
CelticSol said:
She turns around and looks to the tall man, raising a brow. "I see," She drawls, her voice a rough alto, "You're still supposed to do that, but only with homes. This is technically a public building, so it's not really necessary."
The doors open automatically, and Jackie turns to the man beside her with a cheeky grin, "See? We're welcome."
Mist walks up to them. The insane girl still clinging to his leg. "Yes, you are welcome." All 10 blood mist hurricanes orbit him.
Hannibal was a bit disappointed with what he saw. Standing in front of him was a man who appeared to be in his early 20's dressed in a black robe. He had red tornados circling him for whatever reason. "Oh well, let's just get this over with quickly, get over here so I can bite you and drain your life. If you're really quick about it, I'll even let you live as a vampire. Wouldn't that be nice?" The other thing he noticed was a rabid girl clinging to his leg, prattling on about something or other. "And yes, I suppose I must take out the trash too, so bring her on over," he told the man.
Light said:
Mist walks up to them. The insane girl still clinging to his leg. "Yes, you are welcome." All 10 blood mist hurricanes orbit him.
Jackie looks up to Mist, smirking lopsidedly at the girl clinging to his calf. "I suppose you are the guild master?" She seems unbothered by the hurricanes as she crosses her arms and rolls her weight onto her other leg. At the vampire's words, she rolls her eyes, then strides into the guild hall.
[QUOTE="Lord Jaraxxus]Hannibal was a bit disappointed with what he saw. Standing in front of him was a man who appeared to be in his early 20's dressed in a black robe. He had red tornados circling him for whatever reason. "Oh well, let's just get this over with quickly, get over here so I can bite you and drain your life. If you're really quick about it, I'll even let you live as a vampire. Wouldn't that be nice?" The other thing he noticed was a rabid girl clinging to his leg, prattling on about something or other. "And yes, I suppose I must take out the trash too, so bring her on over," he told the man.

CelticSol said:
Jackie looks up to Mist, smirking lopsidedly at the girl clinging to his calf. "I suppose you are the guild master?" She seems unbothered by the hurricanes as she crosses her arms and rolls her weight onto her other leg. At the vampire's words, she rolls her eyes, then strides into the guild hall.
Mist scoffs and turns away from the vampire. "Yes I am the guild master. Welcome to Excidium. I'll ignore that comment from before." Mist did indeed have patience. "Would you like a tour?"
Hannibal smelled blood. He wan't sure where it came from, but then he noticed the red whirlwinds that permeated the room. "Hm....." he thought to himself, "so that's what makes this man so special, he has power over blood." Hannibal noticed the man's failure to acknowledge the presence of a 3000 year-old vampire in the room and he became angry. "This cocky motherfucker thinks his little blood tricks are sufficient to intimidate me?" Hannibal thought. He would have snuck in while the man's back was turned, but that wouldn't have been very honorable, or fun. Instead, Hannibal drew his sword and jumped gracefully into the air, with his sword pointed right at the man's neck.
[QUOTE="Lord Jaraxxus]Hannibal smelled blood. He wan't sure where it came from, but then he noticed the red whirlwinds that permeated the room. "Hm....." he thought to himself, "so that's what makes this man so special, he has power over blood." Hannibal noticed the man's failure to acknowledge the presence of a 3000 year-old vampire in the room and he became angry. "This cocky motherfucker thinks his little blood tricks are sufficient to intimidate me?" Hannibal thought. He would have snuck in while the man's back was turned, but that wouldn't have been very honorable, or fun. Instead, Hannibal drew his sword and jumped gracefully into the air, with his sword pointed right at the man's neck.

Before his sword even gets close to his neck and a blood mist hurricane intercepts it. Rapidly spinning against the blade. Revolving 54 times every two seconds. While one holds his sword in place 4 out of the 9 left fly straight at him. "Excuse me... who do you think you are? To walk into my place and attack me?"
[QUOTE="Lord Jaraxxus]Hannibal smelled blood. He wan't sure where it came from, but then he noticed the red whirlwinds that permeated the room. "Hm....." he thought to himself, "so that's what makes this man so special, he has power over blood." Hannibal noticed the man's failure to acknowledge the presence of a 3000 year-old vampire in the room and he became angry. "This cocky motherfucker thinks his little blood tricks are sufficient to intimidate me?" Hannibal thought. He would have snuck in while the man's back was turned, but that wouldn't have been very honorable, or fun. Instead, Hannibal drew his sword and jumped gracefully into the air, with his sword pointed right at the man's neck.

Jackie looks back at the vampire and sighs in exasperation, then looks over to Mist. "Knock him off his pedestal, will you? I've had it up to here-" She puts her hands as high above her head as she can, "-with vampires thinking they are the toughest shit on the block."
[QUOTE="Lord Jaraxxus]Hannibal smelled blood. He wan't sure where it came from, but then he noticed the red whirlwinds that permeated the room. "Hm....." he thought to himself, "so that's what makes this man so special, he has power over blood." Hannibal noticed the man's failure to acknowledge the presence of a 3000 year-old vampire in the room and he became angry. "This cocky motherfucker thinks his little blood tricks are sufficient to intimidate me?" Hannibal thought. He would have snuck in while the man's back was turned, but that wouldn't have been very honorable, or fun. Instead, Hannibal drew his sword and jumped gracefully into the air, with his sword pointed right at the man's neck.

Sonter had arrived just as the vampire jumped into the air and Mist had stopped the blade. He sped up behind the vampire and held his two katanas at the front and back of the vampire's throat, "I'd like to ask the same thing, you don't threat ex idiom lightly."

((Oh come on, just barely missed it, I'll edit if you want to wait a mo'))

CelticSol said:
Jackie looks back at the vampire and sighs in exasperation, then looks over to Mist. "Knock him off his pedestal, will you? I've had it up to here-" She puts her hands as high above her head as she can, "-with vampires thinking they are the toughest shit on the block."
TheGodSnake said:
Sonter had arrived just as the vampire jumped into the air and Mist had stopped the blade. He sped up behind the vampire and held his two katanas at the front and back of the vampire's throat, "I'd like to ask the same thing, you don't threat ex idiom lightly."
((Oh come on, just barely missed it, I'll edit if you want to wait a mo'))

Mist glances at Jackie. He examines her and deems her interesting. He looks at his brother. On time as always.
Hannibal felt his blade rapidly deflected by the spinning tornado, the force spinning him off to the side, helping him barely miss being penetrated by the two bullets headed his way. He crashed into the wall and hit the ground hard. "I see we both understand the power of that blood can provide," he said as he slowly rose to his feat. "Thank you for inadvertently saving me there, by the way." As he tried to rise, another person ran up and held a sword to his throat. "That wasn't a very honorable thing to do," he protested. "If we're making teams, I call the ravenous puppy over there," he pointed out the girl who was now on the ground, foaming at the mouth. "On second thought, I'll take the broad, since we seem to have hit off so well."
[QUOTE="Lord Jaraxxus]Hannibal felt his blade rapidly deflected by the spinning tornado, the force spinning him off to the side, helping him barely miss being penetrated by the two bullets headed his way. He crashed into the wall and hit the ground hard. "I see we both understand the power of that blood can provide," he said as he slowly rose to his feat. "Thank you for inadvertently saving me there, by the way." As he tried to rise, another person ran up and held a sword to his throat. "That wasn't a very honorable thing to do," he protested. "If we're making teams, I call the ravenous puppy over there," he pointed out the girl who was now on the ground, foaming at the mouth. "On second thought, I'll take the broad, since we seem to have hit off so well."

"I call not being on the vampire's team!" Jackie crows, "I prefer my teammates not being arrogant assholes!"
Light said:
Mist glances at Jackie. He examines her and deems her interesting. He looks at his brother. On time as always.
[QUOTE="Lord Jaraxxus]Hannibal felt his blade rapidly deflected by the spinning tornado, the force spinning him off to the side, helping him barely miss being penetrated by the two bullets headed his way. He crashed into the wall and hit the ground hard. "I see we both understand the power of that blood can provide," he said as he slowly rose to his feat. "Thank you for inadvertently saving me there, by the way." As he tried to rise, another person ran up and held a sword to his throat. "That wasn't a very honorable thing to do," he protested. "If we're making teams, I call the ravenous puppy over there," he pointed out the girl who was now on the ground, foaming at the mouth. "On second thought, I'll take the broad, since we seem to have hit off so well."

Sonter growled underneath his face covering, "of course I am brother, who else is going to watch your ass," he pulled his blades from the vampire's throat, shutting down his enhancements, on guard ready to activate one, "watch yourself bloodbag, you started off on bad footing with us."
CelticSol said:
"I call not being on the vampire's team!" Jackie crows, "I prefer my teammates not being arrogant assholes!"
"And I prefer my women not being disobedient, rebellious whores!" He retorted back to the woman. (keep in mind he has been asleep for 1000 years, things have changed a bit)

"I started off on the wrong foot with you?" He replied to the man. "I was trying to have a nice, fair 1-on-1 fight with your sibling over there and you came on in and ruined it!"
[QUOTE="Lord Jaraxxus]"And I prefer my women not being disobedient, rebellious whores!" He retorted back to the woman. (keep in mind he has been asleep for 1000 years, things have changed a bit)
"I started off on the wrong foot with you?" He replied to the man. "I was trying to have a nice, fair 1-on-1 fight with your sibling over there and you came on in and ruined it!"

(I'm still putting your ass on blast, dude. PSA for anyone in the RP; never, EVER, call me a whore. Not even in character.)

In a movement so fast it barely existed, Jackie lands an arrow right into the vampire's shoulder, her expression ice cold. "I'm not your woman, and no woman will ever belong to you, because we're not objects, we're people. Another thing that's changed in your years of sleep is that people like you got their heads out of their asses and saw that women are equal. So, I'm going to give you a little bit of a lesson, okay?" She stalks towards the vampire, her eyes blazing. "I'm not disobedient, because I'm not below you, nor am I your slave. I'm not rebellious, because what I say is as important as whatever your fucking mouth has to say." Despite the height difference, she grabs his collar and yanks him down so he is eye level to her. "And I could bang every fucking person in this fucking building, and you would still not have the god damn, fucking right to call me a whore. Got it, you stupid, fucking leech? Good."
[QUOTE="Lord Jaraxxus]"And I prefer my women not being disobedient, rebellious whores!" He retorted back to the woman. (keep in mind he has been asleep for 1000 years, things have changed a bit)
"I started off on the wrong foot with you?" He replied to the man. "I was trying to have a nice, fair 1-on-1 fight with your sibling over there and you came on in and ruined it!"

Sonter frowns under his mask, "you don't get it, you threatened him, you threaten me. He would've drowned you in your favorite substance if I hadn't arrived. But you see, he's not the big killer, he's the brains, I on the other hand," he drew a large knife from his hip. "It's my favorite pastime." He finished just before the woman started her tirade. He must admit, she was quite attractive, another archer too.
[QUOTE="Lord Jaraxxus]"And I prefer my women not being disobedient, rebellious whores!" He retorted back to the woman. (keep in mind he has been asleep for 1000 years, things have changed a bit)
"I started off on the wrong foot with you?" He replied to the man. "I was trying to have a nice, fair 1-on-1 fight with your sibling over there and you came on in and ruined it!"

Mist turned around and glared. He looked ridiculous right now with the girl clinging to his leg. Still he had power and it wasn't one to mess with. The guild started shaking tremendously. The hurricanes were really acting up now in the sky. The mini hurricanes around Mist seemed agitated. Mist himself seemed angry.
"Hot damn, looks like we've got a feisty one here guys. Hey broad, you ever been with a 3000 year-old vampire? I don't mean to brag, but I've been around the block a few times, I'm sure I could show you a thing or two." he casually joked.

"Anyway, aside from this civil rights nonsense I'm here because I heard this is where the action is. Did I get the right message?"
[QUOTE="Lord Jaraxxus]"Hot damn, looks like we've got a feisty one here guys. Hey broad, you ever been with a 3000 year-old vampire? I don't mean to brag, but I've been around the block a few times, I'm sure I could show you a thing or two." he casually joked.
"Anyway, aside from this civil rights nonsense I'm here because I heard this is where the action is. Did I get the right message?"

Mist calmed down a bit. "Yes, you heard right."
(Not to be that guy, but seriously, I'm not gonna tolerate anyone calling me a whore/slut/or any words to that effect. Light knows how well that one goes, and if you'd like to find out, ask him.)
CelticSol said:
(Not to be that guy, but seriously, I'm not gonna tolerate anyone calling me a whore/slut/or any words to that effect. Light knows how well that one goes, and if you'd like to find out, ask him.)
(It's rp, lighten up a bit. I'm playing an asshole character. It's not directed at you, it's directed at your character. And I would love to spend more time antagonizing her, but I must be off for the night)
( It's midnight. )

( Now it's 9 AM )

Mist exits his room and walks straight towards his office. He had some allies to make.
sonter walked the halls of excidium, his face dovering off, wondering if he would get any calls from a client that day. although he wasn't wearing his holster harness for his bow and swords, he still had his berretas on his thighs, right at arms length.
Zero stuffed his hands into his pockets, shifting his half-hearted gaze to ficus upon the large clock set across the room. He hadn't spoken at all since waking up, and with it being merely between 9-10am, it was considered early in his train if thought. Slumping down lazily into the chair, Zero allowed for his shirt to be opened at the top buttons, while his silver hair did its best in an attempt to cover over his violet irises.
[QUOTE="Mashiro Shiina]Zero stuffed his hands into his pockets, shifting his half-hearted gaze to ficus upon the large clock set across the room. He hadn't spoken at all since waking up, and with it being merely between 9-10am, it was considered early in his train if thought. Slumping down lazily into the chair, Zero allowed for his shirt to be opened at the top buttons, while his silver hair did its best in an attempt to cover over his violet irises.

Mist walked by Zero. "You. Come with me. We have allies to make."

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