "we might not have that much time. But, I know some decisions can be tough. This isn't an easy one at all."
Mist calms down again. "I've noticed."
Light said:
Mist calms down again. "I've noticed."
"Here, repeat after me, this'll help to clear your mind." Bruce closed his eyes and took deep breaths, moving his hands up and down. "In through the nose and out through the mouth."
Afrobrony said:
"Here, repeat after me, this'll help to clear your mind." Bruce closed his eyes and took deep breaths, moving his hands up and down. "In through the nose and out through the mouth."
Mist raises an eyebrow. "I can decide without having to do that. Thank you though. Banishment doesn't sound too bad."
Light said:
Mist raises an eyebrow. "I can decide without having to do that. Thank you though. Banishment doesn't sound too bad."
Bruce stopped mid-breath, putting his hands down to his side. "How about making him give most of the money he gained to the guild and helping us with stopping whoever ordered the attack in the first place? He may have betrayed the guilds but he's still a good ally to have."
Afrobrony said:
Bruce stopped mid-breath, putting his hands down to his side. "How about making him give most of the money he gained to the guild and helping us with stopping whoever ordered the attack in the first place? He may have betrayed the guilds but he's still a good ally to have."
"That may be true but my brother might not be so happy with that idea." Mist frowns.
Light said:
"That may be true but my brother might not be so happy with that idea." Mist frowns.
"Well, like I said, the choice is up to you. Whatever you want to do, I'm behind you on it."
Afrobrony said:
"Well, like I said, the choice is up to you. Whatever you want to do, I'm behind you on it."
"No offence, but Sonter is low on my list of priorities," Jackie leans forward, "As far as I know and unless I've miscounted their side or ours, we are outnumbered in the war. So, we should probably plan whose going to take who if it comes to that."
CelticSol said:
"No offence, but Sonter is low on my list of priorities," Jackie leans forward, "As far as I know and unless I've miscounted their side or ours, we are outnumbered in the war. So, we should probably plan whose going to take who if it comes to that."
"Well Mist wants to fight Isabel, so that part is covered. I honestly think we should wait until the last moment when they've gathered their forces to see who shows up to the battle and whatnot. I can guess that Arcadia will be there, maybe not as a fighter but a medic. That guy with sword arm will most definitely be there. Other than those three, I can't think of anyone else. Granted, you probably know that guild better than me, Jackie."

Light said:
Mist nods his head. "I think banishment is a good punishment. Summon Sonter."
( @CelticSol @Daimao @TheGodSnake @Mashiro Shiina )
Bruce simply saluted and ran off to find Sonter, wherever he might be. @TheGodSnake
Afrobrony said:
"Well Mist wants to fight Isabel, so that part is covered. I honestly think we should wait until the last moment when they've gathered their forces to see who shows up to the battle and whatnot. I can guess that Arcadia will be there, maybe not as a fighter but a medic. That guy with sword arm will most definitely be there. Other than those three, I can't think of anyone else. Granted, you probably know that guild better than me, Jackie."
Bruce simply saluted and ran off to find Sonter, wherever he might be. @TheGodSnake
CelticSol said:
Jackie stood up, tilting her head to the side and cracking it as corruption runs along her hands, arms and the sides of her throat. "This is going to be fun," She grinned.
Mist sighs. "Does it really have to come to this?"

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