
"Nice! I guess until then....I shall sleep! After all I think I lost enough blood and sanity for three people!" He said happily as he made his way to the guild. Before he entered he turned around and waved at the blood entity. "Thanks for the fun time! We should do that again." He said with a broad grin.
Lana exits the sick bay and runs over to Layla, the two give each other big hugs and Layla explains that the two are able to get rank ups since she got the double. What that meant, neither of the siblings knew, though Bruce was kind of frustrated that he didn't pass the test. The three went and got their weapons back, putting them in their places again.
Eva walked through Excidium with a little more swag in her hips than normal, she had completed the test much earlier than her guild mates and had even had time to shower and get the blood off of her. Currently she was heading to the bar a typical past time for her she would normally go to find some lucky fool to lay with that night now....well she'd see what happened.
Nether went into the guild, but he didn't feel dizzy anymore since he had regained some blood and was currently healing thanks to the electric particles in the air. "I want food." He muttered as he walked over to the bar, completely forgetting he was dressed head to toe in blood. He jumped behind the bar and began to make his own food though he was nice enough to leave them some money he had in his pockets...though they were also soaked in blood, but whatever. He looked over to his right and saw some girl over there, but just shrugged as he went back on feed his stomach.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira
Eva looked at Nether since he was behind the bar, "hey kid you mind getting me some whiskey?" She watched as he ate...whatever the hell it was, she wasn't paying much attention she was in a good mods and only really wanted a drink.
Nether looked up from his marshmallow peanut butter and pickle sandwich and shrugged as he got out a bottle of whiskey and tossed it to her. He then went other the table and got seven different types of beer and poured them all into one bucket (of course he made sure the bucket was clean). he smiled at his amazing (stupid) idea as he created a straw and placed it in the bucket. "I have never drank before." He said simply as he ate his sandwich and drank from the bucket. @Kai&\#039;zen Makaira
Charles watched the test from afar up until that point. It was an interesting sight. He simply walked down to the guild hall and saw Eva and Nether there. ''Hmm you look pretty relaxed, considering the past event'' he said , looking at Eva.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira
The storms subside and in a few minutes time. Mist appears in the guild.

"Well right now I should be handing out ability boosts but we have a problem! I need as many members as possible to join me in this. There are two uprising powers that we need to investigate. There's one in a far town to the West Barstow. A couple of unknown magic sources crash landed from the sky near the town. It has high spikes of mana and whatever it is seems to be laying dormant. Another one is an old temple near the Dragons Roar guild in the forest. It's has an ancient but powerful aura trying to revive itself. We need to get our hands on these powers. If your interested meet me on the third floor for meeting!" With that Mist turned and walked off towards the third floor.


@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira @Maxwelle @Daimao @Elitepikachuu )
Eva's ears perked up when Mist started to give commands blatantly ignoring Nether but half- listening to Charles she hopped off the barstool with the bottle of whiskey in one hand and Charles' belt buckle in the other dragging him to the meeting room on the third floor.
[QUOTE="Kai'zen Makaira]Eva's ears perked up when Mist started to give commands blatantly ignoring Nether but half- listening to Charles she hopped off the barstool with the bottle of whiskey in one hand and Charles' belt buckle in the other dragging him to the meeting room on the third floor.

Mist waits patiently for members to arrive in the room.
Nether smirked at this. 'Its one fun thing after another.'. He finished his sandwich and shadow stepped to his room and quickly changed and equipped his weapons. Before he left he drank an energy potion to gain back all his stamina. He then shadow stepped to the meeting room. He leaned against a wall and waited patiently as he continued to heal a few wounds.

Upon hearing the announcement, the three siblings rush off to the third floor meeting room, eager to get to work. The sisters were planning on heading to the crash landed power sources while Bruce would head off to the temple. That was the plan so far.
Eva dragged Charles into the meeting room drinking from the whiskey bottle, she removed her hand from Charles' belt buckle only to hold her cigarette. "This sounds promising."
Peaceswore said:
Nether smirked at this. 'Its one fun thing after another.'. He finished his sandwich and shadow stepped to his room and quickly changed and equipped his weapons. Before he left he drank an energy potion to gain back all his stamina. He then shadow stepped to the meeting room. He leaned against a wall and waited patiently as he continued to heal a few wounds.
Upon hearing the announcement, the three siblings rush off to the third floor meeting room, eager to get to work. The sisters were planning on heading to the crash landed power sources while Bruce would head off to the temple. That was the plan so far.
Mist thinks for a moment. "I don't even have to discuss it really. All of you pack up your things and get ready to leave once I split you into groups. Eva, Charles, and Bruce. I want you three to head to the temple. Don't mess up also since Eva is the only one out of you three whom has ranked up. Eva's in charge of the operation."

Mist looks over to the others. "Layla, Lana, and Nether I want you to head off to the far away town and ask the locals about the crash landing and the weird spikes of mana. Then after you've gotten a good amount of information I want you to then approach the area. With caution. Nether seems to have gotten a double rank up so he's in charge. Pack up and wait for my order to leave... There may be more guild members wanting to go. Meaning command of either operation may change."
"Hahaha! I'm in charge! Hahaha! Lets have some bloody fun!". He said happily as he cracked his knuckles. "I'm going to get a few things meet me at the front of the guild. " he said to Layal and Lana. Even though he seemed extremely childish and irresponsible he could be the exact opposite when need be. He gave them a small wave before he once again shadow stepped to his room.
@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira

Bruce walked up to Eva and Charles "I guess it's us together, then. You already heard but I'm Bruce, second greatest martial artist in existence. Nice to meet you two." He held out both his hands to them.
Peaceswore said:
"Hahaha! I'm in charge! Hahaha! Lets have some bloody fun!". He said happily as he cracked his knuckles. "I'm going to get a few things meet me at the front of the guild. " he said to Layal and Lana. Even though he seemed extremely childish and irresponsible he could be the exact opposite when need be. He gave them a small wave before he once again shadow stepped to his room.
Mist sighed and held the bridge of his nose. "I told you all to wait downstairs. I guess he didn't listen. Someone make sure he doesn't leave."
Nether grabbed a few potions his sword and food stuffing them all into his bag. He let out a small yawn before walking downstairs. 'Wonder what's in store for us...'. He made sure his lighter was in his pocket as he calmly waited for the others.
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The sisters headed downstairs as well to wait with Nether. As they walked up Layla said "now look, we know you're the leader and all but we wanted to make the suggestion," Lana finished off with "that we should take the bus that's out there. It's ours, and fun." Again they switched out who was talking "that's why it's called the party bus."
Afrobrony said:
The sisters headed downstairs as well to wait with Nether. As they walked up Layla said "now look, we know you're the leader and all but we wanted to make the suggestion," Lana finished off with "that we should take the bus that's out there. It's ours, and fun." Again they switched out who was talking "that's why it's called the party bus."
Looked at them with a dark serious expression. "I'm the leader so I decided how we get there. We were going to just shadow step.". He then chuckled a bit before grinning. "But that would be extremely boring! So we are going by bus!". He said not able to contain his excitement. "We have to wait for something before we go right?"
Peaceswore said:
Looked at them with a dark serious expression. "I'm the leader so I decided how we get there. We were going to just shadow step.". He then chuckled a bit before grinning. "But that would be extremely boring! So we are going by bus!". He said not able to contain his excitement. "We have to wait for something before we go right?"
Layla and Lana had started giggling when Nether was all serious then when he broke out in excitement they shared the feeling yelling out "yay!" They then both said, at the same time"possibly other guild members! That's why we need the bus!"
Eva took Bruce's hand and shook it retracting her hand quickly, "Yeah whatever, we need to get to this village yeah?... I've been there before so getting there should be no problem. Let's head down to the lobby and wit for whatever Most has in store for us." Eva headed downstairs walking with the usual sway of her hips she took a drag on her cigarette as she went.
Light said:
The storms subside and in a few minutes time. Mist appears in the guild.
"Well right now I should be handing out ability boosts but we have a problem! I need as many members as possible to join me in this. There are two uprising powers that we need to investigate. There's one in a far town to the West Barstow. A couple of unknown magic sources crash landed from the sky near the town. It has high spikes of mana and whatever it is seems to be laying dormant. Another one is an old temple near the Dragons Roar guild in the forest. It's has an ancient but powerful aura trying to revive itself. We need to get our hands on these powers. If your interested meet me on the third floor for meeting!" With that Mist turned and walked off towards the third floor.


@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira @Maxwelle @Daimao @Elitepikachuu )
Light said:
The storms subside and in a few minutes time. Mist appears in the guild.
Cyran hears this and heads to the third floor. "Magics huh? Maybe I can get some more power before I see this archdemon..."

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