
Light said:
The giant is extremely displeased with its body being sliced into and shattered. It creates a large mace made of hardened blood. It slams it into its back to crush Jackie. It also slams its hand into its neck to attempt to crush Layla.
Layla was able to move out of the way just in time as the hand smacked into the neck. "Well now," she thought "I'm like a mosquito to this thing. Wait! That gives me an idea." She starts slicing at the hand, hoping the get the other to swat at her.
Alpha lunges at the giant's ankle, slamming all three heads into it with enough force to shatter a large crater out of it.

"I'm tired"

"Of your"


"Shit!" they growled, headbutting the giant's ankle each time.
Peaceswore said:
Nether smirked he had figured out the pattern of the orbs and was now using them to travel to the giant. When the hail of spears rained down he dodged them by jumping into a whirlpool. He was in immense pain as he rid, the blood cutting him and everything but hell this was the definition of fun to him. He used the momentum of the whirlpool and shot out by forcing himself to the top of it and letting physics do the rest. When he shot out he used the two spears he had gotten from the barrage and dug them into the giant neck, luckily he was in the opposite side of Layla and the giant had both of his hands occupied leave Nether in a rather safe position.. He then began to climb it. His vision getting blurry due to blood loss and his body getting waek. But instead of giving up he kept climbing and laughing. Soon he made it to the giants eye. When he reached it he tossed away the spears and jabbed his hands into it's eyes going elbow deep before taking them out and this time ramming his arm in it so it went to his shoulder. "Do you have brain? I hope so! After I goge out your eyes! I'm going to see! Hahaha!!"
CelticSol said:
Jackie notices it form the mace, looking around for a way out as she knows it's to kill her. She looks to an exposed portion of it's back, a lightbulb of an idea nearly visible above her head. Sliding down its back as the mace arcs into its swing, Jackie mutters "Here I go," before she takes a deep breath and dives deep into the giant. When the mace hits it's back, Jackie is jostled and thrown deeper into the beast, but she is mostly unharmed.
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Afrobrony said:
Layla was able to move out of the way just in time as the hand smacked into the neck. "Well now," she thought "I'm like a mosquito to this thing. Wait! That gives me an idea." She starts slicing at the hand, hoping the get the other to swat at her.
Daimao said:
Alpha lunges at the giant's ankle, slamming all three heads into it with enough force to shatter a large crater out of it.
"I'm tired"

"Of your"


"Shit!" they growled, headbutting the giant's ankle each time.
The giant was enraged. The inside of it seemed like coffee table sized hurricanes just floating around aimlessly. In fact the giant was only partially thick and the rest of it was hollow. When Jackie was knocked in she landed on top of one. They all seems to slowly revolve as if dormant. For now.

The giant smashes its other hand over its face. Accidentally knocking Nether into its face. It's fist also went through a portion of its face.

When the giant took its hand off its neck it was severely cracked. A finger also fell off from being attacked so vigorously.

The giants foot started to crack. The cracks spread up its leg as pieces started to break off.
"You F-ing dumbass!" Nether exclaimed happily as he went through the giants gouged out eye avoiding the punch. He began to claw at everything in his reach. It didn't take him long to find a chunks of harden blood, he used that to claw even more. Nether was running on pure adrenaline and insanity right now as he clawed and tore everything he touched. Breaking hardened blood with the harden blood he found. It didn't take him long to see lig-...well to see the outside. He had gone through the entire skull ripping it apart and now was amaking a hole in tha back of his head huge enough for Cerberus to casually walk through. When he glanced back at his work he laughed craizily. The inside of the giants head was a mess. If it had the same body as a human or any living thing he would be dead since over three quarters of the skull was destroyed (not including what the giant did to himself).
Light said:
The giant was enraged. The inside of it seemed like coffee table sized hurricanes just floating around aimlessly. In fact the giant was only partially thick and the rest of it was hollow. When Jackie was knocked in she landed on top of one. They all seems to slowly revolve as if dormant. For now.
The giant smashes its other hand over its face. Accidentally knocking Nether into its face. It's fist also went through a portion of its face.

When the giant took its hand off its neck it was severely cracked. A finger also fell off from being attacked so vigorously.

The giants foot started to crack. The cracks spread up its leg as pieces started to break off.
Jackie floats inside the hurricane, as she wasn't paying much attention, then is suddenly aware of where she is and that she could shred apart. She tucks herself in a fetal position to keep her limbs from the outside rim of the hurricane, but notices it's dormancy and that she isn't harmed. Looking curiously at the inside, she puts one hand on the side to push it forward, to see if it would move.
Light said:
The giant was enraged. The inside of it seemed like coffee table sized hurricanes just floating around aimlessly. In fact the giant was only partially thick and the rest of it was hollow. When Jackie was knocked in she landed on top of one. They all seems to slowly revolve as if dormant. For now.
The giant smashes its other hand over its face. Accidentally knocking Nether into its face. It's fist also went through a portion of its face.

When the giant took its hand off its neck it was severely cracked. A finger also fell off from being attacked so vigorously.

The giants foot started to crack. The cracks spread up its leg as pieces started to break off.
Layla looked around at the damage that was being done to this thing "wow, this is actually working, if we keep this up this thing'll be done for in no time. She jumped down, stabbing a spear into the giant's chest, slicing away to weaken it with the other. When she'd done enough she taunted the giant saying "hey! Over here you piece of shit! Look what I'm doing to you! Doesn't that make you angry like you want to hit me? Then do it!"
Peaceswore said:
"You F-ing dumbass!" Nether exclaimed happily as he went through the giants gouged out eye avoiding the punch. He began to claw at everything in his reach. It didn't take him long to find a chunks of harden blood, he used that to claw even more. Nether was running on pure adrenaline and insanity right now as he clawed and tore everything he touched. Breaking hardened blood with the harden blood he found. It didn't take him long to see lig-...well to see the outside. He had gone through the entire skull ripping it apart and now was amaking a hole in tha back of his head huge enough for Cerberus to casually walk through. When he glanced back at his work he laughed craizily. The inside of the giants head was a mess. If it had the same body as a human or any living thing he would be dead since over three quarters of the skull was destroyed (not including what the giant did to himself).
CelticSol said:
Jackie floats inside the hurricane, as she wasn't paying much attention, then is suddenly aware of where she is and that she could shred apart. She tucks herself in a fetal position to keep her limbs from the outside rim of the hurricane, but notices it's dormancy and that she isn't harmed. Looking curiously at the inside, she puts one hand on the side to push it forward, to see if it would move.
Afrobrony said:
Layla looked around at the damage that was being done to this thing "wow, this is actually working, if we keep this up this thing'll be done for in no time. She jumped down, stabbing a spear into the giant's chest, slicing away to weaken it with the other. When she'd done enough she taunted the giant saying "hey! Over here you piece of shit! Look what I'm doing to you! Doesn't that make you angry like you want to hit me? Then do it!"
The giant shakes its head as it bangs its fists on its chest. Trying to shake Nether out and crush Layla. It's chest was completely banged in.

When Jackie grips the blood mist hurricane it starts to revolve as fast as her grip demands. Since she's not gripping too hard its only revolving about 25 times per second. When she leans forward the hurricane moves forward swiftly and ends up running into another blood mist hurricane. Shredding it apart.
Light said:
The giant shakes its head as it bangs its fists on its chest. Trying to shake Nether out and crush Layla. It's chest was completely banged in.
When Jackie grips the blood mist hurricane it starts to revolve as fast as her grip demands. Since she's not gripping too hard its only revolving about 25 times per second. When she leans forward the hurricane moves forward swiftly and ends up running into another blood mist hurricane. Shredding it apart.
Jackie watches with wide eyes, then she grins wide, griping it as hard as she can and leaning forward with all her weight, causing her hurricane to crash into the other and completely destroy it. She glances to the side, seeing the giant's chest from the inside, and brings her hurricane to the skin and drives it into the flesh.
CelticSol said:
Jackie watches with wide eyes, then she grins wide, griping it as hard as she can and leaning forward with all her weight, causing her hurricane to crash into the other and completely destroy it. She glances to the side, seeing the giant's chest from the inside, and brings her hurricane to the skin and drives it into the flesh.
At its maximum revolution it rotates 67 times per two seconds. It easily sliced through the giants chest. Jackie goes through and ends up on the outside of the giant.
"Hahahaha!!! Weeeeeeeeeeeeee!" Nether exclaimed as he held on. Huge chunks of loose harden blood was flying everywhere making everything worse for the giant. Nether ran over to the righ and started smashing that area till he could see outside. "Hahahaha! Now you have two holes in your head!! Let me connect them!!" He exclaimed as he took the largest chuck of harden blood and placed it in the hole he just made. Then using the moment of the giant shaking his head and his andrenilten (manily his inasnity) he forced the harden blood to tear a huge line conceting one hole to another. When the harden blood he was using broke he just grabbed another. It didn't take long for the two holes to connect. "Now for the finishing touch!" He ran over to the front and yelled. "HEY YOU F-ING DUMB*SS SHORTY!!! HOW COME YOU CANT PUNCH A BUG LIKE ME!!!" He shouted at the top of his lungs. His plan was to have the giant punch himself one more time effectively destroying the head since it was so unstable. Honestly if the giant moved his head anymore the top half (nose and up) of his head would fly off. "YOU CAN"T EVEN SHAKE ME OUT!!! PATHTIC!!!!!"
Light said:
At its maximum revolution it rotates 67 times per two seconds. It easily sliced through the giants chest. Jackie goes through and ends up on the outside of the giant.
Jackie takes a deep breath of fresh air, spitting out the blood from the inside. She eyes the hole in the giant, then looks up at Layla and yells as loud as she can so Layla can hear her. "Get out of the way!"

Peaceswore said:
"Hahahaha!!! Weeeeeeeeeeeeee!" Nether exclaimed as he held on. Huge chunks of loose harden blood was flying everywhere making everything worse for the giant. Nether ran over to the righ and started smashing that area till he could see outside. "Hahahaha! Now you have two holes in your head!! Let me connect them!!" He exclaimed as he took the largest chuck of harden blood and placed it in the hole he just made. Then using the moment of the giant shaking his head and his andrenilten (manily his inasnity) he forced the harden blood to tear a huge line conceting one hole to another. When the harden blood he was using broke he just grabbed another. It didn't take long for the two holes to connect. "Now for the finishing touch!" He ran over to the front and yelled. "HEY YOU F-ING DUMB*SS SHORTY!!! HOW COME YOU CANT PUNCH A BUG LIKE ME!!!" He shouted at the top of his lungs. His plan was to have the giant punch himself one more time effectively destroying the head since it was so unstable. Honestly if the giant moved his head anymore the top half (nose and up) of his head would fly off. "YOU CAN"T EVEN SHAKE ME OUT!!! PATHTIC!!!!!"
CelticSol said:
Jackie takes a deep breath of fresh air, spitting out the blood from the inside. She eyes the hole in the giant, then looks up at Layla and yells as loud as she can so Layla can hear her. "Get out of the way!"
The giant punches its head. Completely taking it off. As long as it's body was still intact it won't go down.
Nether ducked just in time and watched the head fly off. "Hahahaha! Home run!!" He exclaimed before getting dizzy and falling to his knee. "Damn it...you figure in a forest full of blood you wouldn't die of blood loss." He muttered as he struggled to get up. "How will this work? If the head wasn't enough...then I guess the entire body needs to be taken out." He muttered as he got to his knees. "But how? No powers...no weapons...I guess I'll do what I the best at Hahaha and that's being annoying! Oh! AND devilishly smart!" He got up and did his best to keep hit balance. He gathered as many of the harden blood pieces as he could and used basic engineering to stabilize them so they wouldn't move. He was able to create a giant nail like thing that was at least six feet tall (don't ask how, but he is really good at timing, physics and engineering). He climbed to the top of the nail like blood and took a deep breath. "Let's face it you're invincible so I can't beat you!! Just go ahead and kill me I give up!" He exclaimed at the giant. He planned for the giant to hit the nail on the head, with the force of the blow making it split him right in half or at the very least split most of him in half.
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@Light @CelticSol

After dodging the fists Layla looked over at Jackie "to quote you, 'no fucking shit'." She then dropped down to the hip of the giant, pounding away at it. "Let's see how you stay standing without your hip!"
Peaceswore said:
Nether ducked just in time and watched the head fly off. "Hahahaha! Home run!!" He exclaimed before getting dizzy and falling to his knee. "Damn it...you figure in a forest full of blood you wouldn't die of blood loss." He muttered as he struggled to get up. "How will this work? If the head wasn't enough...then I guess the entire body needs to be taken out." He muttered as he got to his knees. "But how? No powers...no weapons...I guess I'll do what I the best at Hahaha and that's being annoying! Oh! AND devilishly smart!" He got up and did his best to keep hit balance. He gathered as many of the harden blood pieces as he could and used basic engineering to stabilize them so they wouldn't move. He was able to create a giant nail like thing that was at least six feet tall (don't ask how, but he is really good at timing, physics and engineering). He climbed to the top of the nail like blood and took a deep breath. "Let's face it you're invincible so I can't beat you!! Just go ahead and kill me I give up!" He exclaimed at the giant. He planned for the giant to hit the nail on the head, with the force of the blow making it split him right in half or at the very least split most of him in half.
Afrobrony said:
@Light @CelticSol
After dodging the fists Layla looked over at Jackie "to quote you, 'no fucking shit'." She then dropped down to the hip of the giant, pounding away at it. "Let's see how you stay standing without your hip!"
The giant brings its hand down on its head. Jabbing the nail in but its only 6 feet long compared to its 80 feet body length. Cracks spread down its body and a chopped pieces falls down in Layla's direction.
Zakbaen watched from a distance. It was fun, given that Zakyar for once wasn't getting involved in mortal affairs just yet. Speaking of which, he had walked away from that little contest he wasn't intentionally having.
Light said:
The giant brings its hand down on its head. Jabbing the nail in but its only 6 feet long compared to its 80 feet body length. Cracks spread down its body and a chopped pieces falls down in Layla's direction.
Layla looked up to see the debris falling down, she then jumped up, stabbing her two spears into the biggest piece. As she came back down she swung her makeshift warhammer, both blowing a hole through the giant's hip and shattering the makeshift weapon. Layla let herself fall back down to the ground with the rest of the debris.
Nether moved just in time to avoid the punch which hammered in the nail like blood. "You hit the nail in the head, good job jackass." He muttered as he stumbled to a of chunk of harden blood that was still attached to keep himself from falling off and using it as cover from the anything that may come his way. "How in the hell are we suppose to beat this thing? If it's head is gone and it's still moving around...damn is this thing really invincible? I'm really starting to get ticked with the no powers rule." He mumbled as he sat down still using the harden blood for support. "This must mean the entire body needs to be destroyed...fun." He said with a grin as he tried to think of a way to do that. Sure he successfully took off a giants head by himself (and with the help of the giant), but the rest of the body...that's not going to be easy though now there were a ton of cracks in it. However being as exhausted as he is right now wouldn't make things any easier.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "Let's see how stupid you really are." He said with a crazed smirk. When his eyes opened they were filled with nothing but insanity (there was some sanity in them though it was barely visible and he chose to ignore it). He stood up and began to run around the giants head making another nail like thing placing all the harden blood he could get into the hole he made. "Hahahaha! This is fun! I love candy! This blood looks like cherry candy! I want to eat it but I'll get sick right!! Hahahaha!" He laughed and said random things as he built the nail. Using all the harden blood the nail reached up to be a good twenty feet (That's what was sticking out, the nail was actually a full 28 feet) ((Got to love insanity!)).

"Hahahahahaa!! Gainty Giant! You can't hit me! You are weak like the week! No actually the week is better than the weak! Hahaha! Come and hit me if you can get me! If you don't I'll eat you like the cherry candy I know you actually are! Hahahahahaha!!!" He shouted at the top of his lungs not giving a damn if it didn't make sense (it made complete sense in his mind). "One last dance gianty giant!! Come on!! I can do anything but the lap dance and the waltz!! Hahahaha! Try and get me if you can hit me!!"
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Afrobrony said:
@Light @CelticSol
After dodging the fists Layla looked over at Jackie "to quote you, 'no fucking shit'." She then dropped down to the hip of the giant, pounding away at it. "Let's see how you stay standing without your hip!"
Jackie rolls her eyes, then brings the hurricane down and shreds through the giant's knees like a drill, whooping in delight.

(@Light )
Afrobrony said:
Layla looked up to see the debris falling down, she then jumped up, stabbing her two spears into the biggest piece. As she came back down she swung her makeshift warhammer, both blowing a hole through the giant's hip and shattering the makeshift weapon. Layla let herself fall back down to the ground with the rest of the debris.
Peaceswore said:
Nether moved just in time to avoid the punch which hammered in the nail like blood. "You hit the nail in the head, good job jackass." He muttered as he stumbled to a of chunk of harden blood that was still attached to keep himself from falling off and using it as cover from the anything that may come his way. "How in the hell are we suppose to beat this thing? If it's head is gone and it's still moving around...damn is this thing really invincible? I'm really starting to get ticked with the no powers rule." He mumbled as he sat down still using the harden blood for support. "This must mean the entire body needs to be destroyed...fun." He said with a grin as he tried to think of a way to do that. Sure he successfully took off a giants head by himself (and with the help of the giant), but the rest of the body...that's not going to be easy though now there were a ton of cracks in it. However being as exhausted as he is right now wouldn't make things any easier.
He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "Let's see how stupid you really are." He said with a crazed smirk. When his eyes opened they were filled with nothing but insanity (there was some sanity in them though it was barely visible and he chose to ignore it). He stood up and began to run around the giants head making another nail like thing placing all the harden blood he could get into the hole he made. "Hahahaha! This is fun! I love candy! This blood looks like cherry candy! I want to eat it but I'll get sick right!! Hahahaha!" He laughed and said random things as he built the nail. Using all the harden blood the nail reached up to be a good twenty feet (That's what was sticking out, the nail was actually a full 28 feet) ((Got to love insanity!)).

"Hahahahahaa!! Gainty Giant! You can't hit me! You are weak like the week! No actually the week is better than the weak! Hahaha! Come and hit me if you can get me! If you don't I'll eat you like the cherry candy I know you actually are! Hahahahahaha!!!" He shouted at the top of his lungs not giving a damn if it didn't make sense (it made complete sense in his mind). "One last dance gianty giant!! Come on!! I can do anything but the lap dance and the waltz!! Hahahaha! Try and get me if you can hit me!!"
CelticSol said:
Jackie rolls her eyes, then brings the hurricane down and shreds through the giant's knees like a drill, whooping in delight.
(@Light )
The giants ankle and knees shatter. It also smashes its head making the nail jab in. The giant shatters from them all attacking it.
Light said:
The giants ankle and knees shatter. It also smashes its head making the nail jab in. The giant shatters from them all attacking it.
"Timber!" Jackie cries victoriously, then brings the hurricane down a bit when it shatters completely. She flies over to Alpha while staying inside it, smirking, "Well, that was interesting."

(@Daimao )
Light said:
The giants ankle and knees shatter. It also smashes its head making the nail jab in. The giant shatters from them all attacking it.
As the giant falls, Layla runs a safe distance away from it. She turns to watch as it shatters "now that's what I call a victory! Go team!"
CelticSol said:
"Timber!" Jackie cries victoriously, then brings the hurricane down a bit when it shatters completely. She flies over to Alpha while staying inside it, smirking, "Well, that was interesting."
The blood mist hurricane starts to unravel and form into a red chain necklace. With a blood crystal at the end as if It were a ruby.
"Hahahahahahahaha!!!! I was F-Ing awesome!!". Nether exclaimed as he laid on the ground incapable of moving. "Hey can I use my powers now? Or should I take an amazing nap?" He asked in hopes of an answer.
CelticSol said:
"Timber!" Jackie cries victoriously, then brings the hurricane down a bit when it shatters completely. She flies over to Alpha while staying inside it, smirking, "Well, that was interesting."
(@Daimao )
"Indeed it was," replied Alpha.

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