
Daimao said:
"Yeah, fuck you too!" Alpha growls as he pushes himself harder, sprinting even faster.
Jackie closes her eyes, snarling, "What I'd give to rip these fuckers apart with my magic," then looking up, having to squint at the wind from how fast Alpha was going. "Alpha, you get me home in one piece, and we'll do whatever you want."
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Light said:
Light starts to walk off. "Is that all? What are you?"
"If you must know I am an elf who has studied Demonology since I was 8," Cyran now beginning to become upset continued, "I also am studying how to control an archdemon so that I may take my place atop of the highest ranks of demons and warlocks alike." Cyran stops floating for a moment, being an elf he would naturally be tall, but he was actually rather short for his race standing at a mere 5'4". "Now that you know, who are you, and where shall we begin looking for the guild master?" Cyran decided that even though he already hates this newcomer he might as well follow since they are looking for the guild master as well.
Dnaleri017 said:
"If you must know I am an elf who has studied Demonology since I was 8," Cyran now beginning to become upset continued, "I also am studying how to control an archdemon so that I may take my place atop of the highest ranks of demons and warlocks alike." Cyran stops floating for a moment, being an elf he would naturally be tall, but he was actually rather short for his race standing at a mere 5'4". "Now that you know, who are you, and where shall we begin looking for the guild master?" Cyran decided that even though he already hates this newcomer he might as well follow since they are looking for the guild master as well.
"Oh you'd like to control archdemons? Well I'm Light. Like I said before I'm a light essence that controls Holy light. A very lethal weapon even against the strongest of archdemons. I'll tell you something interesting. I know of an archdemon, my fiance's father to be exact. When it comes to your guild master though I have no clue. I've come to strike a deal with him." Light smirks, but there's something behind the look in his eyes.
Light said:
The hurricanes behind them touch the ground and ravage everything they touch so badly they start to shred through the ground. As if wanting to visit the earth core. The hurricanes up ahead seem to be beating them to the ground over in that area. All the hurricanes glow as the storms many voices speak. "Show me your desire to be victorious!"
( @CelticSol @Peaceswore @Daimao @Afrobrony )
"Desire?" Layla thought "I have desire enough to cheat" a grin spread across her face, remembering what had happened when the others had used their ki. One of three things would happen if she did the same, one, the same hurricane would come along and take her back to the guild, two, it'd leave her alone and she'd still get a tremendous boost from her ki, or, three, a hurricane would automatically come down and rip her to bits. Two out of three chance she'd get back to the guild. "Here goes nothing," she said as she jumped into the air and fired a constant stream of ki out of her hands, giving her a boost faster than she could've conceivably run.
Dnaleri017 said:
"If you must know I am an elf who has studied Demonology since I was 8," Cyran now beginning to become upset continued, "I also am studying how to control an archdemon so that I may take my place atop of the highest ranks of demons and warlocks alike." Cyran stops floating for a moment, being an elf he would naturally be tall, but he was actually rather short for his race standing at a mere 5'4". "Now that you know, who are you, and where shall we begin looking for the guild master?" Cyran decided that even though he already hates this newcomer he might as well follow since they are looking for the guild master as well.
"Oh you'd like to control archdemons? Well I'm Light. Like I said before I'm a light essence that controls Holy light. A very lethal weapon even against the strongest of archdemons. I'll tell you something interesting. I know of an archdemon, my fiance's father to be exact.

Afrobrony said:
"Desire?" Layla thought "I have desire enough to cheat" a grin spread across her face, remembering what had happened when the others had used their ki. One of three things would happen if she did the same, one, the same hurricane would come along and take her back to the guild, two, it'd leave her alone and she'd still get a tremendous boost from her ki, or, three, a hurricane would automatically come down and rip her to bits. Two out of three chance she'd get back to the guild. "Here goes nothing," she said as she jumped into the air and fired a constant stream of ki out of her hands, giving her a boost faster than she could've conceivably run.
A vortex of blood exits the hurricane and sucks her up. Sending her back to the guild. "You may use my power of blood spears when taken but when you use your own added abilities you've crossed the line. You were so close as well. Too bad. Should have learned from your siblings."
Light said:
A vortex of blood exits the hurricane and sucks her up. Sending her back to the guild. "You may use my power of blood spears when taken but when you use your own added abilities you've crossed the line. You were so close as well. Too bad. Should have learned from your siblings."
She jumped up in the air "you asked for us to show you our desire for victory, I was under the impression that the last trial was 'get out of the forest alive'. My desire was strong enough that I thought to cheat. And it worked pretty well since I'm at the guild, out of the forest, and alive. Unless I'm a ghost, then that's two thirds of the way there."
Light said:
"Oh you'd like to control archdemons? Well I'm Light. Like I said before I'm a light essence that controls Holy light. A very lethal weapon even against the strongest of archdemons. I'll tell you something interesting. I know of an archdemon, my fiance's father to be exact. When it comes to your guild master though I have no clue. I've come to strike a deal with him." Light smirks, but there's something behind the look in his eyes.
Cyran could care less what Light had in plan until he heard the words "I know of an archdemon," That instant Cyran threw his book down and took sudden interest in this newcomer. "Well then, you know something I want to see, so I'll help find the guild master, let me summon a hell hound quick," Hellhounds are great trackers, especially for specific people. Of course only the people being hunted or the one who summoned it can actually see them. Cyran quickly chants a summoning ritual and a hell hound appears before him. "Find the guild master and tell him him/she that there is a visitor here to speak. Now while we wait, please, tell me more about this archdemon..." Grinning Cyran was finally one step closer to his goal. (Soon, soon I shall be stronger than almost anybody here) The hellhound will find the guild master for us."
Dnaleri017 said:
Cyran could care less what Light had in plan until he heard the words "I know of an archdemon," That instant Cyran threw his book down and took sudden interest in this newcomer. "Well then, you know something I want to see, so I'll help find the guild master, let me summon a hell hound quick," Hellhounds are great trackers, especially for specific people. Of course only the people being hunted or the one who summoned it can actually see them. Cyran quickly chants a summoning ritual and a hell hound appears before him. "Find the guild master and tell him him/she that there is a visitor here to speak. Now while we wait, please, tell me more about this archdemon..." Grinning Cyran was finally one step closer to his goal. (Soon, soon I shall be stronger than almost anybody here) The hellhound will find the guild master for us."
Light had him wrapped right around his finger. He didn't show this at all though. He decided to go along with being stupid. He was the best of liars. "Well thing is. That Parthenon is my finances father."
Jackie feels her phone ring in her pocket as Alpha runs, and she fishes it out with a curious expression, wondering how it had even survived with all the blood. She wipes some blood off, holding it to her ear and listening. "Talk to me."

She pauses as the phone buzzes, then she hisses, "What the FUCK do you mean, he's found me out?" The phone buzzes some more, the person on the other line sounding panicked. She listens mostly, then interrupts then, "I gave you ONE fucking job. Fine, I'll be there in two minutes."

She hangs up, then leans down to Alpha's ear. "I'm going to have to go. Something's come up and I have to deal with it. I'll be back in about a week." Then Jackie vanishes off Alpha's back, not leaving a trace that she had ever been there.
The storm remembers that Layla could possibly tell Mist what happened. It decides to speak to her in her mind. "Fine, you pass with the double rank up."

( @Afrobrony )
Nether burst through the bushes a few moments later covered in blood (both his and the rains) from head to toe. "*pant* That...*pant* That was awesome!!" He exclaimed as he wiped some of the blood away. "...Oh, hey Layla."
Light said:
The storm remembers that Layla could possibly tell Mist what happened. It decides to speak to her in her mind. "Fine, you pass with the double rank up."
( @Afrobrony )
Layla does a fist pump "yeah, booyah!" She then said "how about a deal? I only rank up once, but Lana also ranks up as well." She then looks over at Nether with a confused look on her face "how do you know my name?"

"....Am I that invisible? I have been here for a month...so I know your name." He muttered as he laid on the ground fighting off sleep. "So is fun time over? Can I use my powers?" He asked the blood as he laid there keeping a blank face.

@Afrobrony @Light
Peaceswore said:
"....Am I that invisible? I have been here for a month...so I know your name." He muttered as he laid on the ground fighting off sleep. "So is fun time over? Can I use my powers?" He asked the blood as he laid there keeping a blank face.
@Afrobrony @Light
"I myself have been here for about a day, not anywhere close to a month. Maybe Bruce has been around that long but not me or my sister, we just got here, heard there was a test, and took it."
"Really? Huh...I'm terrible at keeping track of time. Oh well. I heard your name from somewhere *shrugs* whatever. now excuse me, but I have to go back to bleeding to death till the blood says I can use my powers." He said nonchalantly as he stayed spread out on the ground.
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Afrobrony said:
Layla does a fist pump "yeah, booyah!" She then said "how about a deal? I only rank up once, but Lana also ranks up as well." She then looks over at Nether with a confused look on her face "how do you know my name?"
The blood speaks in her mind. "Deal."

Peaceswore said:
"Really? Huh...I'm terrible at keeping track of time. Oh well. I heard your name from somewhere *shrugs* whatever. now excuse me, but I have to go back to bleeding to death till the blood says I can use my powers." He said nonchalantly as he stayed spread out on the ground.
The blood speaks to him as well. "You may use your power."
"Haha! Awesome! So how am I ranked on this test? Or is she the only one that get's the double rank up?" He asked as his blood began to flow back into him. @Light
Light said:
The blood speaks in her mind. "Deal."
"Thank you very much, magical blood thingy!" She went off back into the guild to Lana, running around until she found her. Bruce had gone back to sitting outside the sick bay.
Peaceswore said:
"Haha! Awesome! So how am I ranked on this test? Or is she the only one that get's the double rank up?" He asked as his blood began to flow back into him. @Light
"No you get A double rank up as well for taking down the giant."

Lana is now able to leave the medic bay. Her Achilles heel is completely healed. Not even a scar as if she were never cut.

( @Afrobrony )
"Hahaha! Yes! I have no clue what it means to rank up, but I still feel like I achieved something." He said proudly as he stood up. He felt a little dizzy, but he was better and didn't look as pale anymore. @Light
Peaceswore said:
"Hahaha! Yes! I have no clue what it means to rank up, but I still feel like I achieved something." He said proudly as he stood up. He felt a little dizzy, but he was better and didn't look as pale anymore. @Light
"It means to become stronger. Once you rank up you may have an ability of choice boosted through Mists magic when he arrives. In your case since your ranking up twice you get two boosts."

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