
Daimao said:
"Indeed it was," replied Alpha.
Light said:
The blood mist hurricane starts to unravel and form into a red chain necklace. With a blood crystal at the end as if It were a ruby.
Jackie drops the last couple feet from where she was hovering, then inspecting the necklace at her neck, "Cool," She looks up at Alpha, "When do you think the test will end?"
CelticSol said:
Jackie drops the last couple feet from where she was hovering, then inspecting the necklace at her neck, "Cool," She looks up at Alpha, "When do you think the test will end?"
Alpha shrugs. "Don't ask me. No one told me anything."
Peaceswore said:
"Hahahahahahahaha!!!! I was F-Ing awesome!!". Nether exclaimed as he laid on the ground incapable of moving. "Hey can I use my powers now? Or should I take an amazing nap?" He asked in hopes of an answer.
CelticSol said:
Jackie drops the last couple feet from where she was hovering, then inspecting the necklace at her neck, "Cool," She looks up at Alpha, "When do you think the test will end?"
Daimao said:
Alpha shrugs. "Don't ask me. No one told me anything."
The large hurricane above them starts to glow. "I am the storm. I shocks me beyond compression on how you've taken down the giant and have.... befriended one of my own. No Mist is not here and he doesn't know anything that has happened here. He expected me to go easy... I'll make a deal. You must not mention a word of this to Mist. In return I shall let you all finish the rank up test now and rank up twice but you must face one last trail. Do we have a deal?"

( @Afrobrony )
Light said:
The large hurricane above them starts to glow. "I am the storm. I shocks me beyond compression on how you've taken down the giant and have.... befriended one of my own. No Mist is not here and he doesn't know anything that has happened here. He expected me to go easy... I'll make a deal. You must not mention a word of this to Mist. In return I shall let you all finish the rank up test now and rank up twice but you must face one last trail. Do we have a deal?"
( @Afrobrony )
Layla didn't even have to think about this "that's not even a question for me! More challenge, more fun! I'm definitely in!"
Light said:
The large hurricane above them starts to glow. "I am the storm. I shocks me beyond compression on how you've taken down the giant and have.... befriended one of my own. No Mist is not here and he doesn't know anything that has happened here. He expected me to go easy... I'll make a deal. You must not mention a word of this to Mist. In return I shall let you all finish the rank up test now and rank up twice but you must face one last trail. Do we have a deal?"
( @Afrobrony )
Jackie wrings some blood out of her hair, her various cuts bleeding and adding to all the blood soaking her head to toe. She sighs, "Fuck, I'm gonna keel over from blood loss at any minute, might as well go out with a bang."
Cyran decided to explore the guild somewhat, seeing that everyone kept to themselves he decided to bring a demonology book with him in case he gets bored or lost. He didn't plan on asking for directions or asking about anything at all unless it was directly to the guild master.
Dnaleri017 said:
Cyran decided to explore the guild somewhat, seeing that everyone kept to themselves he decided to bring a demonology book with him in case he gets bored or lost. He didn't plan on asking for directions or asking about anything at all unless it was directly to the guild master.
A flash of light goes off In front of him. "Excuse me, have you seen a man named Mist?" A man takes form out of the light and speaks to Cyran.


Peaceswore said:
"Damn. Ok! I'll do it." Nehter siad as he struggles to get out as the exhaustion began to take over his body.
Afrobrony said:
Layla didn't even have to think about this "that's not even a question for me! More challenge, more fun! I'm definitely in!"
CelticSol said:
Jackie wrings some blood out of her hair, her various cuts bleeding and adding to all the blood soaking her head to toe. She sighs, "Fuck, I'm gonna keel over from blood loss at any minute, might as well go out with a bang."
( I'm just waiting for Alpha to say something so the Storm can reply to you as a whole and do the last trail with everyone's consent. )
Light said:
A flash of light goes off In front of him. "Excuse me, have you seen a man named Mist?" A man takes form out of the light and speaks to Cyran.

( I'm just waiting for Alpha to say something so the Storm can reply to you as a whole and do the last trail with everyone's consent. )
(I thought so, makes sense.)
Light said:
The large hurricane above them starts to glow. "I am the storm. I shocks me beyond compression on how you've taken down the giant and have.... befriended one of my own. No Mist is not here and he doesn't know anything that has happened here. He expected me to go easy... I'll make a deal. You must not mention a word of this to Mist. In return I shall let you all finish the rank up test now and rank up twice but you must face one last trail. Do we have a deal?"
( @Afrobrony )
"Fine," Alpha sighed, cracking his neck and rolling his shoulders as Gamma licked blood off their fur. "If Jackie is participating then I will participate as well."
Daimao said:
"Fine," Alpha sighed, cracking his neck and rolling his shoulders as Gamma licked blood off their fur. "If Jackie is participating then I will participate as well."
"Alright then." The large hurricane splits off into several larger ones in the sky like it was before. They all start to slowly drop from the sky. Threatening the flatten and shred anything under them once they make contact with it. They weren't falling too fast though. It was as if they all had to make a dash through the forest and into the guild before it was too late and they were crushed and the distance was great.

( @Afrobrony @CelticSol @Peaceswore )
"Oh yay more running." Nether muttered as he stood up his vision rather blurry. "Hey...a guy is fine with only a pint of blood in their body...right?" He joked before closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. "Sadly I won't die of blood loss while I'm in a forest of blood! That's too ironic even for me!" He shouted as he began running toward the guild. At first when he ran he had a grim look but the more he ran the more adrenaline began to fill his body. "Hahahahahaaha!! This is amazing! Hahahaha Faster!" He shouted encouraging himself to keep running even if he couldn't feel his legs or chest or....really he couldn't feel any part of his body.
Light said:
A flash of light goes off In front of him. "Excuse me, have you seen a man named Mist?" A man takes form out of the light and speaks to Cyran.

( I'm just waiting for Alpha to say something so the Storm can reply to you as a whole and do the last trail with everyone's consent. )
Looking up from his book Cyran replies with displeasure. "I would love to know that myself, I have a few questions about this guild as well as the "rival" guild," Cyran returns to his book for a moment to finish reading on the summoning strength needed to summon a hellhound. "Why do you ask, I mean afterall I must be a new face to you so why ask me of all people?"
Light said:
"Alright then." The large hurricane splits off into several larger ones in the sky like it was before. They all start to slowly drop from the sky. Threatening the flatten and shred anything under them once they make contact with it. They weren't falling too fast though. It was as if they all had to make a dash through the forest and into the guild before it was too late and they were crushed and the distance was great.
( @Afrobrony @CelticSol @Peaceswore )
Layla looked all around her, figuring out that there was no getting away from this threat through bobbing and weaving. "Well, I guess there's really only one way to get away from this thing. Get to the end of it, assuming there is one." She ran off towards the guild, or at least, what she hoped was the direction of the guild. "I've been running this entire time, why stop now?" She thought to herself.
Dnaleri017 said:
Looking up from his book Cyran replies with displeasure. "I would love to know that myself, I have a few questions about this guild as well as the "rival" guild," Cyran returns to his book for a moment to finish reading on the summoning strength needed to summon a hellhound. "Why do you ask, I mean afterall I must be a new face to you so why ask me of all people?"
"Well I would ask because you're a member and I'm not. Has your own guild leader failed to inform his people of his whereabouts?"
Light said:
"Alright then." The large hurricane splits off into several larger ones in the sky like it was before. They all start to slowly drop from the sky. Threatening the flatten and shred anything under them once they make contact with it. They weren't falling too fast though. It was as if they all had to make a dash through the forest and into the guild before it was too late and they were crushed and the distance was great.
Jackie looks up dumbly at the hurricanes a moment, then drawls, "You know, I actually did think it couldn't get worse. I'm a fucking idiot," Jackie spins and climbs on Alpha's back, grabbing onto the fur at the junction of his neck and shoulders. "Come on, I know how fast you can go, but I need you to run like the Devil himself is nipping at our heels."

(@Daimao )
CelticSol said:
Jackie looks up dumbly at the hurricanes a moment, then drawls, "You know, I actually did think it couldn't get worse. I'm a fucking idiot," Jackie spins and climbs on Alpha's back, grabbing onto the fur at the junction of his neck and shoulders. "Come on, I know how fast you can go, but I need you to run like the Devil himself is nipping at our heels."
(@Daimao )
"As you wish," Alpha replied, stretching for a moment. Then, without warning, he took off like a rocket, his powerful legs propelling him and Jackie so fast that they were merely a blur of color as they rocketed through the forest in the direction of the guild.
Light said:
"Well I would ask because you're a member and I'm not. Has your own guild leader failed to inform his people of his whereabouts?"
"Ahh so your not a guild member. Well I'm as lost as you," Cyran returns to his book.
Daimao said:
"As you wish," Alpha replied, stretching for a moment. Then, without warning, he took off like a rocket, his powerful legs propelling him and Jackie so fast that they were merely a blur of color as they rocketed through the forest in the direction of the guild.
(I'm gonna be able to post for a while, but my parents might grab my computer up lmao.)

Jackie nearly slides right off his back, apparently not holding on tight enough, and yelps as she tries not to fly off. Alpha can hear her whispering, "Fuck", as she valiantly attempt to readjust herself back where she was sitting. She grumbles a bit to herself, muttering, "Fucking lightning dog," under her breath.
Dnaleri017 said:
"Ahh so your not a guild member. Well I'm as lost as you," Cyran returns to his book.
Light raises an eyebrow. "Oh? Who might you be then?"

The hurricanes behind them touch the ground and ravage everything they touch so badly they start to shred through the ground. As if wanting to visit the earth core. The hurricanes up ahead seem to be beating them to the ground over in that area. All the hurricanes glow as the storms many voices speak. "Show me your desire to be victorious!"

( @CelticSol @Peaceswore @Daimao @Afrobrony )
Light said:
Light raises an eyebrow. "Oh? Who might you be then?"
Not taking his eyes off his book he replies, "New guild member, as in I just arrived a couple of hours ago," Cyran looks up for a moment. "Why do you ask?"
"My desire to be victorious? Hahahahahahaha!! I only care about being excited and having fun!! But if that what I can get by being victorious then so be it!" He shouted as he burst into full sprint to the guild. He was completely exhausted, but you can't expect him to miss a chance of having fun just because he is on the brink of death can you? Of course not!! So what I his vision was so bad he had to rely on his memory in order to get back to the guild.
Dnaleri017 said:
Not taking his eyes off his book he replies, "New guild member, as in I just arrived a couple of hours ago," Cyran looks up for a moment. "Why do you ask?"
"You won't give me your name?" Light clears his throat. "I just want to know the person I talking to."
Light said:
Light raises an eyebrow. "Oh? Who might you be then?"
The hurricanes behind them touch the ground and ravage everything they touch so badly they start to shred through the ground. As if wanting to visit the earth core. The hurricanes up ahead seem to be beating them to the ground over in that area. All the hurricanes glow as the storms many voices speak. "Show me your desire to be victorious!"

( @CelticSol @Peaceswore @Daimao @Afrobrony )
"Yeah, fuck you too!" Alpha growls as he pushes himself harder, sprinting even faster.

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