
Sonter got a call from a blocked number, telling him that there was an area of interest. he proceeded to Mists office, "looks like there is an opportunity to cause some havoc, I'm going, might bring along the new girl should she want to come." he knew he didnt have to, but technically mist was his boss, even though his little brother knew he had no full control over Sonter.
TheGodSnake said:
Sonter got a call from a blocked number, telling him that there was an area of interest. he proceeded to Mists office, "looks like there is an opportunity to cause some havoc, I'm going, might bring along the new girl should she want to come." he knew he didnt have to, but technically mist was his boss, even though his little brother knew he had no full control over Sonter.
Mist nods his head.
Hannibal touched down at the house once again. As he walked in, he looked around for signs of anyone. The main hall was void of inhabitants. He did hear voices coming from a room upstairs. He ascended and poked his head into the room.

"Hey guys, it's really too bad that we didn't hit off so well yesterday, but I had fun nonetheless. We might as well start off with introductions. The name's Hannibal, I'm a vampire, in case you couldn't tell by the silver hair and the black clothing. My favorite pastimes include sucking the life out of mortals and practicing artful ways to murder people."
[QUOTE="Lord Jaraxxus]Hannibal touched down at the house once again. As he walked in, he looked around for signs of anyone. The main hall was void of inhabitants. He did hear voices coming from a room upstairs. He ascended and poked his head into the room.
"Hey guys, it's really too bad that we didn't hit off so well yesterday, but I had fun nonetheless. We might as well start off with introductions. The name's Hannibal, I'm a vampire, in case you couldn't tell by the silver hair and the black clothing. My favorite pastimes include sucking the life out of mortals and practicing artful ways to murder people."

( It doesn't matter to me whether or not your character is from old times or whether he's an asshole. I don't want anymore sexism. None of it all at. All posts you make with a sexist comment or gesture will be deleted. Just like your previous post. No more asking, I'll just delete them. Got it? )
Zero raised his briw ever so slightly, before reluctantly standing up and blowing his breath. "Fine." Zero stretched Hus shoulders by rolling them carefully, before finally fixating his gaze on Mist.
[QUOTE="Mashiro Shiina]Zero raised his briw ever so slightly, before reluctantly standing up and blowing his breath. "Fine." Zero stretched Hus shoulders by rolling them carefully, before finally fixating his gaze on Mist.

Mist walks out the guild. "Tell me. What are you good at? We're doing something important so I must know how to utilize you in the best way possible."
Sonter leaves and heads to where he guesses the archer girl from the night before would be. Upon finding her, he smiles, "hey, there's an opportunity to cause trouble, care to join?"

"What can I do? I wouldn't say much. But kill." Shrugging his shoulders, Zero cracked his neck, strolling along behind Mist.
[QUOTE="Mashiro Shiina]"What can I do? I wouldn't say much. But kill." Shrugging his shoulders, Zero cracked his neck, strolling along behind Mist.

"Ranged or close combat?" Mist speaks while he walks. Heading towards Dragons Roar.
TheGodSnake said:
Sonter leaves and heads to where he guesses the archer girl from the night before would be. Upon finding her, he smiles, "hey, there's an opportunity to cause trouble, care to join?"
Jackie turns, sitting at the bar with a laptop in front of her and a drink in her hand. She grins, closing the laptop and spinning on her stool to look at him. "Depends. What kinda trouble are we talking?"
"Both...regardless, I can fend for myself majority of the time, know that." Rolling his irises, Zero shifted his faze just as a soft breeze blew into his half opened shirt, ruffling his loosened silver strands of hair from his eyes.
CelticSol said:
Jackie turns, sitting at the bar with a laptop in front of her and a drink in her hand. She grins, closing the laptop and spinning on her stool to look at him. "Depends. What kinda trouble are we talking?"
Sonter smiles, "oh, general havoc, probably lots of death and bloodshed, it's my kind of party. Oh, and it seems that any large area of panic or any sign of monsters, somebody tends to show up and fix it, at least this has been the case as of late, one of my old friends gave me the info and I want to check it out."
[QUOTE="Mashiro Shiina]"Both...regardless, I can fend for myself majority of the time, know that." Rolling his irises, Zero shifted his faze just as a soft breeze blew into his half opened shirt, ruffling his loosened silver strands of hair from his eyes.

Mist chuckles. "Good. We might need them."

( This continues on the in rp tab. )
TheGodSnake said:
Sonter smiles, "oh, general havoc, probably lots of death and bloodshed, it's my kind of party. Oh, and it seems that any large area of panic or any sign of monsters, somebody tends to show up and fix it, at least this has been the case as of late, one of my old friends gave me the info and I want to check it out."
She raises one of her brows, looking at him curiously. "Havoc just for the sense of havoc?" She sort of rolls her eyes, looking off to the side. "Y'know, I don't know what I expected, signing up for this guild. All of you prefer the blood and the rush to purpose and actual gain." She shrugs. "I might pass if that's it. Just havoc."

Jackie spots the blood hurricane circulating around her, recognizing it as Mist's, and she sighs. "Are you fucking serious? Can't he handle his own problems?" She turns to Sonter. "Looks like your brother is calling us to action." Reaching over and grabbing Sonter's arm, then closing her eyes, she and Sonter are both teleported to Mist's location. (Continue Dragon's Roar section.)

( @TheGodSnake )
Light said:
Mist addresses those in Excidium. "We're going back to our guild. I've had enough for a while. I'd like to have word with you Jackie."
Jackie narrows her eyes at Mist, then walks up to him, arms crossed over her chest, "If you want to talk, we can, but if you're just going to throw a big bitch fit and lose control, then I'm going to leave now."
CelticSol said:
Jackie narrows her eyes at Mist, then walks up to him, arms crossed over her chest, "If you want to talk, we can, but if you're just going to throw a big bitch fit and lose control, then I'm going to leave now."
Mist shakes his head. "No we're actually talking here. Tell me.... who do you think shot that girl? If it was someone from our side it means trouble."
Light said:
Mist shakes his head. "No we're actually talking here. Tell me.... who do you think shot that girl? If it was someone from our side it means trouble."
Jackie looks at him with a blank expression. "I've been thinking about it the whole ride back here to keep myself focused and Sonter is literally the only possibility. It had to be from our side, because if was any other guild, they would've gone for Isabel, because she was in plain sight and unaware of any danger, but the innocent doctor is shot. Sonter is also a mercenary and will do what people tell him if the money's good enough. I saw the two of them kind of batting eyelashes at each other, so the money must've been really good to make him want to shoot her. Then, we have the obvious fact that the only other person in Excidium with the aim to make that shot from that far away is me, but I was with everyone else. Sonter was nowhere in sight, and Bruce found him up on a cliff with an excellent vantage point. Hardly a coincidence," Jackie looks off to the side, "Now, if we're done, I'm going to go."
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CelticSol said:
Jackie looks at him with a blank expression. "I've been thinking about it the whole ride back here to keep myself focused and Sonter is literally the only possibility. It had to be from our side, because if was any other guild, they would've gone for Isabel, because she was in plain sight and inaware of any danger, but the innocent doctor is shot. Sonter is also a mercenary and will do what people tell him if the money's good enough. I saw the two of them kind of batting eyelashes at each other, so the money must've been really good to make him want to shoot her. Then, we have the obvious fact that the only other person in Excidium with the aim to make that shot from that far away is me, but I was with everyone else. Sonter was nowhere in sight, and Bruce found him up on a cliff with an excellent vantage point. Hardly a coincidence," Jackie looks off to the side, "Now, if we're done, I'm going to go."
Mist adds before she leaves. "I do believe your theory.... keep your eyes open. I wont confront Sonter for now but soon. It's best to avoid war with Dragons Roar. I also plan to have a rank up test soon. Once a member ranks up one of their abilities get boosted. This boost in power within our members could give us the winning edge if war were to break out. Make sure Bruce doesn't come to this idea. If he does he'll surely alert Arcadia seeing that he's in debt to her."
"I heard test. And I hope it has something to do with fighting." Nether said as he appeared out of a shadow that was nearby. He looked slightly ticked and a few pieces of grass were in his head. (Figured this was the best way to jump in. Once again if it interferes with something just tell me))
Peaceswore said:
"I heard test. And I hope it has something to do with fighting." Nether said as he appeared out of a shadow that was nearby. He looked slightly ticked and a few pieces of grass were in his head. (Figured this was the best way to jump in. Once again if it interferes with something just tell me))
Mist nods. "Yes you did hear test. Also yes it does involve fighting."
"Good, hopefully I won't sleep through it this time." He said with a chuckle as he created a medium size crow out of is shadow. He extended his arm and it landed on it. "From now on I wont sleep through important stuff. Ad it's your job to make sure I don't. Got it?" He asked as he looked directly at Mist, though he was actually talking to his shadow crow.
Peaceswore said:
"Good, hopefully I won't sleep through it this time." He said with a chuckle as he created a medium size crow out of is shadow. He extended his arm and it landed on it. "From now on I wont sleep through important stuff. Ad it's your job to make sure I don't. Got it?" He asked as he looked directly at Mist, though he was actually talking to his shadow crow.
Mist sighs and keeps walking. The guild growing close. "Who may you be anyways? I have many members in my guild it takes some time to remember them all."
Nether snapped his fingers making the crow return to his shadow. "*sigh* Now I might cry, I've been here for about a month and you don't know me? Anyway, "I'm Nether, 19, Human experiment. I hate cheese and I'm a bit on the OP side, I'm bisexual and my favorite color is...blue. I think" He said with a smirk as he walked with him, though at a slightly slower pace.
Peaceswore said:
Nether snapped his fingers making the crow return to his shadow. "*sigh* Now I might cry, I've been here for about a month and you don't know me? Anyway, "I'm Nether, 19, Human experiment. I hate cheese and I'm a bit on the OP side, I'm bisexual and my favorite color is...blue. I think" He said with a smirk as he walked with him, though at a slightly slower pace.
"Okay then. I'm Mist the guild leader." Thats all Mist says. The forest is tinted blood red because the large blood mist hurricanes in the sky. Blocking out some of the sun.

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