
@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira

''Hmm...Greetings, I am Charles Behemont, transcendent vampire and godly being'' said Charles on a neutral tone, as if his own existence was something rather boring. He then looked at Eva. ''Interesting, it seems we'll work as a team'' he added as a grin appeared on his face for a second.
Alecia sat looking at a map and sighed "this doesn't look good " she muttered And stood up and dragged herself to the lobby carrying a large duffel bag over her shoulder.
Elitepikachuu said:
Alecia sat looking at a map and sighed "this doesn't look good " she muttered And stood up and dragged herself to the lobby carrying a large duffel bag over her shoulder.
Mist left the room on the third floor and looked down the stairs. "Would you like to join your guild mates on one of the quests as well?"
@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira @Azure Sky

Bruce flashed a look of disappointment when Charles didn't shake his hand. He followed Eva down "while we wait, I'm going to get some food for the trip." He quickly ran off to the mess hall to pack up some food, Bruce made sure to rush himself because he felt that Charles and Eva would leave him in an instant.
Afrobrony said:
@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira @Azure Sky
Bruce flashed a look of disappointment when Charles didn't shake his hand. He followed Eva down "while we wait, I'm going to get some food for the trip." He quickly ran off to the mess hall to pack up some food, Bruce made sure to rush himself because he felt that Charles and Eva would leave him in an instant.
Charles felt Bruce's disappointment about not shaking his hand, so he simply said this to him, through a telepathic message: ''You don't need to be disappointed, I am simply here because it is needed for the moment, for the sake of balance, one a certain future event is over I will disappear from your every day life like I never was there from the begining. In other words creating bonds with anyone here is rather pointless. Just think of me as a forgettable existence''
Light said:
Mist nods his head. "I'd like you to go with Nether's squad to the crash site."
( @Peaceswore @Afrobrony )
Jackie appears out thin air beside Mist, looking like she's been to hell and back, as well as tired and pale. She puts her hand on his shoulder, but it looks more like necessity than comfort, like she'll fall over without the support. "Sorry about the absence," she rasps, a fake, weary smile on her face, "I hope I didn't miss the fun."
CelticSol said:
Jackie appears out thin air beside Mist, looking like she's been to hell and back, as well as tired and pale. She puts her hand on his shoulder, but it looks more like necessity than comfort, like she'll fall over without the support. "Sorry about the absence," she rasps, a fake, weary smile on her face, "I hope I didn't miss the fun."
Mist helps support her. "Sadly fun leaving is never an option here. Two big quests are about to start is all." Mist checks out her condition. "What happened to you?"
Light said:
Mist helps support her. "Sadly fun leaving is never an option here. Two big quests are about to start is all." Mist checks out her condition. "What happened to you?"
"To make a long story short," she says, smile falling off her face, and with it, her false happiness. She stops leaning on Mist and leans on the railing instead, and he can see a square piece of gauze taped to the back of her bicep. "My brother shot me in the chest. He, ah... Let's say he didn't respond well to seeing me again, and wasn't happy to hear what I had to say."
CelticSol said:
"To make a long story short," she says, smile falling off her face, and with it, her false happiness. She stops leaning on Mist and leans on the railing instead, and he can see a square piece of gauze taped to the back of her bicep. "My brother shot me in the chest. He, ah... Let's say he didn't respond well to seeing me again, and wasn't happy to hear what I had to say."
Mist frowns at this. "Well I'm happy to know you're alive." He wasn't good at the comforting business at all. "You ready to face your family?" He wasn't talking about the family she just escaped from.
Light said:
Mist frowns at this. "Well I'm happy to know you're alive." He wasn't good at the comforting business at all. "You ready to face your family?" He wasn't talking about the family she just escaped from.
Jackie pushes off the railing, her posture defeated and her expression angry, "These people aren't my family. The bullet in my chest proves that I don't have any family left in this world," Jackie walks down into the main hall, and if Mist looked closely, he could see someone else resting in Jackie's shadow.
CelticSol said:
Jackie pushes off the railing, her posture defeated and her expression angry, "These people aren't my family. The bullet in my chest proves that I don't have any family left in this world," Jackie walks down into the main hall, and if Mist looked closely, he could see someone else resting in Jackie's shadow.
Mist sighs and mumbles to himself. "How do you think I felt when I exiled my brother? How do you think he felt? Regardless of her injuries she still seems as lively as ever. No matter... soon enough."

Light appears behind Mist with a confident grin. "Soon enough what?"

Mist doesn't recognize this voice and doesn't like it's tone. Before he even turns around he has blood mist hurricanes swarm Light in a barrage. Light illuminates to defend himself from such an attack. Thus making blood and light explode violently from the third floor.
Light said:
Mist sighs and mumbles to himself. "How do you think I felt when I exiled my brother? How do you think he felt? Regardless of her injuries she still seems as lively as ever. No matter... soon enough."
Light appears behind Mist with a confident grin. "Soon enough what?"

Mist doesn't recognize this voice and doesn't like it's tone. Before he even turns around he has blood mist hurricanes swarm Light in a barrage. Light illuminates to defend himself from such an attack. Thus making blood and light explode violently from the third floor.
Jackie turns back and draws two pistols from the holsters at her thighs, firing two shots at Light without even looking to see who it is. She keeps her guns drawn on Light as she stands by Mist. Her eyes narrow. "State your business."
CelticSol said:
Jackie turns back and draws two pistols from the holsters at her thighs, firing two shots at Light without even looking to see who it is. She keeps her guns drawn on Light as she stands by Mist. Her eyes narrow. "State your business."
Light smirks. "Why attack so fast? I'm only here for a deal."

Mist just stares at Light while hiding his hand behind his back.
Hearing the explosion Eva Leaps up to the third floor having smoke help push her up she lands outside of the meeting room speed circles already spinning around her and weaving into the room in black and red strings. She encircles both Mist and Light. "Now what do we have here, some idiots blowing holes in the guild......Mind explaining why. I have a headache assholes?"
[QUOTE="Kai'zen Makaira]Hearing the explosion Eva Leaps up to the third floor having smoke help push her up she lands outside of the meeting room speed circles already spinning around her and weaving into the room in black and red strings. She encircles both Mist and Light. "Now what do we have here, some idiots blowing holes in the guild......Mind explaining why. I have a headache assholes?"

Light chuckles. "Oh joy. You're guild is so great. Instead of protecting their guild leader from a possible assassination the first thing at least one of them do is show off how stupidly ignorant they are. Anyways I came here to form an alliance. My kingdom and your guild. How about it?"

Light looks straight at Mist when asking this question.
Light said:
Light smirks. "Why attack so fast? I'm only here for a deal."
Mist just stares at Light while hiding his hand behind his back.
"You're not a part of the guild, and you've made no move to prove you're not a threat to us," She tilts her head a bit, "You're unwelcome here. Why shouldn't I shoot you?"
Alecia watched the indecent then smiled and walked into the room holding something. "i got y'all a present!" she said smiling and help up a live grenade.
CelticSol said:
"You're not a part of the guild, and you've made no move to prove you're not a threat to us," She tilts her head a bit, "You're unwelcome here. Why shouldn't I shoot you?"
Elitepikachuu said:
Alecia watched the indecent then smiled and walked into the room holding something. "i got y'all a present!" she said smiling and help up a live grenade.
Light smiles. "Well isn't everyone whom comes in here an unwelcome guest?" With that he disappears in a flash of light.

Mist looks up at the grenade. "What the hell is wrong with you!" He runs to her and snatches the grenade out of her hand. He shoves her into Jackie and Eva's direction and raises a thick blood crystal wall confront of them while doing so. He tries to throw the grenade away but it.explodes in his hand.

( @Kai&\#039;zen Makaira )
Light said:
Light smiles. "Well isn't everyone whom comes in here an unwelcome guest?" With that he disappears in a flash of light.
Mist looks up at the grenade. "What the hell is wrong with you!" He runs to her and snatches the grenade out of her hand. He shoves her into Jackie and Eva's direction and raises a thick blood crystal wall confront of them while doing so. He tries to throw the grenade away but it.explodes in his hand.

( @Kai&\#039;zen Makaira )
Alecia giggled and looked her body over. " nothing feels wrong" she said smiling and picked a painting off of the wall ignoring the grenade blast. " I like this picture. Where is it from?" she asked sitting down on a couch.
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''Ha-ah...some people. Do you need any help Mist?'' asked Charles who appeared out of nowhere.

@Light (I am anticipating a ''What took you so long?'' for some reason xD )
Light said:
Light smiles. "Well isn't everyone whom comes in here an unwelcome guest?" With that he disappears in a flash of light.
Mist looks up at the grenade. "What the hell is wrong with you!" He runs to her and snatches the grenade out of her hand. He shoves her into Jackie and Eva's direction and raises a thick blood crystal wall confront of them while doing so. He tries to throw the grenade away but it.explodes in his hand.

( @Kai&\#039;zen Makaira )
Jackie breaks through the wall herself, crossing her arms and looking very nonchalant. "Not the first time you've survived an explosion, Mist. Need any help, or are you okay?"

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