
Nether rolled his eye and sighed. "I obviously knew that. How can a person be in a guild and not know the guild leader? What? I'm not being rude, it's true. I may be special, but I'm not special" He said as he looked at his shoulder. From the sound of things he looked as if he were talking himself, and he sort of was.
Peaceswore said:
Nether rolled his eye and sighed. "I obviously knew that. How can a person be in a guild and not know the guild leader? What? I'm not being rude, it's true. I may be special, but I'm not special" He said as he looked at his shoulder. From the sound of things he looked as if he were talking himself, and he sort of was.
Mist seemed to wander off in his own train of thought.
"...What is it with people and walking off? How am I suppose to talk to them or annoy them if they just walk off?...Well there is no one else here to talk to, and honestly even you are beginning to bore me. I kinda wanna go killing, but I guess it'll have to wait." He muttered as he picked up a cockroach that was on his shoulder and threw it.
Zero, as always, tailed at the back of the group. He did it for two reasons. One being he didn't feel like being bothered, and the other was the fact Mist would attempt to question him on anything humaly possible. With an agitated expression, Zero placed both his hands behind his head.
Light said:
Mist seemed to wander off in his own train of thought.
Instead of walking away, Jackie goes up to Mist, grabbing his shoulder as she keeps pace with him. "We're going to have to address your little break down at some point in time."
CelticSol said:
Instead of walking away, Jackie goes up to Mist, grabbing his shoulder as she keeps pace with him. "We're going to have to address your little break down at some point in time."
"Yes... I know this. When though?" Mist looks at Jackie.
Light said:
"Yes... I know this. When though?" Mist looks at Jackie.
"Whenever you're ready," She says, refusing to look back at him, "I'm ready whenever."
CelticSol said:
"Whenever you're ready," She says, refusing to look back at him, "I'm ready whenever."
"We could talk right now in my office." Mist approaches the guild and enters. Blood mist hurricanes zip around as if playing tag with each other. Mist ducks, nearly getting his head taken off by one. "Let them play." He walks up towards the fourth floor.
Light said:
"We could talk right now in my office." Mist approaches the guild and enters. Blood mist hurricanes zip around as if playing tag with each other. Mist ducks, nearly getting his head taken off by one. "Let them play." He walks up towards the fourth floor.
Jackie eyes the Hurricanes oddly, then follows him up. Without waiting for him to ask her to sit, she sits down in one of the chairs, putting her feet up on his desk. "So? Care to explain why you had to kill a bunch of innocent beavers?"
CelticSol said:
Jackie eyes the Hurricanes oddly, then follows him up. Without waiting for him to ask her to sit, she sits down in one of the chairs, putting her feet up on his desk. "So? Care to explain why you had to kill a bunch of innocent beavers?"
Mist was expecting something totally different. "Wait what? The beavers? You're not gonna ask about anything else that happened back there? Just the beavers? Okay. Well lets just say when I get angry my mana gets a bit.... loose and attacks everything around it at random. Luckily it didn't attack you."
Light said:
Mist was expecting something totally different. "Wait what? The beavers? You're not gonna ask about anything else that happened back there? Just the beavers? Okay. Well lets just say when I get angry my mana gets a bit.... loose and attacks everything around it at random. Luckily it didn't attack you."
Jackie takes her feet off his desk and plants them on the ground, putting her elbows on her knees, "Even if it did, mine would kill you. Exploding doesn't keep me down for very long," She says it bitterly, as if she has actual experience with injuries that grave, "And I was asking that because it's the most worrying to me. What's to say you didn't do that to one of us?" Her gaze is ice cold and much more serious than she's ever looked, "The whole arguement came from me retaliating to you not listening to me. I told you to stop healing me, yet you continued to do so afterwards. My mana fights back against these things and causes me unbelievable pain. I was justly upset that you rejected my wishes and did something I told you not to do. Your psychotic fit of anger wasn't necessary, and you trying to get us both killed was a tad... excessive."

"This might seem long winded and unrelated, but the real issue is that you have no idea how to control you temper or your emotions. Whether you face it or not, your magic is too dangerous for you to have lapses in control to that extent. Do you understand what I mean?"
CelticSol said:
Jackie takes her feet off his desk and plants them on the ground, putting her elbows on her knees, "Even if it did, mine would kill you. Exploding doesn't keep me down for very long," She says it bitterly, as if she has actual experience with injuries that grave, "And I was asking that because it's the most worrying to me. What's to say you didn't do that to one of us?" Her gaze is ice cold and much more serious than she's ever looked, "The whole arguement came from me retaliating to you not listening to me. I told you to stop healing me, yet you continued to do so afterwards. My mana fights back against these things and causes me unbelievable pain. I was justly upset that you rejected my wishes and did something I told you not to do. Your psychotic fit of anger wasn't necessary, and you trying to get us both killed was a tad... excessive."
"This might seem long winded and unrelated, but the real issue is that you have no idea how to control you temper or your emotions. Whether you face it or not, your magic is too dangerous for you to have lapses in control to that extent. Do you understand what I mean?"
Mist sighs. "Yes I do.... Jackie. Would you like me to show you something I haven't even shown my brother?"
Light said:
Mist sighs. "Yes I do.... Jackie. Would you like me to show you something I haven't even shown my brother?"
She sighs, "If you'd like."
CelticSol said:
She sighs, "If you'd like."
Mist himself turns into mana. "This is what I am. I'm not made of flesh. I was not born out of a womb. I was born out of blood and mana. So in terms of saying your magic is to dangerous. It's more like I'm too dangerous for myself. I start to unravel when I don't have enough mana to hold myself together. When I get hit and my body turns into swirling blood it's not because I'm healing. It's because I need to send more mana over in that area to keep my body intact so it unravels until I do."
Light said:
Mist himself turns into mana. "This is what I am. I'm not made of flesh. I was not born out of a womb. I was born out of blood and mana. So in terms of saying your magic is to dangerous. It's more like I'm too dangerous for myself. I start to unravel when I don't have enough mana to hold myself together. When I get hit and my body turns into swirling blood it's not because I'm healing. It's because I need to send more mana over in that area to keep my body intact so it unravels until I do."
Jackie blinks once, twice, three times, until she sits back. "Literally, what the fuck. How does that even work?"
CelticSol said:
Jackie blinks once, twice, three times, until she sits back. "Literally, what the fuck. How does that even work?"
Mist shrugs. "This body that I have right now." Mist switches back. "Is my body. The look I would have if I were born in a more.... traditional way. To answer your question I don't really know how either. My parents were obsessed with blood magic. They used my siblings and I as lab rats. Then pitted us all together in a mass fight to the death. Sonter ran away before that... my parents were putting their bets on me since I'm the only one whom wasn't born biologically. They were right, I had to kill all of my siblings. There were 6 of us excluding Sonter. I ended up killing my parents later on by accident. During one of their experiments on me. Later on in life I met a girl named D.D, she was notorious for being a theif. The best around. She had a team and I ended up joining them. D.D and I were.... toying around with the thought of being a thing. Trust me this was after a long time of knowing one another. There was this one mission and I wanted to tell her how I really felt about her. She set up a bomb but messed up on the timing. She set it two minutes to early and was killed trying to protect me from the blast. If I had told her this before she would have known I would have survived and saved herself. I didn't tell her because I was afraid she'd leave. So yes I know I can't keep secrets because they can get other killed but how can I trust others so easily when I couldn't even trust my parents or my own damn self! I, myself am a secret!"
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Light said:
Mist shrugs. "This body that I have right now." Mist switches back. "Is my body. The look I would have if I were born in a more.... traditional way. To answer your question I don't really know how either. My parents were obsessed with blood magic. They used my siblings and I as lab rats. Then pitted us all together in a mass fight to the death. Sonter ran away before that... my parents were putting their bets on me since I'm the only one whom wasn't born biologically. They were right, I had to kill all of my siblings. There were 6 of us excluding Sonter. I ended up killing my parents later on by accident. During one of their experiments on me. Later on in life I met a girl named D.D, she was notorious for being the best thief around. She had a team and I ended up joining them. D.D and I were.... toying around with the thought of being a thing. Trust me this was after a long time of knowing each other. There was this one mission and I wanted to tell her how I really felt about her. She set up a bomb but messed up on the timing. She set it two minutes to early and was killed trying to protect me from the blast. If I had told her this before she would have known I would have survived and saved herself. I didn't tell her because I was afraid she'd leave. So yes I know I can't keep secrets because they can get other killed but how can I trust others so easily when I couldn't even trust my parents or my own damn self! I, myself am a secret!"
"You're not a secret," Jackie says, like it's most simple thing in the world, "You've just made it out to be a secret, and the fact you are keeping the essence of your own existence a secret is shredding you apart from the inside out," She looks at him plainly, "If we're coming clean now, then I should tell you that I'm possessed by a immortal, god-like being bent on the total destruction of everyone around me that uses my bad experiences and my physical pain against me in hopes of bending me to it's will." She says the whole thing like it's something painfully obvious, her head tilted to the side, "We've all got damage, Mist. Survivals guilt is hard shit to deal with - trust me, I know that much - but that doesn't mean you have to blame yourself for what happened. The work you and her were a part of is dangerous fucking work, so everyone goes in expecting to die. She knew it was going to happen eventually, but shouldn't you be happy with the knowledge that she spent those last few seconds before that bomb went off thinking of whether or not you were going to be hurt? She died for you. Sitting here moping about the fact you thought you had time when you didn't isn't letting you go out and live the life she died protecting, Mist."
CelticSol said:
"You're not a secret," Jackie says, like it's most simple thing in the world, "You've just made it out to be a secret, and the fact you are keeping the essence of your own existence a secret is shredding you apart from the inside out," She looks at him plainly, "If we're coming clean now, then I should tell you that I'm possessed by a immortal, god-like being bent on the total destruction of everyone around me that uses my bad experiences and my physical pain against me in hopes of bending me to it's will." She says the whole thing like it's something painfully obvious, her head tilted to the side, "We've all got damage, Mist. Survivals guilt is hard shit to deal with - trust me, I know that much - but that doesn't mean you have to blame yourself for what happened. The work you and her were a part of is dangerous fucking work, so everyone goes in expecting to die. She knew it was going to happen eventually, but shouldn't you be happy with the knowledge that she spent those last few seconds before that bomb went off thinking of whether or not you were going to be hurt? She died for you. Sitting here moping about the fact you thought you had time when you didn't isn't letting you go out and live the life she died protecting, Mist."
Mist looks at his hand. A blood mist hurricane floats over to him. "This is all I have left of her... and the large blood mist hurricane in the sky. Directly above the guild." Mist chuckles. "You're a lot like D.D you know..."
Light said:
Mist looks at his hand. A blood mist hurricane floats over to him. "This is all I have left of her... and the large blood mist hurricane in the sky. Directly above the guild." Mist chuckles. "You're a lot like D.D you know..."
"But I'm not D.D," She reminds him, "And that's an important distinction you should remember," Though her voice is hard, Jackie's expression is slightly pained, "I know that this is harsh, but no amount of hurricanes with her blood in it will bring her back. I'll stand by what I said earlier of the hurricanes being just blood, but it's just blood without her. Just blood that was shed."
CelticSol said:
"But I'm not D.D," She reminds him, "And that's an important distinction you should remember," Though her voice is hard, Jackie's expression is slightly pained, "I know that this is harsh, but no amount of hurricanes with her blood in it will bring her back. I'll stand by what I said earlier of the hurricanes being just blood, but it's just blood without her. Just blood that was shed."
Mist sighs. "I know.... but dreams can be nice sometimes huh?"
Light said:
Mist sighs. "I know.... but dreams can be nice sometimes huh?"
She shrugs a bit carelessly, "If that's what keeps you going, I guess. The whole immortal being thing uses all my dreams as leverage."
CelticSol said:
She shrugs a bit carelessly, "If that's what keeps you going, I guess. The whole immortal being thing uses all my dreams as leverage."
Mist blinks. "Maybe we got off on the wrong foot.... more than once."
Light said:
Mist blinks. "Maybe we got off on the wrong foot.... more than once."
Jackie shakes her head, "You're thinking of it the wrong way. We're both opinionated, and opinionated people tend to fight. It happens."
CelticSol said:
Jackie shakes her head, "You're thinking of it the wrong way. We're both opinionated, and opinionated people tend to fight. It happens."
Mist chuckles. "Yeah.... wait.. you still count me as a person?"
Light said:
Mist chuckles. "Yeah.... wait.. you still count me as a person?"
She raises her eyebrow, "I don't see why I shouldn't. I mean, you're as much as a person as I am."

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