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Fantasy Excelius:Academy of the Arcane Arts (Completed)

Veyd Sahvoz

Master of Resonant Souls
A medeival mages academy with supernatural, mythical, and magical beings wizards, mages etc.

Excelius: Academy of the Arcane Arts. Literally the largest mages academy ever built. 10 years have passed since Draconus founded and made Excelius, things were peaceful and they tended not to be to bothered by the other kingdoms. Things were quite well, there was a huge forest around the academy that mostly kept away people who wished to harm the academy but only with magic can you find the way. The academy so far has been a peacful place and students must be up to the tasks given to them because not only is this a place devoted to the study and practice of magic, but students will be given tasks for them and them alone to handle. But one of the greatest threats to the school and the 9 kingdoms lies in the deep parts of Excelius itself that only Draconus and the top professors know of. The question is if they can stop it. . . . .

Welcome to Excelius: Academy of the Arcane Arts!


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Naoko Shimakage Naoko walked up to the main entrance of the academy he looked back in the direction of his home. "I finally made it master. I swear to do my best to make you proud." Walking forward he took his first steps into the famous academy known as Excelius. Looking around he had a sense of amazement, though it didn't show on his face. He had come for only one thing and that was knowledge of healing magic to show his master and become his own form of battlemage. He had always looked forward to starting his own legacy from the ground up. "The name Shimakage will be known one day, and when that days comes, I will revere my master's legacy, knowing it was what allowed me to succeed."

Kimie Ayugai "Ugh... why'd this damn school have to be in the middle of a forest! I don't even know where I'm at!" Getting furious she jumped up into the trees and peeked over the canopy of the forest. "Ahh no! Where'd the school go! I saw it earlier! Why can't this place be easier to find..." Sighing Kimie slouched before dropping back to the ground. "The hell am I gonna do now... oh wait. Duh, dragon time!" using her morph magic she became a dragon and began flying in the air. Now where is this Excelius, the sooner I get there the better!
Draconus was sitting up in his quarters, looking out of the window at his great academy. Finally. A place where those who want to learn may come. At last I've foun- He was cut off by Adlin barging into his quarters "Draconus! What are you doing sitting around while I do all the work?" she asked, a hint of faint chuckle in her voice. She walked into the large room and immediately went over to his desk to pour herself a glass of wine.

"I'm sorry, the bright sun light caught my eye" he laughed, even though it was dark and cloudy outside as if a storm were to start. Adlin looked at him with an eyebrow raised "You are certainly generous aren't you?" she asked, not really expecting an answer from him. Draconus continued looking out the window. It was quite relaxing actually, the clouds turning dark, the forest that went on for what seemed like forever. All of which was apart of his plan of building this academy. "I'll be down in a moment" he stated and turned to look back out the window and up at the long stretching sky. Adlin walked through the door, taking one glance at Draconus before leaving.
As Prof. Sheltaea finished feeding the ravens he kept in his quarters he turned to look out the window, the red pinpoints of light that were his eyes looked through the glass eye covering of his mask. The darkened sky proved a gloomy contrast to the brightening sight of students both coming through the entrance. Pulling his dark cloak closer around himself he wondered how things would go this year. The loud and repeated cawing of one of the ravens drew his attention from the outside back to the inside. "Now now Batharlemew, I'll let all of you back out when I return and the students are more settled in." he said, his gloved hand running down the side of the raven's cage. He grabs his walking cane as he steps away from his desk and out of his office to head outside. He had been deciding on whether or not to check on a few things he would be using for class, and decided before class officially began would be the time.
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Senki Tazuya

Senki frantically and tiredly flew above the forest, her wings were slightly torn and there was cuts and bruises all over her body. It was evident she was attacked by something but at what point in time was what was hard to discern. Nonetheless she flew onwards. "Just gotta..make it to a village.." She wheezed to herself, vision growing hazy, her wings gradually slowing down. She struggled to stay concious but felt it hard to do with each passing moment. She blacked out just as she passed over a roof of a building, dropping like a rock towards it, through the roof, and into a room unconcious.

@Veyd Sahvoz
Mitchs98 said:
Senki Tazuya
Senki frantically and tiredly flew above the forest, her wings were slightly torn and there was cuts and bruises all over her body. It was evident she was attacked by something but at what point in time was what was hard to discern. Nonetheless she flew onwards. "Just gotta..make it to a village.." She wheezed to herself, vision growing hazy, her wings gradually slowing down. She struggled to stay concious but felt it hard to do with each passing moment. She blacked out just as she passed over a roof of a building, dropping like a rock towards it, through the roof, and into a room unconcious.

@Veyd Sahvoz
Draconus raised an eye brow at the person who just crashed into his office. "Can I help you?" he asked, kneeling beside him and allowing a dark blue light illuminate his hand as he checked for any injuries.
[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]Draconus raised an eye brow at the person who just crashed into his office. "Can I help you?" he asked, kneeling beside him and allowing a dark blue light illuminate his hand as he checked for any injuries.

(Mfw asking bloody unconcious chick how he can help)

Senki Tazuya

Senki groaned and coughed, coughing up blood as she did so, when she faintly heard Draconus' voice. She looked up at him weakly, she was un-able to see him clearly, her vision was hazy from falling several hundred feet and crashing into a roof on top of her prior injuries. Probably a concussion, or near death. A toss up at this point, maybe even both. Her breathing was strained and shallow, she struggled to speak "
Vil..age dest..royed.. Need.. help.." She managed to squeak out. She tried to remember the name of the villlage but couldn't, she only knew it was in trouble and she was trying to find help.
Seeing other students flying through the air made Gol'diir excited. "So, it looks like I'm not the only one with flying powers," thought Gold. Suddenly, he saw a student crash into an office on the building. "What in Oblivion!" exclaimed Gold, diving for her, only to see that she was being taken care of by a man. He broke out of the dive just before hitting the window, when his power ran out, and he started falling. He shouted "Sii Griid Nau," became Ko'Do'Kar, and clawd his way into the wall, slowing down just enough so that the ground didn't kill him. "Damn it, Gold!" scolded KDK, checking his claws. "Ko'Do'Kar TOLD you to keep tabs on your power!"

"Well, sorry!" Gold shot back. "Not like there's a way to SEE my power, and I don't keep time well, especially when I'm having fun. Besides, it looks like you landed us right next to the door."

KDK shot him a few choice words, and then went to the door.
Naoko Shimakage Looking up he noticed the crash. "Hmm..." Leaping up he began scaling the wall until he reached the window seeing the girl and man, whom he assumed was Draconus. Looking down at the girl he summoned an astral katana and unsheathed it holding it before him. "Awaiting orders Draconus sir!" He realized something had happened so he might as well make himself useful. "I am Naoko Shimakage, is there anything that requires my assistance?"
@Veyd Sahvoz @Mitchs98



Akane skipped up to the front of the school. "Woohoo!!" she exclaimed, jumping up as she pumped the air. She'd been left - dumped - at this academy by her necromancer group, and enrolled as well. So... well, here she goes! The fifteen year old Zombie was excited to see all the students. How fun! She walked inside the huge entrance. People were already gathering, talking. She jumped around. As she walked in, observing the surroundings with wide eyed interest, she stroked the stitches on her right arm, something she had a habit of doing. "Doop-doop-doop... Today is a wonderful day!" she giggled, almost... violently.

One, two, three...

The lich counted one by one the supplies he would be using for the class. Masks, protective coats. Upon reflection, the gear for his students looked quite similar to what he currently wore. No point in messing with perfection. Unless there was a way to make it more so, that is. When he had nearly finished he heard a loud crashing noise off in the distance. A small sigh escape his leathered lips. "By the dead's clavicles..." he mutters to himself, grabbing the outfits as he went the storage room out into where the majority the people were coming in.As he gazed around near the entrance he saw some people fly in towards where the headmaster's quarters were. "Of course.." he says as the realization of what likely happened set in. He wouldn't worry unless Draconis called on him to assist, because that would mean someone had been injured. Besides, his hands were full with all these long coats and plague masks. "Now,where did I leave the herbs and spices at?" Still so many things to acquire in what felt like little time...He would have to find a bit of help to get all this on the way.
Mitchs98 said:
(Mfw asking bloody unconcious chick how he can help)
Senki Tazuya

Senki groaned and coughed, coughing up blood as she did so, when she faintly heard Draconus' voice. She looked up at him weakly, she was un-able to see him clearly, her vision was hazy from falling several hundred feet and crashing into a roof on top of her prior injuries. Probably a concussion, or near death. A toss up at this point, maybe even both. Her breathing was strained and shallow, she struggled to speak "
Vil..age dest..royed.. Need.. help.." She managed to squeak out. She tried to remember the name of the villlage but couldn't, she only knew it was in trouble and she was trying to find help.
Kihara017 said:
Naoko Shimakage Looking up he noticed the crash. "Hmm..." Leaping up he began scaling the wall until he reached the window seeing the girl and man, whom he assumed was Draconus. Looking down at the girl he summoned an astral katana and unsheathed it holding it before him. "Awaiting orders Draconus sir!" He realized something had happened so he might as well make himself useful. "I am Naoko Shimakage, is there anything that requires my assistance?"
@Veyd Sahvoz @Mitchs98
(One person crashes through my rood which is 31 floors up an ENORMOUS academy and you all start coming in xD )

Draconus widenes his eyes at all the sudden people in his office and looked up at the new person "First off, quit saying sir Draconus or Professor is fine, and second off why are you in my office?" he asked while beginning to heal this girl who'd just crashed through his roof.
Ame glided along the breeze which carried her East to the academy. She brought with her nothing but a smile and enthusiasm, doing simple tricks in the air as she went. Not really paying attention, she overshot the academy at first, then quickly rectified her mistake by shifting the trade winds. Now focused, she was almost a wisp as she carried on to the roof, noticing a hole almost just her size. She didn't really question it, just used it to almost float down to the office, just avoiding landing on someone. That wouldn't be a great first impression. She was a bit flustered that she had just landed in a room with so many unfamiliar faces, so she abruptly left the room, hoping she didn't cause a scene.



Akane watched with wide, amused eyes as a girl floated into a window. "That's new!" she exclaimed, grinning. "I wanna go there too!" She laughed, a little maniacally, then tapped her chin and placed a hand on her hip. "But how?" The window the strange floaty girl had flew into was a higher level. There were some windows with window sills. For a normal person, this would be very risky. "How fun!" she said, as she started to sprint over to the window sills. She jumped onto each one. Nearly there, she slipped and hung onto the window sill with a hand. "Oopsie! Hahaha," she giggled as she pulled herself back up.

Eventually at the place with a hole in it, she jumped through the hole. "Yahoo!" she exclaimed. "I've never done that before!" Akane noticed several people, mostly students, as well as a girl lying on the floor.
Ooh, ouchies!
Kihara017 said:
Naoko Shimakage Looking up he noticed the crash. "Hmm..." Leaping up he began scaling the wall until he reached the window seeing the girl and man, whom he assumed was Draconus. Looking down at the girl he summoned an astral katana and unsheathed it holding it before him. "Awaiting orders Draconus sir!" He realized something had happened so he might as well make himself useful. "I am Naoko Shimakage, is there anything that requires my assistance?"
@Veyd Sahvoz @Mitchs98
[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz](One person crashes through my rood which is 31 floors up an ENORMOUS academy and you all start coming in xD )
Draconus widenes his eyes at all the sudden people in his office and looked up at the new person "First off, quit saying sir Draconus or Professor is fine, and second off why are you in my office?" he asked while beginning to heal this girl who'd just crashed through his roof.

kurol said:



Akane watched with wide, amused eyes as a girl floated into a window. "That's new!" she exclaimed, grinning. "I wanna go there too!" She laughed, a little maniacally, then tapped her chin and placed a hand on her hip. "But how?" The window the strange floaty girl had flew into was a higher level. There were some windows with window sills. For a normal person, this would be very risky. "How fun!" she said, as she started to sprint over to the window sills. She jumped onto each one. Nearly there, she slipped and hung onto the window sill with a hand. "Oopsie! Hahaha," she giggled as she pulled herself back up.

Eventually at the place with a hole in it, she jumped through the hole. "Yahoo!" she exclaimed. "I've never done that before!" Akane noticed several people, mostly students, as well as a girl lying on the floor.
Ooh, ouchies!
Senki Tazuya

Senki coughed and winced as she felt her wounds healing, she still couldn't see all that well but she at-least knew she wasn't dying and hadn't crashed into anywhere hostile. Though she did notice someone above her brandish a sword, seemingly at her being there. After that several more peole entered, did crazy shit before leaving, left normally, or stayed behind. Senki was heavily confused, but didn't bother questioning it. "Thank..you.." She told the man healing her weakly. Glancing up at the man with the sword she draped one of her ragged wings over her body instinctively, even damaged they could most likely fend off a sword attack.
Mitchs98 said:
Senki Tazuya
Senki coughed and winced as she felt her wounds healing, she still couldn't see all that well but she at-least knew she wasn't dying and hadn't crashed into anywhere hostile. Though she did notice someone above her brandish a sword, seemingly at her being there. After that several more peole entered, did crazy shit before leaving, left normally, or stayed behind. Senki was heavily confused, but didn't bother questioning it. "Thank..you.." She told the man healing her weakly. Glancing up at the man with the sword she draped one of her ragged wings over her body instinctively, even damaged they could most likely fend off a sword attack.
After Draconus had used divine magic to heal her he got up and looked around at all the people in his office. Extending his arm, a crow flew to it and Draconus whispered something to it before it flew off. After talking to the little crow he chuckled "Times up, you all are expected on the main floor" he stated and snapped his fingers. In a few seconds all of the people in his office seemed to tilt to the side and disappeared only to reappear in front of Prof. Addor on the main floor.

@Mitchs98 @kurol @Kihara017 @Anyonr else xD
When Ame regained her composure, she tried to figure out where she needed to go, remembering she had to go see Draconus. Then, she realized she literally just left the room she was meant to be in. She went back, but as soon as she appeared in the doorway, she was rather confused by the lack of people compared to the room just a few moments ago. Puzzled, she wasn't quite sure what to make of the situation, going over a few rather far-fetched scenarios in her head, which consisted of topics from rapture to mass invisibility to being dragged into the depths of hell suddenly.

(@Veyd Sahvoz is Draconus still in this room? I left it ambiguous because I don't know lol)
Kazehana said:
When Ame regained her composure, she tried to figure out where she needed to go, remembering she had to go see Draconus. Then, she realized she literally just left the room she was meant to be in. She went back, but as soon as she appeared in the doorway, she was rather confused by the lack of people compared to the room just a few moments ago. Puzzled, she wasn't quite sure what to make of the situation, going over a few rather far-fetched scenarios in her head, which consisted of topics from rapture to mass invisibility to being dragged into the depths of hell suddenly.
(@Veyd Sahvoz is Draconus still in this room? I left it ambiguous because I don't know lol)
"Come in miss..." he stopped, not knowing the persons name but also thinkong in his head about how he was to introduce all these new students. Raising up his staff, that appeared in his hand, to the roof he fixed it almost instantly with a bright flash and spark of lightning.

@kurol @Kihara017 @CoreyXIX @ anyone else

Senki Tazuya

Senki was mildly confused by what he meant, although she was healed fully, even her wings were. Despite this her everything still hurt and she was surprised he didn't have more questions for her, seeing as she literally fell into his office. As she tried to stand she was suddenly teleported into the main floor in front of someone with a plague mask. Deciding not to question it she shook her head and stood shakily, leaning against a wall for support. The blood loss was still there, as was the pain, but she wasn't dying so she figured she would be alright. "
Where am I?" She asked, looking around at the people. "Better yet...who am I?" She added, shocked and confused, all she knew her village was in trouble and she had to find help. The problem was..she couldn't remember where that was either.

(Yay amnesia)
(thinkong? Like, a thong with ink in it? xD literally though th(ink)ong? I'm overthinking this...)

Ame shuddered at the lightning, but not because she was afraid of it or anything. She was accustomed to lightning, just not indoors... She shook herself back to the situation at hand. "Uhm, m-my name is Ame. Pleased to meet you," she bowed over-dramatically, but it was a bit shaky from her case of nervousness. Her cheeks were flushed, and her speech was shaky at best because the man was so intimidating. She pushed her greeting out solely because it was absolutely necessary.
As Prof. Shaltaea went into the main building he felt that old feeling of spirits afoot. Of course, there was also many other students now in the building. Really, how did this mass exodus happen within the five minutes he was gone. He noticed that one of them seemed a bit worse for the wear, leaning on the wall.Her questions gave him plenty of questions in return. "You're in Excelius Academy, young girl." he replies, trying to mask some of his own confusion. "Are you all right?" She sure didnt seem it.

Zadaine, after two hours on horse back, was stiff from the journey.

"I'll never be a cowboy!" He shouted, readjusting his junk. A bit bow legged he entered the Academy. The students seemed to be whispering. 'Great rumors are already a thing here.' He thought as he listened in. Something or someone had fallen from the sky, and several students left to go check it out. But none had come back. Already this place was worse than his mother had convinced him of it.

Taking a look at the stairs he sighed.

"Of course they wouldn't have 'normal' stairways." Zadaine cursed them, map memorizing was NOT one of his specialties.
CoreyXIX said:
As Prof. Shaltaea went into the main building he felt that old feeling of spirits afoot. Of course, there was also many other students now in the building. Really, how did this mass exodus happen within the five minutes he was gone. He noticed that one of them seemed a bit worse for the wear, leaning on the wall.Her questions gave him plenty of questions in return. "You're in Excelius Academy, young girl." he replies, trying to mask some of his own confusion. "Are you all right?" She sure didnt seem it.
Senki Tazuya

Excelius Academy?...Doesn't ring any bells.. She thought to herself, frowning. She shook her head slowly as Shaltae asked if she was okay. Sure, she wasn't dying. But she was in pain and felt incredibly weak, not to mention she couldn't remember much of anything at all. "No..I'm not dying but..I'm definetely not okay." She replied. "I can't remember anything other than my village being in danger and crashing through the roof here..I don't even remember where my village is.." She added sadly.



Akane listened with a grin on her face as she tapped her foot to a strange beat. "Wow! Amnesia! This is wonderful!" she said, lifting her arms into the air. She looked at all the people. So many weird people! I love it! Akane looked at the girl who had no memory. "Oi, are you suuuurreee you don't remember aaanything? 'Cause that sucks, huh!" she giggled, almost like a psychopath (Ah, not that she wasn't a psychotpath).
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Well, at least she was honest about her physical health. He could easily confirm it, but preferred to hear it from the metaphorical horse's mouth. Was this young girl why his sensitivity was picking up a bit more activity than normal? He hoped so, be cause it was this or something probably ridiculous. It took forever to clean the mess caused by that poltergeist last week. Speaking of odd events...

"That was a moment ago, yes? Turning the headmaster's roof into a landing pad?" he asks. As a faculty member he'd be remiss if he didn't investigate. Noticing the other (rather unliving, practically a kindred spirit with himself) starting to talk, he debated cutting his conversation short. "Young miss, I may be able to help. But it will have to wait until orientation is over. I'd prefer to keep Draconis off my back if I can help it." he says, offering assistance.

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